September 6, 1929 . WILME.T TE th~ citv does thi~1gs t? him. In the no.vell LIFE 23 ·l'--__ G_i_rz_s_c_O,u_t_s_ __. The Girl Scouts of Troops 1, 2 and 4 of \Vilmctte, who mee~ at the Methodist church under the leadership of ~Ii s Lillie Mac Humphries, are rejoicing over a new meeting place, rtfranged fqr their cxclusi,·c usc in the ti C\\' church ecli fice . The room is spacious and w ell lighted with a firepJace flanked with open book cases . The roo m also has · its own kitchenette. .'\t present both the room and kitchenette are hare. The girls ha,·c sav~d enough money for some of the furnishings a consiclcrablc . um considering their limited opportunities for urh saYings but the room calls for . en'ral chairs, a daYenport or t\\"0, tables and lamps and utensils. plates, CUllS and spoons arc needed for the kitchenette. It is the plan of the Inca! Girl Sco11t C()t1lt1littce to use rl'ecl furniture and it is thomrht that manv of . the rrsidents of the villag·c whn ar·e intl'rcsted in the <~irl Scout nHwcmcnt \\·ill he ~o donate such pieces as they 1~:· ha\·e hut no longer need. The color ni the furniture is imn,atcrial as tht girl:-; plan to lacquer :-tll pieces to produce a harmonious effect. Anyone "·ishing to donate furnishing·s oi any kind is requ 1: stecl to call ~fiss Humphrirs at thl' church officl', \\"illllCtte 234R The \\' ilmettr C'omn1tlllit\' commitft c io r the Cirl Scout:-; is n.:~~isterrd r~t \'ational headquarter . and plans :ue no w under "· a~· to perfect tht' prese-nt tr onp s and tn organize n ther~ a s there arc a great man _ , . girls no\\· n n the \\·aiting list. The pre:-sing need is inr ad ·quatc leadership. ~f rs. lb~ph ~l o ulding. 102.1 Elmwond a\·enuc. is l..'hairman nf the co mmittee and h ~!S c xprcs:-ed thr desire that any yotu:g 'Hll n en w h n a r L' in t c r e ~ted in 1 c a cling tronp:o; gd in ,hlllch with her. :\ training cour. e ior leaders is to he giHn in Octoher~by a director from regional headquarters. The cour~c . ior \\'hich a nominal fee will l)e charged. is saicl tn hr most informati\·c f(,r anyone and mnthns or other intl'fested an: uro·ecl to take aclvantan·e o[ the oppnrt~t~t~· tu take the cour~. \\Tttten L>v Mr. Lewts and Mr. Smtth, Chica!!O's history from the beginning to the \Vorld's Fair· is written by Mr. Lewis, while Mr. Smith concerns himself with the period from the Fair to the present time. Carl B. Roden of the Chicago Evening Post says of the novel, " . . . what they have clone is to apply the new biographical method- the mrthod of Gamlid Bradford. Lvtton Strachey, Emil Ludwig- to tl~e presentati o n of the life hi storv of a citv; and the\· han~ done it with such good effect that one . l'etns in these entertaining t)ages to be follo\\:ing the career of a living and ver~· vi\·id personality . \\'orking mainlv in the journalistic media of episode incident and an ecdote. pointing no moral. drawing no conclusions. \\·ielding neither hammer nor horn. thev have contrived to present a veritable and veracious pen portrait of our town in hold and da!>hing strokes. The book might well he called the "I Iiston· oi the Chicago Spirit," that elusin'. yet palpable. emanation · \Yhosl' orig-in and substance ha,·e long haftlecl research. For Chicago's reputation lwth good and evil. is most clcarlv ancl trulv the result of the Chica. l!n s,)irit and ~\'110 amongst us would 'ha,·e it (~therwise?" Ed,,·in Tiedrirk and her dau.g hter Phchc, \rho ha,·c. been spending the summer at Leland, ~{ich .. will return sometime this week for a short sta,· at their home. 30-t ~f elrose avenue. Kenil\\'orth. 'l\1\Yard the end of the \\·eck. ~frs . Hedrick and Phebe '"ill return to Lrland and ~ta\· until the fir st part o i Octohtr \\'hen ~fi ss Hedrick '"ill rct_u~;n tCl the :\rt imtitut e to carry o n her art \\·ork. -0- Parents Do not wait until School starts to have the Children's Eyes examined. Have them checked over now and avoid taking the Child from Studies later. No Charge for this SightChecking Service. HATTSTROM & SANDERS OrganlzatJon, Ine.. Two Stores for your conve1.ience Scientltlc and Manufacturing Two Stores for your convenience ~frs. ~'1/'\.'r., OPTICIANS 702 Church Strel't ETanston, Illinois Opp. Orrington Hotel Phone University 1848 :191 Central Avenue Highland Park Illinois Phone Highland Park 2160 ~frs. Thcodnre ~foritz. 22(, \\'ar wick road. Kcnih,·orth has as her housr guest for a few weeks. a sister, ~11 s. L. ~f. Leisenring and her nephew. E(hYin ~{ueden. of \\'ashington. D. C. The only COMPLETE grinding' plant between Chicago's loop ·and Milwaukee 010®ftD0R00R00R0®R001m®ltD -· ·.lo)oCORPORA TED FoVNWN SQVAA.t ·EVANSTON IU..INOIS N eu,est Volumes by Henry Justin Snzith Praised by Critic · By R. L. P. Henry Justine Smith, 220 Hazel avenue. Glencoe, is the author of a recent nm·rl. "Poor Devil," and co-author \\'ith Lloyd Lc\\'iS of "Chicago, the Hi:-torv of Its Rcpntation," \Yhich has just been published. Mr. Smith has hcen with the Chicago Dailv News for m;1m· vcars, and i the author of the un iorgettahle story of "J osslyn," considered one of the best newspaper . tories eYer \\'rittcn, and of "Deadlines," \\·hich is rated as the best collection of short stories about newspaper life . · "Poor Devil" is the story of a young man who came to 'Chicago full of enthusiasm and dreams, seeing it as an enchanted citv. almost thrilling at e\·erv street and smokestack. And gradually he senses that all is not right with this world . and, poor devil, BEFORE SCHOOL . DAYS BEGIN is an ideal time to bring your children · in to be photographed. JJKICKERS" for Schooldays Shoes with Toes That Will Not Kickers are worrh every penny you put into them because of their wearing quality, their lightness, comfort, good looks and their Sharkskin Toes. In tan elkskin for Boys and Girls. SIZES SizEs SIZES OUR New Studio OFFER Large NURAY $ SO Photographs ~ 6 (Regular Price $ 1 4) 7 -- Scuff! Ss.oo· Bol'ses lor Pastul'e Summer or Winter Woodland Pasture Reasonable Rates Horses called for and delivered KENTUCKY SADDLE STALLION KIND SANFORD AT STUD Make your appointment now ·Eugene L. 'Ray PHOTOGRAPHER Uniyersity I 8~ 11 ~ DUFFIELD FARMS Telegraph Road, 1 M. s. Belvidere Rd. E. S. Dillenbeck, Superintendent Tel. Waukegan 4818 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22 38 2 0 TO To TO I 1 ····.· 2 ······ 6 ...... $6.50 6o6 CHICAGO A VENUE EVANSTON MAIN FLOOR