28 WILMETTE LIFE August 30, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE Jllisrt:D },IUDA 1· OF EACll WEEK by J,J,OYD UOLLISTER INC. Central Aw., Wilmette, Ill. , Chi<'ng-,) <·fli,·t·: 6 X. Michig-an A\'c. Tel. State 6326 12:~2-1236 Tf' lf'JIIIIl11 t· . . . . Wilmette 4300 .. $2.00 A YEAR S l . Jl S ( ' H I I' T 10 N l' Jl H ' t: Ali ,., ·mmunit·ntinlll-i must he n · nmpanicd by tlw nnm<' :11Hl nddr,·:-:~ of the writer. Articlt>:-: for puhli<':<ti<·n mu~t l'l' :1 <' h the editor l>y 'Vednesday noon to in:-:ur c :1Pikaranrc in current is!'lue. r! P~P luti o ns of condolence, cnrds of thanks, obitu:ui. · ~. nnti1 't>~ of c nt E' rtainments or otiH'r affairs where an nclmittancp charg-,, i:-< publish d, will be ch:ug-ed at l'q.!'ll l:t r ad \ ' 1'1' ! i~ing- rn tc::;. Grade Separation will save life Let's have immediate action! In c \t · n · cn11111lllll it \· on t lw 1111 r t h ~ !11 J n· are r it i l. t·1h \ ~· h' 1 \\·or k i; 1r 1h Ill tt w Iwm \\' <: cl o 11tlt p:t _ \·. TIH·_ , . :t1T Jlllldit· "(·n·;mh spending in ll! ; tm · in~tam-e~ almllst Tl'hat Do Tr e a. . llltl ~:h tinw an<l ent-ro·,· :--. . Pa_v 1'hcln? 1111 c1t1r p111Jlic affairs as 1111 tlwi r ll\\'11 pri,·ate ai tall·..... \t 1d _ q ·t \\'(' p:t _ , . thl'n1 l111thit1~· i(lr \\'hat thn d1'. · \\ .t· :trt· :lt'ru~t < ,nwd to ]':t_\' i11r \\'h:tt Wl' . !.!·t·t. Tht· . !.!rc,ccr and the htttt·lwr :ttT not in hu:--iT1t '"" i11r tl1t'ir health. althoug·h :--t111H' :tiT in 1nl,i11 t·,, l~tr their h;q,pi1H:,:--. Til(·\· ~('l'lll 111 11: 1, · l' :t ]' r t ·t !\ · .!..:·1 11 'd t iIll\' \\' l1 ih · \' ·1 , r k.i11 g· . I ~ u t. lll'\Trtht ·le,, tlH' _ \· all arl' ]':tid in d<1llar-.: :tnd n·nt ... it,r \\·h;tt \\T gl't fr 11111 thl'lll. . ~~~llH' <11ll' h:t ~ >a id that \\'l' p:t\· leit~1 i<1r th<"t' thin .~" that :tn; \\'tlrth 1ll!,...,t. · \lini"t<'r" kt\'l' t'111ph:t:-.izvd tlw i:td that :-..a h ·: ttitll1 i-; irt·' '· \ir j -; frl'l' . \\':t!t-r. ht,\\ t·n-r. is not inT . .\lurh g·<Jtl(] :td,·irt· j, .L.:·in.· n irt·~.:h·. T h ' · .~T t · : t t t' " t t h i 11 g· i 11 t h t · ' ' u r IcI. I () \·e . -i s irt't. tht·u g· h ll tlt t11 II(' had "i1np h· ior the a~ki11g. Thl' "l'l'\·irc..· oi lll:lny (li 11\11' Yill:lg·l' uni~.-i: tl:-1 i:-i gi\'t'll in·l'h. It\ 'L11l'h· trtJt· tk1t \\' (.l ~.·ouldn't afft,r;l ttl ]':! _ , . in dt,il:tr:-- :tnd t.'t'llts ior \\'h:tt tlw_,. iurni:-.h th in 1 lw ...,IJapt· (li Yalunhk tilllt' :t11d t·l'flll't. nut. nt'\('rthdt' . . :-., \dnt th('\' d() i1,r th h:t" a rc:tlm:trkl't \·:tluc. and wntll<.l J,e ]':tid l·1r :1t ;1 hi~· h r:ttl' in J,u-;i1H':--.:-.. This lal>t ,r tl1<·,· .L:·in· inTI\·. ( )ur 1111rth :-~hore C<llllmtmitic ..... :trc oi the .hi~·h t_ ,·jw the:· are t()da\· l>ec:ttbt' 11l tht':-.l' ol'liriab \\'llll \\'11rk i11r t{s \\'itht,tll Jlit _ \ ·. 'l'lw L1ct that matl\' llf 1lw111 cn_jll_,. their \\'nrk d()t'" !ltlt in an _, .. <lc.~Tec decrc;t . . c Iilli' 1 ~hli .L:· ;tt i( 111 t(J tlwm. l.t·t u . . t'lll lJlCratc ircch· and iulh· \\'ith thc~e un,t.·lli . . !J pultlic ~cn·ant.:-i oi <1111'.~. Let 0ur critit·i,nh Ill' kindh· and cnnstrnrtin·. Let us much of their spare time making a most informal study of nature in the shape of turtles, hull-frogs, tadpoles, or what have you? Practically all of this old-time play was unsupen·ised. !\o adults shared in these sports o iorty and fifty years ago. Nowadays, ho\\'C\'er. there arc playground instructors aml directors. and much of the play is on special! y prep a red playgrOltlids and 'with spl'rially constn1c.tcd apparatus. Sports and playing are to a large extent planned by experts. :\<J dlluht. children h<n·e always prolited h~· playing. But it seems to us that the more Jll()dern method is better than the totally unsupcrYi sed. Just as reading with a purpose i :-; hett<:r than browsing- . o the sort of commtmit _ \· pia~· that \Ve haYC on the Jl()rth shore is l1etkr all around th;m the old hit-(lr-miss kind. \\·c do lwlic\·e . howen. ' r. that the best pla_,·grottnd supcn·is< ll·s ,,·ill alway:-, include nn their programs some oi the spontane()llS, 1111 planncd Yariet_,. ()i ~· tntthful arti,·ity. The rich ha\·e their spari(Jtts. beautifuL and <':-.:pensin· link~ and clublwu~c:--, h1cker-r()mns. \\'lwrc ~\nTt .\delinl' is murdered almnst dailY and \\·h('rl' health i~ pledged Barnyard 111c Jrt' than daih·. The rich arc carried irom th<' aft er(lolf J1()(ltl train:-\ in luxurious auttltll(lhiks. Once on the r()ursc their sticks arc lug-.L.:·t'd al·111g· 1>~- 1Hl_ \·s kno\\'n tn the Sc(lt<:h a~ c:tddic~. 'l'ht rich walk ]ei . . url'h· from fair\\'a _ \· lt' iair\\'ay. rc·~ting lltl\\' and then und er tlw :-~hade of SlllllC' spreading· (l:tk tree. llut \\'hat ahout the JHHtr ? I ,et him whn \\'rite~ the simple annab ni the po()r, including karher~ and ncw~pap(Tillen, as \\'ell as pnlice :tnd firvnwn. tell \\'hat sp()rt cases the labors <1i thC :-il :--a lll C' JHltlL ::\one C~ther than harn:·anl g tdi. !llnrc :-.imp!~· qt1 t1 ih. \\ 'bile the rich arc gn m·ing· fat pia yin. !!.' .L:·()li. real c~pensiH' goli. tlw JIO(lr an· playing· ]Jarn -_,·ard goli. F(lr the111 there are 11 11 Ctl~th· - cio·hteen-hnk :--. link:-.. 1111 t:addie:-i. no I!Jcker - room~ <ll1d \\'hat !-!< 'l'~ \\·i th tlwm. Thl' }HJor pia _ ,. in tiH: · IJ:trn -yanl ur in ~<lllH' dn:-..ty alky. TIJn· 1o~s hln· .... e-~lwcs at an nrdinary in1t1 c1r \~'lloden stake. They pb~· in :-.hirt-:-.lcl·n·s. ar111s ]Jan.· to the clhll\\'. sweat running d()\\"11 their \\'tJrn tare~. \\.ould \'()11 knmr h()w the (lthcr bali. th· po()r half. pl;-ty:-i. witness a game of l'arn~· anl golf. .SHORE LIN . ES ~OT CUT IT OUT! LL KIDDI1\G ASIDE, . WE DON'T \VANT A TO APPEAR FL.SSY-AXD \VE'RE GETTIXG OLD BCT. REALLY, \\"HO ST1\ RTED . THAT FlT NXY BCST~ESS OF AERIAL JOY-RIDf~C BY NIGHT OVER OUR P EACEFCL KORTH SHORE? OR. AND \VHAT'S MORE TO THE POT\'T, \'0\Y THAT lT'S STARTED, \\'HO'S GOIXC TO APPLY 'I'H E BHAKES? . AFTFR ALL. THIS Dl' SI\'E~5 OF ROARJ\'G 0\ ' El~ THE 1\0l{TH SHORI·: YILLAGES XlGHTLY UNTIL THE \\'EE S~I.'\' HOPRS. IS lUST ANOTHER FOR~l OF THE OLD :\~I l"Sl·:~IE::\'1' PAI~K CA~tE-SO ~I l'CH PI·:R FOR A H.TDE. 1\0BODY'S GOfXG AXY\\' !.-fERE 1~ PAHTfCL' LAR. Jl:ST T .-\1-::\G A IHDI·:. A:\D THE AERIAL ~11-:RRY - COlHH." ::\D CO:\Tl:\L. FS ITS ::\OfSESCD.li·: C Y ;~:\TIO\'S AT PAT\'FCLLY R ECCL:\ R IXTFH\' ALS SO LO:\(~ AS THER I·: A R I·: \\.! LLIXC YICJ'DIS FORTIFIED \YfTH THE I~ I·:I.Jl' I I~ l·]) ~IAZ l . ~I :\. undtT ordinan· · rircunbta11rt·s. i~ at a (l \11' .nnrth -.lw re Ctlllli1Htnitics. \\ 'c demand that a n1tt ~tmv11t pla ce~. t·n·n the hathi 11 , r !J c a c h c ". da 11 n· :-.;t1 on:- a 11 cl ( 't h c r r l' c r l' a l inn a 1 aL:~·ncic-, cea~c artiYity at a rca~(Jnahk lwur in thv night . \\'IJy 1wt :-t11p the ear l~· lllllrni11g aeri:tl it)\'- 1i(.k <· Yt , ,; 'n· ri gl1t. " e hear ·l'lll nightly in 1111 tlt .l· t.'ll'L'lllC'llb uf nur thircl . n \ll)r (_har k ), .\ncl \\ t' \ L' ](I :i ill .~· \1 I b ll i ( 1J l' a tl \ Y ~ ) :-> k (; p . . \ -; ~ f t'i' Jc Th11!'!J \\lltild :'CIY: "Thnv llll)..d1t.a he ;1 h\\· ~" pr~~niiu1;1 en· 1J in ~)uiet . .-. ADORATION } .cliff' ,'\'1'.1'.' 'J';,·u c/,.-,·r. si.f,·nt cl :.ur,· tcJ,J/.i I I old ill!! the' r;uid 1-t·auly () ( u silz·,·r 111 nc111 t(·ithin th,·ir s,1ft < lllbr<tt'<'. }·,~ ur huir: * * * . I ~ .. · ~· .i!an .Jy 11/ ni.l!hl/<111 . I I ·11, ·.;,· _cit>!d,·n _,,f,·ry f.,· //,,· S11/<· l'<'lllilldtT Of tit(· .\l(lll.·t'/1 S/111. }·;,Ill' /if' .\ .' .\.tl J/1<'1 * * * 'J';,·rJ so(/ cu ;rl otull\' s~ . ·a\'il! c; n,sc.iin·/, ..,. !ull<··cl to. r.·st . h'r the· !uf!,dl\'." or' J(; ·,·n int! hr~·,··~~'·'·-· . Stllllt'li;llt'S r/(,'i/"'·'1/,'d "\' T/z,· stor111y /'il.l'.iiolls o/ Nu,~;in.l/ Tt'III/'<'S/s. } .till/' /J<'Illlf\' .' * * * ... ttnnl:t!l' tlwir ~pk;1did e~ampll· and ~·i\'c and \\·()rk inTh i(1r the we1iarc ni nur r;llnmunit i c... . I. t.' t .t h :--!1< n \' on r ~ c 1n· ~ 1it to a~ soc i ate \\'ith "ttr J'lllJlic :--('n·ant". ( ,tH· iv:tttlrt.· 11i Cll!lltmmit\· litl' that wa~ itl:tu~· uratc..·d nnly a ic\\· year~-; ag-o. and \\'hich i:-- ~~r"" in . t.:· :1t a . . urprising- ratl'. is the com- :\Ian,· men and \\'omen. mid ci le -a g·t.·d or o 1cl cr. ·raP l..':t . . iJ_,. rl'r:tll the timt·s \\·hen cnmmtll1it\· )' Ja .\ !-!T I I 1111 d " \\' l' l"l.' l'n t i !' (' h. 1111 k 11 0 \\' 11 . · \\ 11('11 tddtT pl·<·pl<- \H'l't: ht1_ \·:-i and girb they :-pent t!tt.·ir t l ttt - lli -s ch'~~'l time durinL:" the da,· pb_\·in" with childn·n ()i the neighhorhocHi. Tlw g:tnw . . plan·d \\'ne hast·IJaiL most uften 11i tilt "llrt kno\\'n a~ "()ne old rat." hide-and:-.etk. ta .~ . lllllllll de-pe~· . ntn-~hecp-run, and duck-( ITJ-tlw-rork. 1f the~e older pl'np1e ]i,·ecl in t hc country (lr the near-r< Jtmtry they spent Con11111tuity Playgrounds munity pl:tyg-rnuncl and its various artt\'lttc:o:~. llappcning- t<' <1\\"11 a Yacant Jut on the n()rth \\T n.·. :cin·d recenth· a letter from a \ ill:tgc n!'!irial informing us. that sc,mcbodr had complait1cd ah01;t the Ca1iada Thistles C';mada t·histl<'s un our lot. \rluch has not and Such as Yet :->cemed tu ns one ui 11t1r :t~:-id~. \\ ' t' h;l\.-ing- p :~ id interest. a s :~ t.' ~ s m e11 t s . t a x v s a n <1 i n s t a lltn en t " on n n r lll'>rt .~·agc i,,r tPo matn· Years. But, an\·h()\\·, :;llmchody cnmj)J~iincd ahont ti1e Canada thistles on our lot. \\.t· kn(l\\' that.this thistle i~ a no~ious weed and that the seed fr(lm the matured plant \Yill. ti allt>wed tn '-'prcad. "tH·n m-etTtm- all the fltl\\Tr .~·arden:-; in Illiw,is. hut wlw dnn't the\· h~l\' l' laws ag·ainst tlw milkweed an·cl the dais\··? \\·e haH' ~tlread~· 1akcn steps to eradicate thc:-~e l'anad:1 t hi~tles from our Yacant lot, thus hastening- to co()perate with our highway commissioner. ,Tame.; :\ . \Yilliams. ~lHllT . I St,fitary .. /'l tr/'lt· l>zrflaf!y St~ft!y '(,·in .l/ ill ,r/ it.,· dt·lit·ut, · flirJlil .lo·oss a rul·\' hc·a;'t'll . , .·It du<,·n. . * * * J!il/(', - The Pi o.;ca tnr. Nothing Can Stop 'em \! iq!H' : Our ide:t of a real hrnad-mindcd \noman i:-; the one \Yho, ·aftC'r nearh· a decade oi rea<linrr the cintma :-olth - titk~ altlttc.l, !-till continurs p;_ur nnizc ~he gallnping- film:; despite the ach-rnt <il "-hat .Inn. thl' Berrie:;, dntrs on terming-· the noi siL·:-;- 1f uh. ' t; Going a Bit Too Far t·!h' ":\()\\·. a word like damn isn't SC1 had," said H'\'t'rl'IHI miso.;io~Jary; "it's ~ wore~ of grammar. Lur. hc..·ll - \\'ell that s a place hkc "CTCem." Overhe;ml in rhurch - \rhich only goes to pron· that 1 dn L'lltt'r that cdiG cc once in a while.-Glcnna, frn'll Clcncoc. How About the Five and Dime Culled from a c0ntemporancous wheeze column: ]JI\t· to hu,\· sonlt' ch;tin:-< fnr mv tin·~.·· L:1~ly mr·t"ri~t - "Jt':-; raining- and :-:lt·~:·ling-. I would It is our solemn opinion. the result of Year o i oh~en·<tti(ln and reflection, that people- who o\\'n stocks and bonds \VOtT\' as much about their stocks and bonds as tl;e poor do about their bills. Cron·r- 'Tm. SIJl'l',\': we ~"'ll nnl;- grol'el'il·i-:." L:uly ~Ioton.~t- "lln\\' n nnoying-. I und erstood this wns a eharn stun·." :\ t)-- nleJJt! we han· no "drag" with the Cub manageBut here's hoping. -MIQUE.