Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 18

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18 RETURNING FROM VISIT WILMETTE LIFE Septemb e r 6. 1929 BAHA'I LECTURE . "Et 1 L'fe" is t he subject of the M arv Jane Th oma_s and Sduz~nf ne lect~rrnt~ b~ ~iven by Alber t \ \ .inTh oma :- , daught r s o t :\lr. an n rs . . · 11 f E . \\'. T ho mas, 113(] Che :- tnut avenue, du s t :-! f, _ Chtcago a t ~o undat 10n ha . o \\ ill return o n ~1 o n rla y fr om Bro wn 's Ba h a I 1 e mpl e. ,~ hendan ro~cl a~d ;4m~ t' \ \. i5 wh e r e.: th eY I de n a \·e nu e. \\ tlm ette, Su.1da! ~tt e r I .,. k · l 'ttrlt·t,...,.to ' Yis .,..,it ing '· th ei· r., g randm oth e r, - 'l t ~c>o n. ·· c.: pt em 1 8 t -l ' I ck '1 h es h·" a,·c been >e r 'a . 0 c 0 · :e ~fr -.. L. :\f. Fr tnch. io r sc:n ral wee k. . :-- un da,· l<.: c-t ur e · a rc t r ee to t he pu 11 > tc. ~f an· Jane will en ter ~ C\\' Tri c·r liig h .rhn~·l thi . . ia1 1 a:- , a . oplwmo r t.:. H t' r 1 :\l r:-. Harn· Cum be rland , 119 Fqth ~i .. t er. ~u t anne , wi ll retur n t o t ht.: S t olp \ :'l t r<:e t. ~ 1a:; as h er g ue t he: aun t , :\frs. . . rh<~ol. . . Anna·: etch fi eld of Au · t1aha . 1 · · · Music Leader E. E. Stults Realty Sells Important ,Evanston ~orner Joscph Arncmann and ~l ane K. Arn cmann have ju s ~ sold to Emn'a Sch \\'icring a thr ee -quarter int e re ~ t. a nd R obe rt :\1 . Doy le a on e- quart -.: r int <: rcst in the 12 ap a rtment p r bpert y l0cat ·cl at the nor th\\·est co rn er of Sherman a ,·enu e and Em erso n "tr t' t t. J·: van . t on. The lot is SOx 1-lS. r en ~a l ahout S12,000. at an unrli :; cl oscd co n sid er ati on subj ect to e ncumbr a nce 0 f S5S,(J()() _ :\f r. and :\f r s. A rn unan n too k in excl1a nge tw t nty-h\·c ac r e. cle:tr on Gr et n Ba ,· roa d. Fn o ·h a coun ty, \ Yi . ., tnc;tt he r- \Yi t h a t h r<:c- Aa t build in g 1 uca t c~l a t 77z- \' . P a ul ina st reet: Chi cag(J, sub ject to <: 11 Ctl1111> r ance ·1 1 SZO.OO O . F. . E. Stul t... R ea lty C ·l m pa!·~ ~ r cp ~ tse nt e: d all partits an d \\'i ll cnntinu e in t ht n1a na gemc n t of th · pr0pt rti c . C OLUMBIA SCHOOLOF 29t h Season ·I MUSIC = = .= I - Open s September 9th Th e h·at l · : r ·cl' i,·in. l! r ad i1l <.:n er ta.inme:nt 1>nJ ad ca:;t ~.I H J~J mi lt:..,_ a\\' lY 1 Sidney Silber mth t he ch: a r m·:'.; 01 3Ign al " tr tll11 a Te achers in C harge: \\'i1ml'ttc. h"IIH: c·i -.rnr c: , cti llril 1i \ ne arh _ ,. :-ta t in n ga ,·e . t he: n ame :~ f .·cott A NNA CH INLUND -- L AURA C OUPLAND a 11 t a rt i-t--. 11 ,.,,. ,,.l·k 1 ,111 (':-o a . . a rc--i dcn t \\ ·n :J ~ I 1\. <.:Sr.)r ~l 1\..acil () "·,"r 1 ~l -\nrlL· _rt·~~ . K A THERii\E H EDGLI!\: .. .. . . · rl:_:nitlrJJL 1 hts ~ rott hac! I·l n ut!lt I-.. :-- 1r] 11l.,. :--..:J lH·r. nr·tcd pletlll .. t . ck;tn o t · l t . 1 · t l1t..' c· ,1r 1·· , · · · · · n()w 1 H'tl1 .l!' c l' 111 c· tb r.t <.:r 111 1 1 11 e ~hcn\tJI)d \l t~-> I c :'ch 1'1 " " 1 C.llhui ld inl! . l·.,·an:-ot()Jl. a !1t· mtli,;l· 1111 REGISTRATIO N DAYS ~·al!"' · ,,!J,, rvrtnt1y }·Urt·ha . . t·(l a hc·tllC . al(1 n \\'ith tH·11t () f t he: Ctll ll lnvrrial '1:T hursday, Frid ay .. Saturd ay, September J, 6, 7 at (jiJI) \\.;t-..hi!ll! c,n an·ntl\·. h ·r the m .. -.. phn · u i t he o r cl in:tr y :-ot() r e. pa:- -n en n·ar..; :-.1 r. ~i11 ·tr l1a . . h·~~ n ~ L ' lH· r \\ .1 1C1 f 1 "l·l lOU 1 ~ · \I .r . a nd \f r:- .. . }·. · L. . :..r I1!111~ton and t1 H. ' l!l';t!l r·I]· 'J'l lC' .""' 1. Main School : 50 9 S. W ABASH A VENUE , C H ICAG.O · . . . . . . j l;ull! h · ha ,·c kit K l·Inhrclrth t tl t ;·..;e I \dllclt Jl1;(1!ltllllh t1lirt_'"- .. 1X llclgh1 ,!lf - j)! l -. c-., -.i (ll) or t hl·i r 11\.'\\' htl!l1 {.' in P a - ·t' h~···rl 11ranrhl' . . i11 the nw;r"P"1itan rk na. (' al. T hn· intend t n m c· tur aJ J· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an·a . t1Jt· 1nain :--ch(,,,J j, 1"ntt· d i11 l t lH· \r<w. t n ud 1ing all t ht: ,,r in ci:·al the Fi11l' :\ r . . IJttildinl!. and ttH· r 2JY)0 1 ·i ti t:-o irtllll Dl.'I1 YL· r \\T~ t. ::t t'ti li at i()n" " i th nm:--ica l in :-o tr ue 1 .r., in -o1 t h irt,·-n inc -:.tatt·, r,j t·h · l·I.i tnl. \lr . \fr s. 1 ·:. C. \l a r r a nd h er d augh!a. · ~ill,~r i:-- at prL·:-L.·nt lot· ki ng· alHl tlt i 1r ,,.110 ha,·c 1> een ,·i:-. itin !.{ \fr ~. Ch ra ; a Ctlll1jtl'tt·Ilt r n,: i:- t r;tr t1· tak,t: ch a rg e F. ,·e l a i~d 1·i 1104 Cr t·t: nk.a i a n ·n·.t.l', I (,j t hl· \\ 'i hm:tl\: branc h "h irh i:' in han JLI:'t rc turm·d t tl thctr 1wmt: 111 I ~~a tio n. C ll: n ]{i dg t, . ·. ]. I · . ·· Wilmette Branch : 627 EL EVENTH STR EET Scott Radio Receives 8000 Mile Broadcast As important as school bo"oks I Unusual Offer ..... H APPY , health y reet are t he source of the energy every Khool child need s. Growin g feet , even more than a.dult feet, arc gr.~.cdu l for the patented inbuilt constr uction of the Sel by Arch Preserver Shoe , that makes day-lor.g activity a joy. The SCiby Arch Preserver Shoe gives firm support without pres5ute .. . gu ides the foot' s growth correct! y . . . gives the structural strength and vigor during formaci ve yors t hat means life-long foot ba ppines~. Flexible as a glove Ample foot room, where th e f oo t all owingfornatural ' bends. growth. '1000~ (Original cost $2350.00) buys Welte- Mignon electric reproducing Baby Grand piano with he ncb and 25 rolls of music. Piano used only a short time. Good as new. Excellent tone and conditi~n1. Reason for selling; owner moving to stnall apartrnent. Call Mr. Hcpry, State 6326 Room 1212, 6 North Michigan Ave., Chicago -· Don' t Ju st Ask" Are They Big Enou gh" . TH. fJ LIRCH PRESERVED Shoelnc. Shop ·1 626 CHURCH STREET EVANSTON

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