Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Aug 1929, p. 44

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44 W IL M ETTE ~1 is s l1<J,rrid \V chster, daughter of ~f r. and ~1 rs. Alhcrt S. \\ cbstcr, 314 ( hford road. Kcnil\\'orth, is s pending t\\·o \\'Ccks at Onckcma. Mich., as the hnusl' guest llf Miss ~1 arjoric Sm,·the. also of KenilmHth. ~!iss Inez \Vch .;tl·r. has had as her guc:-;t fnr the pa .> t \reek. ~1 iss lkttic Child uf Crccnwirl1. l'onn. !vi iss Child is a sdwulmatc oi :\1is s \\ 'e h s tcr's at ~mith. Inez " ·ill ret urn to ~mit h en liege mi ~cptcmhcr 2-L tn cntn her sop hnmnrc \ Tar. :\1 i . . :-; Alhnta \\ 'nodrufT of I·: , ·;.tn :- tllll \rill l!O ,,·ith -:\!i ss \\'ehster. :\f r~. Charles F . Datthcr. 33-f Cent r;d an·nm·. ha~ had as her guest. ~f r.' . I sahe l Ode1cine of Arlingttlll 1 !eight s . fnr till' past \\'Cek. :\1 rs. Dauber rntntainl'd at a luncht·Pn in hon(lr nf her !.! tt~·s t 1111 Frida\· (li la st \\'l'<'k at hl'r. honH·. LIFE August 23, 192() VI S ITI NG I N MIC HIGAN O F.Interest Only to Our Advertisers William Keogh, aunt of Mr ' . H. L. Barker, left for her home in Bloomington, 111., after a visit of a week at the ·homc of l\fr. an<l ' ~fr ~ . M. L. narkcr. 17o5 \\'ashingtnn a\'C'Illt<.'. .l\1rs. RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones (>f 1(,15 F o rest avenue returned Tuesday from the Ea st. The\' Yisitcd Mr. loncs' mothl'r, Mrs. Enoch Jn ·ncs. at Ctica. .!\". Y .. and \\'Crc the guests of his hrnt her. Island . -o~1 r. and :\1 rs. Cl·orgc B. Knepper and iamih· oi. 1-W~ :\laplc a\·ctmc n : turncd nn ~uncia\· irnm a three \reeks' trip. They tnotl)red to \ 'i~i t :1n:-· lin · '""'II an d ""ll will lind !hat 111· · 1 1lt ' l'l ' h ; llll~ 11f th:ll 1;·\\'11 : II'·· ~IHHJ :111\ ··rt i~· · r~. . \ ~ :1 r· · ~ ult ',f tlw ;.ntn ldth ·d :tdl ' o · 1 ' 1i~ing. th··l't' i·- :tlll':lt' lt'(l tc· tilt · ' '"lllll11111it.'· :1 n ·)..:ul:tr ll··~t .. r ltu'·····~ who ~P· · llcl tllc ·ir ll l··ll· ·Y f··r th " lllt'l'l'll:\11 di~t · ll1t nwrc · h:tnl~ ha\·t· '" :--t·ll. .\ l-lln·, ..,. 11f th·· ,.,,,.11 will ~h.,\\· th :tl tlw :111\ c·rt bin;.:· i~ 11111 lo fl 1" """ .. r tw" nwr1'!1:1111~ I<~ l ~t·:tr 111 .. 111'11111 .,f 1h t· ll\ll'dt ·Jl c!f ~:de · ~ Jll'lllll·tlittll . \\·hilt · :t l:tr;..:·c· lllllllht ·r 11f fr,., ritl· ·r,- :--it 1·:tt·k :llHl :tt lt ·mpt '" !'t ·:tp lh 1· ,·,·w:tnl. l·:,·,·r:-· ··II·· :t d\ t · rli~,·~ . :\111· ,. llll lllllllit \· th:11 !1 :1:- :1 grcollll "r · :..:~~, .. i p r .. :..:r· · ~=-i,:, . 11ll'l'l'h:tlll~ " ·h·· :ldYt·rti~· · 1\' ith w··11 \\Tit It'll :11b :tlld h:tl'!\ lh o·11 1 IIJI \\·ith 1111' lllt 'l'o·h:tlldi:-<t· :11111 111· ·tlo·l'll lllt ·l'o ·h :llld i:-i11:..: IIII'!!JIId~ i~ l..!llill:..: Ill Jll'e> ~ Jfl · l' . . lutlio · i··ll~. Irl t~·r;tl ;Jol \o ·rli :--it t;..: i:-: !Itt :-'IIJ't·:-:1 ill:--lll':lll<'o· :t:..:. ti ·t~ l ~I··\\ ltll:-'ill t :-:~ .tnt! r. ·t rc·g r. ·:-::-: 1· ·11 . Cun -o- Flint, :\1 irh. ones. on Long \\'Crl' in t\n,· Yt)rk Cit\· . ~(lnthampton and t·: astllamptPn, hcf111T rdurning to their lwmc in \\' ilmcttc. ~~odnc\· \ \ ·. .I The,· :\1 r. and :\1 r s . E. I! .. Burge of 02-f Forest avt·tHtC rdttrned Saturda\· aitt·r :-\ Jil'lltiitll! . a wrck in Duluth. :\finn .· \rith :\1 r . and :\1 rs . Ctt\' Deihl. The l~l'\Tl' C lld \ \' . 1·:. \I cl'ormack, \rhn ha~ been here ior three \\·ceks. rl'turn e d this \\T l' k to his h<llllC in Pitt sh nrl!h. -------·-------- Kas. - ·-- ----- ----------- He chariged his mind with the Heating Plant A MAN WANTED TO SELL HIS HOUlE and installed AMERICAN RADIATOR - o-l\dtic ~rlt'l!'ar. 322 1-::l'ni1\\·Prth . , .t'lltlt', !\.l'ni1\\'t lrth \\a" t;Jl.a·n !11 t ilt· l·: ,· ansttnl 1wspit;t1 1111 :\1tltHia\· oi this . l'(' k l11r · an appendicitis nperalit)ll . \fi s~ \"l'lcl!"ar will hl' in the hu sp it :tl ·,'I' ;tl11 111( t c n cl a\·:;. \1 j , .., F I' Ll, P .I~~ +~t · JJ1~t 'rg ·. (a: II 0:\ 0 H H 0 I. L H EATING EQUIPMENT to \\'i lnt· ·tt·· !-'t :tl·· 1::ut!Fir ~t :'\ :tl i··l1:11 I ::til l, :'\Ill' tIt :-; ti ltlll' 1·: I II :-; ;II ' " lJlliiii:IIJ ,\ Tl '" 'I \\'· ·t 1lw11 -1 ':tn:i,··, ltd!ll F. ll.tl llt l' tJ!tl io · !-'t ·l \ i· ·o· I ' ··. :-; 1:""' ' '"' ;111 111 , ... ~I :I It ' I ::1111, ,\ '1'111 '- 1 I· .. ~I :· \ (111'111 :'\ ':-; I:. ·; tl 1 ·: I 'I It . I ; .. :1 I ol !-'..!till t z ..... :'\Ill ol I :r .. 11·1t F11tt ti l ttr· · t · .. . .\I iII, · ·t I I" rtl" . 1 1 · · .\lt ·lt ·o·l' l .1111tl~> I I ·, 1 l·:dg;t I' . \ . ~I ··\ · 11:-' ~h ··r·· I .itt· 1 'I· ,J ill' I" .\ttor g:llt·~ 1:, 1:. 11 1" I" -o-\Ji ..,.., l';ttht·rilll' !'ttdk ,· . ~~~ \\';,r\\ick n1ad. Kt'llil"·"rth. \\hP ha:-. ht'L'll in th~ · h ·;ll1 St1lll h·) ~pit;l l i"r the pa-t t"" \\n·k:-. i~ t.!d litl l' alr·lll! \('r\' nit' t· L · '!llrl \\ill rd ttrll 111 l: n h1,tllt: in t\\·1, \\'l' t·ks. \\ '. 1.. \l'lli:- . iorn·n h · :\~i . . , l:r ;tutil!';ttl. d:ttlL!iltn ni \1 rs l :· un l:r:ttttil':ll l. 7.!.~ Prairit· ;ln.'lllll' . \\ith hn · t\\P cllildrt·tJ ha:- kit j,,r her IH·lllt' in 1\allit h. \\·, 11 .. ait1·r '>Jll'tldin;.: 1\\ll \\tTk.., \\·ith hl'r nlllthl'r . - 0 \l r-. lure someone mw buying. But a luxurious new warmth crept into every corner, and the house was suddenly a different place. HE CHANGED HIS MIND ABOUT JELLING. Your home t90 will acguire a comfort you have neverknown,ifyou install AMERICAN RADIATOR HEATING EQUIPMENT. The cost is low anJ the fuel economy high. W c'll be glad to mak<. a liberal allowance on your old furnace. Less than $75 a room to install. Convenient payments. We guarantee all \\'Ork 11 \1 :tril· ~c·ltlt · \\' 111. id··r':-- I:," ·I ·1 ·' 'l' :t.\ l··l' .\11 11t 't> I ;;!I lo- 1 j '· I :.,rdo ·ll· :-\I r . a 11 d \1 r :-.. 1\ e i 11IH dd I !. Jl a k 11-..l..: t ·. 1 .. ·11 t I ; 11 I ·" ; tl ,, , \ I ; I I ' I i t! I ·" ?.!11 'l't·nth -,trcl'!. h;l\' t' i11-..t n·tttrm ·d l·:tl i 111.: >' I' ,\ :-;, ·II ' 1r c '111 ; t 1·: 11 r 11p t' ;t 11 ·t r i p " i 1 h 11'l' tile ll 1t 11 , · 1 I. I . I . i 1\\'iII :-: 1, \ :'\ . :-; T ; tl I, iII:..: . .\1 . ' IIIII I I ' " ·lt1 tati clll a11d :t!'1' lltl\\ at t l~t·i r "ltllltlll 'r 1: ·.·· 1·:\.1 11 :-: 1· ·11 l 't·. lcll:ll' a t \\ 'cltH1'-tllt'k, J1J. Tt :11 r" ·h ·l I . tt:" ()\\'t ·ill t··:-- 1, i ro ·h ,\ :-: .. J.,. \lr-.. . \l c·rri.., ~Pi· ·!.! vl. 1~3 l:rnad\\a\ .\ \\'. /.o·JJ).: lo r ,\ 1 ·, '· :\l :tn .\1 111 1-'r· ,·l,~ ·1 \TiltH'. a 11cl her ""II ha ,.t. ht · ~' tl 111 \\' ilt.lwlt ·· l'·· :tl .\ :'>l. t t · ti.tl Yo\ . l.'r :tnL i11rl. \1 ich . \1 r~ . ~pit'g'l'l :tnrl \\ 'iltltt·llo· t: ;,llo ·l'\' ,\ 1 -:\ . .-tllt ' 2 \f !l r r i ... ~ p in· t' I r 1'111 rIll' d t 1' t h t' i r h c111 H · ll ;t lT\' 1':'1 \io ·:-: l't> . II \\ ' i1tn~·t!l' Ja..,t \\Tt'k . .\ . I !i~lli·JI S.: t ',. Tho · fodl· ·\\ itt:.: .t o\\ · II j..,, .l ,_ l1.1 \I' o· :t··lt - 0 u;.:, ·d 11!1· · full 111 :..:· 1:"1" 1':-- :\1tl ~i· ~11"11 Thv \Ji.., ... t . .., \L tri:lll ;111d Cathnillt' I : i 11 :-: I :' ·a It \ I ·· · 1 'I I· 1" \ ,\ 1.. : i 1111 ·: 1r I\. \\ ·. l'~ ·; tr:-c>ll. datt ~ ht1 ·r ,,1 \lr . atld \1r' . l\ .1\ II . ll '. \r· · ~ .· ~: ,ttl d t' . l, ·1,i l' :·11l ll.:ll · · ~· ·' l\·;1r""~l ,,1 117 lhtPt ' t' phre. ha,· c 1 ·: \:Ill~ 11111 :'\ ;t ,.\1 I ·.. . I·' I II t\, I iII :\1 ~>1 111 t '11 :'\ . . \ . ll :illll:l . ll .t' l . ll~>ll\ .~ :-;:tlltlt-1'~. · t'\11 r ltl' d t , ' t lt 1·i r I ·1 11 Ill' ., it t'l' .., pv 11 di 11 ~ Fra 11h I 11:1\ :t··· 1 , ,\ ~. ·It,.. I Ill I·· II I l·lt't'IJI:tll . I \\tTl, :1! J.;tkl' ( )rjllll, \I it·h. I I· ·ff Ill ; I l' I :I I " h. I . . 'I' It ' I It tl·. .I ; I II II t ·II I ' -n .\If).: . ( ',.., (' ,\1 . :\lo I I ·it. tiel. :'\ :1 1ioott:ll \lr:-. 1h· F,,r~ ·, t l\c ' l' :tnd dan~..:htn. ' \ ·· tilt ~id · t 'lt-:Jtt< ·t> ,\: l·:l· ·t·lric· t·r .. d til I· _ ~~~· · · t · :-- . :'\ . ~ . :\l lt·i· · ,\' l: ·,oli ·· ~\l .. p . l' :w 1\ 1·: k a 11· 1r. " 1 ~ h ;tl.; 1· r I lv i l.! h t .., Vi II a g c. :trd :'11 "t"r 1';·1· 1', , l' t· .\i T" " ·· 1: 1ntl· "k \·l·b1111. l 11,i 11 ;tn· th~· l1otbl' t.!tll':'t :lio · l:t ·:tll .\ :1111 ! :\1· ·1 1:..: :t:..: ·· , ... . ~l,o·kio · ,f \Jr.., 1~ . Tl'tll· hn K.!.X .\-.hhlld a\'c :'11·>1"1' ('<· .. ~1 11' 11 .·. c:.l ... ~l11\o · l' t'11 .. l··hll \\' til.tll·l. ,, .. , . ,,,] :\l~>lt>l' ('·· .. \\'i1 - lllH'. ll to·11·· \\' ··lll.lll·:-- t'llll· . I·' \\' \\' ·11d\\'··l'lh ( · ... l. :t .1. 1111 -:-:·· It ' II I .j,;tll:-'1 ·II S.: I ··1· 1,,.. ·, · 1·. ~ 1,, .c] ··tttl'-. 1" ,, "Pri 11:..: 111 trll],. ~ \1111 , 111111 Tilt ifl I ' 'ttl·. :-:til· I·:.' I, I ;-:,,1, ... ( · ··. ·l. tlt. I "'·It····. I ,.,.111· ·1' !:tltl· ·. tl'llllk:-'. I' i I lt 't ·-. \I I"\\ :-:. I It :-- I ·.. . ~ :-- l t I' l:t ddo ' ~'"· 1!1111tl\to 1I If.!:-: . 1H op·lt '-'\\'iII t: n:ttl. :: wit-1\o ·l' fl··\\'· ·1' 1·:1~1\t · l:-:. ;.:\;11~. ·· :..: :ll'll;J !..:t' o':lll. .\l ' t'Tit·:'\ :-' .\1 .1·: <W 1 :1 \\' 11 ~\\ i11t:: ~ 1 :1111 1~ . :'\I ·Tit'l ·: tl\>' ~:1 \\·~ . 1>111 1dlo· o': Jll\':1:-' , l:t\\'11 t;ttllll~ :'\ o·li· ··· 1:- lto·tlt\ ~~j\, · 11 111 :\11' ". tdllc·\1":. .\l ilt 1i :I 1...: lilt 11' l·:l :t II ! I·' II· ,,, ' .I . :\1 . I' I'· 'Ill' 11111\\' t' l' S.: :-- h u\'·· 1. ;, 1tco;o.;:· ·:-'. :! il'llll ~tanrl~. .\1 !-'t .. l1lltn. L·d :-: ... t ·;tii\-1 P:l\···llJl"l'l ( ·.. \ . I :tt:--i· ·h. I. :Jlll :1 .l .to' ,, . · It I ·, .,,.!' ( lclt ·fy. :'II I. :-;, . dt tt 111 . . \1 ~~ .J. ·lttt . . \ r;tlwll:t 11 :1:--t ' , 1 cl:J\'t·lljll>l'l h;\1'1\, :! cl:t\'o ·Jiptll'\ :-:ith·~ cli11itt:..:· ··h:til · ~. 1 1.· 1 ' . t: . \\'. I ;,. ~II · II .li t I ' ":til co!lt t· l'~ llt:tl 'll' h"l~l· · r· · cl :t rm ··lt:ti r. clillillj..!.' l ;t ldt ·, \ ttl :! \ )o, · i 111 '· 1· · I cl It· t·i ' Ill. tIt :11 tl" ·I'· · llliiHl\t· ~ ( ;t itle- lo-:1 \ · · ~. \\iii 111' ;-.t~!d :tl p tJI·' j, · ; ill ··t i~>ll :11 1 llo · t\r111]' l:tlll\1 . 1 1:1 11\JI ~h:tclt·. ~ lill1111lt ·~ l'll :-' h \\':1 l't - I I .. >Ill" "" I:. II '·I t ,.. i l't Jl ' I ,,.f \\ '.I I' I · ;,,11!", 1 , ;, ·, ·r:--lu!'f,·d t·h :li r. I hlltHHt· ~ 111:11lt~>tl:--o . f,q 111· ·1 \1 \\. tri.J, . ~I ·1'.11.!· ' :111d c r. · ~:-:· · ~. ··lid !:1 hit ·, c·ttt· llll·!l. I 11· ·111··~1 io· F \ll'lilllll'· ( ." ' . :: 1 \ l. t iII :-:I . \\ ' till I II ' . Ill "11!..: . .\ r;tl·· ·ll:t 1.· ···. L· >I :'\11 . Ill~. L:t\\' 11 '" !.! ittllilll.! . II ] II .. ·, 1· I h iII lit r.. r.·llllt ·I' l'tl!'l\t' l':-:. 1:; ·.r 1 lw Ill I ll ol .t , , ., ~ ·, 1· ' , llt l· r. 1~~:! : 1. ·'" '1Jil\\'t·l' , 1 " ·it-1,·· ·r t·, .. ·l\··1'. · hair~. ~. h111Hll··~ rug·:-:. huncllt· pill""·~. ~ :--:t 1 i-.:f ~ tilt \\ ·,;I · l1 >I I ~ ·JJ I.IIl·,_ l,t ·i II. 11",\\ ·ni t'l'nr !'l:tncl:tnl~. S m:~ttrt ·~~ · ·:-:. ~ hunrllt· :ltt ·ld ],~ · ttl· Ill d· I ,..jt: ' , .,J :\l t-. .\ 1n· ·li .1 1...: tlrtt. I.· t :'\ ... 1 ~.,~~ ---1 -h:t<lt·:-:. 1 iJ'IlllillC,' hrl:tl'll. l111X ld:illl\t ' l~ . · .11·d 1~> ·.t td l 11· \· '· I , t:-:·1. I l·llltdl·· thrt·· · hunolr ('lnlhinp:. 1 <·otll'h. I ht···:Hl h""'· 1 wa~h hc>il<' l', 1 hflctl;: ~tancl. fnldin!! l'·dt... cll.t\\ill!.: ji .J'. ·I . I II'IJ JJI, 1-:l:dtto 1."'11'.'. I.· ·I :'\ .. I t.J I I 1.. ,,,.,.., :! ':t hk. \\i1 ·li:t>1' l u ~l;:, · t.:.! t:1hlt-~ . ~:--Ill\'(' '·:t:-:··~. 1 nH' <lic-itll' eahint'l, :\ h1111tll· · ~ rlin1·:ctrol:-- . <i.tlo :--··\\Il l'~ lll:t·ltlll·. .I . :'11 . ('I. 'I' I' · I·" :'\II I:.::\ I li 11 iII!' ing l:thll- lt ·t!·:-: . hmltllt· t·url:t in:-:. -1 rll't'~ t;I1,J. ' ""· :: l·tll llil· ~ dlltl ll:..: t ·tl· ' ·· 1.-t..: :-- ..,,.,·~. I Jlh"llnl.!'r:tph. I wa:-:h tuh. 1 "i1 l·lllldl· ~ l. t1ol· \ .. ,, '· r. l'1 11i11:..: ,·Jl:tit:.-:. I 1 1··:tlPI', 1 1-::tnit:tl':-· t'lll, 1 :..::·~ "'"\··· t .. p <111\'1' pip t·~. ~lO\'t' Zillt', ~ ~(11\ ' t·!-'. llllo' !!';t:-: " t·ll t t·l' I :tl·1 · . ! ' I l l I, "I ' I '·It iII ( ' :I I ·i lit ·l -.:!11\'t', ]lllX ~lu\'t' p:tl'l!". hundk ·I il'llll lH·Il lotlntl I· · :: ·- h· 1\·, ,.. c ' . . \ · I : II:-- j,-1;: . I ;I ·I .' \ ' · I·; : II I " I \ t ~' :.' ··:lib. clinin~ t:thho lc>P. I k· · l 1nx, :: lntnk~ . : hulltllt·~ pil't 111'1'~ . h:t I hnx. h·Hll\ r:tt'l\ loa l'l't · l~ . I ~ ~" "!. Jl:t i I. , ll· -.r . ' ' "' 1 1'\lltl\ I ' II lll lllf ttl I · I I ' I ' ( t t 1 ; tid '. \.. ( \ :--. I ], i I ' " 'II ·: lw<l ~prim:·~. 1 ~It ' ll l:ttl<kr. 1 )~:11 1 ~~ :11 I iron lwil 1'1111~. :! hr:t~:-: ht ·<l t · Htl~. ··a t.inl'! t· ·P . L:tlll':t .l:w·tl·~'>ll, 1.··1 :'\ 11 11;::1; 1 t'!t.ti'-· · lilt:\ I'~. (; . \\'. ( ; .. ~111'11. l.ttt Xn . !Ill:! I f.il,r:tn· )11\lll)..:t ·, :.' \\ io \,o ·l l'· ., ·I , I:-: . 1 ' 11'-lt ill II, 1 ·: tlllt ·. 1 1'111111<1 tahlo·. ti dinint: 1""' 111 · ·h··i1·~ wi..J.\ o ·r t :1 hi· . :.' rl i 11 i ttl.! , ·lt .ti r:-l11:tll l'tll'l\ " 1'. :! l l";t:-:~ ht ·tl ·'IH1~. I h " tl l'o · l· · l' t hit f 1·, 1. ~>1 :'\ I:: .: : 11' 11itl,, ·pr·inl.! htttHll·· ~ (, :,~11 h " <l nil:-:. l!t ·X, . l~it..:hl r··~1·n· , d to r·· ·.i· ·t· t :1 11~· anti :t il ?\1. L. ~t· cln :: rll . 1."1 ' :.. ,,·, ·: clr· ·:-::-:"1 ' :11'111 1·lt :t i l' '·ill~. flttlll' !:tlliJI. 1 liht:tl'~ I r1do 1~ I ·:X~('I I In I! 1 ·:1 ' I :t H lF :! l:t IIIJI rl· ·.'-. I lil .tid!t · · ·IJ:--It i··IJ:--, I l :tl·'· · \\". \ I ~ 1 ·: 1It 1l. :-; 1 ·: ·· (tininJ.! ··h:tir~. I 1 , ... J\ r·. ,..llt :tll hi~.: It h;t, ·k 1.-1~-ltl' dlttir, 2 ~;taud:-;, :! "'""d lll'd:-:idt·:--. 1 utir - \ \ ' i lmt't l e. 111 i 1111i::> Wi lliatn lt I ,uckc 514 R a ilroad Avenue Telephone Wi l mette 2020-2021 U1tnsual Offer r··· I 'IOOO~ (Original cost $ 2350.00) buys W e!te · Mi~non electric r eproducing Baby GI,and piano with bench and 25 rolls of music. Piano used only a short time. Good as new. Excellent' tone and condition. Reason for selling, owner moving to small aparlmen t. Call Mr. Henry, State 6326 Room 1212, 6 North Michigan Ave., Chicago "It"

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