Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE September 6. 1929 __ ...,. Late Sun1mer Marriages Crowding North Shore Calendar Miss Martha Swan .W eds Robert Drake Saturday, Sept~ 14 BY JEAN TEN BROECK This \\'l'l'k brings WC1rcl oi a weddit~g t ti \\·irkspre:J.d interc:-;t ctn the tll lrth · :-. hnrL'. "t 1rd \\'11 ic h in r I udc s plans i. or tht rt· n· n 1 11tt~· it~elf. names of the bridal p:trt.' . :tnd the: ~~'cia! affairs t:tat prcrrck it. \li~:\lartkt ~\\ · atl. <laughter 11f _l :ltt tL '" D. ~\\all 11i <J32 Lake <t\'CIIIIC. i . . 11 1 ht·comt· the bride of Rnhert T. Drake. :'till ('i \fr . and ~frs. Lvm ;tn \1 . Dr:d.::e 11 i \\'i lm cttc. ~att;rcl;l\·. ~~·ptemlwr 1~ . Following the cer~ ttlt\11\' at ~ :30 o'd()ck in tht· L'VCning at the Ct'n .t.!·rtgational chu rch. the " ·cddin~· n·rl'ptitltJ ·\\·ill lit' ht'ld at \\'c..,t lllt'rtland Countn· club. ~fis:-. s\\' :111 ha':' cho:-en a~ her attenrlant". her ~i . . ter-in-law. ~frs. lames nclt)S ~\\all. Jr .. nf Highland 'Pari.: . .;s \,h,1 will 15t· her tnatrctn oi ltnntlr: ~fi . \filclrcrl \f clone tlf \\'iltnet te. \\·hn 1.; r,, h : 111airl t~i hon11r: and. as hridt·s;naick \f i:-:-. \"na l lnnh r oi 1·\·anstt ' ll :J.nd \fi..,:-. :\lire j:rnt·srhk of C~1ir:t !'1) . .T 1d111 ( "knH·nt:- lli C'hir;-ti!P ,,·ill !--lT\'(' ;1 .., h···;t man it~r ~~ r . Drake. :J.nd \\"hit tll · ~· Dr:J.kt·. a cou:-in tli the hridcgroo·n. .lo:-t·ph ~\\'an. the hridl'\ !Jrtlther. :J.nd l>nnald \\'ill m ancl Drakl· I~Phnt-. nf \\'ilm rt te. "ill u-..her. ~lllllrf\ltts atTair . . alre:J.<h· !tan· 1>t'en gin·n in ~~~)J}(lr ni tltt· brick-to-he. <llHl ttlher:' :'til l art· tP rome . Thn:-.e \\'ho ha,·c entl'rtain1·d j,,r \fi;:; ~\\'an :1rc \1 i~s \ 'era H1·erher. ~~ i:-.., \fildred \ll·hHH'. \1 i~:-. l~lcanor Calhoun · nf Clenc(lt, ~~is . . \I ariPll Hnrn . of \Yil t Ill' t t e. a n cl \ 1i :- " .-\ I in: F n 1v .., c h k . ~aturda _, .. September 7. \f i:;s Helen l~Phn i~ giYing ·a bridge tt·a and ~fOil rl;l\·. ~eptemher 9. \fr. ancl ~fr:; . T. D. ~,~· :J.n. Jr .. \\'ill be host and IHlSte~s at a dir1n.rr: hridg<· at , kokic CountrY rluh. \fr. ancf \frs. F.d\Yin C. Austi;1 c1i Ckncoe and \fr. and ~fr s. ('harks ~- Rnherb oi \\'ilmette will enterU!tn at dinnn at ~ktlkit· Country club for \1 iss Swan and \1 r. Drake..: Tul·sda,·. Srntemher 10. and the bridal dinner " ·ill he gin.?n Thur:-.day l'\'l'ning. Srpt, ·mher · ::. Recent 'Brides and Woman's Club President ~ ·. ~unday ·t·,·ening. September 1. was the nccasion 0f the marriage of ~~i ss I~ ut It ~I iller (left) to \\'alter Pilgrim tli \\' ilmctte. so1t oi \lr. and ~frs . I. I I. Pilgrim of ~inux City, Io\\'a. The \\Tdding \\'as quiet and simpk. with the ct·rt11llltty taking place at 8 o'clock at tht· homc of the brick's parents, ~I r. and ~Irs. R. 1~ . . \I iller of 1-H 1 Elm\\'(HHI a\'l.'lltlC. ,,·ith Dr. Horace G. Smith ot'ticiating. \1 iss lktt\· PPnlt:Y of I·:\'anstnn and the bride's .brother: Joscph J: \I iller, \\'l' t'l' the on h · attl'ndants. \fr. and ~I r:-; . Pilgrim. have left on a motor. trip tltwugh the north \\·oods. upon n·turning irom which they \vill . tay temp! raril~ - at th e ~~iller lwme. The bridc \\·a:-; graduated from :\nv Trier 1 Iiglt :-;clwt l] in 19..?(~ and has taken hn IL .-\. degree in piatw from the Knupper studios in Chicago. ~rr. Pilgrim i:- a sttHknt at the School of Commerce at ~ortlm·estcrn universitY. Thn· both haye been instructors the . l·:,·a nston Playgrounds thi . summer. ~lis . ~farcellite \!clind (center). daughter of \1 r. and ~r rs. Louis .\le lind of 693 Sheridan road. wa.;; married on Friday morning. August 23. to Da vic! Brooks Sterrett, son of ~I r. and \f rs. ::\1 alcolm H. Ster'rett o£ Orlando. Fla., formcrh· of Evanston. The wtdding took place at St. Luke's Episcopal church, Evanston, a~ 10 n'clock. with Dr. George Craig Stewart reading the marriage service. The bride had as her nn h· attenda n t s'. \I r s. E11 i s J on e s ( ~ e111e (~ i bb s ) :l!td \I iss Genevieve Emrich oi Glet~ coe. Ellis Jon<.:s and Roy ~r dind, brother of the · bride, attended \[ r. Sterrdt. After a mott,r trip tn Or- at Photo l>y Bernit· land o. Fla., for which place they left Immcdiateh· after the wedding, th·~ bride and- groom will reside at 7-1-09 X. Damen a\'enue, Chicago. The bride is a graduate of :\mt!twesterrt uni\·ersit v and is a nH.· mhn of Kappa Kappa -Ga mma soro rity . .\I r. Sterrett is alsL a ~orth\\'estcrn unin~ rsity graduate and is a ml·mber uf Beta Theta Pi fraternitY. :.rrs. Haney:\. Bush ·(right). of i21 Greenwood a\·enuc \\'as elected pre~i dent of the \\'oman' s club of \\ 'i lmett c at the clo -e of the season la st spring. Durin.C! the beginning of her regime the cornerstone was laid for the enlarged club house now ncaring cnmpletitHI. and \\·hich. according to pres· ent plans. will he in readiness for thl' first fall program in October. Members to Give Program for Evening Garden Club The En·ning- (~archn club will hold its next meeting Tucsdav. Septemhrr 10. in the r<HllllS oi the Pre . hyterian church at R o'clock Thl' l' \'enin~ program will consist of talk:-; ~i,·cn ln· memhns of the rluh. Harn- C'. Pifer will speak on "~f\' Carden DiarY and Your .. " Da\'id lhll "'ill disru:-s "Serds and Bulbs to Tie Planted in the Fall for Earh- Bloom." :-tnd ~fr .. Gordon \\'i l ~on will talk 011 .. :\ I. a rdt·n From the Standpoint of an A.rti:-t." Faclt m<·mher i: n;-,ked to hrinJZ ~ . . perimt·n ,j the mc.,st beautiful hlnom in hi!' (!ardrn. Entertain for Guests Evans ton Girl to Marry Graham MacLean Sept. 6 ~1 iss BL'tt,· Sunclerlancl. daughter \I is:; Ethel J nne Little. <laughter of \t r. and ~f rs. \ \'illiam B. Little ot E\'anstnn. will become the bride of Graham ~r acLean. son oi \I r. and ~Irs.\\-. S. ~facL ea n oi \\'ilml'tte. Friday. September (>. at ~t. \latthew s church. J.:,·anstl)tl. The He\·. T. l. Steffens \\'ill read thc se nice ·at o't·lnck and :1. receptinn will be held at the hri de':-; lh 'mt· immeclia te ly a f tcrwards. The nnh· attl'ndanb will he the hricle\ ~i:-..ter. ~fiss Billie, -arHl 1Ir . . \1 ad.ean' brother, Robert ~f ac Le~t n. Aiter a wedding trip ~[r. ::\(acLcan and his brick " ·ill make their home at 1709 Centr:J.I street. Evanston. ~f r. ·s oi :J.ncl Mrs. Ceorge ~under land, 12rl3 Asl>un· <tvenue. \\'innctka has had as her guests for the past \\Tek. Miss Anita Fox. ~[is s Roseman· and \fiss ~allY .\liezer of Fort \\'a\'t~e. Ind. On Suncla~· , August 25, ~fis~-> Sunderland ga n· a tea for her house guests and also for her brother, Richard Sunderland \rho was here from Philaclelnhia, Pa. On SaturdaY night, ~f r. and 1hs. eeorge Sunderland gave a dinner part\' in honor of their son 's and their daughter's three guests, at the Skokie Conntn· club. I Llini Tea to Be Given on Saturday, September 7 The aLlnual Xorth Shore Tllini tea for freshman ~ i r i s en tering the 'Cniversit,· 0f Illinoi s in the fall will be given at the home oi' ).frs. Charles H. Drnni.;, 1225 ~fichigan ~venue, Evanston, Saturda'" afternoon, September 7. The guest of honor will be ~fiss :Maria Leonard. dean of women at the ntversitv of Illinois. Mrs. Harrv Kerr of Evanston i:; rhairman of arrang-ements for the tea. \\'hile assisting her arc ~fi ss Helen Evans of \Vilmettc. :Miss Dettv Nilson of Glencoe. and ~fi ss \Yinifred Adkins of \Vilmette. Sell Tickets for Benefit The American Legi on anxiliarv card partY on Frida,·. St'Ptcmher 27. at the \\"i lml'tte ~fa sonic tempk. will he one of the large events of the earl\' autumn. Tickets or tables ma" he sccured 1)\" notifying member of the \Yavs and .means committee, Mrs. Cenrge Bassler. \f rs. Clvde Edmondsnn. \r rs. Clark Leach, \r rs. ·R u. sell .Ioh ns~Hl, \f rs. George Stone. ).f rs. Ernest Gould. ::\frs. J. R. Roddie, and ).f rs. Thomas L. D. Hall, chairman. Announcement i. made of the enQagement ~f Miss ~fargaret Gallagher, daughter of Frank Gallagher of Win-. netka. formerly of Wilmette, to Robert Vaughn Williams, son of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Williams of Evanston. Miss Gallagher attended the University of Wisconsin. Plan School Benefit The Parent-Teacher ~~~sociatinn d ~t. Francis X;l\;irr srho(ll is giYiiiJZ a btrC!t' aiternt~nn card part,· inr the hl'JH·fit oi tht· schoc, l Tm·sda·,.. September 17, in t ht· sdH,nl :J.tHlitnrium. Youngi:irls " ·ill l>l' pre:-.ertt to take care of . mall childrtn ii their 111t)thcn wish t1 1 hrin~ them . The Parent-Tcachn a:-. . . t~ciatinn dt~irt·.; to dn mam· things for the !--chnnl thi" season and cspecialh· urtres that mothers make this a ··,,ne-lnrnd· ('d 1H:rcen t part\·." and ~f rs. Andrn\· ~fcC'anne\· announce the marriage of their rl.aughter, Xorma Jane, to Ra~·mo11u Vance Smith. \\'ednesday, August 21, in Los AnJ{eles. Cal. ~f r. Wilmette Garden Club Holds Flower Show Today :\ llll'l't i ng o i the \ Vilm ette Garden club will hl' held at the home of ~f r :;. Charles D. F\\'er, 1111 Ashland a,·enuc. cHI Friday aftl'rnoon. September 6. at 2 :30 o'rlock. The spraker fc1r. ~he aitt·rnlhln \Yill he ~[rs. E. T. Phelps, president of thL· 'Kenilworti1 Garrlen club. whn \\'ill talk on the subject of "I.a~· ing Out a Carden." At this meeting there will also !:>e helcl the summer flower sho\\· at which the En·ning Garden club and the children of \\'ilmette are invited to exhibit . The flower show will be open to the public until 8 o'clock. The Youn.g ~fothers' club will hol<l it ~ .next regular meeting ~fonda\· l'\'t'ning, September 9. at the hnme of ~r r~:. Mothers~ Club to Meet ... H. E. Ring-holm. 1539 Lake avenue. · Mrs. T .]. Ferrenz and Mrs. A. L. 11 ilIcr will he assisting hostesses. Mis:-; \Yini fred Bright, children's lihraria'n at the \Vilmette Public lihrarv. \'\·ill sneak on, "Books for the Pre-scho 0l Child." and will bring with her a numher of book for the mothers to examine. To Be Welfare Hostess The \Vilmette Senior hoard of the Infant \Velfare societv will open its new season Mondav with an all-dav session at the home of Mrs. Percival N. Cutler, 207 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth. ... Jtii,

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