Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 20

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~=================~==~WILMETTE LIFE September 6. 1929 BOY SCOUT NEWS of A the NORTH. SHORE TROOPS rtgula~ ftaturt page prepared each week by member· of thE Boy Scout Prell club, North Shore Area Council IExpert C o.mes Here · Fishing Was Fine to Boost Sea Scout Back to Home Camp .at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan , Locally Campers Declare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\.alterAfove~e~t .Kiplin,l!er, Regi o nal Sc0ut Ex- I 1 T h r f, . . !J in)..!' at Camp \fa - Ka-_Ta\\.a n thi . . \'c:tr ha~ I><Tn )..!'r·nd . Th e 1 ·r·\' \\t ·t ·· :tlltl\\t'd ttt l!rl ft-.hitll! ('\'('r\' ri a \ ii t h n · r a rcd tn . Thv ft ·llrt\\" :-- \\·hr· \\t·r < · n11! all r· \\'l·d ttl gn it, boat · \H' !"C' t:d.: cn t·ltt I t · tht di,·it ll( rait "here thn· Ct·ll ld -.t ill ft-. h. and t rl t bn ,-., that \\'Crl' :1a"" < ·rl I t · L'r· r· llt in 1tt·ah u . . . ua!h· ca-.tt ·rl . :\t tl 1v fir . . t 11 i tilt' \t':tr fi,hin u \\a ... ll r· t \'t·n · !'f·lld. :\'r,J> r,(h· caught :11 1' t h i111.! r a . . t i Ill! a 11 d i nr ft :-11 \\' t rc '·a \1 1! h t , t i 11 ft., hi n g. :\ " t h c "<·a., n n :,r (l t \\I'l l rll t it... \\a\· ('\'< ·n ·l, rorh tllll\l(!'ht that -.t ill fl . . hit ll! \\·a -. th{' h\·-.1 anrl we Ct·lllrl ha1' dh t:tl-:1· c:tr<' r1 i tiH' l·unrh in 1:1e r:ti t . 'J' ,,\\:trrl th\' ('nrl r·i tht · 'l'a.;nn '·.·Jl l! ···~ : · \\t 'llt c:t . . ti llL' :t1111l i'"~ t\\t·k(' I It . ( . : d.. r· -\ I t (. r t hh C:l" 1111.! \\'a" ···: Jd:tJ :ti d -11 111t' ro tht·r fi . , !J \ \ ' rTl' c ; t Ill' I. t t I1 : t t " a ' . :\ it n r· :t 111 11 \\ a ' r In .:;crl -n · r ;tl n in· fi , ;1 \\ t · J'( ' c;tttl!ht 1J\· till' io l! .. .,, \'. h·· - t;t \'('rl 11 11 thr ·n· t() ck:1n '· ·:t r " t · " ill h:t H' a Ia r!! t· ra it I 11 11 . 1 r ( , I1itl l! t ·Jl h ·. :\ 11 t IJ t I)( " · . . t hat :t 't · to!! l'~ l ·· ., till li-,h \\ill ] Jc put tlll t!1l' r.t:t ;tt l·l l,.. ;t" ,, ill Itt· ll"t·d 1"· l,e ]H, , ... \\ill · :tn· intcn ·-. tl'd itl cat cltin l.:ti . . h t·t h· r "' 1 ' · :-.. l l1< · Ltkt· i.._ an ideal pl;l!·t· t11 fhh. t l. t· -.t>! t' lt v1td i-. rr ~ ck\ · ttlld <IL·t'JI \\hi ch n t:tkt· . . it ;1 fine plan· i ~·r ra , titl ~ :t nd t r:til llt': j,,r \\:til 1·\·c pil.:t· \\'ili ch ~ n· n J.... I· · J,c t il t' ttt" ' t J·ktttii tll . 'l'ltt·rL· ar~.· a it· ' 1·it k t' r t. I i11 t h c Ia k l' . I11 tt t h t: n · are 11" :,a" Iit ·l' 11111 kit · ;~ . . tilt ' \. lin· i tl lar ~ n Ltl.t '. lnit thtrl' arc pknl\· t~i pi~: , · ;,nd t il t·\ :trt' i:tr thl· 1,~.- -.t \' :ttin ~..: :tn,·" d \ . I I ; ti t' () i t hl.. j till I I i l' it t c I! i 111.! t hl' PI j, v:tt i11 · thvlll. _lohtl Ftl\\kj'. Trt·r·p ~. c · ecuti,·e inr He!!i o n Sen:n. Boy S cnut5 o i :\m<.:rica. Ct·ll1Pri :- ing th e iuur ~ tatl· :'> 111 \\ ' i:-.cut~:-.in. I11in(li..... Indiana. anrl ~li c higan. ann rJttl1l'l' " th a t Brun u < ~. .-\n drc \\ :-. ha-, IH·e n ad ckcl tn the P. c~ i o nal :-; tan·. Xlr . .\lldre\h ,,jJJ h : t ·d~ -- !l al'i-.' e r.i . t ht: r·r .~ an i zati \ 111 and ittrt h r pr(l lll!l tion ·· t add iti ronal ~ca ~ cn ut U!ltt .;; \\' i t h i t 1 t h t: r t: g i u 11 . ~ [ r. . \ 11 c1 r n \' :-; !1 r :-. t a :-;~ il!' n 1n~.· n t \' ·i 11 ], ~ \\·ith 't l H~ :\ Ci rth . ~hr·re .-\rea c ottn t·i l. Uurin l!' thv ftr :-- t. :-.t c- ·nrl and t hir d \\·cek -- (l i .'e ptt:llliJtr he \\'ill COtl]l trat · ,,·ith the c( ·ttncil exc r utin·. ).1 n nn C. I\ ,·bnlt. ln . . ccuri Ill! 1l1c ' ,rt!;t tl iz; t t i, ,·1 I o i .' L' a ~ r ' 1u t ~ hi p " i 11 -. c " c r a I <· i t ilL· l Ut\\'11' r· ·ll1 1Jrl . . tll l!' t l1c :\ ,·rt h :-:1, ;·,. ~,· , t\l!lC iJ. Th~.· :-:l' a :-:r ·.. ut ·· r:..: ani; a Ltntl h a . . m ;tok t r l' llll' tl r!' ,, : . . 1·r ·':..: r e ... , \\ i t h it 1 t 11 c ~ ··, h\ 11 r·r t hr te 't a ·.... :-:. ~.· a :-: t· t~tlti nl! :t:·l· t·a) . _ l t · tltl' t~ld c r lH'· ' · . . . in iaL·t 1:1 a~ c r vq 1irvt11v nt i-. ti i:n'tl _\' l' il r' . \\ 'it :lin t he 'en· ll l' :tr iu tu n · ;1 ] ; ,r..:~ · .. " Cttttt~. 11f ti l" . ··ortl·, ·"' ~·ll(lr" ·1 lllC · 1lH 1·111g ;·11 the ..\t' ,_ . \\ Trin t ~ · ;t ;nin_. . . hitl \·.i ll 11l' ;1\-;tila!t t· l·· r ;L " " ·' " .·\r c·.·t C!ltll lC:. ' ,·illagn. are h:trk IHlllll' atHI rca(h· im autumn \\L·tk -cnrl hi kL·-, t<· tlJ1 \.'al li!t- the tti :-:t·a :-: r " ut . . \'. it hin t he rt· ~i~~n :t · ·l 1 1 itt -tiH.·- \\ -(Iod-, \rnt <·i Clencoc . it j , l'-' l·t·t't t.·d that -. U!llll ll'l' LT tl i -l·' \\i~J l:t· 111 ack 11:1 thv l. ;d-.:t· h ~ t hL · d it ·l~. r ~.··;t . ... .--------------------------~ 1 a., k c rl hi 111. .. II did it h a 1·i w 11 ~ ]1. t1 I y;·u ],egan to takL· :- uc h a ~l't l tlillt' :· ; 1 0 /J portunity t crv:-.t t1 1t :-:. ct·U h r·r Y·· Ur ('llllrc i. · < 1 \\' tl l l i b. 11! II t' rl'lltrtcd a !llotnt·nt . a nd ti n :t!i,· ' Sand Is a Fine Thinp; If Used the Right Way .... Mrs. Kretlow, Singer, to Make Home in Wilmette Krrt]m,·. \\·ho ha s he en th e European continent for t\YO \·ears, \Yill m a k c her lwmt· in \\'ilmett e. at 1110 Lake a\·cnu r . ~Ir s. I Kretlm,-. \\·ho i:-; the wife of th e late Ln ui s Krttlo\\', teacher o i ball e t dan ein . !.!' fo r fi it\· \'C:ars in Chi cagn. \\'<1 s nn the operat ic sta ge . and i:-; a fricncl ·.1f ~[me. Happn1d r·i the ~c,,· Ynrk ).lctropnlit an Opera compam·. H er son- in - la\\' and dau g hter. ').fr. and ~fr s. IIcnrY \\'e her. \Yill re:-iclc with th(ir mother. ).fr. \\" eber teaches a crnbatic dancing in C hi cago and ~1 r s. \~_·e.bcr i. a sin ger with the Chicag o CI\' I C Opera cnmpam·. ~f r s. L ou is trarclin .~ 011 S ,j .\ mnira. if JHHlr]y trainl'd. mi:-.~uid Meke ~eservations !'!ow t·d. :tnd in t prt~pn l y t·du~.·att·d. tna:-· in 1 for Cabin-in-the- Woods l:ttn )~t·:tr:-. hernnll' a ~ rt'at nl en:tn· . \\ 'l1a t l>l'ttn way to :-. tart off 1:1e couts Can Estahhsh 1 h11t ii pr,,pl·rh· trait1ed . t llt·,· " ·ill ilv . Standard for Bov ho 0 d cc·tilL· t he mr ~~ t yaluail!t- rc:-;rH_Trrt: Jl rh - 1 iall Jll'tl.l!ra m f(lr the trt1np than t<1 . . . . . , :--L' :-.:'l'd ll\· th1 :-; l!rt·at 1\cpuhlJr. ha\'L· an <· \ trnil!ht hike! :\ nd wh:tt l il t· .t l ltlt·-l· lwr(' :tn d thl' "-l'll l tll1t' tlt ··t hl'tttT pl:'Cl' than till.' Cahin-in-thc,,·!(· l!l'tt1l :· i . . t't . t·d ]J \ ' tilt ' Jlil\\t.T (lj till' M" . t T II H -\\.OtHI' im :-.urh a h ike: ~fakt: Y0\lr !n d i\'Jdt t.t! :ttlfl I It' k:tckr-.. hip '·l 11\lt tnls er e s ow I n·:--cn·atitl tl s iur thL' of th t cabin Scouting "Claimed Him" ' at t h.l' nnmri l headquart er s 1)\· lct-t.t n rl inl' 1111 tt !l· v :· ... .. j th:tt ~.:rnup. \\' l~t·n a '-1 hc .. ,J ··r ·· lll· l·r :t . r··tntnunit,· ,_, orCl ll l) ( ·c, ·1 l n t rt HI t L'( !) tn nr 1)\· phone t o High la nd Pa.·k ~ . !--tr ~ ·t l ~l.' tt ~r ,tl ·h. J.nfltH· nn·rl l)\· t hl' 1 Thi s par ti cu lar mini ster \\'as one Pi 2-U l. Thr headquarters \Yill issue . . t l·lllll 'tl blll I l l 11 ' lllt'tlt lll'f "· . ti.. l '1 . Is ....-rnut lll g l'\Tr had. . l" - Hk .· · t Ilt' 1>l'" t t. ncnc yr·n a pcrllli t n-hich ~- n u arc t o prc1 ~(l i llllll" ·_ '-' 1 · t JH.' lllH ·1 ... \\dl ,,. , . tl ·t· " t ·tilcl·t ·. · r<l ;- . \\ 1.' 1 '"t'lllt' lCl\\' 111 :-t ot· h1· -., htb\' liiL· sl'nt tn thl' cu:-todian. ]t)hll K oc llin!.!. { I \ ' (. ' ' I "11t - 1It' tr . 1 111H I tllllt' . 1. . f:·Ill' . 1 I\ I I t 1 · t ' 011 t · It 1" < tt) t;tKt' a11 Jlltl'rl':t .i ll .t ' of f. t)ll arri ,·al a t the cabin. 11ake y o{tr j(' \1 1 I . ]I o r ~!'I Ill t·ka.J -. !r I ht · t·~~llll'. t 1lt.· thl.' htl\'S of the Scout troop ( )i ~1is rc ser \·at ion s ear lY a s the use 0i th e t<.tll<l.trc' 1 'l,J-!~ 1 1l 1 ! ' " 1 1H"" · ~\ tth ltlllr churrh and t o icc! a Ct·llltll!ltt ie llu \\·cabin i:-; snllletime s :-; pokcn for as far 1~~·', c.ut _c.t ft,.1·. nlt ·m.!Jn.., .ot the nt·l\· :-.hip '"ith thv Scout leaders and cnma Ill' ad as s ix weeks. And plan to ~·o ~cc·ut . . r·.t :\t " t'r:ra. ~('tll lll!l )..! can It" lllittL'l'llll'll ni th e trnn p. :arh·. ,,·hile it is Ht dadight for t h<: "l' Jlt ll_llt·nt and '-l't the . , tandard s Th_ t' :-.tll l ~ h tlllt' in thrt lttl(h the stttd\· ltlcl 1s scarce and hard to find after and_ tla: H .h·al-. nf tht ~··11ttlt t)f tl ti:- windn\\' brightening up th e \\'hol e room dark. nat1 on.- \\alter ~1 c P('(·k. _.J a-, \\'C' . at th ere chatting. FinallY I \\ :! \. . ...... 1 1 J 1 l' · )I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE :\ free lrcturc on Christia n Scienc-e is to be gi,·r n in th e First Chu rch d Christ. Scientist. Ccn~ral aye nu c at Tenth street. \\' ilm ette, ~fonda\· eycning, Septe mb er 9, at 8 o'clock Richard J. Davis of C hi cago is to be the lec tur er. 'fhc public is itn·it cd .

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