Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 51

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Augus.t 30, 19~ W·ILMETTE ' LIFE · 51 A. D. 1929, as is by law required, which mette-Laramie Subdivision," to Wilmette division," the ordinance for the. same bements of the Village of Wilmette, proceeding is now pending. 1\ venue. Cook County, Illinois to make ing on file in the office of the ViUage The total cost of said improvement as It& 'entral A venue from Hibbard Road Cle'rk of said Village, and said Village said assessment. shown by the ~stimate of the President to Laramie A venue. L48-2tc having applied to the County Court of of the Board of Local Improvements of In Locket·bie Street from Central Ave- Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE l"aid Village of Wilmette and by the re- nue to lilenvi e w Road. of the cost· of said · improvement, accordport and assessment roll of said commisIn <ilenview Road, from Lockerbie ing to benefits, and an assessment thereVILLAGE OF WIL~IETTE sion e rs is the sum of one million, eight StreH Korth of Gle m·it>w Road to, Lock- for having been made and returned to SPECIAL ASSESS~IENT NO. !64 hundred and fourteen thousand, nine qriJi e Str<:t> t to th e Southwest of Glen- said Court, (Doclglt No. 263), the final hundred and twenty one dollars (.$1,814,- view Road. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons 921.00). In Lockerbi e Strt:et, from Glenvie\'v hearing thereon will be had on the 9th' dny of September. A. · D. 1929, at ten interested that the President and Board H.c1ad to Central Street. Now ·u.nless you the ~aid defe ndIn Centrnl Street, from the East line o'clock A. M. (Daylight Saving Time) or of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, in ants and the ~aid defendants describe d of '"Kings 'ourt Subdivision" to the as ~oon thereafter as the business of the the County of Cook an.i State of Illinois, Co urt will permi,t . and d esignate d as "all whom it may W<·!" t lin e of said subdiYision. ' having qrdered that Washington Avenue, All persons desiring may file objection s from the w est edge of the concrete pave· concern" shall be and appear b e fore the Jn G! t twi e w Road, from Lockerbie s aid County Court of C ook Co untv Jlli- Stn·d to the Southwe~t of said Glenview in said court before sai_d day an9. may ment now in place in Ridge Road to a nois at th e County Court House ·i;1 the n.oaa to a llOint thre e hundred (300) feet appear on the hearing and make their line thirty (30) feet west of and para1.1el C ity of Chicago, County of Cook and ~<,mth.e asterly <1f th e Southeasterly line defe nse . with the w e::;t line of Twenty-first Street, State of Jllinois, on th e 23rd day of Sep- ·J f s~ud L<wk t> rbie Stree t. S::t.id Ordinance provides for the collec- ln "Pine Crest" Subdivision, a subdivision temb e r, A. D. 1929, and plead, answer or ln Gl <: m ·ie w Hoad on the South side tion of said assessment in ten (10) annual of the north one-half (N%) of the southcle mur to the P ·t1tioner's .p e tition or o b- ~>f the ce nte r lint-, from Loekerbie Stree t installments with annual interest there- east one.- quarter (SE%.) of the northwest ject to th e report and asse:;sm nt r oll o f \'11rth of said UlenYiew Hoad to th~ on at th e rate of six per centum per one-qunt;ter (NW1,4,) of Section 33, Townth e commb:-;ioners afo r esa id, the sam e \\· t· ~ t limit~ uf th e Yillage of \Vilmette. annum as provide d by law. ship 42 · North, Hange 13 East of the an d th matte r s and thin g .· the r ein lt1 Gktwiew Huad on th e North side Dn tNl 'Wilmette, Illinois, August 23rd, Third Principal Meridian, produced north c.:hat·g cl a nd s tat ·d will h e tnkt-n a;; 1 >1' tl 1..: C(· ntl·r line, from Lod\. rbie Street A. D. 1929. across said \Vashington Avenue, exceptL·confl'SSC'rl and a judgment entered i~ tor·rlh o f ~aid Glt-nYiew Road to the West CHARLES N. EVANS ing thf'l'<> from that part lying north of accn rdatw e "·ith th · :-:aid reprort ancl th ,· li n·its rof th e \"illag-e uf \Vi'lmette. · I' ~ t~son appointe~ by th e P . resid e nt th e center lin e of said \Yashington Avepraye r of sai d lH: tition. I . I11 Thay e r .l.. n .! llll(' from Lock e rbie of th e Board of Loc al Improve - tHtf' and w es t of the west line of the lll Cnb; o f thE Yillage of \Vilme tte, tw e nty-nine (29) foot allf'y along the" Th e fol!rJ\\' ing- is a d C'~cr itJt i o n Clf th·· !-'tr~->r · 1, ttut·th of Gluwiew Road to l~ <t n· rg tH· ~-1. n : nut·. ('11ok County, Illinois to mnk e w st lin e of "Segl:'r's Subdivision," in !cot s, hl1ocks, trnets, pi ce: ·s u r pare.: ·I· rof In r ;rt'go ry A\·e nu t>, fr o m L oc k c: rbi e :::-aid assessme nt. lantl S(IUght to b e tak e n or dama gpd f,r ~11'\'('t to Lan·rgn e Av e nu e. L48-2tc the northeast one-quarter (NE 1;4) of the 1 thl' saitl improveme nt: In Lan·rgn e A\·e nu e, from o n e hun- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nnrt h \\fPst one-quarter (NVV .4) of said s~ction 33, together with Highland AYeTh e \\"e ~ t two ltundreu anrl t hirtv r1n· d and ftorty-fi\·e (145) fePt n o rth 1)1' SPJ~('IAT~ ASSES~DlE~'f NOTICE nut- anu Central Ave nu between the c~::o) f et't nf th e SIIUth nne hU!Hl n·;l I h t· 11torth line {If Tha . n ·r A n~ nu e to one west edge of the concret p:txemcnt now <ttlll 1ift~· (l.iO) fel·t of Sc·c tirm T\\'1·lltYhnndn ·d and fr·rty-fin: 04 5) f ·et south Hl,I.AGE OF WU, ~UWf'fE i'n place in Hiclge noad and a lin(' thirty fin· (:!:i), Tcown~hip Forty-t\\.1 1 (-l~) ·d till' s01 1th line uf \\'ilmette A\·enUI'. : SI'Et'I.\L .\SSES~DIE~'l' :NO. 260 (:W) ft> ·t west of and parallel with the XrJI'tlt , Hang..: Twl'I\·C' (!~) Ea:-t r·t' In \\.i lm e 1te AYl'llU e on tlw south side th·· Third l'rin c ipal · M e ridi an, lying c· f 1h· · t·H1t e r line.·, from te n (10) fe e t ~OTfCE is h e r e by give n to all persons past line of Twenty-firs t Street, together c·ast nn<l adjoining th e tm d r·f la nd \\'1 ·H <·f th e w es t line or LaYergne Ave- inte n ·stl..'d that the Pres ident and Board with Twenty-first Street from \Vashingco\\'nc·d hy tlw F o r c:s t l'n ·!-Pn·~c· Jlisnut· to tlk w e~ t limit::> o f the Yillage of of 'l't·ust e's of th e Village of Wilmette, tnn Avenue to C('ntral A \"enue and tott·id c1f t 'o1 1k C ounty n.n<l <:ll ll\'··\"t·!l bv Wil!111-tt e. j in th e rounty of Cook and State of Illi- gf.:"ther with ';I'wentil'th l-'tr('ct from Wa~h \\"a rranty DPt:d rt:COI'ded in tl1 e 1:(;_ _ In \\' ilml'lt e ~-\_\' · nu e_. on th<: north side 1 11uis, having ordt·r!:'d that a supplem~ntal ing-ton A w·nue to Central Avenue anu C"< ·l 'lh-r" s otlic~~ of C'ook C'ounty, Illicd tlw l't·nter !me, from ten (10) ft>et; assu;!'nwnt. lit- nutd e to pay the defictency to~· t>ther with all street and alley intermds, <111 .January 14, Et20, a~-: Dr1eu\\·l· ~ t t~f the \\'t~st lin 0 of Lavergne Ave- I in Spec ial . . \s~essml'nt No. 227 for the Sl'~tions to the outer lines of said herein lll\ 'llt ~o . 671;j '4!1 aud s ituatt·<l in tttte to tw ·nty-fi\'e <:.!5) feet ea::;t of tQ_e: improYement of th e roadway between the m('ntioned streets, lw improYed by gradth e Couuty of CIJOk :tnt! :-;tate c·f t·a~t lin e of Laramie AY enm' . 'g·utt1·r flags of Fifteenth Street anQ. of ing. paYi t1g- with r('inforced concrete ·pavel !!inni s. In Laramie A Yt·nue from fifty (50) f eC' t intt ·rseding ·streets to the outer lines of nwnt. con!"truding integral curb, adjustTlw lnt !~. blncJ;::-:, trnc·t~. pi··C't·s r1r pnr- tllll'th t·f the north lin e of \Vilmette Ave - Fi!lt·t> nth StrGe t, excepting the intersec- ing mnnhol<' covt·rs, building catch basins cels IJf land whi c h will not ]) 1· t<tl<· ·n. !Ju t llll!.: to tlw n orth line of "Fir<;t Addition tion of Lal< e AYenu e, from the south line and connPcting same to the storm sewer which will bt: uam ag- 1·<1 lJY th e ~aid im- t1o "'ilml ·ttt ·-Larami e !::iubdivisi o n." of !-:ipt·nc:C'r Av e nue to a line seven (7) in !"aiel stt'('et::;, and otlwrwise improYing pro\·<· nwnt, as reJHII 't t· <l in a nd bY th l' !'aid In J.,.aming·ton AY nue fr o m one hun- fe<·l north of the south line of the first th f' said streds, the nrrlinance for the c c1mmiss iOJwrs' n ·por t and a~~~·~!"lllt · llt dt·t·d and fort:r-fh·e CH5) feet north of alh:~· north of Elmwood Avenue to the same being on file in thf' office of the roll, nre d1·se l'ilwd :1.s fc 11lo w !": th e north lin e of \Yilmette Avenue to \n·st of Fifteenth Strt>t't, hy paving with Yi llagr C'lt>rk of said Village and said (cxc,·pt the w est two hun<lrc·<l and th ~: ." nc·rth lin e (Jf "'Fir:-;t Addition to \Vii- s!H·et asphalt and otherwise improving Village hnYing applied to the County thirt y (:~:!0) ft ·('t !J[ tiH ! :-'llt!lh 1,111. ·r~dt· ·- Larami e ,'uiJdivision." tlw s ~tnw, \\·hich improYement was pro- CfJUI't of Cool< County, l llinois for an hun<ln·cl at!_d fifty (lijfl) ft·t·U, L 11 t In L· ·da irt· A\" nue from on e hundr ed Yid ·d f o r by an ordinance passed th e r e - ~~sessnwnt of the cost of said improveThirtY. tw o (::2), in c 11 unty UHk's ;1tHl f1·rty-fhe (145) ft'e t north of th·J f(lr on th e ~Oth day of ::\Tarch, A. D. 1928, !l1('nt, accon.ling to b<·twfits, and an asDi\"1:-:ion, ill St ·dion Tw t: nt~· fi\·,. (:!~d. lll·rth lin ·~ .. r 'Yilm e tte Avenu e, to th e th e o rdinan ce for th e same hC'ing on file ;;essnwnt th{'refor ha\·ing been made and 1 ttt>J'th linl· fit' "First _ \duition to \Vilme tte- in th e o tlke of th e Village Clerlt of said retm'tH' d to ::;aid Court, (Docket No. 264), TP\\·nsllip Florty two (I:!) :\r 1 rth. I Larami1· ~uhdiYi ~io n.· · Yillage. and said Village having applied tlw final hearing thereo n will be had on nange t\\"t~ lw· (l~). l·:tst !J( th e Third Jn J.(Jd\t·r l.it" Street from Central Ave- to th e County ourt of Coole County, tlw !lth <lay of St' ptember, A. D. 1929, at l'rin c.: ipa l :\T pr·i<li :tn lyin g- <·a~t flf tht· · f 1 t 1 t t trat·t of latHl ownt·d lJ\· 111 "". l·'l·t'(·'-'.·t t:Ut· t~1 tl~ · · llllt'lh lin e of ""First Addition lllmoi s or n. ~upp et~en n .. a.~sessmen . ·o tPn o"elod\: A. M., or as soon thereafter " t· · \\ tln h-1< 1·-Laramie Subdi\'ision." ))ttY th d e fi c!t'n < ~· m 'V1lm tto Sp<'ctal as tlw hnsinPf:5S of the ("ourt will permit. J'n'st·n ·, l>i :-. trid o f t' 1", j, c ...untv and I n La\·..r·:..:·nt' "\\'l'llu e from o n e hundred .\~:-;ps:-:nwnt Xo. 227 aforesa id, accordingAll Jh'rsons d f's iring may file objections t"IHl \"t·Y<·cl hy \\"arran tv Jlt···d l't ·<.'r,rcl i·d ;t!l(l f 1 "·t~·-fi y ,. (J-15) fee t north of thP to be n e fit s, and an asst'Ssnwnt therefr:r in til t· lt t'<"lll'<lt> r 's ofiiv; . of <'ook <'<·llllIH·I'l h littt· 11 f '\"i lnwtt AY~IlU<', to th e ha\'ing· h(·Pn made ;1 nd returned to s~ud in said court befor<· said day and may ty, lllinrds 0 11 .January 14. 1! 1:!0 :t!:' lr~> rth lint· 11f ··First .A ddition to \Yil- ('out·t (Docl<et Xo. 2GO), th e finnl hearmg a pJWar on th e h earing and make their Doc unwnt Xu. 64J:.~t!t, ~itu:ttdl i11 rll··t t~c·- L:tramil · :-;ultdi\·ision ." tlwr!:'on \:m b e had on th e !Hh day of tl PfC' nse. Said Ordinance prn\·idcs for the colthe County of <.'IIIJ], :lllcl :-'t a 11: ·<' In J.;t p (Jl'tt· .\ n ·tHI <' from f'entral . . \\·c- Sept ('mh ·r. A. D. J !)~!1, at tt·n o"coc)( (10) Illinois. lllh· t1· tlw nr·rth linC' nf "Third Addition "\. :\1., or as soon tlwr<'after as the bu.·I- ll'<:ti~_tn of said as ·t·ssment in ten ;tttttual installlll<' nts with nnnual int e r·est Xo~i<:l' is :tlso IWI't'hy gin·n til ;ill l· t.·l'- ,,, \\"ilnh'tt· ·- L:tralllil' Suhdi\·isinn." ll('SS rtf tlw ('ourt will pc:rmit. SOilS itttl'l't ·~ lt·d tlt :lt lh·· l'n·si(h·llt :llld In f. ;t ml<ll _\\' t ' I1U!' from rentral AveAll JWr~ons dt·s iring mny fil e ohjf'ctiom; th<·t'<·on at th ' rate of six p e r centum Bon.nl cof Trustt·t ·s ~>f th1· Yillagt.· 1·f \\"il - nu.· t" the 1111rth lilw of "Third .Addition in sairl vo~urt lJc·fon· ~aid rlay and may twr annum as }JI'OYid(·d hy law. D:ttccl \Vilmette, 111 i no is, August 23, m e lt < ·, in tlw t 'ounty of (' c11d.: an d ~t: t t e tl· '\"ilml"ttt--Larnmit.· Subdi\·ision ." .tptwnr on th e lH·aring and mal<e 'their A . n . 1929. of Illinois ha\'ing· lt nlt·t·t: d th at lh· · imJn L :t t'r os~ .\v, ·mtt· fi·om ('t.:ntral Ave- <h'ft·nse . CIIAHT.. E~ X EVANS prnve m <·n t ah11\"t' dt·s('riht·cl 1o . m:r d t· . th ~' ltUt· t o til·~ north linp <of '"Third .Addition ~aid c'trclinnrwe provid P~ for 1110 cnllt>t'PPrson nppointE>cl by the President tion of said asst·~snwnt in ten (10). . anorclinan<·1· f c1r the salllt· h 1·ing· 1111 fil" itt '" Wilm f-tt<· -Larami t> ~uhrli\· i~ion . " th e oflice of tht· Yillag1· <..'lt·l'l.:: 11 f ~aid I n t 'v ntral .\\'t'I! Ul· frum Hii Jb ard Ho;ul nual installmt·nt:-: \\·ith annual intf't~~ ·~t of tlw Board nf Local TmproYe\r iling· ~·. a11cl said Yi!Ltg 1. ha ,· ing· :tppli , 1 1 tr· TinnHma P.11nd . tlwn·un :tt tlw ratt' of six JH'r l'entum nwnts of tht' Village of '\VilmE'tte, to tilt· ('llllllt:r C'c11 1rt 1·f <' 111 ok (' 11 unty f<·r In :-'k r.J\f, . ]:1 1 lll1· \·:1rd fi"IJlll ('l ·ntral , \\' P- JWI' annum as pt·u,·id(· Cl li;\' law. <'111 ·I' Count v, illinois to mak e an assvssnwnt 11 f tlw c·~<st , ,f ~ai<l im- nth · 111 :t lint · 1\·n (1<1) ft.,.t north uf [tll d (l :tkd. \\"ilnwttt ·, Illint~i:-:, .\ugu~t ~::. s;t id nss<·ssn1C'n t. IH "O \'t·nH' tlt ac.·m·cling· t11 ! 11 .twfit >', nnd an JI<II'<t llt-l \\'ith tlw tH·t·th ' lint · 1·f \\"ilmt'lt e .\. ll . l!l:!:t. assC'ssmPnt tlwrefrn· hadng- lt vl ·n matl e _\,t·mtc·. CH.ARLE,' ~.EVANS Sl,ECIAL ASSf~SSJl E~'l' ~O'fi('E an1l rc-turnt·d to sai(l Cc·urt. (]f·neral Tn !foll:-· _.\ Yc·mtc· fn1m SJ.;;.,kil' Hnult'Pt·rson. np))flilltl'd !1y . tlw Pn,~iXumlH ·r G"!,2:i7, tlw final lwarinfl' there- \"; trr] 1ro [('11 (!()) fC'i·l \\' ( ·!'\ nf th· · \\"~ ·~1 <l vnt rot tlw Bo;tr<l .~If T.nvn.l T!:l"' lint · (If Kncox .-\\'t·n u( ·. pro\·t·nwnts of tllp 'tllag't' ot \\ tl VILLAGE OJ."' WILJl'ETTE on "·ill h P. had on th e :?3nl day of S ept c 1 (' Ill" · t SPECIAl, ASSESSJIENT N·o . 262 te mh 1·r, A. D. 1!\:.!!l , or ns sr!fm th ereafter Jn Knrox .\n·ttU·· frcom <'· ·n tr:d .\\'<·nu·' nw t t·, .oo~ llUnty, lllots o to l\\'1llO" !:!(\) ft·l't :O:I·lllh cd' tl11' north llt :tl·U:' S<ltd <l~Sl'SSI1Wllt. ns tlw husitwss of th e r'ourt \\'ill permit. lint· 1,f \ ':il.n!' ·t t· · .\ \"t'IIU· ·. NOTICE is hereby given to nil persons All (1! · l 'S( I!l ~ (]vsiring may fil L· o hjp c tion~ In T!onHI!l:1 nnad from ( ' l'n tr:d "\ \'~~ lltll' interest d that the President and Uu:1.rd in saicl Court bt-fon· saicl clnv nncl mnY c,f Tru~le<'S of the Village' of '\Vilmettc. app· ·a r on th e hl ·a rinl.!' :ttHl 'mnk · tlw(I· tn ron ,. hundr· ·<l iltHl fc·r1 .,·- ti\· ~- (! ·Iii) f····t in tlw County of Cook n.nd State of Ill!" tH·l't h rof t ht· llt·"lh lith · 11f \\-ilmt·t It· . \ \'1 '~ e ff'ns('. nul ·. Y IT,T,A G P, OP \\" IJ," E'l"l' E llois, ha \'i ng- orde n ·d that a conneded ~nid onlinant·l' j)t'O\'i<h·s f o r th t.· payTn \\"iln1t'tt· · ..\\'< ·nur> frr 1 m 1Pn (101 f1 ·<· t SPE('L\J, . \SS~:SS11E:\T ::\H. 2:;9 systt·m of east iron main wat<·r suppl)" l111:'nt of Sairl :tSSPSStn l' llt ill tWPt1t\" t:!U) W\ · ~t ,,( tfl ,. \\'t·S t Jill(' (tf f~loll11·1l;t J;oa<J to pipFs \\'ilh all net:t·ssnl'." fittings and annual insl;dlna·rtt s, with annual itl l t·rr·s t "ll·· hnndro ·d an<l l!ft:-· (l.iill fpl't W<'~ t of X< lTI<'I~ is lwn·by gi\·t·n to all })t:' l' ~o n s l' llllllt'<:t ions :-;hall he ("(Instruct ed and laid thpr·pon at tlw rat e of s ix )) 1.: 1' c<·nt Pt·r th1 "· · ·~t lin· · l·f' Kncox .\n· nm·. int1 ·n·st l'rl that thC' T rt·:-i<li·llt a!Hl Br1:1nl in l~<omona Hoad from LakC' Avenue to annum. T!t l fcoll~ · .\ \'f·n ut· frrom lliiJh:trd Ttoarl .,f Tr·ust PI'S of tlw VilLtg·t· r1f \Vihn c· ttf', in tlw ~"ut h lin l of Hnit<·d Realty ComDat\·d n.t tlw C'ity of C'hkago~, ('(1\lllt~· t (I a lint · t··n (I (I) ft ·t· l \\"t·st nf tlw \\'l' ~t tlw <'rnmtv of ('ook an<l ~tatt· of lllinfds. Jl<-t n~··s First Addition to Skokie Bouleof Conk and State n( lllinoi~ tlli!" ~:~n1 lint· produl'l ·d IIIJI'th c·f tlw !'ii·votHl al!l·\· h :1dng or;h·n ·<l that. the first allc·y tlllt·th \':Hd Aduit ion to Wilmette, and in other d:ty of .Aug-ust, A. n. Jn!l. , ·:1,~ ! rof Flihkud Hll;t(} Ill! tht~ south Sifl.l' o f l I ighlancl .A \'l'llUC', from tlw west curh ~trt·1 · t s, a \'(' nuc·s and roads in the VilH.OlH-~n'l' .\T. SWEITZER, uf ~ ai1l Hnl!Y .\ \'< ·nu e. . linv of FiftPr ·nth Stt·e d tn the <'a~t curb l;tgl' of \\' ilnwttP, rook County, Illinois; C"l<·rk of tlw Count\· l···urt Tt 1 \\. ihnt ·tt (' .\Y ·ntt ·· from Hihkcrd litH' of ~ixtl'<·nth Strf'vt, lw impt·nv{'(l bv 1lw ordinance for the same being on file of ('ook CrHII!I·~·. lllinr.i~. Tto:1 11 tr· fr.ur hunclr t' d and fifty ( ·l ;j(l\ ~Tatling· anrl pa\'ing \\·ith n~ inforc .. cl l'f>~ · t- in tlw offi<'e of the Village Clerk of said <'IL\HLE~ If. .L\<'KSUX, ft ·"' r · :t~ t f1f tlw <·ast lin t' of Hihhnrd 1;~ n<l t't'nH ·nt ('IJ!Wn·te an<l r1t!wrwi~t· im- Yilbgt', and said Villagt> ha\·ing applied A ttorncy for P e litinner Rr .:t cl . proy, ·d: tiH· onlinall<'<' fo1· tlw sanw !win~!· to the· C'ounty Court of Cook County, L-1 . 1\--ltt' In S];:r·kiP r.oult·\·anl from \Vashingto·1 1111 fil1 · ill tlw offict· 1of tlw \'illag·p C'h·rk of Illinois for an asse~smt:'l1t nf the co ·tt of ..\n·r'l· · 1r1 th e ~ outh line of "UnitC'd sa itl \'ill:tg·,.. arHl s:tid Villag·e ha \·in!.!. said improvement, accor·ding to benefit!;, TtNtl~~ (" .. mpn n~··s First Additicm to ;tppliNl to tlw ('ntmty ('ourt r,f r'c1ok and :-tn assC'::;sment th t:' refor having been SI'JWL\J, AS~n:ssJIE~'l' YO'fiCE Slwld~ nmtif.v:l rd _.\rldit inn 1o 'Yilmc·1t0. ·· <'ounty. Illinois frtt' an :ts~C'ssmC'nt of made and returned to said Court (Docket Tn Pit1 c· Str1·C·t from \\·:1~hingtot1 An·- 1hl' t·nst r1f s:ticl irnpnn·c nwnt. at·('lil'Clin :..: Xo. 2G2), the final h<·aring thereon will Ylf,f..Ha: OF "rTJ,JrETTE IIU C· to the· f:llllth line· rof "TTnitC'd Rf'nltv SPE('L\J, .\SSESSJIE~T ~0. 263 to lwrwfits, ;)n<l :11l asst·ssm nt tlwn·f111' LP had on the !lth day of Sept(·rnber, t 'r·mpnny·~, First "\del it ion to Skol<i.f' !\. n. 1!:!29, at ten o'clock A. 1\1., or as ha\'ing lw<·n macll' and return ed to ~aid soon therenft0r as the business of th·3 :'\OTTC"B i:-; hc:rC'by gh·en to all per. ·ons P.nult ·\· :· r!l .\ddition to ,,.ilmettf'." f'ourt. (D1·C'kd ~n. 2:1!'1), tlw final hear- Court will ))ermit. Tn 1 fighland .\\'<'!HI<' from PinC' Strf'<' t int('l'l'~tt·d th:tt tlw PrPsident and Board ing· t lwrC'oll \vill b e had on th e !'lth clay ,\11 pPrsons <lesiring may fil(' objecof 'l'ru;;t<·~·s of th e Villag·e nf "Vilmett f', tfl ;1 nroint 011·· hunclr!'d :1.tHI fiftY (1:10\ (If ~<'ptt· llth\'1", A. n. ]!)~!). at tt·ll n'clnl'lo\ in tl11· County of Cronk ancl Stat · 11f Tlli- ft>c·t \\:··!"t r·f ttw " ·r-s t line of Pirw· Stn ·f't A. ~r. 11r as ~non th('!"(';Jftf'r as th e husi- tions in ~aid court lwfor(' said dny anrl may appear on the hearing and make In Knnx A n ·nttc' from 'Va~hingtr11, nni ~ . ha\'ing· ordt' r(·u that a t·onn ec- Lul lli ' S~ of tilt' C'ourt will ]Wrmit. 1lwir defense. Ranitnr;\· sf'W(·r ~y~tem with h JU~ t· !"\·n·- AYI·llU·· tr1 th r· srou1h linf' nf "Pnit"<l .r\11 JWI'~nns <lt>sil"ing may filt> nhj<·d inns Ttc·;tlt :-· ('rmlp;t n~··s First Add it ion tn ~:tirl ordinance nrO\·idl's fot· tht' colleclct's 'ail of YitrifiC'd tih· pipP, with lJI' iC'k ill :-ai·l i"Oilrt ht·frll'P said dav ancl 111!1\' tiot~ of said asse~snwnt in ten (10) anmnnhol<"s, be construct<·d and laid in th e Sl\f1ld f· P.oult·\·nrd .\ddition to \Vilnwttc ·. ·· :lp]war on the lw:tring and mai<e tht·ir Tn Knrox .\,···ntt fn1m Vi.·a~hin~ton nual installments with annual interest following ~trN' t~. aYenues, and rond~. in fense. thPrPon at the rate of six per et·ntum lhP Villngc of 'VilmettC', ounty of Cook, An·nti<' 1n n linC' t<>n (1()) fPf't ~outh of S:ticl onlinnncP provi(l f' s for the C'ollc·cand State of Illinois and connected to an :lnd P ~trall< · l with the south linP of Hirch- Uon of said ass('ssm nt in t(·n (10) annual PC'r n.nnum as provided by law. \\"flnd "\ \"(·ll u r·. DatNl, V\rilmette, Tllinois, August ~:~. outlet SL·wer in Lake Avenue·: In Rirdn\·o rod .\ Y<'nUC' fr<Jlll Ttnmon-t installmC'nts ·wi.fh annual intc·r<'st thc·n·n:t A. D. 1!\29. In Homor.a. Rond from Lake A n·nw~ f'HARLES N. BVA~S to the South line of "UniLl·d Rc·alty C!ltn- Ttnnrl to lhf· W<'st lilw of "Lnl<(·ntnn Sub- at the ratt- nf six pC'r Cl·nttun p r annunt a~ providC'd by law. P(>r!-;on appointed by th(' Prt>~i pan~' 's First Addition to Skokie Boui C' - di\·ision." Dated. '\Vi I mettt·, lllinoi~. August ~~. In Sc-hillc·r A YPnue frnm 'P.nmonn nn:lll dent of the Board of Lo<':tl Im,·nrd Addition to Wilmette." provement~ of the Villag-t' of \'\rilIn Wa::;hington Avenue from Rc,mona to th<> "·f·!'t linf' nf "Lakentnn Suh- A. D. 1929. r:l i\'i"inn ." CHARLES N. EVANS m~>tte, Cook C'ounty, Illinois to 'Road to Hibbard Road. Person appointed by the Pn·siclent In Ln kP A \"enue from Rom on a Rnnd make ~aid assessment. In Hibbard Road from the :--:orth line L4S-2tc t0 the Wf'H linP nf "Lakenton Subof the Board of Local I mproYeextended of "Third Addition to Wil- I I I I I I de-

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