Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 43

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· August 23. 1929 jj WILMETTE 8i WANTED TO RENT-ROOllS 10! LIFE 43 amined and declared hy ~aid Ro~rd ~ · Local Iro]lrovements in tlH' Cnun·· l Chamber in the \'illage Hall. ThC' s}>t'eification~ for· said imprO\'f' ments and blank p1·oposals will ht' fur ni~hed at the oftkt:> of sairl Board n Ln<·al Impron·mrnt~ in said Yillage- t:fa II Pt·opM·n I~ must ht' madt' tltlt on hln nks furni!<hed by l"'<lid HP<Hrl of Lr.wal lm pl·on' ments anrl mu~t ht adctrt' l"'~LCI to th<' Boarrl of Ln~.·a l Impn)\'t' mt.>ntl"' of tht> Yil lage of " '1\nwttP, \\.ilnwttr. lllin oil-l. anrl e ndor~t' d "l'ropnl-'alg for p:t \'ing the fir~t alley n0rth of Elmwr,nrl ..\\'t'llliP lwtw t>t.>n Fiftt-enth Strt't' t and 8ixtt>t' nth f:treet. and all prnp !-'als mu~t ht.> :H't' c mpanierl lw c:l!"h, or a l e rtitit:>d cht>ek payahlt" tn tl1e ordt·r of th e Prt"sidt-nt nf thf> Hnarrl n f T.o al Impro\· ~' 11H:'I1tl-' of tlw YillaC:t' of \Yilmt' tte. fo1· a , um of not k~s than t<'n (10) p e r ct>ntum n f th t> ag-~rt· )!:ltt' nf tlw prt>t)(l~al an(1 IHl prc ·P<'!"al will h~' t·nn::-idert'd unlef':-: :ll' l'Pmpanit·ll hy ~-'tl<'h eheck l' (':l~h. S'l'UDENT ngslREl' ROOM I~ PRIYate honw. Xorth of c~ntral 'Ave. Can furnil'h A-1 r~ferenees. \\'rit e Life A- 2. Almnst new 6 room hrkk colonial with ~un room, till." hath. On larg-t> conwr Jot. .Jm;t rNhH't'rl $2,000 a~ wiclow ls anxious to ~t'll or will rent for $17fi.OO. FOR SALE-LOYEKI~ WATER HE.\Ter. u~ed only 6 month::-. ~o . 110. Call Winnetka 112. 1~)2LT~·I c -ltl' ---~-~~~~.......-..-............S~5~L~t~S~-l~t~p ~LhiHTLY l'SED ~if m1nn C1S'\ & 117'j Wilmettt~ ll\/'il~Jt..'::ll@l!.. & JFn ~ IID~lf.(l.W ~c¥ 1'\, u <9> \s;;o HI~ALTOHR \\'f:-\TER PRE~RE~. ~iz ~:?. -1~. $:) tn $5. :\l e n'::- ~uitl"'. l"'iZt' ~9 W .\::\'Tt-:ll TO HEXT-110\"SES :~6 . 1 OH1 ..·pruce ~t.. "'inn«:>tka . ------------------102LT-!S-ltc WAN'TED TO HEXT HOL'!:'E. AT LEAST Fl"R CO..\ T . EYF::-\1:-\("; <~(1\Y:-\~. SIZE 4 herlrooms and gara~e. Prt'fer unfumisht'Cl, with oi l heat. Smith. Ph. ~8. t>XC'Pllent !'tYle nnd conditi<'lll. T e l. Winnetka 24!18.' tO:?LT:-\ -1·8-1t·' Winnetka 1143. S!·LT:-\ 4S-l t c! An'. Wilnwtte 27J ~71AX-1te !JO W 'l'D. TO Rt:XT-1-TUX. HOrSES \YAXTI~n FOI~ ~ALE-BI \Vinnetka llotlle. $25j00.00 FOR SALE. l\tODEHN ATTRACTIVE hriek hom<' .tile roof, 100 foot bt>autifully lanrlscatwd lot, S rooms, -1 lwdrooms, :1 hn t h!-', slt' <' Jli ng- pon·h, s(·reeHC'd pnn·h, t'Xtra lavato1·y ancl toil<'t. hot wat<'l' hc·ati.ng· f:ystt·m, g-arag-r att:wlwd. For :t ppointnwHt <"all HOCSE TU . KE~T FCrtXish ect. Kt:>nilwnrth prt'fe iT t:cl . 4 bedrnomR anct ~lt>t>ping- pc·rc h . )Jodt>r:ttt> rt·ntal. ~tatt' ~3i:ii . HOL4s-ltp YCLE. LARGE SIZE, 3 whed. Fairy auto t·lla~tt'l' anti ract, ahnut ra ('e l'. g"od l'tt!Hiitinn. Ph . \Yilmt'tt e :?4~~ ~~. lO:'!LT~-!~-lt l' ~.rR l"llH.\:-\ ;>:~-H.. lO:?LT:-\4~-~.tp G< 100 HLAt 'K ::-;(. lL. PII . Hnffma 11 . -:\t n1·tnn lfl'll\' 1:' 111 ~: 1I\ s r·: :\ R E.\ I /1'.)~ C( ). 1~E.\I.Tlll~~ YOt.!\"G C'Ol'PLE \\'l~ll FTI~~IRHED home for H mn. to 1 :r ea r. I'rl:'ft·r S roo m!' nnd Bal-lt !-'i<l P !ctt·atinn. l'an furni~h l w~t r~ft' rt · lh't· ~ . \\·rit t· \\"ilnwtte Lift· A-1. !toL:fX1~-1t:t 96 W . \~TEH FOH ~.-\ LE- Fl11GillA 1 llE. ally llt'W, will ~t' ll l't' :l~ . ftdrl 4:?2. 111:1 W .\YI'J-: n TO rn.-\C'TH'Ph. P t't' l'lO:'!LT:-\47-:'!t. · TO H( ' \'-HOrSE~ Bl 'Y-}11~( ', . 7~·1 Elm Ht re<'t. \Vinn. :!i:i4 i7LTX4S-lt\' I·' (IH, !-iALF.- 7 1!00:\f Bl~l<'K AXD sttwco C'ottng-t', .-\-1 l'ollcliticm through out. in<'lurling- K<'J\·inator Hohm it'l' hox. ~ war old $1,000 g-as furnat't'. $2.500. To ltr moYerl from lot hy Od. 1st. Ph. WilmC'tt<' 1174. i7LTX4 -tfc ~MALL \\";\:\"TED TO B('Y ·- .\DOl'T O~Eh:1t.f ~crt· f·r mnrt·. _,\·ith liYing- quarter:-: . \'IC'IIllty ht'lwt't:'ll \\ ilmt'ttt' and Glent·lw, for ah .. ut $'(111)0. \\'ill pay H.OOO va . ..:h <lnwn . .-\ddrvs:-: \Yinlh'tka Talk 13-:?011. -------------\tt_H_._T_.:\'_'_4:--_-_l_t_P I I j 1 \YA~TEP - CLE.\~. \':IIITE lliv pt>r Ill. 12:.;:? (' t·n tr:tl .\Y t· .. \\'ilnwt!t' . 103LT~ -!:o--tfp 1!.\I~S. I \\'.\:\'TEn TCl Hl'Y .\ llPl'Bl.E H.\HY !"trr·llt·r. Phone "'innt'tka :;t.',~~·; . . , 1o .. L I :\' -!:>i-lt ~ - -- c 0 Ef.;TATE , lt00:\1 ::\IUDEl~X hous<'. One nerP "" mot'P. !lapp road 1 mil<' north r·f \Vii low. Huita hie for summer or all vear n·slrlt·rwe. Skokie \'allf'Y l'.lt·c. !19 ~nin. to loop . . \11 eonY<'niPn('es. on·hard. stah!(·s, g-arag-e t>te 11:-~rg-ain if tal<en at f1ncc· . ~orthhntol\ :!I;;.T2. nLTN4S-ttp· \\'AXTED A )IOPEI~.\TELY PHII'F.O 1 tu:, }IIS('ELI·.\ "'Eot·s sen~ n . I'·H·Ill httll:-<t·. !Ia\· ~ \\'t'll loC':ttt"·l ·: YUl'P. t·LP f'lEt'E:-' l~E:-\E!YE!) pairt for Indian llill:-: ).,t f,.l. tlr~t pay- JU\' 1 at a l't':l~"nahle pril't· . ::-;iJ\·,·r r t' tini:-:ht·tl m~nt. .\<1\'i!",· prk t· and I"L'a tit~n. \\.r it"· :11111 math· a h:"ttlutd~· ta rni:"h P~'"' ·f. Wilnwtt t> Lift' A--L %LTX4S-ltp l' :tul l)ay"'·· .lt>\\'t·kr. llli-. \\'ilml'ltt' . \ \' t ·. , l'h . \\· ilmdt v ti. !ll:iL~ .-,.til' AXTJQl:ES 99 ------------------SI'E('l.\1. .\SSESS:\11-:\T \OTH'E French ProYindal furniture, needl._point. tnpestrie~. C'hina . ~las~. p e wter & paint823 \Val"'hing-ton St.. Greenleaf 659~ Xr. ~Jain . t.. E\·:tn~t o n. Ill. ~t:t!.T~ -1"-1 tt in~s. ,. l<l l. .- --------------------------------------FOI1 HA Llt; OH REXT-2 Y TI OLD I·~A Jo'(IB. SALE-SEVEX 1{0():\f Rr:.WK farm hous· ' in Barring-ton <listrkt with srvC'n ar·n·s of ht'autiful laml: e le<·trir' lig-ht, t('}(·phmtt·, nrC'h:tnl and s lHHl· · tr<'<'~. r· a!-'onahlr price; tt· rms to suit. .\d<ll'f'HS Lif<' B-199. 77LTX4S-lt<' \ ' 11.1..\t;E OF \\'IL"ET'I'I-: "I'H ' l \1 . .\~SES~Ol E\T \0. :!Ill Tlw contr:ll'tt ' l' will ht' p;ticl in ht·ll<l~-' :1lltl \'·ltll'ht·r:-: ]1 :\ ~·: 1 hit· ::-nlvly nut nf t hi' a:-:sr~!':nwnt f<>t' :-::tiel imprl'\'t' lllt ' lll. wht~ l! ('Ollt' Ctt·cl in :1\'l'llrtl:\11\'l' with I]H' ]ll'O ·· dsinns tlf tht' 11!'clinant·t' tllt'r,·fnr. antl in tlw mam~t · r JH't·:--,Til···cl h~· l;t\\' , wl~it·h lttlllcli" will lwnr int. ·rt ·!"t at tht' r; t tt· .,f :-:ix (ti) pt>r < 't· ntum Jll'l' aunum . Thf' contra<'t"r t" wh"m tlw c·tttltl':td mav ht' awanlt' ll will Itt' requirt·d tn furnil-'h a h11ntl ttt tlw !":tti:-:fal'ti"n and :tp-. pro\·:ll nf .·aiel P.1·:tnl n f L"l':ll lmPI'""t'· m t> nts. in a !'tlln t·qual tn fifty (ill) lWl' ,'t'llturn 11f tht· t'<llltl':tt't pric-t·. \'1)1\tlition,,cl ft>r the f:tithful perflll'llla!H't' nf tlH' contrn c t. T'r 0 p o~a l!" will lw r.·v .. iyt ·<l f·>r th,, ~·nn strut ·tir>n 1.!f :-::tid impro\'t·nwnt a:-: :1 \yhnlt·: and l"'aitl n1·anl ,.f Lo('a} Tmprn\'f'lllE'nt!' rt· :-<<'1'\'t· ~ tl~t · ri~ht to rt·jl't'l :111 y :11Hl all hicl!-'. E .\ 1~T. E . lli~~EI! E I ~ ~ 1-: s T l ' . I · \ Z r: L .\Ll:EI~T 1.. (:1{1:\:\'ELL t" :\ 111.1· ::-; :\It' noxA 1. n ::-;T.\:\'Til:'\ Y.\X 1:\'\\'.\<:J-::'\ 11.\:-\:-; \ '11:-\ l~EJ.'\::-;I'Jo:l~,; t:t)J:I>II~ l1 ~. hnng-:tlow in an f·xd u::-i\·,. st>ction of <:JPrll'n(', 2 hlol'l<s from !:1 kt· . ,, rortlll!'i, :111 Yf· l·~r lat'g-1', with hall from front to h:lt'l,. T1·l. CII'IH'IW 12;,0. 77LT:-\4S-ltcFOI"'! HALl·~ 01: I:EXT ;; 1:.0< ))J :\lOFIf'rn Rung-alt·\\·, g-l;lzl'll porch. lwatl'rl . C. 'N. \\". train !-'f'l'\'k<'. ii 111inut··s from D<'JH·t. 1 hllc fl:flm ·x. \\" C'st llig-hway . A . H. Brorlhay, Palatine, 111. 77 r,T :-\ 4S-~tn FOR SA J,F.- Y ,\ f' ,\ XT LOT F'OH HALE. RY OW!\"I·~R. lNOTAN llill Est<tfC'. Ph. Wilnwtt <' lll!lR. ll t' ~ to .. 7SLT'N4~-ltr l'OH S:\1,}~- . H ' UE:\OF. \VY.\ 1vr & COONS Offer C'TlOTCE ~ELT·~('TTON OJ·' ~OME .Af'H.F. TRA('TS On :1 half a(·J'C' of ~round, sun·omHlNl on twn si<l<'s hy a ~olf clnh, an R room hrick home with fi lwrlronms, hath, hot wat<'r lwat, g-as and C'lC'<'tridty. ju1-:t outsidr <·oqloral<' limits of Gl<'n,·iew. Two ('ar g-arn~<·. Prkf' $11.7ii0. S1x ~\f'l'C' eorne1·. )o('alt ·d W<'!-'t nf Northhrook, nC'ar tlw Mis:-;ion llills. Pni\'C'I'sity and 11<'\V ~portsmau Country C'luhs, imJli'OYf'fl with 6 rnom fntm(· hnmf'. nC'wly paintN1, h:1th. Plt>dridty, hot-air hrnt. lrl r~ll !oration for <·nnntrv lwnw. rhi(·kf'll farm m· in\'t>stmrnt. Pl'ic(· $14.7!10. f'an hP purC'hasNl fc.r $1.500 cash. halallC'P (':tSY tf'rm!-', For lh<' in\'No;tor (11·siring- a trad of land with Ia rg-P roa(l fronta~C' a nil l"'h:tllow in clt>pth. W<' al't' nffPI'ing- 20 a('l'f' c·ornl'r of hig-h lnnrl. in :1 tC'rTitory of <'otmtry (')uhf>, 1 ,!'ISO fN·t nf road fronta~f'. Price $R75 per aerC'. 7 tC' A X rx0. IH r lte )!, :\< ITl( 'E i~ lwt't·hy gi' t·n t1 · a 11 pt ·r:-··11;-; I :1 ·a nl 1·f l.nc·:t I lntlll'· ,,·,·lnt·llt!-' intt·rt·"tt·d th:tt tht· Pr· ·!"id··nl :11111 I:~·arrt .. r tht· Yill :1!!1' ··f \\'iJm,·ttf'. , ,f Tru::-<t l' t>!-' ,q· t lw \'ilia;!<' 1·t \\.il.n· t t·. J.-1 .... -lk in tht· t 'tmno· pf ("· li· k :11Hi ~t:H t> "' l lli~ --------------- ---------R · ('t~ iYNJ a ],.t rtf f·~arh· .\merll'all !l1·i:-: . ha\·ing ttrd\'l·~·d th :1t :1 !"\1\'!llt·!ll.t 11 1<1 : antiqti Pf> !-'tl<'h a:-: <"ht · ~t~. l'hai.rs. drtt]l h ·af ; 1 !-'!-'t->!-'!-'lll··nt lw madt· tn P<l~· tht· <l t ·l.ll'h'11~ ": PURCHASE ADDRESSOGRAPH :11111 !-'t'\\·ing- t:tldt·~. lwd~ a111l rl:\\' h e(l~ in in ~pvl'i: tl .\!-'!-'t·!-'::-<Jl1t'nt .:\'t·. ~ 1 :1 ·. lt>t' t:1t· mhg-y., walnut and rnaplt· . . .\l.:-:1· ~Ia~::-. im~·r"'t· 11wnt nf Lakt · .\\,·ttU·· lrt>lll tilt' 1. Thl' JHtrl'ha~e lli an addr~o: ~~p~raph print:-:. brit·-a-ltr;\(', ,.,,., Early ill!-']!~·· tittn t"<l~t lit ~t· ttf r:.ith!t· . .-\\'(·11 \1\ ' 111 tht· nl.'r\h- 1 i tl l' tlw ll"L' lli thl· \ ' illa~c nffirl' was ,. \!"t lin. · ,.f :\Ji, ·ht!!an .\\',·nut·. (<-Xt'· ·Jll . · .. '. \" inYit···l. a~· n· . :-: th· · ri!!ht ,. 1 ,,.; 1 ~· ,.f l1t· l'hi,· : ~~~~ atttlwnLccl ll\· the \\ tlml'ttl' tllagl' . . )t.\T!Y _.\.'\:\ IIJ< "h'l·: I and ~~·rth \\' t·::-<lt'i'l1 n til\\' ;1~· ;lncl ··~~ · · · t·l hoard llj)Oll the rl't'tllllllll'tHlatinn lli tlw sns \\ a!-'lnng-tnn ~t ...1 hl. :-: ... l·f :\! :tin :l ntt!-'!" tlH· tral'~:-: ,.f th.· ~ 'hit ·:t!!l·, \:lll:t h 1 Puhlir ~t· n·irL' t'tl11llllittn·. Pi " ·hil·h 1 1 :: bll\!-' . l·:ast rd I~Hig-t· .\\'t· .. E\·anst .. n. 1 ::-;hnrt· :: tHi .\J'ilw:tukt·t· Ha tl "tt;l cl. :ltHl Ill· 'I' t,, ll·l . . 1") ,· ·. , · ·1 1-111. _ ft'lf1'"1.'"' 1t· ! ' t) It' l"\d\\"\\' 0.: nf illtt·r:-:l'l .11,\PII 'lltl:-Jlll)..!hl · .. '_, ·., . I l' JJ U(lll;! "· ·. · . ·ti!\ .! I rtt:-ll . I Ill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 :-:trt·t·l::-. to tlw tlUtt· l· .l ith ·:"' .... litw 111 _L: tl_;.' ~1.1at1. at tl~l' rl'!.!ttlar n~~'l' llll!-!' H' < a:-t '~'j'J()l.l'L' , .\Y· ·IHtt' <··X· ·· ·lH :\lain :--.tr.· ,·t ancl ::-;h, ·tl- lue~da,· ntght at the\ lllal!L' hall. _' .\ . ·..~ dan P.11ad1 ll\' p:l\'il1!! \\'IIh ~lwt't :1!-'Ph:dt _ _ _ '( \(J( (' \,.,. 1 .., ·--:, ~ . and ntht·l'\\'i!-'t' impi'11Ying tlw !-'<lllh·. whll'll t 'l . ]) ,,- \ 11 . ·\ . l ·' : ) rr : ' >J,()) Ll·...~r 11.\LL 1 imnro\' PIHt ·nt \\':\!" J11'~>Yi(lt·tl fnr I·~· :tn ,, L' l'rtt l'lllL' Ilt. ,),)/ : 1 ltll_l:-lcliC t (t:ll. tahl<' w1th L~Te ha~e. lt('aUtlful mahc~g- j , ·d· Jl.l:'!"t'd tlwrt'f1·r t>ll tht· 1:-.th . Kenihn)rth ha:-; rl'turnl'd tt'titll a t\\' 11 111 .1 111 ." :IllY I'E'Pdt·d .j Jlll!-'tc ·r ~h raton lkd. With I I ' . · \ 1 1' .,- l . ·tiill'\11 1... . . ~ I I I t<·cl · · d·t\' nf lldtlht·l , ·. ' · ·'-·· t h " 1 \\'l'l'k · · t ·t\ ' ttl l 'ltl'l< 'l \\' tl'l'l' ll' \'1~1 arched t l':-:tt· t·. ('rn!t'h mahng-an:> spf;t. r': I ' ) " \Ill. ht ·ino· t>ll flit· ill th· · nlllt 't ' . :- :- ' ' . ' ( ·. . .. k .. 1 · ... · .1. · 11 ·1.. 1. In~ :'Cill, (,ndln·. \\h t l 1:- ;t( heautifulh· mark· ·tl. lll<l ..,.old ErnJ'irt' '~ thlt :--,·.. 11 · \· 1 Dtt ~.· 1 .1" 1 · · "" <1 t t ·· t ag, · ' " 1 .-. 11 11 · - · , . . m1rror, .\faplr lnw-J,oy. Ph. nl,·nctlt' . d .. 'd Yilh~>· p h:lYin!! :tpplit'(i t" th·' llnld:; ramp. o o., <l'l T'·1 , ....... · " 1 t I' .l n !-',11 l't·urt · ,..nf ,., .. ,k . t",>unt .' ·· lllt'l . ttl!" . -;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;. "·'·>. ·' t_ 'ounty ~ · -f,.r a !"llPJikmt' nt:tl a~!"<':-<!-'tn ·· t.tt 1.. p:1~· ' 100 }'OU SALE-Hl"EHI,n. GOODS tlw rlt·fil'it' IH v in \\'iln wtlt· ::-;p,·v1:11 ..\ !"!"· ' ~~- , l)H'Ill =""· ~1;) :tfllrt !':tid . :ttTt>l'(.ltllt:' Itt FOR Sr\Ll'~- MOII..\11! :\lOTII PROOF ll 1qwfit!". :111rl an H~!-'t'!"!-'lllt'!lt llwrt·l<·r h · ~·~ · da\·en port anrl \'hair. lil\P llt'W. Larg-f' in~ h"t'll marlt' an<l n·turn_· ·tl to ~ :ttd 1 fumrd oak tahlt> !"Uitahlt· for lihrary or t'nun !lhlt'l\t't Xn. :!till. tlw 1111:11 h·:t 111: tht'rt' flll \\'ill lw had 1111 tl)l' :lth <1.'~· ··~ ~unrlay :;ehool I'IH·Ill. ~itl'lwn tnhi C' and :;;tool n<'wly paint Prl. Y:tt·uum cleant>r St·j\lt'lllllt'l', .\. P. 1:·:!:1. HI t· ·ll "t·]ll('·" with :-tlt:H·hml'nt:". abn a nmnht'l' of .\. -:\1 .. or a!-' :-:pnn tlwro ·:tftt· r :I!" <h· · hu:-·; llt·~ :-: ttf thP t ·nurl will twrmtt. . . <·hildren's hool.;:-:. I 'h. \\' im~t·tka ::0-!G. :\11 pt·r:-:nn!-' rlt·l-'irint:· ma~· fil·· tth!t'l'llttn~ lOOLT-I S-11\' in :--aid court lwfor· · :-:aitl da~· anct 111:1 ,.'· · 1p 1 w:1 t· on tlw h~·: t"ing :tnd nt :ll\t' tlwtr OAK CfllXA \'.-\R :\fiT!H.OH RAf'K. rldt·ll!-'t' . glass sh<'!Yes $:i. \\'ilnwtt e -I~SS. Saicl nnlinant ·r· . pr .. , ·id ::- r.. r tlw t·ttllt·I ·100TAS-1tp lion ,.f !-':lid :t!-'::-<1'!"!-'lllt'llt in It 'll t!tll :Ill· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 ual in:-:tallmt ·llt!" with annu:il tnt~·rt '!" t The best msurance any tn FOI1 SALt·~ FlTI!:-\1TlTI1Jo: ..~:-;n FPI1:\'- tlwn·on at lht· 1·at·· of !-'i:\ Pt 'l' t' ·ntum i!-'hing-s t'Oil::-<istin~· of <lining- r~tom suitr· p· ·r annum a::- prn\·i·l>-d. }I~· 1;1\\'. ··, vcstor can obtain that his with 12 chairs. o1w with ~ix ('hairs. P:tlt ·rt. \\"ihm tt··. IIIIn·'l ~ . . \ugu ~t interest Jnd principal will hNlroom suite'. caqwt!-', rug-!-', t:qw~triC'!-' . \ · ll 1!1~~ . Mu!-'t lw solei h t' l\\'t>Pll now and tlw firl-'t · · · \'11.\HLI·:::-; ~. E\' :\:-\l-' . be pJid on their due dates of the month. \\';· haY·' Sftld our hnnw Pt ·r~on ;lppttintc ·d It~· tlw l'r< '!- 1nn(l we nrC' for(' l'rl to 11H>\'I'. <hnwr will <.1 nt nf tht Bnanl 111' l.cw:tl '!~ 1 1s to invest his Funds be hP nn prPmist·~ fn>m 10 :\ . 1\L tr· a P. )( . pro\'t·m· ·nt:-: nf lht· \ .iii;ICt'. "f.\\ tlthey IJrge or small. m the Saturday, S!12 Hht·l·id:tn l~narl, \\' ilnll'ttr·. mf'ttP . t'onk <'nunc~· . lllltll'l" 1" lllinojs. IOOJAS-ltt· m :tl" ' ~:tid H:-<~-'· '!-'!" lll·'lll. Chicago First Mortgages \\'IJ.::-;p::-; :-:t. j Interest and Principal Insurance 0- llt, r;~>. est FOR BALf~-DAY HI<.:DI C"IL\ TR. JC'E hox, ga~ stove, oth<'l' hou!-'rhold artk!t-:-:. rhear. Ph. 'Vihnett(' 4571. 100L4S-1tc BRASS RED \VITH BOX SPRI~GS, davenport tahlf', hnnkc:-tst>, kit<'hPn cahinet and tahle. Ph. \Vilnwtt<' ~7-1-1. 100L4S-1tc FURXITURE-0\VNER :\[ 0 V I N G awny. Bed!<, refrigrrator, davenport and variou~ othC'r pit><'C'!-'. C'all Runday. 1152 H:-~mptm . daiP Rd., Winn«:>tka. or Phone WinnE-tka ~172. 100LT~48-ltc -------------YILJ. .\(; t-: OF WIL" E'f'fE J·IWPOS .\LS For pa,·ing- tlw fi1 ·s t :tlky north of Elmwood An·n u <' from Fiftt'<·nth ::-;tn·l't to Rixtl'enth ~lrt-Pt. offered by the Heitman Trust Company. I to ~at \VYA~rT & C<)()NS ltc ~~~ REALTORS Bob Wvatt ................. Glenview 81 Les Coons . . . . . . . . . . . Central 3921 Sam Campbell ......... Northbrook Hi!'i-193 7!'1J.!l'N 4S-1 tc' Call. write or phone for present offerings. Never a loss to an int1estoc at any time. 81 FOR ~AI,F.-CF.1UF.TF.RY J,OT~ FOR SALE--CASH-CEMETERY LO'T' in section C No . 364 Memorial Park. near chapE-l. Will f>ell for lt>ss than market price. Tel. Winnetka 3240. . R1 LTN4R-ltn WANTED TO RF.NT-U001\J~ WANTED-~EPTEMBER 10. TN WINnetka, room or room~ a.nrt bath. furn- -ltp ished or unfurnished. with or without meals. Preferably in well-located private home. Mr. anti Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat Suttons Bay, Michigan. 85yTN46-tfp ANtled propn!<:tl~ for thP inllll'!t\'C'nl " llt of the first alley north of Elmwonrl An' ntH' from tlw wext <·urh litH' of FiftPC'IIth Strt>et to th(' east curh lin<'. of Hi=:'t('t>llth FOR SALE-ENTTRE CONTENTS OF Street by grading- nnd panng- With rePight room house at 20~'/, of. value for inforced Portland cement eonet·ett> and immediate salr. 32!'1 Warwick Road, otherwi!-'e impmYinc: snme, in tht> \Till:t~l' Kenilworth. Phone Kenilworth 1504. 100LTN4R-ttc l1f Wilmettr. ('ook County, lllinoi!-', in :~(· cordan<'e with the nnlinan<'e anrl sp<'ctfications for ~aid improvement will h<> l't" 101 WTD. TO nl'Y- HSEHJ,D. GD~. ceiverl by the Board of V'<':tl lmp .. m·p . WANTED TO RUY - SECOND-HAND mE>nt~ of sairl Villag<' of Wilmette until furniturP and othH housf'hold good~. 7 :~0 o'clrH'k T'. M. (Daylig-ht HavingHighest priceR for same. Crost Furm- Timf') on TuC'sday, thP 3rd day of SPPture stort>. 1004-6 Emerf'on St. Evans- temher, A. D. 1929, at whieh time said ton, Ill. Ph. Univ·. 189. 101LTN48-tfc propoMlls will be publicly opened, ex- HEITMAN TRUST CO. Third Floor, Otis Buildl.c 10 S. La Salle St., Chicap ftlaonez Franlelln 24H

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