Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE September 6. 1929 The K.nupfer Studios PLAN GOLF TOURNEY Miss Ethel Flentye Plays at Musicians' Club Meeting Kenilworth Club Announces Third I School of MUSIC Fine Arts Building, Chicago ill 1/IIII'OI!IIdll.f/ /a/;( ·s ]Jf('(ISIII'f /It!' OJi rllillrJ of (f NORTH SHORE BRANCH at 1 167 W·Jmette Ave nue. Wilmette A ll b ranch es o f m u sic. l ' la uu d t·JIHrtm t· ut in l'lu lr!lt' of A NIT A A LV AR EZ K NUPFE R Tui t iott rut t·!'- ~ IU . IIO tu $; :,.no .-o r 1 10 w t·t· k s t ..r m. U (·u rt liu ~ t o tt ·a t · l t~·r For illfonnntirnl Phone Wilm ett e · 1 s 2. or writ e for ca talo g to Secretary. Knupfer Studios, Fine Arts Building. Chicago \ , ,, ,.," " P·" ~ ,,., , I'· .1 'i.pr. ·mh,·t Qrh . l'upil' ,·rHnlkd .11 .rny trm,· :\\r . \\' ,1 iln 1-: n uJd , r l rmrh·d numh,· r o f pup rl ' .11 rh,· 0:oHth SlhH·' Hr .lrHh '"'! IRED ALE FIREPROOF W A REI-lOUSES If yo u are hre a k i n~ up h o u se k ee pin ~ thi s Fa ll. th e chea pes t. sa f e~t and. most sa ti sfac tor y thing to do is to store yo ur furniture and ? th e r va lu ab les. Thev w ill he sa fe fr om all ha za rd s and you will be relteved of a ll wo rry. Es tim ates gladl y furni shed. Fall housecleaning? Let lredale's MOTHPROOF Your Overstuffed Furniture and Rugs! 172J BE NS()N A\1EN U E, E VANSTON PI!O J VH W//,ll1HT1'H 1332 Tlle third annual golf tournament to he staged hr t he Kenilwor th club h;1s bern announced for Friday, September 20 and wi ll he played at the \ Vilmette C~lf cl ub begi nn ing at 1 o'cloc k in t!le afternoon. There wi ll be medal play. IR holes, handicap. I "Success of the tournament hst \'Car." reads a notice of the C\'ent, I "makes nnl~· a brief announcement RETURNS FROM EAST ! neces sary. This is an annual e\'ent, ~1iss Estelle Swigart, daughter (lf anticipi1tcd h~· all our golfing members. ~ I r. and ~1 rs. R H. s,vigart. 1037 Ash- \\'c L)ll)\' need 111Ciltion the gastronomiC !and an·m1e. returned recently fn1111 t!H' feature~. the 19th hole. the ca libre ·nt East. \Yherl' sh(' has been stu(h·ing at the field. the at t ractircncss of a round the Surette School oi ~lusic in Con- ni golf de\'nted tn K(' nil\\'orth ~luh cord. ~ l ass. ~fiss S"·igart., ,,·hn i~ a lll('ll. \ ' <Jill" persnnal friends and netghrellist \\ell knmrn in north shore hors . · \\'e know yuu haven't forgotten mu~ir circle..;, gave seycral concerts last n·ar! :\ nd ho\\' !" during her sta\· in the East. Th-e rluh committee requests that re..;cn·atitllh he made prompt ! ~· fnr t~11s \fr. and \fr:-;. Gcor. !_!(' ncn 011 ;tnd C\'Cllt. The field is to he limited to datlt..:"htt·r. Kathr\'11, and :->Oil. t;cprge. l'ighty g 1 ) 1 icr~ . 1-:ntrie:-> wi ll he rcc:·i\·l·.cl lr.. nl .?10 ~lclrn:-;c an'tllH.' . KcnihYnrth llll t latn than ~epte111hrr 17, 1t b r~·turned 'l'ue:-;da" t/()111 .l'nl(lrad~ 1 · :-. tatl'd . r~athrnt h:t:' l>cl'll at (_ alllp \c\\~k~l :11 The C01111llittce in l·hargc nf thr g'llf( 1 lltll·aclo 11 1r the ~llllllJH' r and JCltllul . . -. , f the following· hvr paJTilb. ior a t\\ (l \\·cd.::-.' Yi~it at 111g C\'l'llt h COlllprt:-.t:_c 1 0 _ · thL: 1: r 1 1adnHl(~r lwtel. l'nlnrad t> ~pring:-:. , Hnhcrt . Tayl?.r· ~'ar: Kn.rra.dy, 13-~l pt: '>t'\tll'\' n·turiJlllg· IJomc . . l l;t\\' XItllr~t. \ \ ,titer .\ndcr-;cn, Frcutk - n' h:ttcltatn. Le<lll E llis. T<llll Dix. (~rant lktt ,. Kctcll:l!n, ld 1 :\hhlltt-.ic·rd r.,ad. Ridgwa _ , .. \ \ 'alter \\ '~·lie. I larry \\' c.c:"c. \\ llih\l>rtll ha " rl'tmnt·d iro111 Ca111p ]~alph ~tarr. Jnhn Olest>ll, \ \ arcl \t·\\ak ;t in ('I.](IJ':tdtl \\ hl'r\' ...,!Jc lla:- 1~tarrctt. ~amuc l Clark. C l ay.tn~l nurclt, " t'l'll inr t wn lllPlll l!:-.. , and _I arqucs De l.a Chappdl< · gue . t artist at the first. t.nee~ing of the :\ort h ~hore ~ f ustctans cl ub. which wi ll be held at the home r'f \Irs. Ru l)\· Fo,· Truitt in Dcerfil'ld TuesdaY ·aftcr;1oon. Sc,ptemhcr 10. ~1 rs. T-r uit t will he a~sisted as hostcs:-; 1 )\· ~1 rs. Dorot lw Cordts and ~Irs. FredL·ric 0. Ebeling. The yr0gram \\'ill comist of .folk songs o.t all 11:1 ~ ~inns and prnmtscs to he ol uousual 111tcrcst . . . ~Tis. Ethe l Flc n ty~. p ian ist. ,wi ll lJt~ Annual Competitive Event · to Staged at Wilmette Golf Club Be I ..... I I J · ,..,, 1 STORAG~ September Fur Sale! l ( "' ~~.~ s,.~.~ ,~,~-;,~ ... \J a ... .,ag- t ·-(;~ rnn as llt'S l ' tiiT t·c· t ht· Wo r k ni alit.! .Joi nt "' S pfu p GURLI LAGERGREN I'l l ; E lrn :-; t. " i 1111 d k a I I :: I ~I i:-;:-. Lnrctta \ \ ' hite. td3 Cumntlr road. Ktnii\\'Orth returned Tut~sd~'. September 2. to her home in Kcntl\\'(lrth iro111 \\' ani. Culu., \\·herl' :- lot' has been si11ce the first part of _Iu!lL' . ~fi~s Charl1)tk ~~ (10d\' ni Kcnilwort h rl'turnl'd abo \\'ith }.1iss \ \ 'hite. Highest Grade UPHOLSTERING .Cabinet Work Drapery and U pbolstery Fabrica ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order .... 35% SAVING, Trade in Don ' t thro w your old coar awa y. Bring it in and we will make you a liberal " Trade in " allowance on ir tow ards your new coa t. H. G. LINDW ALL Highest Grade U pbolstering 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l ~llllllllllllillll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllll l lllllllllllllllllllllll ll lllllll lll l lj FTL Y FASHIONED D ,E FUR COATS for the coming Fall and Winter. In elegant new models that radiate vibrant Fur youthfulness Repairing each fur irresistibly W t a rt ex pert s in luxurious! fur repairin g and emplo y on ly the m os t skill ed work men. - - Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES 1 1 A. M. WEDNESDAY- TESTIMONIAL MEETING- 8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES- 9:45 A. M. St: r ~ DA Y -· SEPTEMB.ER 8, 1929 Subject: MAN ·READING ROOMt163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.: Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible a~d Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read. borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED 'tO ATTEND THii CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM M. B. OKEAN CO. Manufacturing Furriers 567 Lincoln Phone 2752 - Winnetka 7 ollllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli': =

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