Augus t 23, 1929 WILMETTE side a hi.cth vase \\'ith pa'nsies too closely pla,ccd, and 1Irs. Ball's example o f the st_urdr zinnias in a suitab le pott ery cotitrastin_g "·ith the same flmrer 111 a glass Yase. Among thdse ha\'in_g displays for the be. t arrang-ement of white flowers \\'ere ~frs. S. Y. Ball. 1Irs. John \ Vhite. and ~~ rs. Alfred 1\IcDougal. For the best displa'.· of floweringbulbs the prize went to ~f rs. Mark \ \·· . Crcs.ap. The unusual disp la'.· of fine spccttncn annual s and perennials \\'ent to !vir;c;· .Sidne,· Y. Ball, whose cosn~as, zm.ntas. and sultanas were splendtcl specm1ens of perfection of b loom. LIFE. 35 E unice T owell of Cleveland, Ohio retu rned w it h M iss Wei l for a few d ays. All the girls are classmat es a t ' W ellesley coll ege. O n Thurs day of las t we ek M iss Wei l en t ert aine d a few f ri ends a t her h ome at a bridge-t ea in honor of her g u est s. Kenilworth Garden Club Holds Annual · Flower Exhibition The annua l exhibit of flower arrangemeuts of the Kenilworth Garden club ""as held at .the home of Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball on Hill road in Vvinnetka, Friday Augus.t 16, with Mrs. Bentley McCloud: . general chairman of arrangements. The exhibit is becoming a growing interest to the club and this year surpas. ed exhibits of past season.s. The disp lay \\'as on the large south norch overlooking the garden. Mr . Douglas Flood took first prize for a blue arrangement in an old liquor bottle. Other prizes in this class "·ent 'to 1I rs. .Tames H. Prentiss from corn flm,·ers and pink zinnias in an antique ,,·hite sugar bovd. :Mrs. Mark Cresap exhibited pine boughs in an o ld g-i n,g-cr jar and Mrs. Hugh Fore man had a large brass kettle filled with sun Ao\\·ers. The first prize for best arran~ement using any kind of pitcher as receptacle \\'ent to Mrs. Mark \ V. Cresap for a b lue arrangement in an old lustre pitcher. Others t ak ing prizes in this class ,,·ere l\f rs. Rufus D. Stolp, " ·hose old amher g lass pitcher \Yas fiilcu with orLu1ge zinnias, and Miss Margaret J f an·is. ,,·hn had an arrangement of A uratum lilies. The best arrangement of wild Ao\\·e rs or shrubs \rent to ~f rs. Jaml's I I. Prentiss. \rho had high branches of rranhern· bush \\·ith hcrrie~. in a copper hcnd. 1'hs. Foresman \\·as second in choice \\·ith an old pe\\·ter coffee Jli 1t fll led ,,·ith \Yhitc a11d laH:nckr comhinatiun of bloom.;;. ~frs. Ruius lL ~tulp had a \Yhite clematis t\\· inim~ irlll.ll a black lustre hmd. There \H' re intcre:-;ting example~ ni flmYL'r arranged in the right ancl \\Tnng container~. ~[rs. Foresman's l! raccful arrangement of monkshood in :t blue l!la~s Yc.t:-c \ra~ in stronl(" cnntra-.t \rith tlll' wrnng arrangement \Yith the dL·licatc Hm,·er in a hcan· poru·lian iar. a;-; \\·ere ~rr~. Pn:nti:;s' p:m~il'-> lon~L·h· arrangecl in a low hn\\'1 be- HAS HOUSE GUESTS Miss Ne llie Wei l, da ughter of Mr. and Mrs. \ Vatt e r G. \ Vei l, 608 W illow road. \ Vinnetka ha s ret urned fro m a week's visit in Mar ion, Ill., as t h · guest of ~Iiss Dorot hy Holl and. Miss Caroline Ir ull of Troy, N. Y., a nd .... Chicagoan Fined $10 for Speeding on Main Street Harf. 2230 \ Vinona street. Chtcago, was fined $10 · and cost h,· ?-cting-. 1[agistrate Hans von Reinsperg m PC}ltce court last Tue.s day night when arratgn_cd on a charge of spceclin.:r. Accordmg to arresting officers. Hari drove hi . car at -t2 mi les an hour het\Yecn \\ ilmcttc a\· ~nuc and Oak\\'ood on ~rain street. P. D. Da\'i:', 1733 \ \ 'ashington avenue i:; sailing tocla'.· frnm Bro~kln1 on tli~ Lrcmen ior a slwrt hus.incss trip abroad. J:I. \\'. .BANANA AND ORANGE BISQUE ICE CREAM Full Ouart Brick There Is a Hydrox Agency Near Your Home · Once inalifedme, probably.Gorighd On the "dream.. abip" Bnllnas ol AJUtraltcJ, Dec. 2. Special event1, lovelleat le'UODI. 1hU year 3 new placee - Atbene, ;&.;,;a., New"h!dndede," low..prbd opdooaJa. AD expeneee, &om $1000, b 137 days. THE HOME IN THE COUNTRY LAKE FOREST- YOLO ROAD NEAR HAWLEY AVENUE TWO MILES WEST OF MUNDELEIN Mediterranean with dme to .bop, ptav. 73 ldyDic daya, aa low u $900. Doable ..amp ... Empreu of Scodand Feb. 3, Bmfw~ ol Fnlnce Feb. 13. Phone or write yoar local, or B. 8. ELWOBTHY, Stearn· tblp General Agent, ?l E · .Jackson Blvd., 'l'elephone =porta, Two aaUea. New ao.d an_ . . pam- Majorca the mapificeat, and Coda In the loaian Sea. AU 17 fm.. Yau are cordially invited to visit this charming small country estate. The house is completely furnished in early American style, with the addition of every modern comfort and convenience. Grounds and landscaping form an especially interesting dis_elay ofwhat may be accomplished ina single season. ALL-MODERN HOME ·EXHIBIT 2 TO 4 P.M. DAILY Builder- Metropolitan District Realty Trust, 79 West Monroe Street, Chicago. Architect- H. Von H o 1st, Chicago. fiiicid'ia ~=:~~ o·fic Travel System P . c l Conlracto,.-Libertyv i lle Construction Co., Libertyville, Ill. Electric and Gas Equipment -bringing city comfort and convenience, supplied by: Public Ser-vice Company of N onhern Illinois. Furniture l.flntl DraperiesPebbles Decorating Com- pany, Oak Park, Ill. O..M 1 ..........