Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 19

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September 6, 1929 ·w I L M ~ T TE L IF E 19 Women's 'C lubs to Bring M ar.ine Band f~r Chicago Conc~rt The United States \farinc hand"the President's own:'-which " ·ill make it s first Chicago visit TuesdaY, October 1. under the aitspicc of tl1c Illin ois Federation of \Vomen's clubs, giving t\n) programs at Orchc<;tra hall, is tn1c of the oldl' st musical organizations in America. It s family tr ee goes back to the fi fc and drum corps oi the .R.en)lutionan- clays. The band. a mc1.tcrialization ni "the spirit of '76," \\·tts created l>v art of Cot1grcss in 179~. \rlren the national capital was still in\ Philadelphia. ln lHOO, it follo\\'cd the Ill'\\' capital to \\ 'as hingt ~Hl, " ·here it ha:-; occupil'd its 0\\·n barracks crer SlllCL'. · first year at Notre Dame in Indiana, while Betty Jane Breit, will enter the !.II' Josepheineium Academy for Girls 'in Chicago. Fred and his -sister may posConcer.t Soprano T eachet of Voice sibly go to Miami Beach to join thl'ir parents but the probability is that thc>y ,; Is Receiving l;nrollments for Fall and Winter \\'ill stay here for the winter. TONE production and coaching in all phases · .! of voice culture. ).Iis s Helen Heller of Chicago wa s · the g-uest of Miss. Lottie Gordon of Interviews arranged without charge. \\'ilmctte. this past ,,·eek, at her home, li . Studio Building-1718 Sherman Avenue 722 Greenleaf avenue'. lj. -oil Evanston Dr. Alice D. Tuttle will entertain her HI club. Comanci, at luncheo n and hrid~e ; 1:1 Phones next 'fue. dav afternoon at her home, · Studio. Greenleaf 3 52 3- Residence. University 727 8 913 Cen tral ave11ue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDITH · BiDEAU NORMEI;LI I' .· l 1 J cl'il'rsun, It itlllth l an earh· patn)n in Thomas \\'ho.. dl'spitc his clemncraC':. \\· a~ a lmTr nf art and music and did lllttch t11 iurtllcr the interests oi the hand . During the \\·ar oi 1X12, anr! later in the Indian and ci,·i l \\'ars. its nH.·tnl>crs were callccl nn ior militar~· dut\·, and matl\' oi th em :-crH~cl the r()lnr:- with distinction. E\Tn· ~tate Pcra..,iun iur 111orc than , 1m· 11 u n rl r l' c! n· a r s I.J as i 1ntn d t h c l'. ~. ).! arittc hand .in the ioreL:"ruunc!. L'nckr t h L' hat (\ n o i i h k ad cr. t h c " ~ [ad i s l) n ).1 arch ... CPlllpu:-cd im this ~ala event. ,,·a:- l.!in:tl it:- pn:lllil'r!.' at the nation's t1r:-t inau.L!·ural J,aJI. ,,·hen the charmin~ Dulh· ).! ;dli~11n \ra:-; the helle ui th e L'"_L',n tn ~. ARE HAND MADE I The Scott Cortez is illustrated below. It is ·a lavish display of Spanish hammered iron work, leather tooling and hand carving truly authentic of the 16th c~ntur~. Only selected, matched pnkious woods are used. ..... urlllshl'cl mu:;;tc ior the \\'hite l!llttSt.: \n·ddings . ince th e · d a c o f C l' Ill' r a 1 C r a 11 t. <h \\' c II a s f n r :\e\\. Yea r\ I'L'Ccptions at the l'XL'CLiti,·c mansion. It pla\-ed at thl' Cettvshmg hattlrfleld dcdicatillll \\'hen Lincoln made hi:-; in)lltP rtal addrtss. and \'<J iced a nati \lll';o; I! rid when it f ollmn·d the hoch· oi t h c Crea t E man'ci pat\ 1r to it:-; la st rc~ ting place in ~pringfield. Annthcr hi..;toric nccasiun at \\·hich its sen·ircs \H'rL· requested \\·as at · the dcdicatinn of the l ' nk 11 0\\'11 Soldier's tom J, a pkdl!e pf \Vurlcl peace after a \\·orld strict. The present leader, Capt. 'l'a\'l cH· Branson, the succe sso r o i John Philip ;:;nusa. is acti,·ch· intere sted in tlw promotilln of high . sr hool hands, and has dcclicatecl his afternoon program tn the school children (\f the Chicago arc1 . 1 1 he hand has f. . . Fred Br-~its Return From European Tour -· ).f r. and ~1 r:-;. Freel D. Breit. 422 Fs:-;ex roacl. Kcnihn)rth have returned from a month an<l a half tnur oi German\· and of France. Thrv sailed. with their snn. fred. Jr .. on ]ttly (,,abroad the S. ~. f..dc de France and sailed for the l"nited State:; on the S. S. Bremen. \Yhile in Gcrmanv thev vi ·iteel Baden- Baden. the famous ,,·aterilll! place for AnH:ricans and Europeans alike. and staved thert> for twelve dave;;. \\'bile 1\f r. and Mrs. Breit were there. Freel went on to Rome and stan·d for six da vs. He enjm·ccl it very much. stmlving the mam· intcrsting places . I Tn France. 1\fr. and ~frs. Breit and Freel. Tr. staved for t,,·elve dan in Paris. touring. the rountn· in a foreign car \\'ith a chauffeur. \\ 7 hile in Europe the\· met several rcsiclentc;; from the north shore who are al:;o t,JUring Emone. Thev " ·e re ~f r. and ~Irs. Tohn DmHlte of \Vilmctte. and ~fr. and \frs . Dmllcv Full. of \\'inn etka. \f r. and ?\.frs. Drcit. Freel. Tr.. and Beth· lane are 110\\' stavin~ at' the Scl\·erL·ign iwtel in Chicago hdnrc going to their ,,·inter home \\'hirh is at Miami Bv:1ch. Fla. Thn· are leaving in Nnn~mhcr and durin . !.! the \\·inter month" the~·~ h;l\·e rented th(·ir home in Kenilworth to ~f r. Ctnd ~f rs. \\.illiam Fo\\'ll'r of Chicago. Mr. Fowler is the hrnther of R. L. Fowler of 1() \Yan\'irk roa(l. Kenil\\'orth. Freel Breit, Jr .. who graduated from C'anterhurv sc hool. ~e\\' Milforrl, Conn., this past year, will enter his RADIO PERFORMANCE AND. BEAUTY such as the World has never witnessed before Scott World's Record Custom Built Radio is the dream picture wh1ch the vistonary has painted of radio ten 1 ·~ars hence. Unbel ,evable tonal reproduction and mighty power to bring the far off pla(..es of the world to your music room. And cabinet art·stry to sat~sty a cultured craving for something finer than anyone else m·ght have. Such is Scott World's Record Custom Built Radio! · A v·s·t to the Scott Radio Salon will not obligate you to buy, but w;H g·ve you a brilliant,. highly interesting glimpse into the future. Comt-< ~ n ~ or phone or write for a completely illustrated brochure. 1 SCOTT RADIO SALON 636 CHURCH STREET · CARLSON BUilDING · EVANSTON Greenleaf '2121 o ...... ,... Prices $400 to $8000

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