Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 49

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Augu's t 30, 1929 FOR SALE-H 0 l'~ 1-:l"i WILMETTE }'OU ~ALE-. U'UKH~ E LIFE TOURING AROUND LAKE 49Charles Southward, 306 Oxford road, has left Kenilworth with two of his friends, Dick Mann and Jack Ludwig, to make a ten days' tour around Lake " M ichigan. They left on Tuesday, Aug.u st 29, and mad.e the first part of their journey a stop over at Detroit, the follov.,·ing day. They will return to Kenilworth just a rlay or two before they go back to New Trier High :-;c hool to enter their senior year. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Congdon of Stonybrook, Long: Island, were guests of "Mi ss Bcmice Cole of 315 Essex road, Kenilworth, for a short visit last week. Mrs. Congdon was the former Marcie Beamer of Kansas City, Mv. 'i7 JOt WTD. TO DUY-JISEHLD. GDS. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND furniture and other· household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furmture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101 LTN 48-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT- 5 ROOM MODrn Bungalow, glazed porch, heated. C. N. W. train Rervice, 5 minutt-s from Depot. 1 bile. f1:,pm ~· ·west IJighway. A. R. Brodhay, Palntme, Ill. 77LTN48-3tp a.ES('()J;; XOH'I'll E.:\ST ~\TTH.\t'TI\"1 ·~ {i room hnnw. por('h, tile hath 1<1 \'al11n· Xewport huih: r. na~t front :!x 17~ fl-'t·t, do~f' to ~chool~ and tran~pnrtation. <.'an bt· bought for. <·o.n~ idt · rahl~ · It'~~ than n·pia<'l'll1t' t1t \·alta·. ClrJH·ot· !i:!O. 71LT::\'-4!1-ltt \Y\~ .\TT , & C()()XS ()ffer SELE('TIO~ <IF <'Ol.~'IT'.Y 1l0.:\11~~1TES On a hnlf acr.· of gTOUltrl, ~urrnundnl on t "'" ~iclt-'s hy :t g·oJf l'!uh . . "n ~ room HI:! FOU S .\J,E.:_JIISC JU.J.:\.~EOUS 111· !.-l\ 1101111 with ., hf·dro o nl~. ltath, hot \\::ttt ·r lwat . ga~ :111d t·lt· c·tril'it~· . just ou !- U ~\BY f'.-\HRL\C:E, EXCI<;LLENT CONiot , Llition, $1;i. Phone Ull'll<'Oe 682. ~l d ·· l' lt l'))lll'<llt· limit :-: of (;lt·nYit·\\". Tw11 102LTX 49-ltc c:t r ~..:· ar;q..:···· P1·i, .,. ~ tl , i::,n . In tilt· l'n \"il'lllllllt'llt tll' tht · lllilttli s :tnil FOll SALt·:- LARGE G ,\S STEAM Sun~d · Hidg·,. < 'uuntry <'lui> :-: \\'\' offl'l' a radi: : tur $2::i. Ph. \Yilnw1t e 2:127. d· ·lig:ht ful . homt· of i I"IHllll~, ~~ ridl~· 102L49-1 tc F01! :-;.\ 1...1-:-717 ~11<.'1-JJ(i .\X ...\\·E . mod .. rn. \\' lth t wo a!'l't·:--: nf land, with lnrg-r l: e au1iful r <·~i d e JH'(' , 2 cat· garag·t' , front- shacl·· tn · ~c·~ and attra1·th··· l:t\\· n m:tldn~· 1·'01! ~.-\LE - 1... .-\l lc:E non I!Ul.~B. f'ALL ing· park and LakP :\lid1ig·an, lo t !'Ill' tlw most iclf·:tl antl happ~ · ~urrnund \\"ilmPttE? :n:-:o. 102LT49-1tc ;.\lxlGl. Pri< ·(· $1ii,OOO. F1·r <ll'lails ~···· JIIg'~ for thr famil~· with childl't'll. <'lust · 11r <'all lV<' I'S('Il <'o., ]I);) S. Dl·arhorn t1· 1r : tn~portat ion . l'rit ·t· ~:?S.OflO.OO . KDI BALL UPRH1HT St. (' r ntrnl ii~OO. 77LT:'\ -I!l - ltl .\ mo~t pl··a :-:i ng t·~ tat· ·, < · lo ~·' to :\li~sion FOfi S.-\LF: piano . Yt·rr n ·asonablt.·. Ph. '\Vinne tkn llilb. t ·niYt· r ~i t ,\ · and :-;p,11·t:--: man ('lltlll1O:J7 . 102LT~4!)-ltc t r~· Clults an<l ":-;),_,. llarhor ... ' ' "ll ~ ist hlgof ., :t<T· ·:-: attral'ti\·t·lr l<tlHb· ·atH ·d and l ;oO}) HL\( 'K SOIL. PH. ::'ITR. l/Rl3A.i\ illlJtl'l·\"t· rl \\'ith a 11 ownt · l· ·~ htilll~< of !I llnffman. Morton Gran 5:1-R l'···lln:--, ., hitlh:-:, watt ·r ht ·nt, Pl· ···t ri<"it y . ., (;()0]) HlT\'S TX \\"1::\'SETI, .\ 102LTN48-5tp Tht ·n· :II'~< a g':ti'Ot'lli'l"s c·o ttag·,. i11H1 thn ·p , room :-;pnni:--:11 hrid\, 2 tilt> baths, ~·dar l'i\1' gal':lgt · with quartt · r ~ :1 hnn ·, watt ·r =~~~=~~-=~ - ~~ - --'"! ---~-~ -ium, 2 car garag·t·, <·l· ···tr'i·· l't ' frig- stoY<· 1H ·a1. TrH' lud,·d in th· · (J Utlluilcling-~ arr a 1 drapi'S anr1 ··arpt>ts itwluclt·r1 in j;rit··· oi· largl' liarn anr1 c·hi, ·l\1' 11 hou~t·:-:. Thi ~ i~ 10:1 W 'J'D. 1'0 JH! Y-., IISCELLAXEOUS fill]~· $2!1,000. a 11 1\lq attradiy, . h n nw for th t> famih· C'LEA~. WIII'l'B RAGS, room bril-l.;, ·) tilt · ],;tths. t·xtra ];,,... l hat i:-: :1 t t f':t!'t· ·<l h~· Ia r gt· :-: harlt · and n,:_ \L\XTEI> Hie p· ·r 11>. 1~:-1~ Ct·ntral AVl'. , \Vilmette. loiUilgl· in lo:t~l ' ln<'lll. ·· l':tl' g-:tl':tl-.!1', , ,j I dl:trd fl'1'<'~. t ng···llwr ,,·ith a t'ltiSt · prox 1 03LTN 48-tfp lwa t. $ :!r..:,oo. ilnit .' · tn g-o lf, lan ding· fh ·ld ancl '.'Til·· l...<d\··." 1-SEI> IIOT _.\'In FPfiXACE:, SUITABLE f"r S rm. huus<'. l~asy 3 <"UP washing \Y't~ _ \T'J' COC)\"~ m:tdlitw- hoth must b·· g-ood co ndition. Tli ·:.\T.T<il!.' \Vinn e tka 1419. 103LTN-49-1tc HE.\ L'l'( ll ::-; li7 \Yilnwttt · An· . \\' i lll lt·t t ,. :2 7:: t:oh \\· ,·a tt Clo·n\·it ·\\· ~ I --· J llS(' .EJ,J,.\X EOL"S 7iLI!·-Itt- r,1· :- ('";111:--: C't·ntral :\! 1?1 Sa Ill ( ';unphPll ~lll'thhl'lollk 1!"1 :!-1:-i:i . 7!11 . . '1'::\' lfl -1 (t· 11.\\-E YOlJfi OLl PIECES RENEWED r at a. r a~onable pri Cl' . Sil\'er refinished and mado absolutely tarnish proof . Ffll! S.\ LI·:-C,XE .H'TlE 1~ WTL-\~D ~fOXI·:Y Pnul 1 >awy, .Jeweh-r. ]l 65 \Vilmette nwtt~>. ( 'orn· ···. ~()() ft. frontag·1· on .·\ ,., .. , Ph. \\'ilm e ttt· t~ . 105L:35-tfc :\JCI!JEI!S HJ-!I<'K JIP:\11-:, TILE lllHII-' . Pit ht ·r ~treet. R r: t~onalJJ, . lt'l' ms, no 1; airr l'OI>lllS, ·J b:tth ~. lnl ;;nxt7:,. · :\' ~ar <"nmmission. ('<Ill n \\"IWI', \\' ilrn f' t tt · :1!1!' !--l' ho cd. l'ri··t· $J , I..,,iJ(I0. r1r \'\.inn f't ka 72~. 70LTN4!)-3tp 1f r. Con~don IS head of the mathematics department of The Stonybrook school for boys and a son of Dr. Jnsc ph Congdon of Chicago. IMI@Dll&li: & JFllsJh®jr~~r & 82.000 C. \S T RE:\'1' . CR()~lrY RE.\L'J'Y CC). li~S nE.\ LT< HU WTH. '1'0 HE\T-1-TH\. Hot · ~..:~ \'II.LA(a: Ol' . ~I'ECL\J, WIJ.)J}~'f'J'E \\'illl tl'! l(; :!:1 :!~ ,; i7LT~I ! t - 1t·· 1~<10:\r IIOl·:-;~-: .\LO::\'<: ~hnr·· JIP;tr trall SJH·I'l:ttion . X01lTfl lllU~t ASS.E~S)[E~1' NO. 261 J, .. rnoclt'l'n ancl C'tlntt'or1ahh· fun1bh· ·1l. \'\. ill l't·nt frnrn ~Ppt. 1 ;:; _· Phone Win . 11\'lkn 7:!:?. !Ill LT~ 1!1 - 1 11· ~1 ·:\\' E~<:LJ:-;1} J:l!f<'K lU~:-;fi>E~t'l ·: , ·I lwdrrn~ . . ~ tilt · hath~. att:wht ·d g:tl'<l!.;t·. !Ill \\' .\\TEU TO Hl"Y-HOl'SES lito! wat· ·r ht ·at . l.11t ;}IJ:-,:1:!~·. ':tlut· ,,., . can otf 1 ·1·. :1:1 i,!lllll . Tht· 111 ·:--: t ------------------\\-. \:'\TI·:J) .\ 11<1:'111-: 1:'\ Kl ·~ :'\rL\Yfllt'l'll . \\. ill p:t .' Ill t" ~:,o.OrJO: :til C';1:-:ll . \\ 'rilt· t!.i\ ing full inf11!'111ation. Addr r~s \\ ' ilnlt · tt· · Li ft· .\ -:>:. %r,l!"l -1tp !I! I 1\\'l!t·r ha :-- lt·ft town, offt · r ~ h lllllt· at g- r 'Ht l'd lu ·· t ion . 4 ht·drm:-: ., 2 ~ Jp . J)ches.. 2 l! ··t···i'··d :1 !1·1 .. r l · : ;t rl~· .\nH ·ri, ·:t'l til·· ltatlts , mairl':- rm . :111rl h;1th . ()il :t ilt iq ll t·:- :--llt· h ;t:-- t·ll· ·:-1:--<. dl:til' :-<, rlrt·Jl lt ·:tf l ou nt· ·r. ll<~ t \l';tl··l' lit :tl. l! t·autiful ]\· ·11· d "t'\\"i llt.: talolt ·:-- . l~> · tl :-: :tl! cl rl :i\· l>t ·d :- i!l :'l: t·;t l' !-Wht"ol~. rnlt g_, .. w:tlnut :tllll ·nrnplP. \l'l>todt·cl half :w l't· pltll. .\l~o gln~:--: . .~11· ·p :-: :111 11 11'<\ll~Jl. ;;::;-;- ,11(111. 1 ·r i 1 >1 :-. I11 · i ~·-; · -I 1 r:w. t·l t ·. 1-:; 1rl _ , . i 11 :-<J w1·t i. ·It iII\ it o·lf. '"' \\·:,sllill:.:t"J' st .. 1 loll\ . ~ ..... r \l:tin ~ t. 1 ' :: 1o1 1\:-. 1 ·::~ :- t .. r 1: itlt.:· · . \,. ·.. J·:,·a n " ' ~ ,, , !t:l] : 1 · :'\ I !l-Ilt' .\1 .\l!Y . \:'\"~ 11!c'l~l ·: 1~1 ·:. \LT<ll~:-; \\ i llll. ] 1111 77LT::\' 1!·-ltt· FOH ~ . \LE-\' . \( '. \-:\'1' 11 11 Sl. t l i11Jt (,.,l r." .t ~::!·1111 I" t 1 ·11 l· ,, :.: t'". t, Sl ;t 1illll !IIIII) ""rt " , o1 'a:--:11. I :ri ··!', II· :tr 1':1!-' h . Indian ltHl i; Ill IIi II If ill l;r·· lll' li 1'n t\'inc· ia 1 funt i tun·. llt'· ·cllt·J···i rt:. LqH stJ·i,·:-:. dtina , gla:-:--. J·· ' \\'h' r & )l:tiP:lll""" ~:..!:: \\;: t:-hint!.'t··n St. r : r .·t·nk:tf 1: .-,! · :~ :.'\1·. ~l : li1t St .. E \'; tll s ton. Ill _ fi!J f.T:'\" 1!'1- 1 t·· ------------~~~~~~~~ - C. R. :\()1~\1.\\. & C(). lUll FOH ~ . \I.E -IIOI'~l·:lloLll (;J)~. l:l ·:.\ LT( 11::-; .\\t·. \\.ilrnl'!lt · ::!lliti 7. LTI:· -1 t l' ~I ]-'()1t ~ . \LE l!EIJT!fl O :\T Fr·r:.:--.:T'ITI'!J-:. g·o(l(l f'Oildition . T . Kirkw1H·cl . . \pt. ('-1 , ~~fil -:itll St. . \\"i lnJdtP, 1fli1LI !'1-1l·· J.'()J: ~.\LI;: 11: J'(' . CJ ·~~r-J:'\1·~ W.\Lnu t lta 1i:t n I ~~·na i~:-:a tt l't' r1 i 11 i 11 1.!: J'l li>J11 :-< tlitf ·, p]:tl t· g·Ja~ ~ (O))~. ; ! :-< ~1111d :IS 111 '\\", 1 1'"~··wcoo<l :111 rl 1 m:thlt~an~· ht ·clrnom !-' uit f's, 1 Pullman , · Jtai ~~· loung r set. clayiH ·ll. r r··rl fun1., ru g~. t:qll · ~1riPs :11111 h~hltl . furn . ':'llu ~ t mn,·(· :-;, ·pt. .·. En·n·t hi11g" ro ·asona hl~· pric·t ·cl. ('all ~:11 .. ~un .. :tll<l :\J o n . frnn1 10 .\. ':'IT. to , 1'. :\L, ~:~:? Sht·J·idan l~u :1 cl . \\' ilmt ·11P. liHILT:'\"-t!"l-lt· · X< ITH 'E is here by gi\'en to all persons intHt·!-:itt·d that the Presid(·nt and Board 111' T1·u~t·· es of the Village of Wilmette, in tiH· <'uunty of Cool< and State of Illincti~ . haYing ordered that a supplemental a~~~"s~nwnt h t.! made to JlaY the deficiency in Spt·<·i:tl .A!'~f ·ss nwnt Ko . 215, for the impro\ t·IJJl'llt of Lak A venu e from the ea~t lin e of Ridge Avenu e to the north, .. , ~t lint · pf ::'II ichig·a n A \'cn.ue, (e xcept ano~s tlw ri~·ht of way of the C'hicag·o :Uitl Xorth \\'ps t!'rn nailway and ('XC(·pt al'ros~ the tra<·k s (Jf th(' ('hi<·ag-o, North .'hill'(' :t11rl ,\lilwauk ee ]~ailroad, and including tlt t' roadways of int e rs('ctin~· sf n·l'l:--: . to th e outPr linrs or lin e of Lalc e .\n ·Jlttt· (PX<· <·pt .\lain -~treet and Sherid :ln nr,ad) ~~~- Jl:-tYing with sheet a::;phalt and othvrwise improYing thE> samr, which inJpro\·t-m· ·nt wa~ pro\·idt·d for by Hn o rcli'll:tllt' e p ;l~SPd tlwrefor on the 18th da:-· nf 0.-ioiH ·r , A . 1>. 1!127, tlw ordinan(··· , for tlw :--:a nw ht·ing· on fill' in tlw oflic<' ,,j· til" \ ' illag t· <'lt ·rl< of sa id Yillag-· '. :tlltl ~; aid Yillag~ ha\·ing- applied 1n tlH' 1 l'roullt~· ('(ttll't Ctf ('Oitk ('(Hlllty, 111inoi~ fcor a ~upplt·m<·nt;tl ns~t's~m<·nt to 1>:-lY till· <1t·fil'i<'llt..\' in \\'ilrnl'lt1· Spt·<· ial A~s~ · ~s mvnt ~<1 . 21:1 afor· · ~aid. alTort1ing· to IH ·ndit s, and an a~~P~~m nt tlwre t'or ha .,_ ' iug· h 1 ·f' n madl' anu rdurndl to sn id 1 ( 'ourt < Dn<'kt' l Xo. :! til), tlw final h <·a J · in~· 1 t ht ·rt ·oJJ will IH· had on the ~tit clav of St ·ptl ·lltltf'r, .\ . 1>. 1~2~1. at ten o'(·lo<'k .\. ::'IT. , or :1~ ~non thPr< ·:-t ftt·r :u.; th f' lJU:--:i- 1 JH ·:-s ,,f thP ('nurt "·ill )lt'nnit. . \11 Jl· ·l' :-:O n!-; d· ·~ irin~· rna~· filp ohjPC'tions in !':tid court lwfor p ~aiel <la\· nnd ma\· :1 PJH·:1r on th e lw~ ring- n nd 'ma I;: e 1h l:' (r <],. ft·lJ :-··. center table, 1 rocker, 1 hina cabinet, bundle 3 shelves. C. A. Busick, Lot Nn 1670-4 boxes 2 banels, 1 stool, pail, chest, saw, tru~k. commodE?, 1 crate table le>a.ves, 1 kitchen cnhinet top. Laura Jacobson, Lot No . 1636-1 Chais(;' lounge, 2 wicker rockers. 1 cushion, 1 wicker table, 2 dining chairs. Peter Odefy, Lot No. 1237--1 trunk 1 hox. ' Arabrlla Lee, Lot No. 1415-1 Lawn mo\\'e J·, 1 wick_er rnC'i{er, 2 rockers, 13 ehairs, ii bundles rugH, bundle pillows 2 mirror standards, 8 mattresses, 2 bundies shades, 1 ironing board, box blankets bundle clothing, 1 couch, 1 bread box' 1 wash . boiler, l book stand, foldin~ table, w1cker basket, 2 tables, 2 stove bases, 1 medicine cabinet, 3 bundles dining table legs, bundle curtain s, 4 dress(;'rs, 1 phonograph, 1 wash tub 1 oil heater, 1 sanitaJ-y cot, 1 gas s to~e top stc>Ye pipes. stove zinc, 2 stoves, one ga~ stove, box stovE> parts, bundle 4 iron bed mils, dining table top, 1 ice box, 3 "trunks :~ bundles pictures,· hat box, book rack' :~ l~ed spring-~. 1 step ladder, 1 hall seat: 4 1ron b e d ends, 2 brass bed ends, 2 boxes . G. '\V. Gosn e ll. Lot No. 1012- T Librarv table, 1 round table, 6 dining room chairs, sm~ll ro<'ker, 2 !>xa~R bed ends, 1 bed spnng, ~undle 2 iron bed rails. Right r·r~r · n-Nl to reject anv and all bid:--. · TIEXSCH FIRT;;PROOF WARETTOUSE "\Vi l111l'l t t', ] llinrd:-: L49-2tc Do You Know The com fort of having your moneY inYestccl safely? YOlr feel easier having your monev 111 the Bonds and l\f ortgag-cs offered hv this Company . YOUR PRINCIPAL T~ AL- I·'( ll'! :-; _ \ Ll·:- <'.\~11 - < 'E:\1 I·:TJ-:1'! Y L< IT in ~ · ···t i1111 1· ::\' 1·. ::1; I :\lt·IIJil l'i:tl J' arl;., 11> ': 11" l'l1:tjJl·l. \\"ill ~,.]! ffiJ' lo·:-<!' th:tll 111:11'l,t't pri<"t ·. '1\·1. \\"innl'lli.:t :::! 111 . , - :JJ,'I'SI!I-1 tp St:Jt:\fEH. UE~OHTS F()l~ - C'OTT.\<:I·: rooms, \Y:J!<-hr(Jr tm , and t11ih-t. Par Ia].;( · anr1 g·,,Jf <.:ours.·. \\·t ·st :-;hfll'v l'a rl<, Tlian1ollcl L:t li:l', ::'lluJIIh·lt ·in . Tt·l. Jligllland l'arl;. :~:: lit. N:!LI!I-Hp ~ALE-FTJ!XTSIIED :-;;titl onlin:IJH'f' prn\'idr~ for tlw rnllpr·- I 1io11 of ~a irl :l~~~ · !'~nwnt in trn ( 10) nnr·u :tl installnwnts with annu:1l intPr('~t tll· · rt·llll :1t th r ra1r of six )Wr L .. tum p··r· a 111111111 as pn,yickd by li_t \\'. l>:tlt ·cl. \Vilnw ltP, Illinois, Augu ~t 2:-1, .\. I I . I !)2!'1. I ('JTARLES X EV.-\XS l'erson appointt'd h~· 1hr I'rr:--id r nt of tlw Board of Local TmJli'O\'t ' ll1t'llt~ of tlw Villag-P c,f \\' ilnwttf', f'ook ( nunt~· . Tllinois to 111:1l<e !':1 id a :-:sps:--:nH·n t. I I \i'/AYS SAFE-YOlTR INTEHEST PAID \i\THEN DLTE. That means Com fort and Easr m Old .l\g-e. and Protection for yonr Family. Call, write or phone for Current offerings- $100 and upwards. Never a loss to an investor at any time . G large> WAX 'I'E H TO UEXT-UOO)IS - Hl " :-;1:'\J·:~s - ::\L\:'1:, .-\<;E :~2 \VAXTS t'IHitn in attr·acth··· honH·, n(lt an apnrtr~wnt. Xo ot ht·l' t'lll!111l'r~. Tn l't·pl~· gi \ 'C l111l partkulotr~. .-\<l!lrt·s:--: \\"ilnwltl ' Lifp ..\-7. S:iL~·lrl-ltp 10, JN WI.Nn tim, room or rooms and bath, furnh;hed or unfurnished, · with or without mE?als. PrefHably in well-located priv- · ate home. Mr. and Mrs. P. B: KohlRaat. Sutton~ Bay, .:\1 i<:hig·an. , 5LTX 4fl-tfp \L\L":'\l.T l:r:.o\Y:'\" YEUWTI. ]l.\YI·:XJlllrt c o:-:ting· S:!.iO, pri c··· $:10; ~unroom funt. <·on~isting of da\·.. 1aldP, ·I ~traight r·h:1ir~. l'O!'l\ < '1' and fltlwr pit ·< ·f' ~ . ( ;,· .. ~· <·nanwlt·<l g-a~ :-:tro\·t·, it·f' hr1X, bi\H' f'hi11 ('!-'(· I'Ug-, mah. hlloi\! ·;I St·, ('OSt $1:i0; prit·t· $:)0: IH'<l:-<pn·acb and (lrapPl'it·s, :1 < ·anwl':-: hair r·unner ~. l'h. (;Jf'rwor 71. 1110 I /1'~ l!l-1 t n nnnY 21. nnrssEL~ n(·r:, .. JWlJT BX \\'ANTED - ~T;;PTEMBER Fn ·nd1 \Yilton rug·, 1 0' ~ .·14. Good ;>S 11<'\\'. J1enu1 iful eo}ors. J fnlf pl'iC'0. 'I'd. (;Jt·nC'o l 240. 1 OOLTX 4~-ltp FOl~ 89 - SALE- Sl"X 1' .-\llL( i l~ FPTli\"Tture and hah.r ))ug-g~· in good cond ition. !185 SprucC' St., \Yinrwtl\a. JOOLTN4!l-1tc W A ~T :E I) '1'0 HE ~'1'-1£011:-n:s CIIA~I~ "\VTD. TO REN'r l lOl\tE WITH NOT less than four lwdrooms, in Wilmettf' Ph. Wllmt:·ttc 3971. 89 f.A9- Jtc UPRIGHT PTAXO, CHEAP, good condition, $:JO. f'an l>e ~een at Jrednle ~torage, 51)0 C't-nt<>r St., WinnE?tkn, ot· address Ft·rt·y, 480 Hibhard rd. 100LTN40-ltc . . (JTI<'E OF AUC'rlOX SALE OF noOIJS- :-\oticf' is her by g-iq·n to Mr!'. AnH·li:t Kuhn, Elaine Loupy, J. l\L r opp. r . .A . Husicl<, Ln.ura Jacobson, Petf'r Odef .\·, ...\ r;tlwlla L1 ·<', G. \V. Gosn 11 and to all rttlwrs that may lw interestP<l hPrein, that tlwn· will he s1d<l at public auctinn, at the wnrr-ronms of Ren~ch li'irrproof \Vnr ehow;t>, formerly Warble Storage and Furniture Co., fi21 Main St., Wilm tte, Ill. bPginning- al 10 o'clock in the forenoon of tht> lOth day of ~eptembt>r, 1929, to sntisfy the Warehouseman's Lein, no.;w held by the undersigned. l\1rs. Amelia Kuhn, Lot No. 1589-4 card board boxes, 1 easel, 1 bundle three rolls drawing ]Ja{ler, 1 trunk. Elaine Loupy, Lot No. 1614-4 boxes, 2 barre ls, crate sewing machine. .J. 1\1. Cropp, Lot No. 1528- 1 Dining table top, 3 bundles dining table legs, bundl~ 7 table leaYes, 6 Dining chairs, 1 OUR INVESTlVIENT SAVINGS PLAN pays 6% interest and ts available if desired. TRUST CO. Third Floor, Oti· Builcli-aa HEITMAN PltoiM: Frattltlin 2400 10 S. La Salle St., Chica·o

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