4 WILMETTE LIFE August 30. 1929 Dr~ver Turns Into Ditch to Avoid Head-on Crash I Work Started on ._~---~-------'·I ... Heads. Opera Club :\ car \\'hich ] . ~L Boyd, 718 Greenkat avenue, \\'ilmcttc, wa s dri,·ing cast on Lake a\·cnue \\·as forced into t he ditch ~aturda~ · night about 9 o'clock, when Ct·nr~-:-c F. Crabe, 2 1~ 5 :Maple a ,·cnuc. J.:,·anstnn, dri,·ing \\·est on Lake, t umed to the leit side of the r()ad to · pas~ anothn auto mobile \Yhi ch R. nc :-;t, ()J<J I~alllnna road. \\"ilm ctte, \\':t:-. dri\'ing \\'l' ~t o n Lak e. In the car . \\·ith Bm·d \\Tr<..: ~tr~ . Boyd and their daughter, and ~frs. johnson, 729 Eighth stn:d, \\'ilmctt e. Mrs . Johnso n. who ren·in·d .s light cuts, \\·a s attended ll\· Dr. B. J,. ~I itrhel l, of \ Vi i- I ml'ttc . ! E. L. Nygaards Return From Vacations at Summer Home E. 1.. ::\~:g aa rd, nf th e KcnilPuldit· -.ch11Pl .... .\1 r:-. . \'ygaard. and their :-.011 and dau g·hter. Dorrance. and Helen, n·turncd irom the Xygaarcl ~ummcr rottagt· nt·ar Hun1hird. \\'i s .. laq l~riday . . \ itcr ;1 11:-.hittg trip of :-en:ra l \reeks tlmll tgh tl1c northern \\'i :-:consin lakt.· -. .\1 r. ::\ygaard and son, I )lliTallrC. joined ~r r--. x _ ,·g aanl and Helen at the CDtt:u.!·e for the rrmainde r Pi the summer. ' ,,- ~, rth ~ttpt . . IT was so hot todJy THAT it made us THINK of a friend of OURS who saw a death NOTICE in the paper OF a man whose name AND initials were the SAME as his . and he CALLED up his best PAL and asked him if HE h.1d seen it too . J nd IF he w .1s going to .ltte nd THE funeral. and hi s pal RECOGNIZED his voice AND wanted to know WHERE in the world he WAS talking from ..1nd THEN went ou.t to our FOUNTAIN .1nd trr.lted HIMSELF to one. of our DOUBLE rich m.1ltcd MILKS which cooled him OFF .1nd hr.1 crd up hi s SPIRITS . so if this he.lt EFFECTS you · or if you ARE f erling low we sug GEST J simibl rre.Hmcnt IT works . ,;,;;;,;;,..;.;;;;...;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--.---. Dr. F. \Y . Fuerman \\"ill he in l'har~c of the Ci,·ic Opera dub\ fir:-.t meeting \Jr... . \largarct l~utt\ · 1,11 11i Fort to he held the c\·cning tli ~eptl'tllbtr \\.tH' tlt, Texa s ha . " ht·t..;l ,-i-,iting hn 12 at'-8 :IS o'clock. at the ~ham1ec da11glttcr. \1 rs. C. 1 ·:. I arrllln,·. \(,,)(, Countr.v cltth. i\Iarx and Anna OhtrnFort.·-; t :t\'t.'tlttC'. f1n· tm, ,·n,ek:-. . and rc- dorfer will present the program, which tm11l'd t1l hl'r lt1l tllt> Ll"t ~aturda,·. is to consis t of "Operatic ~likstonc s" \lr-. . .facqut·.; \\"illi:-. 11i II,()() F 1 ,n·~ t and "The Jmp or tancc (li Opera t<l an·llut· t'lltntailll·d at Iunrltt"tlll 1111 You." illustrated \\'ith piann :-.ckrtion~ Tul'srl:ty oi Ja.,t ,, eek at ~ha,,- ,H.' t.' irom the ope ra . in the Civic Opera t·~ ltlllt ry rluh it! lwnnr nf \1 rs . Run- rept·rtoin·. ( >fficns of the npna cluh N. T. Pupils From Glenview are urgitH! all nH.: mhn~ to atU'tHI the ~ ( lll . Seek Transport Facilities opening .nH:ding. Pupils of "\' nr Tri<:r ll igh school whn \lr . :tlld \J r .... _lal· qu~..· :- \\'i lli :- oi ] ()()t, F llt't':-l :nvtllll' \\ill lean· toda\· on :t ~I i ~ :- ~ Lt r g t tcr i t e C o r< 1 a 11 · i .!.2 C r tT 11 - li ve in GJen,·il'w and ,,·Jw han' been tt·n d:ts ri-.it \\it!J iriend-, 111 f. ottiq·ille, lcai an·nue, l1a~ (!.(lilt' ttl ('1,\Trt. \1 ich .. arcliSt(llllCd tn ridin g tn -.chtlol in the 1-.:' .. and l'h-H·I;tnd. bus ope rated ll\· the \fctrnp nlitan lor nn·r LabcH· da \'. ~fotnr Cnacl1 rnnlp:ttl\· "ill han·· t<l find nthtr nH.· an~ oi tralhpnrtation thi ~ ,·c ar. a rrprocntati\T oi tl~t · rompan\· 't at <: d 111 i :-. , n ·{' k . \' P h u " " (' " w i II he operated irPtn Ck"'·in,· 1<, "\'l'\\. Trin. ---- -j \\' ~r k was started last Saturday 011 the wid ening of Twelf th street from Central a\·enue to th e first alley north of Ccn"tral. Paul Hcschkc has th e con tra ct for the job. Two \ \ 'ilmct tc hu~inc ss in sti tution s, the \ \" il!'ncttc State bank and the A. ~- \ ·an Dcusen grocery stMC, located 1)Jl oppos it e corners · of th e '1\velfth street and Central a \·e nue intersection. arc payin .~ for the imprO\'l'll1Cnt. Th e ~·t rcet i:-; being widened. ho\\T\Tr. under the sup cnision oi the Village . ~i:-.: and a hali icet is to he added t n 'J\n·lfth street on each side fr m Central aH·n ue to the first all ey north oi Central. and the old brick paH·mcnt is tn he rc - ~nriarcd with a~phalt. The ne , , . . 1rt· <:t w iII he for t ' · i e e t ""i d c . Drains ,,·ill he m nn:<l hack to the ne\\· curb litH'. and otl1cr adju~tnH·nt:-; arc t P hl' made. 'l'he ,,·idcnin. !.!· and rc .~urfaring t ,j 'I\n- I it h :- t r c t' t n (l rt 11 <1 i Ce n t r a I h a . . been r<,nt<.:mplated i(lr so me time, and it \r<h nriginalh· plati m·d tn \ri ~kn · the :-.tn:d 11orth tn Lake aHnlle. Ob jection~ oi pruperh· r,"·nn s ratt~rcl the ahandnnment oi this plan . The \\' ilmctte .· tatl' hank and t hc \ ·a n Dru sen gore en qorc then took it tii Jll n thclllscln:s tn ,,·iden and re-pan· the street as iar as the first a lk r north oi Central an·nuc . The improrement is ·:.- x.pcctcd to · fari lit at(' traffic at th e T " l' If tIt "t n'l' t <tn d ( \: n t r a 1 a H'll uc in t cr:-:cct i< 111. Widening Twelfth Street Saturday ' ,, Prompt Delivery t hone Wilmette 634 Small Broilers and Hens Dressed While You Wait , .}b. Long Island Ducks, lb. Ger.uine Sprin g Lege. · of Lamb, lb . .. Armnur Star Baco'1, 3 lbs . .. Pure Lard 5 lhs . . . Wisconsin American Cheese, lb. Short Ribs of Beef, lb. Best Rib Roast Beef, lb Glenview to Celebrate . Annual "Davs" Sept. 7-8 ~at11rday and ~un<Ja,·. ~l'pll'tllhrr 7 ;tn d R. ~n· thC' date:- 11i 1l1r hn:lith annual t,J,,n,·anrt.· <,i Cll'm·in\· daY:- . TlH' program \rill nprn ~atur<la~· at· 1 o\· !1)C'k " ·itlt a parade " ·hich " ·ill J.lso tra,· er, ~_· nearh\· tO\\"Jh . C;Inll's <1ncl l'lllltcsts. it,r ~\· hich prizl'~ "ill he ;,.,,·arrlt'd. han· been arr;tn ·rl' d. Dan cing \\'ill hl' the fl'aturv <111 bt,th en> lllllg:;. 35c 38c 291/2C Sl.IO 73c Round and Sirloin Steaks, lb. Ham, whole or half, lb. Mor.·d : Even 1n thi s hot weather. you cJn find hope of rel irf . Just think of our fountJin. Treat yourself to one of our toasted to.1stir sandwiches. The y .ue delicious and cJsil y digested . 32c 45c 20c 30c 35c.38c Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. Cloverbloom- Bes t Brick Butter, lb. Boneless Native Rump Roast, lb. Fresh Hams, lb. Loin Lamb Chops, lb. Whole Leg of Veal, lb. . LEGION AUXILIARY 1T cliP. folks! ll o p v ~ · n 11 h a'" c It a cl a " .ntH k r i ul '"arat intt. llcre is a list of datt·:-. i11r ynu thi:-. ll11lllth: Thur sday ewlllng. ~·eptcmhcr ,;, sv\\·inr.:- tnt·e ting at the h11me (li ).fr s. Gct1rgc n;,.~~Icr. ~r PtHia _ \· t\·cning. Scptemhn <>. rcguLlr me<· I ing at the hnmt' of ).1 rs . .\nhur .T nhn~on; election oi oftlccrs. Tuesday, ~l'J)tcmhrr 10. Sc,·e t.l th eli strict meeti11g at Odd Ft.:llows hall, Hl lg't~r:-; Park. 34c Rib Pork Roast, lb. 27c Announcing Our 28c Pork Loin Roast, ' lb. Fresh Ground Beef, lb. JOe August Sale of Furs Large Stock on Hand SOc 29c Fresh Eggs, doz. .25c 38c.44c REBUILDING AND REPAIRING NEW COATS MADE TO ORDER Ceatral aDd Wilmette Avenuea Phooea Wilmette 28 and Z9 O.R.~URCO 901 CAPITOL BUILDING State and Randolph Streets, Chlca~o Phone Central 6049 Established 1819 A small deposit will hold any garment till called for MAPLE GROCERY & MARKET 1936 Maple Avenue, Evanston University 12-13