Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 39

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August 30, 1929 WILMETTE :oar over th e . lumbe rin g villages at mter vals of about t we nty- fiv e minute s un til far . a iter midni ght . Is it lll' tTs~;ll-~·? l s it a nu isa nce? 1 \\' h:tt can \\'l' <Ill about it? I LIFE 39 Public Forun1 TERRACE DINING . ROOM Main St. 8 Forest Ave. ... Ill Broad way, Evanston \ Vil mette, Jll inois. The Coolest Cafe Aug ust 27. 1929. ' I r. an< 1 ·' 'I rs. \\ ·al ter :\nh k Gill et te in Evanston ·' Editor. \\.11 . .\ II·:T'I'E L I FI~: .=i33 Ro slyn road. han: return ed t o th ci ; Luncheona-12 to Z P. M. O ur local ne \\'spapcr is ordinar il y home in I\:~nilwon h after : pen ding th e 60 centa ~:barged \\·it!J ta kin g ca r e oi the in- summe r at L udingto n, ~ Ii ch. ~1i ss Dinners-6 to 8 P. M. tcrrsts of t he vi ll agers, and I am sur- ~·1ary Gi lle tt e. their d<l ughtcr. r et urn ed $1.00 pr is c d t hat you h a" e not ta k e 11 110 1ic l' IHl111 c_ a .1 itt k tar lin than t he res t of of tht· terrib le n ui sance '"hi h has ; tl~c tan11ly_ and ~tayccl at t he home Sunday-1 to 8-$i.SO c.clllH.' upnn ~Hi r y ill age cummunity ~ !_d _\fr -.. :\ ltn·d .\! cD1Hlgal. 32.1 :\ bhott s-.TilCt· the.: opC 1 11 11 g ot the nc\\· airdrome. 1orcl road. _ ------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( H course as a matter pf law none ol these pla nes ha\'l' any right to ·fly · n1·cr the p rope r ty of a citizen. r-<'r al· C\lrdin.~ _ t\ ) tl.w l a\~' adopted hnc the 1 01,· ne~ ot a JHe~e ot rea l estate i~ m\·n- I n u t t'\'L·ryt lllng· under the -.urian~ a1HI c\'erything onT thl' :--uriacl'-the I ~ky. . I It 1:-. lltll :-.ll Tn uch tlH· ,·io lation oi the I right uwners hip of th~· Yillagcrs' propcrt 1 L'S, but f1r st the damage, " ·ithou t a ny cha nce of redress. oi injun· · ir0111 plane-; fa ll ing upon our ll<J!11t~. I and ~crone!. the terrib le diqurhanrc s can:-.cd IH· the ,,·hirr oi thl' 1110 \clr:-. ~.Y i.ng at lo \\' a ltit u.d e s n~· n our h l )111t' s. I " lucago ha-. an 11npertect l)rdinancc ,,·hi.ch. ii en ic1rcecl. \\'nuld probahh· oiJ \'J;ttl' the noise. Two tllClU!->and it·~t is thr Tn ininJ unJ under this tlrdinatlrt ' The mini111 um sho uld n ot hl' ! c~s than 1 inur nr ~~n~ th o u -.a nd feet. Then our 1 re~t at 111ght, and our plea:-urt· ]l,· da,· \rn uld nnt he disturbed J,,· the ll"v (~i the air h~ · the~e noi . . ,: in-.trU1lll'll t alit ic~ . · . Thett \\L' lia\·t· tht· rnnditilliJ here tl.Jat ;,.., ;t ruk till' tlperators r·i t lH·:- L · ;urpl~tnt·-. art· . L'11tirely irre . . Jhlllsibk. : and 111 ~urh ra:-.e t here is no ci,·il rcd:e:-.:-. fm tht.· Yilla .t.:·l·r " ·l1n -.uffl'r-. i11 i h1s per:-un m in his propnt ,.. 'l'hl' kast t he .'· :-.lHHt!d he rL·quirl'd . j.., that RIGIDAIRE ice cubes are a~1 indi,·idual bond be put '1p for each a.1r.pl a ne i 11 tl.~ L' and in an a nwun t :-- u ifull size . And there is alh~· 1t·nt !() guarantee the replaccmL·n t \Y ays plenty of them. For with (It any pr. lJllTty damage dt~nt.·, ;~-. \\'Cil th e ne\\' Cold Control you can "". tn a lk,·iatv a:-; far as rt)mpvll:-ati tllJ · \\ill any per:-.n 11 a l inj u ric~ -.u:-.tailll·rl nr reg ulate freezing titne at \Yill. dl'at_h r:tthcd by a fa lli n .~ airplane. <)t crntr:-t· t he ,·ill agc auth 1)r itit-. llhAnd not only that , but you ~lT\'l' "hat the ,·illagl' r s ~cc ;tnd hear. can freeze th e n1ost unu suai and ;tnd Jl< 1:---.ild .' · the _ ,. sh(luld takt.· tht· lll'~cssary actitHt \ri t hout the \'illa . t..:cr deli cious sa lads and desserts ht·ln .~ oh l i~t d ttl ur.~c thetit. :\ t all easil y and quickly right in your nent~ ii their attcnti\J JJ is ca lled ttl it o\vn hon1e. tl1rcl11gh om !nea l paper. tlltTC tlll~ht 1Hlt to hl' any di ff ic ult y allOtlt gl'lting 1 Of course, you will look for ~(llJlc redrt':'-. under the circu nhtann·:-. · Tr ul y yours, these larger ice cubes \vhen you I·:. J. :.1 r. \ r cl k. oJ ou'll prefer these larger ice cubes that freeze faster in · 1 Frigid a1re ·· ~ F :-.!Jcq·~· \\·ill lw tllllllh en·d atnung tlwsv i11- l cll m·d to t h\\ art the ad,·ancc of pro"- ' ~ I I T h. r L' s s. 0 t1 r h o m c s . s IS a a nd comme rcia l str ur -1 ~ Vuisance? t urcs a re k ept ab rt>a:-t 11 i th e la tl':- t dictates of ar chitec tur a l des ig- n, we pos ·css mor e a uto mobil es, per cap ita , than any oth er :-ecti o n of m etr opolita n Chi cago, and no w w e are loo k ing inn\ ard h<;> pe fully t oward t he compl ete s u cre"~ ~ ~ var! ous airp ort s no \\· bein g e-. t abb.., hed .111 thi s. ,·ir init y. \\'c ar · rapi dl y j l.> ccutJJTn g ";u r- 111inded"-i n iart. 'n'r l' JU st ~ hn u t "up to snuff' ' w here progr<'ss 1 s ro ncer ned. Pn1g re:-. s mu st not be hinder ed , but hy the same to ke n, it should he pr np<.·rl y reg ulated. , .Tak e th e airplan es, fo r in sta nce. Stnc c the completi on o f Slq· Harbor on Dundee road wr st o f Gle ncoe, we ha ve been the recipients of numerous ~omplaint s fr om r es id ent s, pa rticularly tn the west sections of (~lenc o e and ~Vinnetka , who deplore the di sturb mg. effects of "joyriding" planes, \\'htch, especially on Saturday nights, 1 din ·d:-; att(·lltJon t11 l h t· fn l l(\ w ing t·dil··rial wllil'll :q.l( Jr:a!'t·d ill t IJ, . is~·H it · o r \\'IL~l i·:TT I·: LIFJ·; col I· rt day, .J ul y 1 :1. 1:12:1 . :'\r d '.' : TIJ,. ··dit()l' l't ·SJH ctfull.'· l~esidcnb 11 i th e north ll L." H T buy an electric refrigerator. _ '\nd you'll insist that the shelves are at a convenient height. The Frigidaire food compartment is lined with seamless porcelain enamel. The conveniently arranged shelves are all removable. The compressor is concealed and entirely out of the \vay in a separate compartment in the base of the cabinet. We want you to see the beautiful new cabinets. And of course, we should like to tell you about the new low prices and General Motors The new Frigidaire Cold Control ··· a simple pate111ed device tiOW offertd by Frigidaire. liberal terms which make it possible to pay for Frigidaire out of its immediate day-by-day savings. Will you be our guest for a few minutes this week? You place yourself under no obligation to buy. . esas loW PrlC ~195 as~ STOVER :!Ulchlgau co . At all their oftlees. comPletelY. ll d irJsta e }; ,·anston Hif.:'hlaucl An. ut Uundolph · · 1631 ~herman G rN!IIIeaf 4480 St., (1.)1 Ave. A ,.e. J·ark · 382 Central J' lghlnnd Park 100 N. Jllchlgun Ave.) Randolph 49a0 , llubhartl Woods · 890 Linden .Ave. Winnetka 1512 Public St>rvlee Company of Northern Illinois H29

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