Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 32

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32 WILM, ETTE regul a tions of th e gove rnin g body t hat officiall y obse r ves a ll atte m pt s t o break t·xis tin g reco rd s. T he Gra ham- Paige achieveme nt at Brook la nds is th e climax nf an ii1t er es t ing ri ,·al ry betwee n Franre and th l' Cn itl' d ~tates. .-\t ihe opl'nin g of the prt'sent season. the in ternational 200 -ki1llml'ter and 200-mil(· records stood to t he credit nf a Delagl', a Frenc h car famous for its hig h -;peed. In Apri l. its record5\\'cre surn·ssf ulh· attackl'd h· · tht· C,ra'ham- Paige t: igl;t. which ;ahl' d thL· ligttrt·s tll nearly 80 milo pn hour. On this occasion the run \\·as made \\·ith a ~i n· - passe; 1g l' r s c d ~ 11 carry 111 g full equipment, the first time a cl0~e(l car had l'\'l'f gained a SJlLTd n.· n1rd at nrooklands. ~pur H' 1 I o 11 hy t h L' "i r tory Pi t h t' ·\ m er iran car, a lklagL· equippl'd with a sports I >~Hiy set 1111t til retrien· th e· rer0rd fnr 'F ranrt:·, and (·xn·e<kd the Grah:1m-Paige ~cdan\ figures . hy a '.\·id1· margin. ;1\Traging (J3.01, mile:- per LIFE Augu st 23. 1929 High Speed Shown by Graham-Paige; Regains 2 Records :\ ftt'r winning tw1) records earh· last !'-prinR. 0nly to haH them exc~cdcd later in t he season. :\merira has regained the .?()O!ki lnmeter and the 200mik intrrnatit)nal recnrd s fr om France, thrnugh the perfnrmance of an eightcylinder c;raham-Paige Oil England's 'famnus t rack at Brook lands. Covering 200 kilometers at an an·ra gl· speed of 93.88 miles per lwur. th e n Cl)nt inuing to complete 200 milL s at an an-rage of lJ2.52 milL'S per lwur. the four-speed Graham-ll;,tig-e again tn1)k title tn· th·: intern at inn a I n·cnrd!'- f nr t hes · t wn distances in t ht cla:-s nf cars from 3\lO tP 400 cubi · inc hes pis ton displacement. The n·cnrd-hreaking run was made hy D. :\1. K. :\larrndaz. clriving a -.tandard model conforming to t he J hour a nd 88.87 miles pe r hour res.pectively for t he 200 ki lt)ml'ters and .200 miles. Recent ly the American car was I again taken tn nrnnklands. hut preliminarv tests showed that whik ' it Condition (lf rnads in Ill inois, as recould touch 9R . mi!t:s per httur. til~.: pnrtl'd by the Chicago 1vfotor club, fo l<:;l'dan hndY \\ ·a-; sn great a handi(·ap ' l1 1\\·s : :\1 annhei 111 road ___:_Thc detour in He ll !hat the track could he lapped at 111· more t han 90 mile~ per hour. .·\s thi~ \HllHI has bl'cll removed. ~,·as I!Pt fast enougl~. i~ \\as decide(] to 2211 <1 street - The detpur ,,·est of Des ·.trb:-trttrte a h0<h· smlllar tn 1hat rar · 111 ·. 1 . 1 e, 1 rctllO\'C(t · · J · 1)c 1 · T he dcs1rcd · ··cct a 111 · !·1en )_ ,. the age. ell . c-; · a ,.r nuc, , 1 a~ J c 1 was nhtaincd. and tilL' C,raham - Pai~-.· RrYcr road- I he dctnur between lrveight sttrpassed the n _ clagc..· rrcnrd i\\· ing Park boulevard and De,·on avenue .tvtraging (J3.RR mile s per hour fnr 200 ra~ hccl"l n·nHwed . Rin:r rt)<HI- Detour north of Des kil111llcter : . ancl !J2.52 mile~ prr lwu:· ior 200 mik s. Plaines. follow 1\and road, (llli nois-60), I fa1h11n }.1 () tor :- oi \\.inm·t ka i:-; the nurthnlr tn Elmhurst road, E lmhurst : :raham - 1 1 ai~L' dealer . road rH;rth to Dundee road. cast on Dundee road to Tllin!lis-21. (Mi lwaukee 1ll'nry Ford a il'\\' day ~ agP nh~L· rr e cl avcnur ). !1H' si:-. ty -~ ixtll antlin·r ~ an · (li hi s birth lllitl P i!'- - 1 -- ~h()rt detour at \\'estern i>y \\11rki1Jg ;ts usual. hut· ltrl' ak itl g til ;.· a\'l'lllll' and 7.1th strret in Chicago ,'( ltltint· b,· ,·i-..iting hi-. IJirthpl:trL·. :trnund r;til\\'ay track eJe,·ation. Also 11a rkt ·d det our nn·r city . treets in t 1 Road Tips L---------------------- NASH'lt:OO" IAIUU the World in Motor Car Value ~ fan· ey. 111 ~Ic l smith to Charles ·uarl tn 111itwis-4o. (\lannheim road), 1c 1r t h 11 11 111 i 1w is- 4(, to 111 in o is- 5. lllinc,i:-- -fJ (l·~-JJO)-Detuur at Ynrk ·~·:HI. icdl ~ ~\\ · York rn<H~ nnrth t0 Buttc·rti~ld rnad, \rest on Butterlicld ro{ld to llirHli .... rl. 111inc li:---13 - Pa,·ing 2 1-2 mile s south H. I'.' at t. ( ~ on rl dd\Hir main tained hy t:tk . lllirl(li . . -S (L'~-20) - Ddour :·o:'e Park fu lk>\\. 2~th ;nen ue ~t. Cllark.; r11ad. \\'e . .;t n n St. 1929 NASH '~00 s" Now Selling at Reductions as High as NOW -today-you are offered the greatest motor car buy in motor car history-new Nash tc400' s" at reductions llliiHii.., I~ ( L'S-32l - Con:-truction on ilL· ttnp;n·cd portinns bet\\'een I llinois?.) an d LTS-51 lllakes a detour necessary. "ht r0t1te thr1·tt g h Hnlln and Paw Paw · rcdll l l lin ni~-23 tn l.'S- :il is suggestcrl. Jllinnis-21 - 0pt'll hl't\\'Cen fla )J ard road .. c] Dt1nrke n1ad' n·ith constructinn sti ll 1 l'ri',L:'I"l':-'. Traffic is a<h·isecl tn fo l1\\ 111 in r1i-. 4.2 .\ tn Dundet road and )Jtrl!kv rnad tn lllin oi..; -21. lllill ll i. . --t? - Detour in Fort Sheridan. ·1 1 cl\\. 111arked cktour . cl\'L ·r [Jighwnc.d tlrd F (1rl ~herid~n ~tn·ct.... 111illcli~ -U'1 - Dl'!c1tlr in 11e1J,,ood has ('(')) fl'Jl]()\ ('(1. in prtce which range up to $300. Only a limited number of these lllllllllll~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllllllllllllllllll tion motor, Houdaille and Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, Bijur Centralized Chassis lubrication and many other advanced features, found only in cars priced higher than the u400" prices prevailing prior to this big reduction. 6 net motor cars are available at these reduced figures. To be certain you get the model you desire, you .should make your selection at once. This is the time to buy- here is a golden opportunity to own a Nash H400, with the Twin-Igni- lllinc ,is .=il - Pa\ i11g fro111 Tllilloi:'-22 1\ tth i11r I 1-2 mile~. Drtour over :, ,. qrt'l'b. lllin cl i:- -S.i (2.2nd :-tn·ct l- Dctnttr has !Til l'l'll l n\· e~J. lllittc li-.-.=i(J -- Cradirr . !. ! hcl\\·cen Fox l.ak c ;u1d \·rdc1. Detour via J1 l inni~-21 n I .akv \.ilia. lllit ln i-. -fl.) ( l liggiiJ:- rnad) - Detour at t ·umhrrland anntte, iollnw Cum b erland ' \'L'tltl\' tHlrth tn De\'on a\·rnue . \\·est on h, ,.~,n ;t_ H'll\IL· tn fllinois -fi3. (Higgin s 'I lad l. · lllitHi i' f1H P;n·in;..: irnn1 Ttl inois-20 ,outh !11 junction \\'ith T11i nois-42:\. I ) (· tnur o\·cr C~-41. lllinnis -7S-Pavin . !.! l larrisnn to Rnck · 1111. De t o u r n n l' ~ - 51 and 20 \' i a 1\nrk fnrd. I lllinois -XI- Pa,·ing Andove r t o Cam ! bridge. Detnur ,·ia \ rnndh ull a11 cl i \"L·kclllla. I 11 linnis -R1 - Crading Kewanee west. · J)l'tollr orn t·:-;-34 \'ia Cah·a. ! lllin oi-.'- 10<1 (l·~ - 3ol -G r a rlin g S h ep11 L'l'd to Tl lin(lis-3(). Dt· tour via Se horn :tllrl ~hq1henl. i11irtl,i-. - 107 ( L·~-54 )- P av in ~ co n ! rt 1 rt i1 111 ~tlllllll('rhi ll to /\ tl as to Mi s; :--issi ,~pi . 1\i,·er. F~ rt h det ours necess ary. ! 111 trl(ll:-o -11 9- Hrrdgc co nstru ction at : )'ermi11iP~l and Ch:u11paig n county lin e. · )t>t~Htr rta . state ln g ll\\·avs 9 and 40 via 1\ankin. · ll li _noi~- l ~.=i- Pa ,· i n g Cr aig to PickJl' _nt11~· · Deto ur nvc r count y r oad a nd Lttv lll)..dl\ray 13 a t S\\'a n wick. TIRE EXPORTS AT HIGH FIGURE SUBURBAN N. A SH CO. Phone Winnetka 2707 547 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka (1.$--95! turin~ t hl' 1irst six month s o f the curl · Tire cxpl)rt s fro m th e U nited State s cnt yc:1r t()ta lcd 2 . 8)~ 4~0. and were :1t S2 1,722.3M), th e Department 1nf Comm erce ann o un ce d. Tubes ex; ')()rtcrl dmin g- th e same period numhc red 1,128,29-t , with a value of I .,·a h! L'd 1 $2,020,(157.

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