Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 10

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10 ' WILMETTE LIFE · August 30. 1929 Lind Awning Business in· New Wilmette Headquarters I van Lind, who is 'e ngaged in the sale and insta llation of awnings for stort; frot1ts and homes along the north shore. has esta blished ne,,· head · quarter.;; for his busint:ss· at 725 ~lain street, \\"ilmctte, having moved f rr m his former husine s location. at 2024Ashland avenue, \Vilm.e tte . . M f. Lind's busines s has developed to a remarkab le degree since locating in this ,·icinity last winter. Mr. . Alex Jn slin, Bob Joslin and Bettie Ruth Jn :; lin. ha\·c gone for a short \·isit to Harbor Springs. ~[ ; ch . Mr. ]l)Stin joined his fam ily on \\'ednesday of this " ·eck and will remain over Labor day. · Wins Blue Ribbon in Horse Show · - ~ Friday, Saturday August 30, 31 CHARLES (Buddy) ROGERS ID . "The River of Romance" with Mary Brian Monday, Tuesday September 2, 3 -oMrs. Albert T. ::\y strom entertained her Tncsda ,. club .this \\·ee k at her home. 71-i Central aYcnue. -0- WIWAM POWELL m . ~fiss Cora Louise J lein oi St. Lnuis. Mu., is the g-tu.·:-;t nf ~~r~. Sam Dennis . 32~ Oak Cirrle. ior seHral ,,·ecks . "Charming Sinners" Wednesday, Thursday September 4, 5 Hotor to K I RKL.-\XD, (second in h:ad) daughter of ~I r. and ~r rs. Ruy Y.l. Kirk land o i 420 \\ 'ash ingt on a\'l'lltH.' . L OIL\!~ I·: \\' il tucttl'. tnuk the hlttc rihhon RICHARD BARTHELMESS in D ANCE with the Dlserlmlnatlag in a horse sho\\· held ~at urday at Camp Oak Opening~. Saugatuck. ~ I ich .. a pri,·atc camp it)r girls tonduct('d by ~I iss E. ~f. ~ f ount, \\'Ito is assoriatrcl with th~ .:\ational 1\:indergarten and Elementary college. In the inn·grnund is ~fis s ~largarct Dulficld oi the 1\:indcrgartcn rullcgr. a cnun~elnr at tltt· camp. Loraine \\· a~ the yt)tlllg cst girl in camp. In the picture at the right i~ Hel e n Bow cr. d a u g 11 t e r o i :\ f r. a n d ~ I r s . L. .\ . gnwer tli 1.?1£> :\~hland an·nuc. in a costume ctfl'ctcd iura dancing pageant at t ht· camp. · Camp Oak Opcni ·n gs. which iur the .season last ,,·eck. nfft·rs a ,·ariet.\· ui ot~.ldntlr acti\·itics tllr \'otmg g irls and has n ·<Tuit<:d a majorh\' oi ih tlH'Illhcrship irom ti(Jrt h shore ~ommunitics. "Drag" COMING A TONIGHT A. Ia No Man~s Land Sheridan Road at the Lake Between Wilmette and Kenilworth &e.enaliou& Wilmette 4636 . .. "Noah's Ark" ~ ~ 0'0 ~ ..J" rlo~c<l ' I ~ Parents Do not wait until . School starts to have the Children 's Eyes examined. @ill \h + -s-. ~I :~ry iss _:-I year. I Bran iga r. 21 Y l.e in·, t c r ' ! Bennett's -.t'Ct liH1 1 ruad, J,entl\\' orth. ,\·111 return tn sr hool in Xc\,. y(,rk. the latter part oi September to enter her , Mallinckrodt High Will \1 i ... ~ Open New Term Sept. 9 Thursda,·. September 5, \\·ill he hook day at ~la ll inckrndt High school. 'fhi~ ' da,· has been set asick so that ·the '>tn· dl'nb ma,· C(lll\'l'llienth· suppl~· them , ~eln·~ \Yith the nt·cc:-.sar_ , . l'quivm~:nt for the coming school year. 'J'hc iac1 ulty extends a hearty \\Tlcome to all ~I a ll inckrodt students. t's pccia ll.\· to the ever- increasing new student ht)d v who. they hope, w ill avai l themselves of thl' opportnnit~· . School wi ll OJWn ~~ l1tHla~· . 1 Sept ember 9. l ........ Have them checked over ~ . now and avoid taking the ~ Child from Studies later. @R0 No Charge for this SightChecking Service. 0R0 = COMMUNITY HOUSE FRIDAY ~ i : : + + + + SEPT. 6 Dolores Costello in - - - - - -G. ~fr. and M r s. n. A llen of · Lvnn- HA TTSTROM & SANDERS Orfjtnnizntl o n. ln e. Two :-;tor('S fnr .your "The Glad ~ag Do~l" 1707 Grce'tm ·ood ave n ue. 1 the latter's sister, Mrs. H. J. Richter, Mr. a nd Urs. havcn . Fla., have been t he guests oi Allen have now gone \·isit th eir son . to l to \Vi n ni t.)e:.~ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~++ Two con,:enlence S<·it-nllfl f nnd Jlannfltcturlng Stores for your convenience Dancing Lessons . The fall term will start soon- enroll now for private or group instruction. Send for our booklet. i + : + : + ~ l.!:.JI ~ '1/\.~ . OPTICIANS 70~ f' hurrh Atr f'.- t El·an ,;ton. Illinoi s Opp. Orrfnart o n ll o t f' l J·hone Unher ~ lty HWI S9l Cf'ntrnl A nnu f' Highland Park IJllnol s Phone Hlifltland Park 2160 + 1 ht only COM Pl.£:. TE gnndtnrJ pl · .mr b.-ru.ocen Chteago's loop and M ilwau kee : + : + Fernando Maione DANCING STUDIO : : + + + + '0ftl) ®Rill 010 ®Rill @1) 0R(D 0)l1) ®)l!) : + 934 Spanish Court Wilmette 3381 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ : +

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