Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 7

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Sept e m be r 6, 1929 WI 'L METTE LIFE 7 DAVID LAWRENCE WILL LECTURE IN WINNETKA Famous Editor and Expert on Governmental Affairs Comes to North Shore Oct. 9 (Contr ibuted ) October 9 is to he a reel letter day for \\'innctka, the \Vinnctka League of \\'omen Voters and the entire north shore. for David Lawrence is coming to \Vinnetka to ta lk about "The Trend of the Times" in a fa~hion peculiar to La \Hence alone. "But \\' h o," you may a!'>k, "i:-; Davi·l 1.a wrencc? " Ile's a man who began a brilliant rart:er in the ne\\·spaper \\'Oriel at the age of 15 when. in 1903. he started as a cuh reporter in tht local room of the Buffalo Express. "\"ow he's thl' O\\'IH:r of the cle\'l'r, alert and able svndicatl', tlil' Current :\cws Features .. Inc. ·If you've hccn reading ~ f ahl..'l \ \ ' a lkcr \ \'illchrandt 's articles on prohibition ynu have David Lawrence to thank. For it was through his syndicate that the JH:w:::papl'rs sccurcd that series-j ust one exampk of the interesting type of new he sends out a ll ove r the country. Launches U. S. Daily :\nd he was t h e origi nator of that uniqttt· mediu m for fede ra l news, the l'nitecl States Dai ly. Cn like any othtr daih· newspape r in the count r y it has no editoria l po licy, no editorial page. It adheres strictly to its plan of publi!'>hing only news of the Cnitcd State.;; Cnn.·rnmcnt, of Congrc ·s, thc various <kpartmcnts. bureaus, ofticials an~l c(\mmittces. ~uch a man, you must agr~c. is wdl l'rl'parcd to speak of "Tbe Trend of th~· Tim<·!'>." \\'~ wouldn't ha\'C spac<: · I~ enough to te ll you in t l1is colun1 n about~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all his qualifi cations, hi s t raining, hi s accomplishmen t s, his big "scoops." It wou ld fi ll manv colum ns. I Spons~red by League The \ Vinnetka League of \~·omen Vo t ers is sponsor ing t h e lecture. T h e p r oceeds from it are to he app lied to its meager budget. The charge for tickets is to be a yery moderate one. A n d the lecture is to he giHn at Skokie school in \\'innctka. Urs. Ernest P. Bartlett is gt:ncral chairman for the affair. ~Irs. F. .\. .Get in your practice early for the de Peyster is chairman of tl1e patroiH:s :-; committee. ~~ rs. I. L. Hami lt cHI i:-. winter bowling season. chairman of the ti~ket committee. Assisting 1\[rs. ,H ami lton in the sale of the ticket arc: BLESER'S N'O W OPEN Bowlin.g Academy · :'11 r~. H. < '. :\k:'\amara, :\[r~. Fran\'is La('kner, :'llr~. Frank ( 'ra \\'ford, :\1 r,.: . .luliu~ To\\'lt-, :'\lr~. Lt'P . \ dam~, :\Ir~ . .-\. 1 I. I :tof·dhut·, :'llr~ . J~idon· I'Ctrti!', .\lr:-- . (; , :'II. l't·ar~on, :'lfr~. :\l iltt ln Stt'l'll, :'\lr~. 11. .-\. :\loni:-on, :\lr~ . ·John H. <'ochran. :'llr~. \\'. B. ( 'ormany, :'\lr:-;. ~\rthur ('u~h man, ~1i~~ l!uth :\ l atz, :\Irs. S. II. .:\1t·<'auh·y, :\ l r!'l . \\~. 11. :'\l('('aully, :\Irs. La \\'rt ' IH't · St<·in; :\Ir~. Tiohert De Golycr, :'l l r~ . . lamP~ .\ . \ Yhit<', ":'Ill·~. <:eorg·e :'\la~ st·Y, :'\ l r~ . .lamP~ Cl. Dwight, :\I rs. L. Jl. :'\<orlhnq), :'llr:-;. ll<Jg't' l' Rh t·rm<ln, :'llr~. 0. \\·. 1\:urtz , :'11r~. :\I orris C:n·l'lt·~· . :\ I r,.:_ Jo~t·pll < '<tamhg, :\Irs. H. \\'. Jh·als, :\ I rs. Be\'t'l'l:--· Bt·dder, :\Irs. John :'ll:wLei!-'h, :'llr~ ..John Bardt·n, .:\ I rs. P. \V. Bradstret't, .\1 r~. <:. l L Do\'Pnmu hie, :\ I rs. H u g-o Hartmnnn, :\1r!-'. ('harles Eastman, l\ 1r:;. A. H. Baar, :\I rs. Victor Hard ing, l\Jrs. A. \Y. < 'on\'NSe, :\I iss :\lartha C:l'mmi ll , :\l rl-'. ll-'idor · Lang, ::\Irs. \ V ·!ling-ton Cuo l idg-t>, :\1 rs. E l bert Clark, :\ Trs. L<'onard noa(·h, .:\ Trs. \\'. 0. Coleman , l\l r:-. Harry Crn ig-, l\ Ir s. John H. Dod~. l\ l r:.-·. \\'. R. English, l\lrs. <:. \ V . Kelly. 729 Ridge Ave. Wilmette 3544 "Wear· Ever" ALUMINUM Special Limited-time Oller Junior Thomas, son of ~fr. and ~Irs. Edward \\'. Thomas, 1136 C h estnu t a\·enue. ldt 011 \\'cdnesday of this \).·cek 011 a fishing trip in northern \ \ 'isconsin. Setol _,,_ ~Irs. liuJ.!h Fores111an, 515 E~!'>CX road. Kenih,·orth entertained a few friends at her home informall y on \\'eclne~daY. ~eptemher 4. 4 "Wear·Ever" Aluminum Regular' PTice · $J.35 (Set of covers 90c: extra) Sauce Pans Size 1OY2 inches 00 ::~:~ Griddle "Wear·Ever" Regular' Price ·· $t. 7S Special Prlee $ Coffee lP FOOD for THOUGHT T RUE , we·ll admit that Turkey and muffins and cranberry sauce are pretty good. And consomme and cauliflower aren' t ·bad. But there' s nothing like the combination of a tasty toasted sandwich and a delicious malted milk at our fountain lunch. It's an economy , too! Pot 1-qt. Capacity with Red, Green, Blue or Black Handle 9S 1 qt. size Regular PTice · $2.75 Double Boilers " Wear-Evu " 1. '.! qt . si ze Special Price $ 5 59 Regular price $:z.oo . Regular price $ 2. 2 Beginning Sept. 6th Ending Sept. 13th l JA special ca~~ discount of }0 N. -10 Snider·Cazel Drug Co. 1167 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 400-401 Auto Delivery Service in Wilmette and Kenilworth will be allowed on all aluminum utensils not included in this advertisement. MILLEN HARDWARE COMPANY 1219 WILMETTE AVE. WILMETTE 3060

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