Augus.t 23. 1920 WILMETTE LIFE .- BALABANS TRANSFORM GROUNDS INTO CIRCUS Movie Personalities Perform Stupendous Soectacl e Give-:1 in Glencoe By F;lizabeth Ne:,...lJinger 1\ri ght rirr11~ Jltl ~t l' r:' d· ·r ·,r: tl ·· rl tht· i!'nrc :'11rrtli 11H iin g tl 1t' .\ . I . l~alallan..;' Clcnc<lt' hlltlH'. atHl red . ,,·!tit<.·. l · lm·. ;t nd gn·rn -; tn · a n ~t·r:- \\Tr< · h11'1··· fr11111 1n·t· In tr et'. ()11 th e 1:1\\' 11 \\T r v · cattcrcrl h< ~< 1I h s f11r g <t 1111 · s . a 1c 11 t i r q · 111 t · i,) r ttnw tclkr. :tnrl a pbtitlr;n inr the ~11a kt· rh:1rnH'r. ()n tilt' tnrarr 111 irtltl\ nf t11~· hntt~e ·\\ l ' l'l' 111:1 11 \' ll i th\' ,)()f) !'Ill' · h \\ ' 1111 ;t..;~l' lllhlt·d ~;:, ... , ~und;t,. hr tl ; ·· l: tn"' ·v ll p:trf\' , ( .!i\' l ' l l 11,. t lll· l \:thll-111· . ~!r . :! 1\CI \I rs~ \\ 'i l littl11 . ~~ ~ ~ rri., ;t·, ·l tl ... ;r d···, .. htn . I\ utlt. 11;tr1 ,., 1111t' 1 r · 1·;1 \ l'\\ ' Y11rk i1 1 r it. ~~~p!Ji .. Tl!ckn ,,a, 11 Tr ·· " · i~h h er hu sband. :\1 l.;tcl-<·,·. ~;·r: t J\ i:1h. " ·lw in p r i ,·:ttt· liit- i ~ ~~ ... ll :1 :-r ' ~ ·, ·h ·· n 11i De ..; ~1,\it'c..;, had <'1\l i l'llc t l'd :t pi1: _ tllrt' in t illlc t11 attcwl t l H· 1 art\' . . \ <'tlt1sil1 (li ~I r --. l l:1ltth: · n. l'n!l' F r:t'lk 11 r ncl~ ·. ,,·Jt1 1 rn't'll th· kit tlH· · t ;wl' inr !1 t< t1rim rltl_\·, \\'a ., pn· ... , .. , . . I i1'i :I 11 1\·l ... l' dah- . ftlrllHTiy ni tht · ll r· l 1 ;1111! 1\ l l~l'd : tl t· art. and 11t l\\' tht· " ·i ic "' \1 :T k Ct) ·d lll:tll . \\:t:' thC'rt·· \\'ith h1r htl·kt"·i. :tnd t no k ·a lcadill' · ll 'trt :11 t 11l· · l1n\\·. Till' g u L·~t-- itH·Iurlvd . Jllan,· l ·r ,,lll l "t'1ll Chi 11 1r 1l 1 , h fl r ~· r l' , : d l.' 11 b. r a .t~') a 11 c1 1 Wilmette Su)im1ners Vie for Honors 1'1 '. Orchestra Plays for Pande \!r~. J: :tlah:111\ lll"lh· '-' · <' :1r 1 l :1r h. :11HI hi- tlrrhntr ;J, Jd:t _ \ l"l " 1' \'t·nl 1'11111 hn~ 1111 111t· tnr:tt'l'. :111 I t ' 'l' :l kd t11l' p:tr:trk ,,j ~u'·"t". :1 Ltr~·v l l t1:1l!,t·r <'( \\1111111 \\t'rt' i11 \'1hl111 :1 · . ·h;tc!.: 111 :lw " l ·! il! ' l \1p ... \\lllTt · l~t· turt·vd thv l!lll·it· D I·~ \ · () T L1 ·: ~ < 1, i t 11 t s" i 111111 i 11 g War Vets Need Battery for Charging Their Radio art The nt hcr gtbt 11 1akitll! nn·r \11 \l :t u :· j, . :-:-11l'l'1JI:tll :tn d 11 i ., \ I 1hit"; t1 C 1 · 1\ '· 1h 1· 1r !l tv d 11r;' ~ ; ' " 1 tli tht · .,Jill\\'. , :-:,:' 111 \I t · ' < · r". \I r ., · I : ;1!-: 1> :t 11 '., Ill·< q h l'l'. \\:t~ ri11 .~ kadn :111<1 'Jl: l·l r. Thl· r,r.,t P.llllt!wr intrndut·l'rl ]>, · hi111 \\h··11 ;tll t 11 L' .!-!.' t1 c 't:; h a cl ;1- :--l' 11; h 1c 11 i " t 1 l. t v 11 t "· a~ a rLtnrt· L~· thl' "Ten T :tt1L t 1i;.ill'-! Tiller<' a .L!Ttli!Jl 11i " D :t itlt\· d:trlitH'" d< 1 i11~ dai11! .' · didtl~ .. 11'<1 · t <1;·1iv1Jitl!lh·. Thl'ir ;1rt \\·a., f..! l tl\\'l'd ll\ :t ~niv- Il l :11 1 tit·~ 1H'rl!l rtllnl 11\· :t ti(.!t ' r . ., L ; i11l ll' d in ·: 1!1\t · f, ·1'1\':t I'd. :1t 1 d Ill · :-::1 \ ··d !lto · d :t ,. :IS a d i '·i d u a 1 '· · 111 i'111v d i ,·1 a t·; 1:..· t · ; 1' t Itt· i r" ·It II \I · ~ I ' ·lfi o.:, Ill '.,Il l i It·· l't ·;t I' ··tltl. . (l i th<.' kilt. II i, l:t :-- t :tl'l \\:1" :1 rJ j,. '!'hi ~ ri111 \\ ·:1:-: i'· >l), ,,-, .d ], ~ · :1 c :r :~ nd f'p ~JI:I:-:tll ~. ll1·· lir:-:t ;lJ I Jl I ; t r i II :.! l l Ill' . ; !Ill ! 1h' I" l' I I I II \ ; I 1 t 1I. 1J . " 1'>>:11' :--:··\1 ··11· i11 1 tll· ·dl· .' .. r ·.,, ·r ' ' i·· "1·i:1:-: :t nd 1l 1·· :-:· ·t'·HH l l·: tl!v kit :trldititlll :t1 rt>tll11 up in1111 11': 1' I ill' St·\1··1 1· · fl 'llll\ l.!lt '~·. \\·;t , ],acJ] _,. lln·dt·d trl]· 111" tl1irrl :1 r t. .\ p :li l'· · ~' U· dl)'l lll;) ; lditi>~I'S f<~tlt.:lll tl!o · h ·a n l,·; tll< l \' itrh ;t11·1 hi-.. J._ltl" " i;tn ln1 "II ··I Ill' rl ··:ll II I II t II· ' I \Ill <' II r " I ,, IJJt!on pni;tl h:tlkt. d:t l lt'(·l·~ 111 t!Jt·i · tn:tit ·.,til". J:ri d t.: ··" :tt :rl " ll ··r· · \\·,. r; " l~··li! H l tll P "the ( ·:; ar atl<l (' z: trrhH· .,j l\ t1~--i:1." .\11111 11· 1'1' ,1. I :u ~ ll ... . . II ph i ' ' 'I' II · 'I\ I . I' ,] i \ i d ' d 11 11 1 1 ·1 1' :-: \\' itll I. i I \lr . l~ :tl:t h : 11 1 h:Hl \\ith t':1 rt· "<' lv t· tl'rl ' li <11 1 (;, .. ,rftt l:l ll in Ill· · n· ·'\ 1 :\1'1 . :ts li to· J!, ·l l t'l\'l' llf hi .., I:Ir t·n iril' ·· rJ., i11r tl 1i" d :1 Jlr 't· :-:i:-:t o·r ~. in "'l'il··ir l·':t tlli!I IS IL tlh~<· ll ll:tllt '·· :t nrl had dr· ·~~c d tht ·JJI ;111d l 1:1ll ... l'1i 111 fl',.l\l 1lr·· 1: :1 llrH> Il lt ·Hllll ~tt' !ht· ('rll\,!.:1'· ·:-:~ ll 1>1 o ·l." t 'll:t r l i· · 1:11rkh:trdl f,,J}II\\'t ·tl 11 11'111 tulk :--1-:ir h <tnt! 11\1( 11111Ch l' l "t'. 'I~ ;\lilll: t, ! li· · \i ·ll! l'il oq tli :-: 1, ;t :-::-: i:-:lt ·tl ]l\; Th t· ~p:tt10tl!_,. t !'ll'ljll', "; !11 t\\ ' 11 (II tl 1o· "dutitl"·" i rlllllllllit ·~ in ··apt h · it . 1· .' ' · ' <'111." drl':-;scd 111 1 1 ~1 1 \' 111 .L!I'l'L' l l ti .~!Jt ... Tl tt· Till· ·r . :..:i rb, \\' l tn l t:t d p·· t·pt· 1r<t !l-rl ; 111 r1 111 i ~ 1,]; ll' (' d 11111 "t· lt- .,. \\ ! 111 1r1 11 ;[ \'(' 'It·· fi r :-:t :1<·1. 1'<1111<' l'rl!'lh :tg:till, \\'t·:trin g gin· n a f11H: D :ttl1tl'l ;1:1rl l \ · t hi ;,~ c'i· . !,:<J !ting· !' ll il!' antl )..:' 1' ··· ·11 h;t tlling· t';tpt·s. lllay: h;1d it 11<11 lJtT11 itl l' ;1 \: tlllp \\li P l'hil J: :r l\t· l' in 1' " 1':-:r,n : tdd, ·d g lanwur l<l ' l11 ·i r :t l'l. di,·idvd til l' t rt~ll\H' i ·'111 it" 1\\'tl intc :~ r;tl .\ gTio\lfl .,f l'i:t l 11 " l li1 ~. ll1<t :-: ('\llino· p:t rts. <lilt'S, ~~ r:1 flf" tl i111 11 fla1ning n ·tl :-:ct t in ~-11\\' ll S, \\':t :-: f,,]J,l\\' o·tl !1~' ;1 [!'llllllt' Of Shooting and Animal Acts ·· td<~r· · <l snldi, ·I' S. \\'l111 di:tlr·~llo · d :1 l:t lll i ll 1 I klt-11 Bmkh :t rrlt :t :-:-me ~ 'tlf ~ : tdi v ' 11'< ·1 1-' 11 11 \\' , :t nd t1111ic \Inn ~ : t ~ Dt·ad l·: ,·c Doth· \(·rohati·· ... autl \'r·utrilt~qui.;m ~ h n \\·~·d l1o\\· g-i. rl ~ ir11111 i he \\:ild. " ·il;l 'J'Jt, . 1 11':\l :t 11 !':II '! i111l \\';t!' ;tlll \Otlllt'> ·d ;1!; w~·:-; t Ctllllrl ., h,) :l( a:-;-,,lrl<.' ' l .~n~n· ric :-; "Tilt· ~lid·· f.,t· !.if, ." :tnd Jll'lllllisPd ll rat ir< llll till' hand nr lw:td tlf :1 p :trtnt·r. "Tilt> I iiii· · 1:1<1~ · ll' i ll s lid· · from t lw I<1P "itl1 hbnk rartridgcs ;ttld 11 1 1 ras!lal - 11f t]H' !1 ·111 f:tl' i11!t1 S Jl:ll'l ' SUSJI! ' ll(lt·cl !J:-· lwr ll :ti r." \lr :-:. J::tl<tll:tn. :tirll'tl :11\Cl lic:-;. allJ ·1l t· rl h~· t>lll~· :1 l :trltlt·r, :t rlllllllll~·. nnd ~tllltdhitli-!' equally unb c li< · yaiJlr: itll - :1 clouhlt·. p··t·fqrnw<l this "a f-i \lllltHlin g·, am:tzing. thrillin g·, 11:1 ir r;Ji:-:ing·" ft ·at, tn l()\H' d tile ~urc ~l1nt 1\illt· ~~·,q.,, " ·he n 1111' 's;Jti:-:f'aC'ti(l!l 11f all, anrl n·('O\'C'l'f'Cl in Prints Ali Ben B11Cl z k. tl 1 t' 111'edi<·,·: tl 1inw for a ~lll'fll·ist' numlwr, "'rhn f:JH·s 111 y s tir. pro \'l' d his 111 i r a c ul · 111 s a hi 1i 1 ' · 1t·rfi .. Jcl Si:-:kr s," Htt ' ntht ·J' s i st (· J' b r ing· Lillian <:rHHllll:tll, who had floublrd for tn see through his tulk l>lindft~lcl. :\frs. P.alahan in tht · hctir-rai sing aC't'. ~.! · " · .-\notlwt· anim ;tl a(·t <'<tnH· in h· ·t· r. A dumm:-· h;l(] p;~rt :1lso in tlw lasl \\'orth and lwr fanwus horst · "lt:ttltl i:-: 11 ,·., af·l nf this first p :~l't of tlw Jli'OgTam, :\Tr. ;\l:t~· IH·ing nrll1l' otlwr th:tn :\Irs. . \ . .1. n a lahan )Wing till· pHI'(~· of tilt' ~C C'O fl<l 1::t1 :1h:ln, a sp:tng·l !· <l pink tullt · drt ·s:-:, ant! pa1·t. Thl'il' stag·p na nw~ \\'t ' l't ' ('a rnwna p ; nk hail' h11w, and tlw hors· · h<'in g- r·it ;1, ancl ~pino('l'll in , autl t lll'ir tla n ee lllllll' MIH·r than l'hil J:al<··r :~nd Ht· n brought I I ll· ll·nl dll\\'11. J:· ,s(· }(·y. J>a\'ifl \\'olff \\'as to lla\'l' supSUJIJH·r } ' olf()ws "'JaJTiagl' \\'o"" pli E> d t·h(' n ·ar lt'gs of tlw :tnim ;t l, but TIH · St·r'tlncl p :1rt o[ I Itt' s·how wa~ a \\':lS ill thl' t inlt · !wing· maflr · up for a futurf' act. BPn Hm;f·I·· Y \Vas f':l<'ing llw · ·~toopt· tHlou ~ s pt·t ·t:tcl f' ... "'l'ht· .:\lat'l'litg-(' llt'C'f' ssit,r of !wing· a wholP horsl ', unaidr·tl, \\' ow," . in "·hit-h llw hri<l r·:-:, gTOillll!-', :tntl \Vhl'n the tr<:'upcr in Phil Baker g-allantly preachers of all nation~; and W<tlks of lifo , L ;:tthrnrl in lllllllhns a t thv \\'il 111 c ttl.' I1 l' ll ' 11 l'l' r t ·11 1h· t, 1 part i r iJl:l(l' Ill lhl' l ' \'l'I IIS 11i tlll' ;t!lllUrtJ \\ 'i hnctt v \\ ·; ,It r Carnin1 ~li t ~L· d j lli t1t h· 1)\' tht· I'Ll\ :..! l'll\11](1 :tlHl l~l 'l' H' ilti tl ll I .Hl:tt~cl :~nrl th~· 11\·ach nff1riab. .\ cl'(l111p:ttl .1 i tt \2. illu~ t r:tt itlll' rkpic t ~n tlll ' , ·~r thl' C~t'li\'il\ :tt the 1warh that da\'. \\ 'itlllvr" 11l ti t\' ,.,11'ill\h t· \Tll·t ... \\ l'l' t..' i II rJ i l. ; I t l' tJ i II <t 1'l · l. l · I I t h ~ II V 11i \\ . 11.\ll·Xl l·: !. 1F t~. rx -s~ rvice club of :ttlttllllllhilc committee \\' ilm c tt c driH of the Au- \\ ' oman's ga\·c an- :\l()nda\·, 5. fllr the t ~1ir t ,. di ~a hkcl vrt<: ran s at tlll' ( ·.rcat \\LTl.' I ,;tl.;l' :' ll nsJ;i tal. tn tht· pa r k ,,·e rL· in Th e m e n Kcnn sh a . takt·11 "hl'rc l!':tnll'~ rdr l'-. hllll' 11t ." \\'l' l' l" ~ ern:cl drti\' C and their jll:t\' t'(\. \\'<1\llt'n :\athan Thl' c ars: ill1ltl\\·in.l!' ~lr :-;. llan'l.'\' :\. l~u s h. ~1r s . \\'. ~. Ctmphe11. \1 r s. H. P. Col\\'cll. \1 r s. \ \ ' illi :' II uhnn , :Mrs. S. I. and Kaufm:11 1. \1 r ~ . .1 . 1~ . ~lcClurc, \1<,i:-t. · \Ir s.~. 1 ·:. l lt· ·~ t · w a~ l ilt · nl :t rri :t.!.:t· · 11' ~ophi·. · 'l'u.(' k< ·l' \\' I' I' I ' \\' l 'I I. ( ) II' ' () r I II'. 1\1' 1st a 111 W·d 11 g· ( d '1',,... J I '" ll· ·r lt tl:-:h:ttlll, .\1 J .:tt'kt·~·. :1~ 1111· "\\':~r ' 'Someth i ng ~Jll'l'ial al\\·a\'S :-;ecms t, I "'"· n !'-!~>ulh" ,·rlupJ, .. 'J'Jt, . ~: llllt ' p:q..:·,. ;t ntl ring· l···· :11'· ·r ",·:t!'l'it ·d 1111 " lltt'llll g" h lh· · he ne ede d ;tt t~l1r l ' n i t." tl1~· committee \\'llld ·· ~ · · 1 ·i··~ r. r llillt ' " ·vtldim.:·:-:. ;\lr:-: . rhairma11 antHllllll'L'S. "The men arc J: :tl:th:tll, 1\lltfi·l' \';l l'ioi!IS :tfi:t ~ · ·~ . \\':!!' hillt ·(] 110\\' askin . L!' itn· ;1 \\'d hatter\' inr :1:-: ll11 · l'illt.:· h· ': lr· ·r . :tn d :\It ·~. J: t·ll I:J nnmlit ·ltl , :ts p;q..:···. d:tll1' ·· d :1 I ;1ll I ll t· \\'<· dclillp:~ . charg-ing their i·adip ." F11llt11\ ing· 1111 · fnn in Ill· · t'iJ'<'tl~ !t ·nt f'i! lll< ' th· · ~inging· 11ft"·" :-:n n g·s clt ·rlk;\tt' rl t 11 1h t· I :a lit h :1t1 :-:. I l;t \'t ' \\' · ,]f'f ll :ul wr i t t t'll 11111 · , 1f 1lt~ ·~ · · . .J, ... I :r,· r1tt t !11· ,,t h· ·r . llttr i n g till· ]11'··!-: l' :tlll, l :thlo ·S l t;td h· ·t· n Sen·ral Ill' \\ ' ~ te l'l de-;ks. !'din ~~: rahiLtid undt·l' tlw It···· ·:-: in ~>11t< · r pnrt ~ rd' lilt' J::·l:lh :tn gro und:-:, :t nd !' UPJI· ·r \\'as S1'1;\.l'il nch a tH1 an adrlre~~n ·. !TCLP~l \\'l'rt.' a<ldrcl ilnnu · di:tl· · !~· fnll"\\·ing· llw shn\\' . Tl w' to the cqttiplll.CIII · oi the \ 'i l!ag·e uflire :: drt ·:-:si n t:: l· ·nl )li ·<'i! lll< · ; 1 d a n<'l' .P:t\·ilinn, a t the \ ' illa ge hall this week. The :1 11tl l ·l1 1'·· :1 g houl tl1o · <'\'o ·nin g· th" 1\\'0 111'C' lt r>~..:l t ':l!' :tll··rn·llt ·d in pl ;t~· ing· for rl:tlll' - addre~sngraph. it i .., s tatrd . will relieve ing·. ~.,phi· · Ttl r' l<< ·l' : t nrl I ,i Ilia n <:orHl- th e nOire 11i a g rl' :t t ;utH11lnt nf detail nt:lll \\'>'1'1' 1\\'11 111' ll11 · · · 111< ' 1'1:tilll'l'~ 11f tht' \\·ork in r <l tllll.'l.' t itlll " ·ith mailing state1'\'f·llill!..!.' . nten t ~ . :-;t·\· · r :~l :-: h ·· rl SIH '< 't'lt t·s ·1f appr· ·r·i:tlinn The Ill'\\' s tvel fil .. s ha·:e been <k < ·1111 f:~ n ·wt· ll t n I ht· I :a lit l 1;t n s \\'t>l't · lll<trlt· rluri11 g· !!It ' ,.,· ,·nitl!.:·. c l!lt · rd· tht · !']W:t l{··rs signed l'xpressiHly for tht· f'tling of \\'H S .J\Ill :..:o· ll;t!T\' l·'isht·l', \\' Ito !tad ht ·t·n a l·, l'l 'lll'h pri · · ~t i.n 1ltt· aftt·rntHllt's show. the Villa '· t· Llrtlinanrt'S, \\·krh hith erto l·'r:tn· · .:\l :1~···r <d. c'hit ·;tgll !llado · :111 inl- ha\'l' 1>('<'11 in hn nk ionn. t 1ndcr tlle promptn :-: Jio ·r·r'li whi···h w:ts one of tlw o 1 cl s v s 1< ' m, c n mid era h lL· d i ff· cu lt v \\'a s bits of lllt · ,., ·<· llill g. fH ·t ·;t \I St' 11f it s wit, e n cnt;ntcrcd \\'lH' nc\-er Stltnl' particular si· ll<'l ' l'it~· , ' and g·t> nllillt ' ~pirit of l'lllllP ii section nf the ordinance \\·as to he con lllt ·llt 1.11 :\I r . and :\Tr ~. Ba Ia ha 11. sultrcl as it was lHTc ss an· tn thumb through ~n· eral rnltltllt'S lw.fon' it could be l ocated. Tn the nc\v tiles the code will he ..;n arranged that any section may he found at a nwment's n otice. D e di <ttion of the ne\\' cdificr of the The rnmmittcc abt~ supplied funds f o r .a bus t11 ca rn t ht· 111C11 from the C . S. \'ttnall ~ hn~pital 105 to the h"ll g;tllll' at Cub..;' !'a rk. Install New Steel Files for Village Ordinances New Lutheran Church to Be Opened in November \Vilmett place in 1\ovcmher, it wa s Engli ~ h Lutheran church \\'ill an- take TAKE LAKE TRIP a ncl Mrs. Ed\\'in G. Fisher, 63R nounced thi s \\'cek. The cornerstone Ash street. \~' i11netka, accompanied b,· of the ~ tru cturc at Greenleaf a\'enue Miss Zola 1Jicke\·, also of 638 Ash and ~ncnth ~ treet was laid Sun- street. motor e d to Drtroit last Saturday Augu :-; t 11 \\'ith the pastor, the day where th e" emharkecl o n the ~team Rev. Carl f. Fmps11n, officiating . The er Juanita on Sunda\' for a \\'eeks' principal address at the services was cruisr on the Great Lak es. includingmack hr the Rev. Paul Han shew Mackinac bland. Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. I · · ~ , · · · of Vv . Monrocvillt, Indiana. · Hott~:rlt~on and Duluth.