Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 41

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REAL ESTATE s·ECTION August 30, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 41 SUDDEN UPTURN SHOWN IN WILMETTE BUILDING ..... Ten Residence Penmts Issued In Last Month for Residences to Cost $194,000 \\'ihnette stepped out to show considerable building activity in the month ending August 20 . . a total of twentYfour permits having been is ued which hrought the total to $203,000. a substantial increase over July. The important news, howeYer. is the somewhat sudrlen revival in resirlent ial huilding. Had it not heen for thi:' \\'ilmette would not have made much of a showing in the last month. Pl?rmits were issued for ten new residences . ranging in Yalue from $7.000 to ~75.000. The tot a 1 for these ne"· hnm6 amounted to $194.000. which an·rages a little better than $19.000. A $75,000 Residence \\'. Chamberlain is to he the owner nf tl1e new brick residence which is to ro~t !!\ij,OOO. He selected a site for hi~ ho111e next to the Indian Hill Coli cluh. The lnt has a frontage nf 110 feet. It i:; tn he one of the rnnst prctent ious residences on 'tht north short'. Twn other permits called for l':"\pcnditurt" of $23.000 and $.!0.000 r('spectin~h·. The O\\'ncr of the fnrmer is Akx ·Janoras and the house is tt' ht' h11ilt at 401 Sheridan road. The other residence is to he built inr I ohn \V. Bnrnhuft at 304 Grcenltai a\·Z·nm. Other Permits for Homes Other n :sidcnct permits tah·n m1t Steel Residence for Indian Hill Estates DECENTRALIZATION IS IMPORTANT TO SUBURBS Spreading Out of Business Potent Factor in Future Development, Says George F. Nixon A were : !!rick at 1735 Kcnihn1rth an'lltll' inr Dr. :\xt·lsnn. $1~.000. Brick vtnt·e r at 1701 Fnrc ~ t an·JJllt· ior (~ . T. llcllmuth. $10.000 . Brick at lSl-l }.fapk an.' lllll' fllr Charles Braun, ~7,000. 11rick vcncrr on Iroquoi:-; road. Indian Hill Estates it1r ~I r . " napp, $1.!,000. Rrick veneer at ~001 Thorn\\'< J nd a\·cnue t'ur B. Smith. $10.000. Crick veneer at 1709 Lake an'lllll' for Carl Henrickson. $9.000. Brick at 225 Laurel aYl'ntll' inr Carl Hartman. $16,500. Alterations accounted for $7.3~0 ancl garages fnr $1.150. .\ ronser\·atPry front at .!35 Ridge an·nut· calls fpr an t':"\penditure of $4,000. n. \\.i lliam J. Pickard reports the sale, during August, of the eight-room, 3bath, whitewashed brick Connecticut farm house, 577 Woodlawn avenue, Glencoe, to Donald W. Rogers and Margaret Scott Rogers, 828 Michigan a\·e nue, for an undisclQsed consideration. Rogers is in the office of the president in the National Bank of the Republic. This house is in the Skol:ie Golf club district where land values have been increasing rapidly. E. F. \Vieboldt is building a $100,000 home in this neighborhood. Pickard has leased a store in the 907 Sherman avenue building to the Baby-Craft studio, owned by Mrs. ~'. S. Delette. M. M. Martenson was lessor. Pickard has received a contract for the management of four apartmentcommercial buildings with a total gross rental of $70,000 annually. Donald W. Rogers Buys Home Near Skokie Club The tren<l toward detentralization in business is named hy George F. Nixon as one of the most potent factors in the future development of Chicago's su hurhan rca 1 estate ,·a lues. ~f r. !'\ixon. president of Ceorge F. Nixon & Company, treasurer of the Illinois Association of Real Estate Boards, and prrsident la st year of the Chicago .Real Estate BNtrd. n:akcs this and a numher oi nthe. pointed observations. "Production costs ha,·e just ahout rcacht·d their minim u111, due to the marveloush· efficient meth'od.s that have prevailed i~1 _tbe manufacturing end of industn· :· said ~1 r. ~ixon. "Now it ::\E\\' departure in cnn:-;truction ui arc<·rdin~ to rt..' \Hlrts. that l' \·en the i:-; chic·fl~- ;t mattl'r l)f merchandising costs. of rumpeti tion in scn·ice to the fine residences is tn result if plans r~ · ~·i ma\· he ni steel. no\\· being wurked out are carricd to The la\\n art·a ior the new Fullans- Cl1Sti)Il1Cr. cnmpletion . :\1 r. and ~Irs. ~1 arcus her ho111e rnmprisc:-; (l\Tr 1(1,000 square "Thl hue and en· toda,· is cconomv A . F ollansbee of jJl Creen\\·ood ave- icet and lends ihl·li to unusual land- on merchandise e~pense. to the end nue, EYan~ton. are to han.· a steel scaping includinl! a iorma1 garden a11d oi g·etting goods quickly to tbe buyer h~mc jn thr \\'Ooded section ni In~lian 1 outdoor pia non111 ior the childrct_l. and the consumer. :\s a result we H 111 !·.states at Hlackha\\·k and Sh,t- 1 ~r r. Follan~het hand Its the hus111ess haYC had and art still having an bona Lane. at lt.:ast the hasir construe- ! in the \\Tstern tcrriton oi Follansl>re ennrmnus number oi consolidations, tion \\·ill he oi steel and. it is possihk. ! Ctlntinued on Pag(· 4()) amalgamations and absorptions in prdn to .t.,·oid. so far as possible, a cluplication of effort. "\\"hat. inr instance. is hack of the han king mergers in this ( 'ity? SimpMany Transactions Reported Involvly an endean1r to reducr the duplicaing Evanston Property ·iPn oi etTort . The same principle applie~ in the llll:rg-ers t)i motor car man.\ 1th(lugh Ckncoe has fnr some tinl'.: Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., announce the heen leading nurt h ~hnrc Yillages in ufacturers. food tnanuiacturers and rl'c<:nt closing of the following sales: building tlperaticm:>. particularl_v in tht· others. Frank :\. and Laura E. Darby sold llttmhl'r oi ne\\' residcnCL'"· the past "Curi' ·u:--1y enough. alt1ng· with this to B. ] . atld Frieda D. Spence the 8- thirt\· daYs has witnessed a nlatl'riai ·on~tl1idatitln and ~olicliiying of husiroom stucco hous t ..tt 824 Milburn i:tlli1;g o(f in acti,·ity. '1 <"~ and indn~try ha:; cPme decentral. ;: ; t t it ,11 ~, 1 i a r ;L :-; t h <.' s e 11 in g end is street, on a lot 50xl90. 0. H. Armstrong oi the Evanston oflicc of Quin The fact that nnt <'IH' p~·rmit itlr :t cnnn·rnL·<l. .\nttnnobik dealers dot ~ 1 1 1 llc\\· huildi1~g \\a~ taktn tl\lt. \\·hik. tlll Jan &· ~1 ~son. Inc .. was t 1e Jro ..::er. tlH· uthl·r hand. tin· wvre i~:-.ucd inr the rit,· and the ~uhurl>an an·a. And ren nt nwnths t \\' 0 l)i our largVictor E. Ortlund sold to Philip Fox remn<lcling jobs, is taken as an indi - \\"it hin o the 6-room stucco house on a lot 50x190 catitln that thl· building :-.(·asllll ~:--. est State Stn·et Stores h<l\·e opened -uhurhan t·s tahli~hments. at 816 Mill,urn _treet. 0. H. Arm- 1 1r;m·ing ;p :1 cln:--<.'. "l·~qnall _, . a s ·notahlt· has heen the strong of the Evanston office of QuinTht· rust of the \\·nrk authPrized 1)\· · : xt<.'llSillll of utilities. including transtan & Tyson, Inc .. \\"as the only broker. the six pnmits ior additillllS and altt~JHlrtatit·ll. tn t1H' ... uburban area. The Carol H. and !\[an f reel. Darmstadter at iolb \\·a:-; ~Rl.OOO. Thrc<.' pnmih n~unnH'llt i~ radical. acrur<ling tu old sold to Leroy \V. and Helen P. Haskins wt·n· issued fm pri,·atc garago. rnst·in·~· .;t;uJclard~. hut in reality it has thc 6-room J~nglish brick house on a lot i11g :;:l.(,XI. making the tPtal inr tht i 11 " t h l ' ~· 1111. SOxlSO at 1209 Noyes street. Pierre G. Jl:l" t t1 llfty ' (1 ay,, .;.oo.>(L'J ·f'n-. IO . ' City Service in Suburbs Beach oi the Evan.ston office of Quin'1'111· rcnHHkling and additinn iut "T!Ji, Ill'\\ idl'a. this trend toward lan & Tyson. Inc:., rtprcsentcrl both pru\Tilll'llt tn the 1·:dwin C. FPn·man. cit,. :--tan dare! . . oi ~en·icl' in the s ubparties. Jr. n·sid<.'llet', 9iX Forest aHiliH', is tn 'lrl " · 11}H'Ib up a it ·· tile ftelcl for the Louis P. and ~1arv \V. Haller sold to c'!ISI $(·0.000. arctlrdi11g tt· thl· Jll' l'nlit dvn·lopnH·nt ni :-.uburban property on Alex R. and El ic 1f. Anderson the 7- taktll out. the u11<.' hand. and it imposes responroom frame and stucco home on a lot 1 ,ihilitil's on the other. 77x175 at 2431) Prairie avenue. P"1erre --· · "\\' hat arc t hesc rtsponsihilities upon G. Beach of the Evanston · office of real <"-Ltte deYclopment in the future? Quinlan & Tyson. Inc., was the broker. Si111p1y the things that in some cases ] ohn H. and Helga M. Davies sohJ ' lames Crabb of \\' ilmcttl:. \\·hp ha..; ·m.· l)t·ing done 110\\'. In the lirst place, to Roger Sinclair and Peter McDonald bc.en active throug1wut t hl' building ~here 11Hlst he \,uilding- in other words, the vacallt property 75x200 at 595 Lin- ~ea~o11 in the Kenihn1rth territon. has t tl u:--<.· the phrase t)i industry, there coln avenue. Glencoe. ~fr. Sinclair is takrn tHit a permit i(lr annthe1: ne\\' must he 111anufacturing-. But the mere building a beautiful b.rick home on the building \\'IHrh he is l'rertng at 729 1'rcrtion t·i building·:-; i:; not sufficient. property which will he for sale. Clifford .\1aclean an:nuc. and which is to cost, T!lt' hnmt·s should he incliYidual in type Martin of the Winnetka office of Quin- including a t wn car detached garage, in..;tcad of all being built nn stock delan -& Tyson, In£., was the only broker. $12,000. ::igns. There should he segregat ion of Norman F. and Clara C. Lighthart It was the only permit fpr a ll<.'\\' th~ diffcr_t·nt classes ?f huild.ings. sold to Edward Noach the property building issued in the villagt· during· tilt ?\ll)St. 1111J~(lrtant ol al_l. l should sa~·· There were six t~ ~lantlln_g 111 adyance 111 e\'ery cletatl. 50x125 on Glenview road, Glenview, im- past thirty clays. proved with one story stores. ]. L. others. however. for rcmodt..·ling jobs. 1. hts apphes to h1gh _spe~d transportaCorcoran of the Evanston office of amoullting to $Hl,540, the total for th·: t10n, water, sewers, hghtmg. zonmg of areas, roads. schools atl(l eYerything, in Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., represented the month amounting to onlv $28,540. ... ____ fact. that makes for a complete compurchaser and Smart & Go\ee the _ _ _ _ _ _______ munitL The success of the endeavor seller. , Edward lvL and Helen P. Maddo'X Winnetka. F. M. Orndorff of the dcpetids upon tht.· liitying down on sold to Zoe L. Betts the 7-room stucco Winnetka office of Quinlan & Tyson, paper of an absolute replica of the (Continued on Page 46) house on a lot 65x196 at 705 Oak street, [nc., was the broker. I QUINLAN-TYSON SALES Glencoe Jtuilding Shows a Big Slump; Total Only $81,000 J. Crabb Takes Out Permit for Kenilworth Residence · 1

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