Att!-!USt 30. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 3' HOLD RECEPTION FOR REV. W. E. MCCORMACK M e m b e r s of Congregational Church and Friends ~o Honor Minister A reception ,\·ill he held in honor oi the Rev. \tVilliam E. ' ~f cCormack at the Wilmette Congregational church .. n Friday, September 7. at 8 o'clock. The friends of Mr. McCormack both in the church and the comnnmitv are rordialh· invited to attend this re,·eption. · A farewell reception had heen planlll'd i or Mr. McCormack earlv 111 June hut it \\'as postponed on acl'(lllllt of the death of his mother. The HeY. ~f r. McCormack closes his 1\·ork with the Cong:-egational church ~ m Septemhcr 1 that he ma ,. assunH' t hr position as director of the Pilgrim Foundation at the Uni,·ersit,· of Tlli nois. He will ha,·e charg-e all th<· work done ior Congreg;l.tional students <It thr universitY. His headquarter . will he at the l'ni\'ersity Con~regational church of Champaign 1\·here a Hn· attractiYe studY has been built iur him this summer in the to\ver of the church. frround has been ' lllrchasecl and plans drawn for a ne,1· building solely for the use of the Foundation. The RcY. ~I r. McCormack has se rYed the Congregational church in \Vilmettc for fo.ur Years. He came as a part time student -\\'orker to org-anizr the young people's work of the church. lie \\'a. so successful in this \\'Ork that he was ~oon made associate pastor of the church and later minister oi education. Thr con~dence of the people of the church in him ,,·a . sn great that h<.: \\·as acting pastor durin~ the i11terim between the pastorates oi Dr. S. A. Lloyd and D1r. V. \'. Loper. The church made :o~pkndid progress during this period in spite of great handicaps. The reception of Frida,· \\·ill gi,·e the people of the church' .;ome opportunity to express their affection and gratitud<.' to the Rev. Mr. ~I rCormack, as well as to extend their .l!ond wishes to him in the important position of leader sh ip into which he \\·ill ha\·e already entered at .that time. P.J. Budi, n ger Made Chicago J.Manager of Life Insurance Co. F. J. Budinger. secretary of tht; \\'ilmette Hotary club, is the ne\\' manager of the Chicago office of the Franklin Life Insur<;tncc company. He succeeds Harry \V.. Menolcl who has resigned. .Mr. Bnrlinger came to \Vilmette in 1923 to represent Franklin Life on the north shore, and since that tim.e has heen doing a general insurance business from offices in Chicago an(t \\'ilmette. The Chicago office of the Franklin Life Insurance company is one of the largest agencies of that company, having produced in excess of $2.000.00~) of business la st year. ~1 r . Budinger's per~onal production la st ~ear was more than $250.000. ranking him as one of the leadin g personal producers in the company. ~{ r. Budinger was born in Chicago and attended the Chicago public and narochial school~ and the University of Kansas. He travelled the eastern hali of the l 1nited States in grain sales \\'Ork before coming to \\'ilmette six years ago. ~fr. Budinger's promotion ,,·ill not cause the closing of his \\'i lmett~ office. as he . pla1.1s to continue his eiforts at personal procluctio11 along the north shore. 50 Years With Firm HORSESHOE TOURNEY WON BY CONGREGATIONALISTS C.apture Championship by Narrow Margin After Losing Last Two Games The Congregational church horse:-;hoe team dropped the only two game-; !ost during the season on the last night of play last Thursday evening but ->till managed to come out at the head oi the list for the village championship in the annu~l horseshoe toitrnament conducted by the \Vilmcttc Playground ancl Recreation board. The Congregationals won eight g-ames ancl lost two and were cll)Sely crowded for leading place by the I. 0.0. F. first team which won ;;r\·cn and lost three games. The teams-finished the ~<;ason in the following position: \\'1111 of Congreg-a tiona I f. 0. 0. F. I Men'!'l Gym C lal';!< 1 Pre:-:hvteria 11!'; ~t. .J,;hns I. 0. 0. F. II s 7 6 5 4 0 Lost 2 ., ., !i 10 Pt>r Ct>nt SOO 700 GOO 500 400 000 The finals in the Tuesday night league were played last week and the teams finished in the following positions: 1 Per \Von Schnf'ider':< Booterv !} Alonzo]. Coburn, 915 Linden avenue, Ridge ('Qnft' <:liont'l;Y 6 6 head of the domestics department of "\\Tilmette Lift> (~fatzt>nt· Photo) L11!';t Rob Schuster Home While Family Is Away Thursday Thie,·es '.\'ho broke into the George 1 4 -1 ! { 'Pnt 70S . T. Schuster residence at 854 Sheridan road last ThursdaY, Augu. t 22. bet\\'een 2 and -t o'clock in the afternoon while the familv was away from home sto le je\\'eln· ·and trinkets hut failed to get anvthing of high value. The robbers gained entrance to the Schuster home ln· breaking a glass pane in the kitchen door. The robher\' was reported to \\Tilmette polic.e shorth· after -t o'clock '"hen the famil~· returned and found that the house had been ransacked. There are no clues Js to the identitY of the thieYes, \\'ilmette police report. t 1 Marshall Field and company, observed the fiftieth anniYersarv oi atti\'<: senicc with that firm ~f ondaY of this ""eek. Business as ociates- tendered him a congratulatory dinner at the 1' . I I 1 . Cl' v 111011 .eague c u) 111 11cago '1' UCS( l ay evening. Mr. Coburn is chairman of the board of deacons of the First Congregational church and superintendent of thl· ~unda .,. chool. He i:-; a membn <·f the ~I asonic lodge. Termin:11 A. 1 :Men'!' nym ('Ja:-:s III li Schultz & Xonl 0 c·. _,) 6·)':' 70~ 426 2S2 000 4 !l (21, 21) ;o;(')w~idt.>r·~ Bo(1tery Ridge \n'll( 2 1\·f 3 1 ·~J ' Ilt·rhertarquant )larquanlt Confe('tion~;>ry >· . Victor Deinlein H:tlph Klin~t> St. Johns l. 0 . 0. F. I (21, 21) Dan Fran('n !<,red Rudner (9, 16) Fn·d Prcwhnow Eel Cram e r · I r·, ,ngrega t ionn I Kenilworth Schools Open · o n Monday, September 9 (16, 21, 21) nollin SimOJHl:-· Mark Simonds 1 r Pn'shvtt·ri:tll dl, 7, 10) Tom Thun,;by I :t·orge Thur~hy l'ongTt·gat ional (21, 21) ltollin Simonds 1\lark Simonds 11 Carlos Photos Open New Studio Here September 3 Carlos Photos, \\'ho have maintained a studio in Evanston ior some time. are to open their new studio of portraiture Sent em her 3, in the ~I iralago ·building, If~7 Sheridan road. het,veen \Vilmette and Kenilworth. The new studio is a model of beautY and utilit "· Carlos Photos have gaine<l an en,·i;h·le reputation along the north sh )rr and the steady growth in clientele has made advisable a more ct·ntrally situated studio. - LIBRARY WILL CLOSE The \\'ilmette Public lil\ran· \rill he closed all dar Labor Da,: next .Monday, Septeml;er 2. it was announced this week. Rooks which \\'Ould ordinarilv he due on that date \\·ill he due ~~n the iollO\\'ing: da~;, September 3. Th.e 1929-1930 school term at the L 0. 0. F. T (13, 10) Joseph Sears school in Kenil\\'orth will Dan Franco start Monday morning, September 9, Fred H~Hlner the date on which all public schools on the north shore are scheduled. to open Mt'n':-: Uvm < 'la:-:s (10, tO) for the new term. An enrollment of John Sehmiclt about 42j pupils is expected. Supt. E. D. C. StcmE:> L. :!'\ygaard stated this week. Names of members of the Kenilworth teach- C'ongTega tiona I (21, 21) ing- staff for the coming- y<:ar \\'ill apHollin ~inwnd~ pear in next \\'tck's issue t,f \\'lUI E'l'Tl-: ;\l ,a rk ~illHr!Hh; I r LIFF.. St. Johns (21, 21) F'red Prodllw\\· Ed Cntmet· ·khnt~ider'~ Boott·rv (6, 3) . Will M:trquarllt ll erbert l\farquanlt o. F. r <21. 20, 10) I >an Franco Fn·d Haclner l ). r. Gym f'l:tss II (17, 21, 21) Arnold Ki..lJieht> Emil Salzman ;\1!'11'8 John M0.ore Wins Ulilmette Tennis Wilmette Post Office to Title for 1929 Be Closed o ... Labor · Day John ~r onre deieated Clifford Darling- in a closelv contested sd ior the \\'i lmette tennis championship ~'I onclaY evening. The games \\'Cre played on the courts at the Village Green under the auspices of the \Vilmette Plavg-round and Recreation hoard. ~foore took the first set o-4. onh· to he defeated in the second set bv o-3. and the final game ran to deuce before Young Moore managed to \\·in. 9-7. Roth men had qualified for the final plav with large scores. Darling rallied from an 8-10 defeat at the hands of F. R. Kilner to win his two qualif~· iu£ sets bv 6-3 and 6-4. Moore defeated 11. P .. Caldwell 6-3 and 6-4. Helen Spillane won the Women's ~ingle Championship which was conducted earlier in the summer. Medals \Yill be a\\·arded the \1vinners and runners up in the tournament at the annual fall banquet of the Playground an.d Recreation board in · Mid-September. · Labor Da v '"ill ' observed at the \\'ilmette p-ost oft. next ~1on<lay. Postmaster Joscph E. Shantz annOU'lced this week. and although the lohhy will he open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon no bu s iness will be transacted. The ' usual dispatches of mail are to be made, and there is to be one collection in the afternoon. There will be no Labor Day deliveries of mail, Postmaster Shantz states. ion a I (1fi, 12) H<,llin Rin. 101Hll'; ;\lark Sinwnds 1 f l~ong-reg-at .:\Ten's C:vm c'la:<s li (21, 21) Emil Ralzn,an :\mold !,{a Iiebe Seek Applicants forK enilworth Postmaster J o: b WHY DON'T YOU Read our classified ads for best values in used and antique furniture? FOR SALE- ENTIH.E CONtents of eight room house at 20% of value for immediate ~:;ale. ~29 'Varwick Rd., Kenilworth. Phone Kenil. 1504. Coast Guard Rescues Six Persons on Damaged Boat Evanston coast guardsmen saved the 32-foot sailboat. "We're Here," ov,;~1ed by Attorney ~ elson Wettling, 703 Sheridan road, Evanston, with five men and a woman aboard Tuesday night, when the craft was caught in a squall off Wilmette harbor and its mast was snapped off. The names of the rescued persons were withheld. The l'nittd States Civil Service commission. at the request of the Postmaster General, announces a competitiyc examination for postmaster at Kenilworth. Applications must he properly executed and filed with the commission at \Vashington, D. C., prior to the hour of closing business on September 10, 1929. To be eligible a candidate must be a citizen of the United States, must be in good physical condition, must actually reside within delivery of tlw office for which application is made, and mu~t have been a resident for at least two years next preceding the date of close of receipt of application. Applicant must have passed twenty-fifth birthday.