Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 38

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38 WILMET.TE LI F E August 30, 1929 Effect of Gas Tax Is Soon to Be Shown in Chicago SUNDAY DINNER Septe mber I. 19 29 Price : $ I. 35 MENU Fruit Cocktail Cream ni (\·kry Suup Chicken Koodk Soup Cckry 1It-arb .I um ho ).fixed Oli\T:' Sweet Pickles CHOICE Hoa~t Prime of Bed, Au Tus Roa . t Leg- of Lamb. ~1 int Sauce Chicken Fricassee, Dumplings Dpuhk Broill.'d Lamh Chop:-> ( 11 Toast Filet ~lignon, ~lushroom Sauce Hoast Loin oi Pork. Spiced Crahapplc.:s Baked Lake Trout. Tartar Sauce Par . . ley Hut tlT\.·d Pnt a toe . . Lyonnaise Potatoes 1· resh Green Peas Bu·tered Xc\\' Beet. New \ Vax nean:-; Sttm11wr Squash Prinrl' . s Salad I lead Lettuce Thousand Island Dres . ing CHOICE Rirt.· Custard Pudding \\'ith Cream Crecr1 :\pple Pie, Fresh l'eacl! and Lt'llltlll C'rl·am Pie Fresh Fruit Parfait :\s. ort erl l T(lme ~fa fie Cakes Fruit Jclio I\oqul'iort or Can1eml-><.·rt Cheese with \Vafers Co fY l'l' :\filk lrvd Tea Buttermilk RT DCEVIE \V SPECIALS H a lf Fried Spring Chicken , Bacon and Corn Fritters, $1.50 Special T Bone Steak, Fresh Mushrooms, $1.50 W eekday Luncheon 65c Evening Dinner $1.00 All Pastries and R olls at The Ridgeview A re Home M ade. Lnl>. tl·r or· ~hrimp Cucktait 'THE RIDGEVIEW . M AIN CTREET AND MAPLE AVENUE UNIVERSITY 10000 \\'hat the gas tax can do will be iullv clcmonstratecl in the ncar future in the Chicago metropolitan area. \\.hill: police in Illinois. Indiana and :\ criticism of the gas tax ha h,c cn \ \·isconsin have the right to comm. nthat rl'sidcnts of large cities, where deer an automobi le and order the owner the most motoring is done, contribute to assist them in chasing a criminal or the largest portion to state highway ot!Jcn,·i~c enforcing the peace, they income. and ·that in return the c.ities rannnt legally compel the motorist to recciYc little more than do remote dri\·e fa~ter than the law permit!', nor rural Cfll11mttnitics. to drin.' at a sp~cd that \\ mdcl endanger :\!though that critici . . m i~ irequently liil'. limb Pr property. ;1 mi~rnnrt· ptinn. lllinni~ has rec0g- ~ That npinic·n \\'as giHn hy the legal nizerl the rbim:-- oi the city motorist department of the Chica~n ).I otm Club to tilL· t.·xtent that a trifle lc:-;s than in response to the mooted <.!_uestion 0f S22.000.000 of the state gas tax income I the extl'nt to which an (·fficer can cnm for the next t\nl years will be spent pel a motorist _t_n assist him in thr apnt_1 l~i.~· I·J-\\:tys iri .thl' immediate \·irinity I prch.l'nsion of Ia\\· Yiolators. . ol ( lliC.tgn. "]·,,·ery stat\.' has a la\,. whtrh prnThi~ \\·ill mean that traffic-hound I \·idL·!'> tint the citizcnn· shall aid th\.· Chira~o. \\'hl'rcin thcre i:-> \Try littlL ni 1 pulirl' "hl'n called UJ20I~ to cl<l so." thl' this thing called motnrin~ t'(ltlll!lrt. will f npinitltt ~tatl'd. "'l'ho~e la\\·s do not hl' ircl'd of co . . tly irritating traffic ron- r(lnttnlplate, ho\\'C\'cr. that tilL· CltiZt'lb !..!Tstion. I shall act in a mannn that \\'ill con , . ln addition to the extcnsin' state prn- stituu· a hanrd to public ~ail'ty. Ti ~ram. Cook C~ounty. !n \\'hirh ChiragL) I a pulirL· (lrticer asks thL· clrivn of_ a t~ located. "til rcCt'l\·e no less than car to rhase a Sl)CC<kr nr other mts $3,000.000 as its share of the annual · creant. the dri\'('r must nlw\·. hut onl.\· :-q>!JnrtinnnH·nt tn countil's. Thi . . sum \\'ithi11 cntain limit..... Tilt" Pfficcr is is to he dnoted to the impron·me11t \Yitlwut authority h1 rc~rind pre,·ail ()i main highwan. ing speed limits dnrii1g the rha. c: the ·drin' r. therefore. i:-; ~till hound !>!Commission Has Power to I them. ~h~ulct the cu: roll!<lc .\\'ith an otlwr YthKic. the drl\·cr ~~ hahlc fo!· Regulate lliinois Buses : damag-e~. if he is at fault. clc:-;pitt· the The po\Yer to regulate buses is ,-c.;tcd I presence of the officc·r. The latter in :->Clkl\· in the Illinois Comn1crrl· l'tll11- . 11Cl way les~cn..; the car O\rner\ liahilit,·. 1 m_i . . . . ioll, ;.trcording- .tn an opi11ion J "The ~nnH·what C'OIIllll(!ll pre . . umpti 1 n1 1 1 P tlH· ~npremc ( t 11rt. ~ay:-- the that the cit,· nr cnunl\· 111a\· he liabl e I ._ega!, Dcpa;tmc_nt . oi , ~l'l.1c · :\utomo - i(lr damage .· in a cra:-;1; in ,~· hich a cti· hde Club ot fi!Jnots. 1 In:- lmng~ to rnmmandccrctl by the p(llicc i. . ill\·olHd 1 a rh:s~ tl~e. fight \Yagul_ll\· thl' . \'ar~(l\1.' is entin: ly rrronfoth . Till' police nffi l1Hllltc!pahtJe:-> tl) ~~tahl!;-;h th.elr n .l.!'ht rcr. if injured. \roulcl prnhahh· hc ('11 tn c.nlurcc re.t.rulatlons upon 1n_tra~t~1tc titled lCI ·till' ht:llt!ib prn\·ickc.l hv tlw and buses through thc1r - t1 Tl · tlltl.T·:--tatc · . ctttes. \\·nr 1 'mcn ·s rompctba t.1nt1 ac t . 1>tit H' . liS ~ptnH~n. n·,·erse~ .a prennll:-> OtiC' other . . \\'ould hr i( 1 rc ·d tn ~ · .1 - n·drc., . . 111 \Yinrh ctt1c . . \\Tre gl\'l'll p;1\\'Cr . . . · L , · ~.t ·' '1'1 1c rase \\'a"' tl1a t o,~ tl H' ('! 11ra · .~() tr(lJlJ \\·hnn·er \\a~ at 1ault · ).fotur Cnarh CompanY against the l'itY oi l'hiragt1, the Int. firm appeal- ! NE W JOB FOR CONVICTS in .~ irnm a C(lok count\· decision which '1'111.' \lt'r:--rh appr( 1 priatinn bill. \rhir!t I denil'd its Pl'tition for injunction a.~·ain~t I put . . sx.~.ooo into tiH· hand:-; ui thL' 1.. till' cit\· ordinance. \\ ·i. . ron . . in !:-taiL' pri . . nn a11thorities fnr thl' C!lthtrllcti(lll nf a !:-hop in the prison WARNING TO MOTORISTS l(·r til~· 111anuiacture oi automo!Jik P(lliCL' in man_\· citie:-; are ach·ising high" a\· 111arkt·rs. licl'lbc plat<.: ~. ~trect drin·rs of .expcn~i,· c l(Hlking car:- to b.c : "~.!..!11., :ll!d ..... imila: artirlt· ~: ha~ hee 1 \ \'lT~· cartlu l ho\\' thl'y pa..;s dcrrqllt . . t. L.:JH·d In (,tn·. \\alter I. J,n!Jicr. Con lntl!.;.itl:~. autnnwl>~k~, tlll th~·. hi .~h.:ray ..... , .,lrlll·ti(~Jl, arrnrdi_ng_ t(l \~·:trden Oscar It 1s Hpt1rted th,tt ,1 nn,· g·amt' has l.n·. \\JI! -,t;1rt \\'1tl1111 ;1 In\· \VC'cks. appcarL·d in tktt drinrs (li tiJe...,t· de- - - - - ·---rr\.·pit cars so met imc~ t n · t '1 ma kc 1.(':-." th:1n t\\·l·kr cl'nt~ Pitt ,,f t·a r h t hl' cxpen~i\·C' car nash int;1 thl'm. a11d ..;tatl' ancl !oral ~eneral tax d(l1br g1lL .., then immediately colkct damages . It· hi . l !ll\\a\·:-- . 1 I Car Comntandeered by Officer Is Not Allowed to Speed ... .... Electrical Trouble? Sutnmer driving is very likely to develop some forrn of electrical trouble- your generator may not be charging, or maybe it's overcharging \Vhich is likely to damage it or your battery~ Bring your car in-our expert electrical service will eliminate all trouble. 'There}s a new spring frock in your coal bill Yes, tucked into your coal bill is a frock you might have bought. Why not install Ameri, can Radiator Heating Equipment-burn less fuel-and buy that dress? You'll be surprised how little it costs and ho~ easily you can pay for this modern radiator heat. We will tell you gladly without obligation. ll7e Guara1ztee A II Work MILLER & MILLER George Miller Leo Miller - . = .=....- --=---==- , __ 7 32 Twelfth Street Phone Wilmette 50 II - - -=-=- =--=-=-=-JI William B. l,ucke 514 Railroad Avenue Telephone Wilmette 2020-2021

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