September 6, 1929 WILMETTE Phillips and , Ka ssel sent the tying :-uns homeward in the Wilmette fifth. Evan,ton garnered a trio of .runs in th e sixth. Phillips and Borre failed to get together on F nd elli' s pop bunl anrl the . hortstop was safe at first. Standacrd bunted right hack to Phillips and he let the hall get away. .-\ third bunt. thi s one by Ha1e. again puzzled Phillips and Borr e. · Sweeney followed with hi s third hit and Zende-r dro\'c Standacrd and Hale across the ·pan with a single to right. \\' ith Hudolph on third and Smith on seco nd in the \\"ilm ctte eighth Baker flied to Zender who muffed an easy chance and allowed the tw o run :tcrs to sco re. On the at tempt to pick him off tir st, Baker took ach·antage of cnelll\' mt splays to go to third . Another local chan ce th e n went ast ra,- when Porterfield whiffed. Score hy innings: TI.TI.E. LIFE 9 Local Nine .Records 50 Percent Average in Holiday Activity \\' ilmette' s Chamber of Co mmerce ba se ball team split even in a brace of games during the holiday period. AJter trimming Higlnvood, 17 t o (), at th e Village Green ~unday, th e boy .~ tra velcd tn Evanston on the following day and lost for th e second time thi s season to th e Evanstnn :'\ew sInd ex ( ~[ a s o n Park) nine . '!'he score was 7 to ()_ In the Sabbath pa stim e High wood pre se nted a brilli ant defe nse and some able hurlinr; bv n owman for till' .Jot> Horrt· fi-rst two frames. Beginning with a ftve-nm rally in the third v\' ilmettc went 011 periodic r:1mpagc s at th e plate , finishing with l i_ght mark ers in the eighth. Joe Borre loca l guardian of the hot cnrrlt'r hurled for the home crew and kept fourteen hits well sca ttered. I le aided hi s matc s < n the attack with a tr ir1 (,f onc-hase socks. Liepe gathered hi ~ fourth hom er of the schedule. a \\'alk :!tHI a du,, of dtnJbll' s to lead the !neal clo uter s. Smith Cddcd brillianth· and his four putout:-; and thn:L' ;.lssisb helped Borre in sL·vcral ticklish s poh. ~mith's best effort ,,·as a note\\'orthv thrcl\\· to the plat e in the sl·cu nd t;, nab Lenzini \\'h o tri ed t o srurc fnm1 second on a singl e. · l ..... I I School Books New and Second Hand We have the official school lists of the requirements f or each grade, and a coffiplete stock of .everything and anything needed. B11y now and avoid . the I as t mtnute crowds. \\'ilm ·tt(' 0 0 ;) 0 2 0 2 S *-17 lG -t 1 lighwood 1 0 1 0 n 0 2 2 0- 6 14 4 Battl'rit·s - H11rl't:> and Hoblnson; Howman :tnd ()'( 'ollJH'l', H. I I.E. Wilnwtt t> 0 1 I 0 2 0 0 2 0 (i 14 :{ fo:Ya ll st·Jil 2 2 (I 0 0 ;~ 0 0 * - 7 !l ;{ Baltt·rit·!-<- K l'nn(·<ly, Phillip s a1Hl l!oh ·· in"· ·II: !Ia!!-' an<l Stan<lat:>nl . ' TO PASS ON PROGRAM The program committee nf th e \\'i lmette League oi \\'omen \ "ntn:-; will hold a mct"ting Tu esday aft ertH)()tJ, September 10. at th e home of it s chairman. ~~ rs. Oscar Hebel, 1210 Sheridan rna d. at which time t'hL' complete prn gram inr the year will be pa:-;sed up on. ~I i~s ~!an· Elizabeth 'l'u\Uhl'll<l. 1337 Ashland a\·crmc, i~ returning 1t1 her h om e a iter :-;pend ing the summer at Chippewa L ake. Ohio at the sun1n1Lr K en nedy began th e twirling dutic ~ hnmc oi her parents, Mr. and ~l r.' . fur \\' ilmette in the Labor Da,· tilt (hear T o\\·nsc ncl. at the E,·anstoll Iligh sc hnol gn;IIJHb. He humped into tr ouh!t: in the fir~t iramc \\'i1en Rud o lph fumbled an t' a~\' rnlll'r \\·it!t th e bases loaded and on.c LAURA STROND dmm. The Evanstonian hats put th e BARTSCH f ini~hings tnuch to his venture in the l.t ·!-!s uns in pi ann. ~ ccond and Grant Phillips reli e\'l.'ct him. lht·oJ·y, and mu:-:k,d H udt)lph. na ker and Porterfielri. in thl' \\' ilmettc third. l~udnlph tallying. Singles by Baker. 1\ohimon, ~inglul Wilmette Stationery &·Gift Shop 1155 Wilmette Avenue form. Tel. Greenleaf 6717 .... Vol. 1 Publishr d in thr in trre st of V.'ilm ettc proplc and the Ridge Road uicinity by the September 6, 1929 He: "Do ynu \\·ant mt to tell you ho\\· T No. 33 Shop on the Ridge RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY CARL :-;pent my t>Y en i t1gs at college;., She: "Sh -h: You'd h <: t t e r not ; bcre comes the chaperor.1." C. R E~~ECKAR. "I . imply can't :-; tand the toot of a "\\'lty not:" ran Editor. rs o p c n again. X ever mind, it is not long till · Christmas, the best vacation of the year . School Shop on the Ridge Teacher: "\\'hat is the best way to pre sene peaches?" bringing h;tck." h cr CLOTHES ARE MUCH CLEANER When Washed or Dry Cleaned b~ Shop on the Ridge Pupi l: "Keep them on a high shelf." Shop on the Ridge }.[ rs. Paul Bkser is wearing a smil<: these days. Maybe it's because 've have to start buying fall Shop on the Ridge \\. is e: "Do you care for sports?., NELSON LAUNDRY and Dr)' Cleaning S)'stem Opposite St. Joseph'& School clothes. Shop on the Ridge Gal: "Yes, '"hen find a real one." CENTRAL AT MAIN ST., WILMETTE Phone 1800 Liberal Discount for Bring and Call Phone Wilmette 316