Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 29

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September 6. 1929 ~ I WILMETTE LIFE 29 After Lakes Title the brake t e stit~g station. All p.e rsons may obtain the stickers or posters as th ey desire by ca11ing Franklin Kr eml at th e a uto departm ent of the Ev an ston poli ce station. Mrs. \V. 0. Belt a nd her daughter, Mi. s Virgi ni a Be lt , of 202 Abing don roa d. Ke nilworth , have r eturn ed f rom a visi t t o th e summ er ho m e of ~1 r s. E lea nor Ski lkn of Spa ni sh co urt. Ke nilwort h. Bern ice Rovd, 718 Gree nleaf a \'en ue, is lea Ying the mid d le ·part qf Sept ember to spend a year in studY in Snai n. ~1 iss ' I BEAUTIFUL FERNS 1 · A large assortment of fterh, 1turdy BOSTON FERNS Sl 1I and up ,_) -o- John Weiland 6 1 Wilmette Ave. , Wilmette Wilm ette 2 I 28 f Don't Worry ~l ax Hadord. t,op- notch skippC'r amo nn· the Sheri da n Sh re Y:1cht cl11h me:n l~rs . is sa !l i~1 g "T ,~ i n k~e ~itt~," I ,,-h tch he_ ow ns JOintl y wt t h C. \ . ILl- 1 nap, f~1r tl ~e G t:ca t La,k cs s t ~r class 1 rhamp!L)nslllp be tng- clectclcd th~:-. \\-ct·k at lJetrnit. Th r ee races "·ill be run I to detcr111inc the \\'inner, the first oi \rhich " ·a" ~chtdukcl f11r yvstnclay and . \ri ll be illiiO\\Td by other~ tL1 day :md )morr_ow. ._ 1 Haytord qualtf1ed fr1r the Gr~ : tt ; Lakes championship _ rics hy \\'1:1- I niwr the Lake ~l ichig-an chantpionship ' carUcr til is season. .He also ,,·on the : r i!.! h t t n r c p r c s 1.' !1 t the Ia k e in t h c in~ ematinna l sta r class race:; at :--Jew Orleans, but since they will he he ld in ( >ctobcr ,,- 11~ n his position as ticke t manage r of Xorth " ·cstnn unircrsi~y ,,-ill he at the pl'a k of h u ::i ness , h e " ·ai ,·cd that r ight. .-\ litt le onr a \reck agt 1 he captured the 'hipping I:(lard t rnphy iur Sh cridan ~hore. k(·~_· pi,ng it on the shcln:s whe re Ea rl lh· .\1 oc·~ ~kippering in Drea m Sta r h a d h l' 1 d it f Cl r t " .o p r c c c d j n g y ears . 1 1 Shore Line takes soil out -puts style back There· s a thrill in unpacking things dry cleaned by Shore Line- same a's the thrill when new togs are delivered. For all of the immaculate beauty is there. Every vestige of soil is erasedevery whisper of style restored. Just ask your own eyes. 1 SHOW SAFETY MOVIES Evanston and Neighboring Theaters to Cooperate With Accident Bureau in Campaign Special for One Week Ladies' Fall Coats Cleaned and Pressed 1 · ). fm·ie fi lm s on accide n t p reve ntio n wi·ll he sho wn at the Howard. Main , Xorshorc, Teatro del L ago a nd V ar sit'" theaters in co njun cti on with th (! ir r eg ula r pn""~grams beginnin g Sund ay . Sept. 8, accord in g to F r ank Kre ml o f the acc ide nt prc ,·c nti on b ur ea u. T he majo ri ty of t he pi ctur es will he ta l{ en localh· ai t er th e sc he dul e is we ll sta rt ed, Kr eml sa id , and 1'. C. M ontgo mery o f the Columbia Pictures, Inc., is makin g- th e " film tr a il ers" or titles f0 r all th e bur ea u '~ pictur es a nd is now wor k ing 0 11 th e fir st g roup o f film s. The pictu res will he circul ate d from one th c:1 t cr to a not he r an d w ill chang e c,·e r Y \ne k. ln thi s m a nn er th e hn rca u- hopes to k eep it s sloga n. " prevent ac cid ent s" C\'C r in t h c mind o f th e publ ic. Th e entire publi city progr am conduct ed hv th e bureau started t his week with th e app earance of sticker s and pos ter s on tru ck s, taxi s and pri,·ately owned car :- . Th e usc o f the se sti cker s is entireh · voluntary and as there ts at prc sct{t no appr opriation from the cit y's fund s t o finance thi s intensive c01npaign ' 11cre will be a small charge. less than a cent apiece, made for all stickers except those obtained from $1.50 12 I 5 Washington Ave. Wilmette Successors to the · Krauss Cleaning Co. SHORE A ~;V.~"i~~-~6~_ L·~ PHONE CALL WILL BRING OuR GREENLEAF (Evanston) 3400 WILMETTE .......... 3400 TRUCK To YouR DooR HIGHLAND . PARK 34oo GLENCOE ·...... 1 3 oo NO TOLL PHONES GLENVIEW 3 20 )

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