Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 4

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4 WI L M E T T E L I.F E September 6. 1929 . Henry Fordtran to be Wed Tomorrow to Chicago Girl A SOURCE OF · SUPPLY FRANK Wilson the baker ASKED us the other DAY where we get the IDEAS for " our Ads . and WHILE we will have to ADMIT that a lot of our STUFF is cribbed from OTHER writers morr BRILLIANT than we are, WE do jot down m our MEMORY, little things THAT happen to strike us AS Interesting and pass THEM on to you. and if YOU must know it our PURPOSE m buying this SPACE every week from LLOYD Hollister down at THE Wilmdte Life office -- IS to make you think of OUR store once tn :Miss Blanche McGregor of Roger s Park will be mar.ried tomorrow evening . . . · The Kenilworth Zoning commtsston to Henry arl F ordtran of \\ ilmette at "Christ Jesu ·· was the subJect ot th e · for ~Ion . ·h 8 o'clock at the Rogers Park Uethodigt les . in-sermon in a'll churches of Christ. ·. ha~ ca_lled a pub 1 tc eanng !~ Episcnpal. church. The scn·ice will be ~ cientist, on Sunday, September 1. day 111 ght, September -23, relat_n e to read IJ,· Dr. ClYde Ha,·, lvho will be , f t a ss isted In· Dr. -Barnun;, pastor of the The golden t~xt wa , . ·As yc 1 lave the rc-zonin~ of property ron mg on church. . , therefore received \hrt t Je · u~ t)1c \\'est "Railroad avenue,' \ KenihYorth, }.f iss Mc<~reg or\ attendant:; ,,·ill be Lord, so '"alk ye in htm ; ·.for 111 ,hun north of' Kenilworth avenue to the '! }.J iss ~1 arj ori c Eldrccl_gc, m~id of hon?r· : d"·e lleth _all., th~ ft~ollne _ s < ot the ( J() ' 1- Yillage limits for busin'e.ss puq~o s~s. ~li .s ~fildred Parker, 111 Bernt<.:e head bocltlv (Col. .2: G, ~) . The hearing will be held at tl~e Kent~·~n~ler on. }.liss ~~uth. T.ar~an.t all o~ Among ~he citations which c~m - \\·orth Assembly hall at 8 o clock, 1t l_ h~.ra~:o, an<~ ~11 s~ ~alHllt ·loan ot pri~ecl the Je . son -se rm on wa s the to!- is announced. 1 ·.\·a il :·..tt~tl. hnde:-.n~a1ds. . . _ lowing from the Bible . : "And the Jn·,_:-; At present the \Vest Ra!lroad ayenuc }.fr. Fordtran will he :~ttcndcd b', hb man·clled. sa ,·ing, "Ho,,· knO\nth t~ll. frontage is zoned for busmc;s f_or le ss brother, .Art_ hur._ a~ best mran. .r.h.~ man letters,· ha,·ing neH-r learned? than half a block north of Kemlworth Kaumn ~~ - . . I tllC il atl<l sat.(! ~fv 11 I u:-;ht·rs· mll he · L1 Carleton · ot · \\"! 1 Jcsu · nt - a\'cnue. The and Ldward \\a tcr I mettc. an c I . 11 . 1am\\eru . . . 1 t his · tint· o.;c f proposed re-zoning '1 11 f \YOU I .( Chri stian \\· . Schakr and Carl E. Clii - c oc tr f e I S not l111lh': HI! h·.. ,'. . · he extend the rontage ava1 a) e or )tlSt1 11 · ' me · 1 anv w1 111 co · I:. ' 1 ton ot. l ·.,·an!'lton. - man · tl ·r ness use for three and qne-half blocks .'\ft<.T a motnr trip tn l'anada the ·haJI knOW ot t 1 ll' ( nCtriilC. \\' lt: 1l. northward. bride and gr om \\·ill make their home it' he ~;i God. M _:dH.·ther 1 ~pea k l11 The hearing on the \\Tes t Railroad at 1317 \\'a:-.hington aHnue. J-:yan ston. myself (John 7 : b-l7l. . a\'enuc re-zoning proposal will be held Bnth }.1 i-,s ).f cC r<:gnr. an~! ~1 r. F ordTh e le sso n-. crmon abo mclucl ed I in connection with t!1c c~ntcmplated tr ;~ n a~-t g~;,L<luat<:s o t :\nr~lnre s tern th e. ~o !l o \\~i 1~g pa . sages fr ?,m . tl~e j "idening and improvi 1 .1 g of the ~tre.et lllliH'f:·dt\·. l he f_o rmn.):YI_ w ~ ~ _a !11e1_ :1- Chnsttan ScJel_lCe t.extbook, Scter~'"e through the entire \'tllage of Kendher of Alpha Om1 rro n I t :.oronh. "a s and Health w1th Key to the Scn_p- . 1nh from north to south to conne ct of thr cl:h:-. of '27. ~fr . F~rdtran! a tme s," b~· .\fary Baker Eddy : "lnplJc- \\· ~tl th e recentlv widened ~fain . trt et nH:mh<:r !of t,2h~· .\1 nnocoan tratcnnty, l it fa!th in the Teacher alnd all tlic ~~11 \\·ilmette on -the south and Centtr l! raduat~c 111 ::>.. · I emot.JOna] 10\·e we can >esto:v . nn street in \\'innetka 011 the north . :\n1cvcr a}one make u 11111ta - other public hearing " ·ill be held at }.fr. I:~~rdtran Is ~ tdl cr at the \\ ~!- him, will 1_ ~·-~~ta_tt hank. - - - - - ' to rs of hlln . \\ e mu st g~ and . d o a later elate on the \\rest Railroad likewi se . ebe ~\·e arc . not Improving , ;vtnue '"idc;1ing and paving pr oposithe great hie smgs whtch our ~fa ter tion in Kenilworth. I worked and suffered to be sto\\' up on r · · I l .. ( 2"' l · After Kenilworth res1dents 1a Ye >e<.·n th · · ·p . ~gl\·en an opportun1't y t o I)e I1ear d at announces the opening . . ~ .. [ the public hearing on September 23 Pder o t J24 F11teenth · . Harlow . G · ,:.trr . .· 11:: t 1 conccrmng propos ed \\'est Railroad of her classes IS lea,·m_g today ~o mot or to .. ~~~~cs\ I_ t, avenue re-zoning the Zoniilg commi sFla wh ere he will enter th e l ntver:o;t h · c. · · 'll 1 in nf ·Florida . He will be accompanied s 101~ of the nllage -~'· t recommenc . an 1)\· LtRO\· Steckler of \Vinnetka wh o ~ rdmance to the \ dlage board co\eralso will attcnll the universit\·. mg the matter. -oJose ph Joyce is chairman oi th e Richard :-. S. Betts. 1025 Thirteenth Kenilworth Zoning commi ssi01_1. Oth er street. !-lOll of ~Ir. and ~frs . Xnrman S. memb er . arc: Arthur B. :\datr. Jam es I3etts. ha s iust returned from a four C. ~1 urray. Harold 0. P.arnes, and \\'ecb' Yacati on at \\'aupaca. \\'i s. \\'alter Rotthof. 1 1 Christian Science churches Kenilworth Zoning C 11 p bl. Body a s u tc II earing on Sept. 23 I ....,, ·Edith Ray Young · Curtis Class Piano and Private Lesson Wilmette 3651 ~-- - ----- ELIZABETH ARDEN 'Paris f{ew York First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETTE, ILLINOIS announces a Free Lecture on Christian Science by a WHILE and maybe come IN and buy something. RICI-IARD J. DAVIS, c. s. of Chicago Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church Moral: A good buy makes a customer a friend a poor buy Good-bye! The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass. · The Arden Venetian Toilet Preparations gre on sale at MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9. 1929, AT 8 O'CLOCK The Rexall Store ., m the Church Edifice CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET The pubti·c ts cordially invited to a·t tend Ceatral aDd Wilmette A venue a PhoDea Wilmette Z8 and Z9 Central and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and 29

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