Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 19

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August 30, .1929 WILMETTE LIFE: 19 Dr. Eiselen to Return N. K. E. C. Leader for Summer Convocation Studies Education Pres. Frederick C. Eiselen of GarProjects in Europe rett Biblical ,institute will return to ~1 iss Frances Kern, director of the department of nurserv school education of the X ational Kindergarten and Elementary college, has represented the college on the programs of the education conventions held in Cambridge, England, Geneva , Switzerland and Elsinore, Denmark this summer: At the \Vorld Conference on Adult Education held in Cam bridge early in Jttly ~1 iss Kern spoke on the nurscn· sc hool and. gave an addre ss on th-e same subject at the Third Biennial Congress ·of the \\' orld Federation of Education associations which opened July 20 at Cene,·a, S\\·itzerland. At the Xcw l·.ducation Fellow ship conYcntion held in Elsinore ~I iss Kern told oi the work in nurse n · sc hool edtttatinn which is being ca-rried on hv the . Xational Kindergarten and Ele-mentary college in the Children.'s school. EYanston. and in the ~f ary Crane .\"ursery schnol, Hull HtiU Se, Chic;tgn. using ph otograp hs and 111<1\'ing· pi~·tnrt.·~ irom the t\\'o sc buul s to illu:--tratc her le ct ure. In ;tdclition to the conicrn1ces which \f i!-S l'ertl has attendecl. ~he has had tilt· tlpportunity oi ,:isiting- mat!\' of th e < 1u h t a 11 d i11 g -. c h o < d s o i the c <~ 11 t i11 e 11 t. In l'ol<l~nt.: her part\· yj..;itecl different types ol public sch<H~ls. !-Ontt' of \\"hich \\"lTL' i 11 :-.t· s~ ion, and abo :-. t nppecl at < lttt· oi tht: park s undn the manage tltL'llt <li 1hc public sclHhll..;, \\'hae hund ruls < ,j r hi ld n·n arc t a kl'll daih· t hr(lttghllut the s umtllt..'r ior sup er vi st..·~! <lltt-d<Hlr play. Tht..· public school s\·~ t<·tn <li thi-., rit \' abo C(ltHi urt s a For.c:-.t ~clllllll. \\here. gr<,ups oi 1~() rhildrl'n at a time. -.,ekctcd hy the srh<H·l phy:--ician <l'i n<:edi11g· Iii<: in tht.· opt.·n. li\T it ·r :--i\: \\'t..·<:k-., during· t ht.· sutll lllt..T. .\not hc-r intd'oting- -.ch<l<ll Yisited l1y the group nf educator:- \\·as th e ( ldt·n\\·ald:-.chulc ClltHlurtt..·d J,,. Dr. P;ltll (~chl'l·h ;tt Hl'ppt.·nheinL- "The icka ui the ~clw<d is t11 han· rhildrvn and t earht..· r!- liH· t<lgdht·r in an ah . . <llnt l'h dt·m uc r<lt ic tnanm·r. Tht.'\" ;tre paril.i sb, 111<lSt pn1gres:-.in· in tht..·;r l'ducatiunal ,.il'\\' point and doing marn:lj, 1t1S \\'ork in character building.' ' MILAN LUSK I Tel. Wilmette 208 7 ·;·---------· - --,1 I Substantial Extra Income ·· Evanston early next week after a summer abroad and will confer the degrees at'the summer convocation Wednesday, Sept. 4. This service will begin at 2 in the Charles, Macauley Stuart chapel. Former Sen. James E. MacMurray of Chicago, member of the board of trustees, will give the convocation address, and special violin music will be on the program. About twelve young men will receive their degrees. Final examinations of the summer quarter will be given Sept. 5 and 6, and will bring to a close the largest summer term in the institute's history. Enrollment has reached 245. A month's interval will elapse before .the opening of the fall quarter. registration for which is set for ~fonday, Oct. 7. Dr. and ~f rs. Eiselcn and their daughter, Elizabeth. have . pent most of the ummer in England and during the last two \Vel'ks of their \'isit abroad were in France. It \vas wholly a pleasure Yacation and re st for Dr. Eisele:1 who will enter at once on his return into plan . : ·r the new year. "\Irs. ~fax "\f enzcl ancl her four chi ldren. of \ "alparai-;o, Fla .. are spending ·iour month:-. at th e home oi her brother. L. F. Ymmg-quist, 211 F<Hlrth strett. "\1 r s. \'onngqui st, i .;, at presL'nt. at Chark\·oix, ~fich. -0- VIOLIN INSTRUCTION I i Can be made very agreeably by women of personality, ability, culture and energy. Write for interview, giving address and telephone. Write · Wilmette Life A-6. 1 I I ·) WEDDING STATIONERY Engraved and impressed entirely by hand rn the SPAULDING-GORHAM Shops tnvttattons or announcements for Aut~1n1n Weddings orders sl1ould be plac~d now. Titne is an essential for the carefull1andwork whicl1 is tl1e _,ecret of tl1e excellence of our Et. . . the production of the . "\li ss 1-:Jiz ahdh Shiplllan of 432 \\"ar\\'ick rnad i-: r ecuperating at the Fv- · anston h0:--pital i<,Jl\n\·ing a recent I operation and i. C'\:Jll'cti ng to return '<l hn lllll1h' 111 l't..·nihrorth the la :'t , 1i this \red:. -0- Wedding Stationery. Fl111"l'I1C C F. l.:tll !..!l' and ~(i-.,s 1\uth I!. l'rirt.·, \\"ho han· · hn·n ri:-.itinl!" \li'-'!- Julia :\ . \\'ild Pi (J~R Crl'enkai ;1' e 11m·. h a \"t..' ret u r 11 L' d t l 1 t he i r h < 1111 e in l~alt imort.'. ~r cl. -0- \li~.., Tl1e newest types of paper are ready for selection- samples will be In ailed on request. \f r. itnd ~r rs. C. \\·. "\f <)nch· han· re turnt'cl t<l their lwnlt.' at ion Fnre!-t arcmH. · aitn a trip t<' Yclln,,·..,tntH' !'ark. ~alt l.;tkL· Cit,·. and other point:-; ' in the \\'es t. S C H 0 L .\ R S li I P S SPAULDING-GORHAM, INC. FO H MERLY SPAULDING & COMPANY ...... VISITS IN EAST \Ir s. \\.altl'r 1 [ugh Clark. ~JH Xinth :-- t r t.' (.' t. \r it h h c r d aught n. "\I ad l'l illl'. ;s 111aking an cxtensin· Yisit in the East. ~he ancl her daughter ha\'e been guests <·i the Carl \ \' idnt' \'S at their home. Shipan 1\ int, Stan~i<n·d, Cnntl. The \\'i dnc\'S \\'er<;:.> it)rmer residents of \\'ilmctte. "\f rs . Clark and "\I adclinc han: alsn been the hou~e guests oi the Ilalq·y Pruddens, also former resident-; nf \\.ilmettc. at their sumn~t·r home on Lakl' J lupatchsong. \:. _1. Sally Clark, wI! o has n· t11 r ned f rmn "\I rs. "\ f crl c 11. \\'altz's camp in C'olnradu. is ll<l\\' th-.: guest {lf the Rl1hcrt Tansills at :\thclstane, \\' is. ·wm g-in. ' :t. *:!00.00 ~eholarship to a \\'orthy :t.pplil'ant for nn out!-;tatHling boys' or 1drls' boardin~ sehOCJI. D . :\I. Kinney, university !Hi:!~ MICHIGAN AVENUE As.~ociated CHICAGO with m· Dt·a rborn li 1H. Black, Starr & Frost -Gorlwm, Inc., New York C. D. MACPHERSON An Unusual Collection of .... Dr. and \Irs. l't:nneth :\. Big·nc11 and claughtt·r, Jane. han· bought t.he !H'Jusc at 31.2 Shl'ridan rtlacl, 1-\:cnil\\'orth, ,,·ltich they expect t< 1 uccupy the \\·cck uf Labor clay . ANTIQUE WALNUT FURNITURE is now on sale at our 15 22 Sherman Avenue Store - Pre-Civil War- The Early Sixties-General Grant Days. Bonnet Chest Chest of Drawers' Bureaus with Swivel Mirrors Oval Picture Frames Many Other Interesting Pieces Antique Walnut Sofa, S 120.00 -oPaul Lang Jr., Y33 Ashland a\·et.ne. has ju:->t returned in)lll a l\\' ll \\'Cl'ks' s Ut\· at Ca t11 p Eberhart, Th ret.: R i n·rs, ~I ich. Horses lor ·Pasture Summer or Winter Woodland Pasture Reasonable Rates Horses called for and delivered KENTUCI\Y SADDLE STALLION KIND SANFORD AT STUD Telegraph Road, 1 l\1. s. Belvidere Rd. E. S. Dillenbeck, Superintendent Tel. waukegan 4816 ~,,, Discount Sale for August DUFFIELD FARMS .. ,~,,.,, 1522 SHERMAN A VENUE EVANSTON, ILL. ..,,,.,,,,,,##,,··· I

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