Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE August 30, 1929 ·Social Calendar Lists Weddings ·and Eightieth Birthday Edith Adkins Announces Garden Club Plans Wilmette. Resident Names of Wedding Pqrty Weds Today Summer Flower Show Observes Eightieth ~li ss Edith Adkin s becomes Friday Afternoon Birthday August 26 ·---------------"""""":----= tile\\'hen hricle eli lohn l.<.·slie Au~tin. son ,,j I BY JE:\N TEN BROECK ITer ('il! h tic t h hirt hd:n· and t \W :t ifai rs in it, ct·khrati e·ll \H' rt' th e giits ('i .\f,l1Hl :t\', :\ lll!ll't 2t,, tl) ~[r..,. llcnr it' t i a P a nu ~ h I-; a . , ·111.: t 1i \ Y i lm c t tt.: ';; t ' J rh :=:I'! t ler:=: . Tn t ht· ai t nnnn n l1cr daul!"htt:r, ".\[!·s. \\ ' illi:tlll \: . \\':tidnvr. " ·ith · \\·hn1 n _.., he 110\Y l'l'~ idt·'. held a rc rL' ]lt ie m at her h,,ll lt'. J().tr, Crl"Cil\\<·<>d an·nut·, i(1r irit·ncl, ,q· hn !11 <1 thcr \Yilo arc nu:n1'n c d a li1Pill!" t h t li r.., t r o ide n b 0 i the 'ill :t l!t" :tnd tht· 111·rth slwrt·. Ltt n th:tt · t'\"l'11i11l!". t11 \[ r". Panu~hka·, l'PlllJ·k k -..urpri-,l'. a iamih· a s~t· m hbL~ t· l!:ttlwrcd at thL' hnmc c1f nne 11i hn ~··n-.. and daul!hter~ - in - law. ~lr . :-~nd \fr.; . (:L'11rgt· I.. J>ambhka pf 10-il Fnrt· ~t an·ntJt·. f,,r a hn!Tet -,uppn nn thL· ~"'rrh. ~0t nnh ir,l!ll \\'il lllt'l te . hut fr,lln \:chr;t,k :t tht"(' 'lllh and d:tu l!"htcn ra nw !·1 hl' \\ ith tlH·ir mPthc r at thi~ t'P Pch in hn liit· . < lj hl·r ll'11 rhildrt·n. 't' n ' n an· li\ inl!". and the..,t' Ted m Pa:1t1 s h k a . ".\ I r , . l' h a r k . . ]) i n;·L'l'. ~ f r -... ~tank,· K . C:tl!l'. ~ l r"' . \Villiam ~ . \\'aidnn. and <:t.c lrl!"t' L. Panu.-hka. all ,1j \\ 'i lnh·t tt· . and , l·:d\\:lrd PaJnhhka :111 d \ rr.., . 1 I; ItT\ ~tar k I ) i sc l) t t" n1\1 IT. ~t· h.. " ith tlH·i r i;Jm ilie.;, . a .;'l'111ldl'cl it·r t ht· jrHII\h IIC C:I,icn1 and madt· a l!"t'l·ttp \Yhit·h inrluclccl ninl' !.!ranckhilclrl'n. and t\\n l!rl:at l!"ra ncl rhildrl'n. the d:tul!"htt·rs oi \I r. and ~fr ~. T.a\Ht'lll'l' ~frC'Ime elf \\'ilmette . \fr.; _ Pa11u,hka i~ eight\· ,-ears \'nun,;.r . She ~till t;1kt·, acti\"l' and h ·c n intl'rt':'t in the liit· 11i \\"ilml'ttt ,,·ith ,,.h1h<' rh; \'t'liiPtlH'llt -.he h;~-.., kt·pt pare ir1r fiit\·. . cn·n \'t·ar:-. ~he i.- tht· onh- Ji,· in~ C' harter mt·mhn (If the \\"ilmdtt· Pa ri, h \ f t·the)( Ii . . t r h ur r h and is a r hart e r memhn e1f the \\" nmnn', dtth ni \\' il mette . Tn r1 1111l'rti1m with thl'~~ · t\\·,, n rl!"ani;~atil 1tb 'hL' ha~ ht.·t·n pri,·ill'!.!t'rl. ,,·ithin t!Ji, Ja..,t iew m nn th :' . t· l nar t ic i p a k i11 1\\"() l!" rea t t· n' n t " i 11 t h l' i r hi-..tnn·. Silt' "as nn1· c,f the l.!tll'"ts ,,f h11l111r :1t tlw l'renmdhrcakinl!" ~·ert'lll111l\' ft,r thr 11{'\\ \\"nm:1n's Cluh huildin t! . and rl<"l"d the cJ1,,1r ni the 0ld ~-lntrrh huildinl!" \1Jl·ll1 the PPl·ninl!" nf th C' ne\\' . ~fr~ . Panu . . hk:-~ is :-~1.:;1) :1 memher of th e Tran·l cluh "hirh 11H'ct.; mnnthhal,llll! tht 11Mth ..,)h·rt' and " ·hich fl)\111 \.s am"'ll-' ib mt·mht·r:' a 11\lmher 11i 1'arh· re~idt· nt.- (li the nnrth shore. · \Yith hl'r hu:-.hand . the late \\.illiam P:ltltt~hka. whc' 11 as:'ed a\\'<W in 10.1-t-, \ f r s. Pan u , h k a r a me t ') \\:i Imt· t t e :n 1Ri2 and t1H1k up rt·~idenrt· at 10-t1 Forr,t an·ntJl'. an<l thl're. :-~t the im·it:-~ tinn 0i the hn~tr~s. \fr :'. \.eorge P:-tnushka. children. l!"randc hildren. and great uranrlrhildren g:-~thered fM :111 e i I! h t i e t h h i r t h c1 a \· p a r 1\·. a n rl f ul fi 11 r d a " ·ish 0i th(' l!"Ue:'t of honnr that ~he al!ain mit!ht ha\'C' her famih· \\"ith hL' r in the old bmil\' homr estahJi..,hed a ,·ear aiter the Chicag-o firr. ~I r. and _jl r;. :\. J...\ustin <li LihertyYilh.>, n~xt Tuc~da\ · en·ning, her si:;tn, ~I is s \\ "iniin:d, \Yilt be hn onh· attl·ndant . ( ~e D rge 1 r alkr ui Chicago \\" ~ II scrn· ~I r. :\u~ti11 as hnt man, and l{alph l'ctcr~l"ll. ~~~t.n- i c l'l'tcr~cn. \\"il :- <1 11 Olcndori ,,j l.ihntnilk, and 1·>1 ,,·ard :\elkin' , hr,\tlh: r oi the bride. w!ll u ~ her. · ~lr .~. Do n ]\in,n·rt e1i 1·\· an~ton, or_ g;:u1ist, \\"ill pla\· during the ccremn11 .\" \\·hich \\"ill h~ peri()rJllcd ,l)_ y t il < : Hl'\·. \ 'ere \·. Loper in t h L' Fi r~t Con g rl'g ationa! church in \\"ilmdte at X :30 ()'clock in the l' \·ening . :\ ~mall rl'l'L 'P tion will be he lei at the hnme ui the bride's parent:-;, ~f r. and ~Irs. I. I<.. Adkius oi 1112 Ccntral an.:nue. immediate!\· aiter thc ~en· icL' . Anwng the soc ial affairs ie) r ~[i:- s' Adkins \\"Cre the kitchen ~ hmn~ r gi,·en SaturdaY, Au ,L?; tt~t 2-l, ll\· ~Irs. Carl lohnson at hn home in lbtaYia. 111. , ;tnd the bridge luncheclll at the \'u rth ~hon· Cnli club :\ugu..,t 2<). at \Y!Jich \1 iss lJarrid :\t:\\T\' wa .. ho ..,tcs . . ~Li~s llt:len E\'ans i:-. giYing a lunchc< lll ancl bridge at her lwme on CrL', L?;<ln· a\T nuc tuda,· and ~aturd;l\·, :\ugu st 31. ~I iss \\'iniirt·d .\dkin~ ,,·ill he hl,..,tt·:-.., at a tea in hL·r ~i:-tcr\ hPll i H' ir(lll1 3 until IJ. Th e la:-t tl i the se ason's Amrcr shu\\·s ntkL'S plare Friday. · Sl·ptcmher .<l. \\" ht·1\ t h c \ \' i 1m e tt e Garden cl u h 'u 11 htlld ih -,u mmer ex hibit a t the ht·me ni ~I r;; . C. I) . Ewl'r , 1111 .\~hland a\·c~' tlt·, \\ ' ilml't tr. at 2 :30 n'cle1ck. ~I r:-. Ck trle ;; \'" . 1 [urlhurt is chairman ,,j t!1 L' cmmnittl'e in charge whi.ch inrluck~ .\Irs. . .\. J. ~tins t) Jl, ~Irs . J. ~. ~lo(lr<.' . .\1 r~ . DaYid Cooke, ~Lr s . \\·. G. .\litcll ·: ll. \Ir s C. R . \'orman. ~[r s. H. l.. J~~~hnt s . \1 rs . Cnrdon \\.ibo~1 . \I r~ . Ltrl Smith. and · ~r rs. C. R 1\i :-.: hy. 1\lue. rL'< I. \'Cli O \\', a1Hl \\"hite r ihh nn:; \\ill ht· a\\ar(kd n ·spedin· ly. inr llr~t. "' l' L'·I Ilcl. third prizL'S :tncl )]l)tll lrahk nw 11 tie 1 n. f () r the cIa ~..s e..; w 11 ich are di\ ic k d a:-. il·lll l\\'S: <'l:t>':--: T . \rti :--ti,· . \t-ran~· m· ·ut 1,r tl··\\"··1'>-' in J,a:--1-i:t·t, ho,,·J 1·1' \" ;1 :-t·. ~,.,., i"ll 1 .\rrang\'!lJt·nt 111' I 1;\ llli ;l,..; :-;,.,·JiootJ :.! . \!'!':lll ~t·!lh· llt td" I;J;cc)iloli :--;, .,., illll ::-.\ tT;t !lt.:· ·ttl t'llt 111' /.in IlL\"' :-;, .,·Ji·· tt 1-.\rr;e!l g· ·llli'!Jt ·· r tl""···r>' ,,f ;tiJ\. 111\t · l;:in tl :-;, .,.t(· if l :.-.\rr ;tlll.:.t ·ll l··tl\ ,,r t\ .. w·"l':-: ,,f \\\"It tl}' Jl\ t lf'l' killd >' ~····ti"n to- .\rrang··tlkll\ ,,J' 1\11\\"(·r:-: f11r Guests a.t Maisonette (~ue:-.b ni h0twr t)Jl Thursda\' at the Cradle \1ai-..\ llldte \\"l.'rt .n 11H.~ of the p r i 11 c i pa I" u i t he l~ ;l\· i 11 i a 0 p t ' r a company. ln cluckd in tht· grnup were ~li~' Ina l~nnr-,ka,· a. \fiss \.lach·. ~wart h{l\lt. ".\ ri ~~ ~I a r.j( ll' ie ~ rax \\'1..' 11. :1;1 d ' ~I i,.., {Jut·t· na ~~a rin . H e~e n ·a t inn.:; \\l'H' mack fc r that <lay hy a larg~ numhn c1i tJ(Irth ~ht)re rrsidl·nts. T tHLt \" . .-\ul!u~t .)0, ~li~.; 1·::-. tt·llt' FarIn· da~lL:htt·J: of ~[r. and .\Irs. Jes se 1-.:l'b ue F :t rln·. 300 .\hhntt-..ie ,rcl l' llad. Kenih,·orth, ~\· ill hc cOlll l' the l>ridt · uf l<.ugn Palmn l1eha11 11i ( >tta\\·a. Ka-. . The \Yeddin .~ ,,·ill he a n ·ry :-mall lwllle aff;·ir \Yith e111h· a in,· rl'lati\'(:S and rl<lSL' i:·it·ntb atte-nding·. The sen·il't' \nll he read at -1 in tht· aitt·rn< lOJl. \\itlt Dr . \\ .arrtn P. lh·han . iathn c1i tht· gr<Hllll. (lt'liriating. ~fi s..; Farll·,· \\'ill ha n · a~ lll' r 11111\· attendant. lH~r ::-i~t<T. ~I i:-.~ .J ,,.., t:phine , \\' 11 ilc \ I r. 'B l' kl n " iII h a n· h i. , 11rot her, (~erald \\·. lh·ha11. a.; his he:-t man . TilL' usher;; \\ill he Pre:; ton Farley, h roth c r n i t h t' b rid t:, a 11 d F r t' d I I. I k · han, hrnther nf thl' grLlPill. ~~ i,~ Farh·,- attencltd \: CJr t!J,,·e,ttrn u n in' r' it y. g ~ad 11 at i ng i n t 11 e c la.; s (1 f '27. ~he is a membn ( ) i ~1Prtarb ,)ard, the national hunPran· ~ocil't, · fur seninr \\"e lllH.'Il. and is a J;lt·mhn .ui J'i llt'ta Phi sorurit,·. Shl' has heen S!H'JHiing a gnocl pari 11f hn time in Camp Fire "ork, acting :ts licld ..,errdar~· fur the Chicagn Fire Cirls, . . (\nlllcil of l '; unp . . !lrgan1 i' tlll!. Ill'\\" L?;rcltt(h tn Y:tl'llltlS '-l'C't i on s (1 i t h t' d i . . t r i n a n d .- h c w a s a~ 'istant director at l'; !tllp .\'L·\\·a k\,·a, the Camp Fire r;unp at ~outh HaYen, .\fich ., during the sumnH·r oi 1927. ~{ r. Be-han \\"Cnt tn Bro,,·n ttni,·cr~ih· in Pnl\·iclenrc. R . T.. and is a 111t:1111> n oi Dl'l ta l" p~i ], \11 ira tern ity. Ill· is a tllt'lllher (If the etas;; nf '24. :\ itt' r a s lH) r t "'e d cl i u g trip ~ rr. Beh a 11 and his hrid c \\·ill ma kc their homt· at i431 .\'nrth ~t' ele~- an·nuL' , Chi L' agn. a he \tit Ortt)ht' r 1. The (l\lt-t)i-tl)\\'11 l!"tll'sts \dw \\·ill t'llllll' here ior the ~-t'IT!lWn\· '"ill he ~~ rs . Farlt·,-\ sistn. ~~ rs . 1\ .. l-L Reeve 11f Phil:.d~·lphia: and ~I r:-.. Farlt-\"s brother . and ~istcr-in-la\\. ~~ r. a~1d ~1 rs. F. \1 . Twxdl. and their t\YO dattl.!hters, _k:u: and Jan irL'. ui Dre.:-.. el 11 ill. Pa ., Alice Taylor Will Wed Breckinridge T. Clark \li s~ :\lice T,tYlor. daughter e1i ~lr . and ~lr:-;. Herht.·;t H. TaYhH· , /Y() Blut'f strel't. Ckncoe. ,,·ill hL· n~arried Tlnn·.., _ day nening, September 12. tu Hrl.'l: k inridgc T. Clark. :'(ln (It ~I r . and \ ' rs . l{,d><:rt ··. Clark. lllll ~I id 1il!"~tll aHnue. I·: ,·anst (l tl, at thL· Clenr<h: L'nin n church at ~ :30 ()'ch,rk. l>r. Ct·Prge Crai.L: ~tt' \\'art <1t F\'an:'\ el ll \\·ill periorm thL· marriage ctrL·moll~ ·. .\ recepti t) J\ at ~k,1kie (.'puntn· rlul> \\·ill inllnediat tly j, dlo\\ t h r "eel eli ng . . en·icl'. \fi~s Ta\"l,lr ha~ rho~en ior her attt·JH!ant~ her ~i . tn, ~I iss Helen 'l'aylllr, t 1· ht· maid ni lwn(lr, and ~tr~ . Ilerhcrt II. 'l';t,·l<'r. Jr. and an"thl'r sister, ~f i:-." ~1 arg~~fl·t ;l'aylnr. w- he hride~maids . ~anc\· Clark. ni RiH-rton. X. T.· small nil'ce -~)i ~~ r. Clark. and leannl· .I !at field ni Hen:rh· J Jill ~ . a CP\l~in of ~{i s~ 'J'a,·lnr. \\"ill he lln\\'l'r girls. . ~te,,·a rt B. Clark 0f Hin·rt on . ~ . J. ,,·ill SLr Yt: his hrntlwr as ht·:-:.t man . Thl' u~hl'rs include John l'lnle ~t <· \\· art. ( ~eurgL' CraiL?; ~~ t\~· art , Jr~ o i E Yan ,_ tnn. \\·;lliam Rt·nshaw e1i E\· an~ton. and lkrhcrt Jl . Tador. Jr. .\iter a h o ne,· mn~n tl;c l>ride and gn)nm to he ""nt make thL·ir hom e at· l)J() Reba place, f.,·a11steln . ,,f wil1l 111>\\"t·rs .\J'l';t ll !,: < ·lll··lll llf lll' ;\lll' l\1 ·,..; \\"ith },j.,~:-'lllll~ <>! J.,.J'l'it ·S ~· ··· tillll :t-.\l'J'<tll).!··Jl)t ·llt , ,f 1\ll\\"l'l':-: ft>l' lundll·,,n ta!Ji,. ~· ···t il·ll 111 .\rr;llll\· ·JL t·nt .. r fl,,,,.~'~." f.,r l. o 11l1 IIlli it ·l'·' Tlw ft~l}li\\·in!!' JHJillt >' t<l lw l"ttll:--id· ·l'· ·ll in juclg ing: ;t .\dapta t i'·ll nf l'l'l'· ·pl;ll·l· · !. - :\1\·a ,. ; ur t' :t nrl !.a lan··· · ··-1 'olur harmmt\· tl-f; tdi ,·i tl u a 1i ,,. · ;-;,.,·tittlt ~· ·t · !ill l l 7 -. \rr ;~n~ · · nwtlt )JOI' l' h :-. <"i:c s>' ~····I i"tl 1-.\rr;tn~··m··nt · ,f hr";t \\ f<~,..;t l;t I tit· t'tol' 1 , \ "1) :-;, ., ·ti"n ~-T:r. · al<f;to:t tra,· l'l :c . :-- Iff . J',·rf··t·ti"n 11f hl ""lll 1:: "~'mort· '-lt·lll'-) ~· ··· li ·lll !-l>ah\ia :' ~. - ,·tio n : > 1:1aili"li !-:··· ·t i"n ::-Zinnia:-~· · · ·t i111 1 I · ' alt ·ntlul;t,..; ~ ·. ,.1 i<~ll l'hlox ~····t it·tJ ,; -· 1 fPlt-nium :-:,.,.1 i1111 7- <' 11!-'!lHJ>-' ~, .,·ti l>ll S-Lili··s ~ ····tillll :·-.\nnual .\:-t··r,..; ~t ·(' ] i··ll l i l - l't' ft ' lllli<tl .\:-:tl'l'>' ~· · ··t ion 11 - Sun :-: hitH · ,\ :-:t ,·r,..; r ;ti~t· d ll'1·!1 "'····Cl ,.h":-:··11 in SJH'ing ~· ·<"li t~n l~ - .\ nY flow.·r n·'t Ji ,..;t,·d a J, (,,.,. ha:-:s n· .\. l'hi!clr··n·s Exhibit luncl· ·r 11 Y· ·a r :--l ~,.,.,ion 1-l'.·rf(·c· t inn nf blolllll ~. ·t·t j, ·n ~ - .\ rt is tit· . \ rra ng\'lllP!l t ;1 Flll\\' t·l'!' of on·· \":trit·t" h 1·'111\\"·· rs nf mor,· than ·o n· Yarit'\\' rr ·· n. . . l'hil1ln·n· .... Exhiltit 11 \ \"t':\ 1'>-' nr 11\ '1' 1' l ~ ·.,.t i··ll 1-l'· ·rf· ·c·tic ' n <;f hJo,,m ~····ti1111 ~-.\rtbtk :\ rr;tng-··m· ·nt a-Flowt·rs of ci!H· ,·arid,. h-Flow ·rs of morp than ;111e Yaridy Cia:--~ Y Exhibit pf Yt ·~p tahh'~ Mary Dingee, Formerly of Wilmette, to Be Married ::\fary Dingee nf \\'au.;au. \\.i s., nit·ce of ".\fr. and ::\frs. Charles S. Dinger ancl ~fi s . .'\nna Dingee of \\'ilm ette. \\'ill he m:trried tomorrow tn \YaltL' r H. Bi:->scll. Jr .. of \\"ausau. Flahnratc plans han~ been made fnr the marriage \Yhich will take place in the First :,r ethndist church, \Yau sau. ~~i ss Dingee and her parents. ".\f r. and ~Ir s. :3. ~. Dinl!"ce. were former re sidct~t of \Yilme.tte. The hricle-tn-bc wa . graduated la st June from the Oberlin :Kinderga rten sclwol, Oberlin. Ohin. ~fr. 11issell at~ tended the t·niYersih· oi \Yisconsin. SeYeral \Yilmette i)cople will attend the wedding and among tho:-.e are Mr. and ).Irs. T. B. Olwin and ~fr. and ~frs. Frank ]. Schcidenhelm. 1[rs. Thorpe L. Edmonds. sister of ~fiss Dingee, " ·ill be matron of honor. ]. F. ~{cLone\· of \\'ilmette and Ben Drew of Chicago will be among the ushers. ~[i ss Lockett-Galloway Wedding Takes Place in Wilmette Tilt· marriage ni ".\1 r s. Grace L ockett, daughter of ~Irs. Elbridge Harltl\\' ncckler of E\'anston and Boston. to Dr . Thomas C. (~alloway oi Evanstnn took place last Sun (la y eYening at the hnme nf ).frs. Lncl..ett's broth t'r-in-la\\' a.!Hl . istc r, "\[r. and ~Ir . . Paul R. Soule. 915 Lake aycnuc. The Rc\'. \pere Y. Loper of \Yilmctte pcri0rn_1ed the ceremony. The bride \\·ore an attracti\·e egg s hell cnlnrerl gown with a cocktail jacket of real· lace, and a h orsehair hat of th.c same shade. She carried a bouquet of · Talisman ro~es and lilies of the \'alley. The bride and groom were attended by ).fr. and "\frs. Soule. The former ~f rs. Lockett is one of EYan. ton's most p_opular and charming societ_y matrons. Dr . Galloway . is a promine11t north shQ.~_e surgeon. . After a motqr trip through Wisconsm Dr. and 11 rs. Gallov\·ay will reside at 425 Groye street, Eyanston. -- Auxiliary Bridge Sept. 2 7 Collect Flowers September 3 Septemhl·r .27 i~ to he the occa~inn \\.ilmettL· will han· its next tla\· inr of a large affair in \\ 'ilmettl'. It will contrihutin~ flowers to the Plant. Fruit. bring the annual he11<:llt for the \\'il- and Flower guild l)f Chicago, Tuesday, mettt auxiliary Pi the :\tnl·rican Leg- September 3, \frs. \\'il liam l'. Fox of io n. which. this vear. will be hl'ld in the \\'ilmdte Garden club is chairman the !\1 a~onic temj>lt· at 2:30 o'clock in ior the da\' and donation;; mav be the aftl'rnoon . Bridge and h\'e-hun- sent to her at her home, 831 Forest drtd "ill be playt:d. a\'enue. - /

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