Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 31

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September 6, 1929 WILME.TTE cated life of New York. Having started as an ardent and eager young reporter thirsting for knowledge and dreaming of the great literary works \\·hich he \Yilt create, he falls an easv pre~· to hi s unfortunat e aptitude for facile composition and. his natural bent for turning an epigrammatic ·phrase with little effort. Scarcdv realizing it, he falls into the trap s,;t by :\ature: Almost imperceptibly f.Je lnses hi . high ambitions in the daily flno<l of superficial commc'llt and tri\·ial criticism \\·ith \Yhich he fill~ his ne\\· ~paper column . and SOtH1 he i:-~ a prisnncr behind the bars \Yhich he ~radually has erected. LIFE 31 .. . gested and its outlines are left for the reader to fill in. The battle of Fort William Hcnrv and the massacre following it ar·e dramatically portrayed. There is 110 prejudice shown in favor of o ne countn· or the other. Montcalm. ~1onro, \\1illiam Johnson, Abercrombie, the Shu ·ler s of Albany and the informer Lnldiu:;, all have to ell) \\·ith the heroinr':-; actidtics. The cha ra cters of these men are ora \\'11 r ea li stica1ly rather than romantically, sn that the reader sees both their good qualities and their fa ult s. E\·cn the fact that the heroine is English is not allO\\": d 1o gi\·e a false impression of the French. ln fact, ~1 1tca lm is r epresented as taking a hand in pr()\·ing the innocence · pf Tnscch·n's fatk:r "·ll()se I if c and hono~ are ·at . take. IRED ALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES Wise people who .a re making a change of residence this Fall will .call lredale's .TODAY and make moving day arrangements. Your work will be done quickly, without loss or damage, and with . a minimum amount of inconvenience to you. Phone today. Overstuffed Furniture and Rugs Processed by lredale's are MOTHPROOF! EXPERT STORAGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS · THE NOVELIST OF VERMONT. .\ l~i(l.l!Taphira l and Critical Stuch· of Daniel Pierce Thn111pson. Hy ]nl111 1 ~. Fli tc rn it. 1-Lt n- arcl l'n i n :r-; i ty J>n·:-.;o;. :\! though none (If D. P. 'J'h()mp~un's nthtr JHl\'L ' l. approached the flit\· editions of "The Crn'L' I1 ~fnunt ;tin no~· :;," ha~ed nn the F1han .\llcn . . a~a. t lw sl'quel. "The Hangers." \\·as nnt ttlhtll'Ct'SSiul. n(lr can thl· . tttdl':lt ,1! :\m erican lil\.'raturt· afi(Jrd to nt'l':kct "l.nckt· . \m ~cl<..·n." a iorerunnn 11t rL·git1nal fiction ~uch a . . "Thr li nt)~ in ~ r lH 1 n 11 11 a~ t n. '· .\ 1t 1 w u ~ h 1111trained . Th(lJJl]l:-\(JIJ \\·as a . natur;tl . . ton·- tv llcr. Hi~ hi., tt 1 ri ra 1 ch a ractcr' are . mnre l111111;tn than most ni l'·)O per\. li e made tin1cl~· u~c ni rt)man tic thcmo. :\ nd he had an lH1ntJra))ll' -.l1are. \\'ith l .lllljltr. fn·ing. and ~imllls. in in1rtH!ucing thl· .\ma;l·:t.n :-. L ' t'IJC intn lirti()Jl. "The \:nn·list uf YnmtJJlt" is made up of a reminiscent intrucluctinn L\· Charles ~finer Thomjbun. :-.e\·cnty---i:X page:' of hackgTouncl ancl biography handicapped by "the almClst total lack 11i docttllll'lltan· e\·idence." c..·ight\· three pages t1i c~~ ti ca l comtn~'nt .. "The H Jnc..·:>t Lt\n-er (a halt-tllllsh cd. Jh'\"cr hcinre-.printed IHn-cl). apJh'lldiet·~. and a hihlit)graphy. ).fr . Fli tcrt)ft has made a usciul rnlkctin!l nf nw-.,t uf thl' ;l\·ailahle cYidenrc regarding this ncglcctecl n oYeli st. ALL VICTORIES ARE ALIKE. Payson & 1-h Lean e Zu gs mith . Ciarkc. ~tarting with . a qu otation from Tames Cibhons H uncker-"A il Yict o~ies a~e alike: defeat alone \\·cars an indi,·iclual profile"-the author proves her point by mean . of a . pecilic in::-tance. In this t1r st n ovel of hers, Ll·ane Z ug smith Creates a cha ra cter, not m ere lv an inanimate sketch tra ct d. in printer;s ink, hut a man \\'ho exi:-ts htyoncl the last page of the hook and cnt.e rs the circle of our more intimate acpuaintanccs. \\'h e n \\'e lav the no\'C l aside. \YC 1ee l that Page Trent. ctdunmist. man oi tht \\·u rld and un iortunatc \·ict im of his \\·eaknc.;~cs. ha s permanently become Pur fril' nd . \\' e know hi~ thou g ht:-> , his i:tilings and hi s potential \·irtue s. \\·c are fond of him and infinitely so rry for him. Page is the victim of the sophisti- CAREER VS. HEART Then· has ju..;t h~· en puhli~hcd a rl' markahle human cltlCttment in tlH' iorm of a 1 1\l\TI. dealing \\'ith a t111e \\·o~ \\'l]_o goes into pnlitic . . hccon1L'S ~· L' rlltll' ni a stalt', ta ckles the pr()hlcms inY·lhTrl and trie..; 1t1 stt' t'r tht· right l'tlurse under territic rr(l..;.., -\\'inrJ..; ni Intrigue. corruption a1Hl trcarlllT\·. ~11~.· :-.ail~ ahead uutil :-. h c i a JJ., in . l u n · a 11 d i:> t· n n in) 11 1\.' <1 \\' i l h 1h L ' Ill' C l' :- ., it \. n f C ]1(1 () Si IH!,' nne () f 1,,., 1 ctnlr:-cs. 'i'hl' n tn-cl is calh.' cl "Th~.· \\.t)11l < tn tli lt" and is \Hitten h~ l .brc ( )~rkn na,·is. and puh li sht·cl :)y : I . II. Scars and con1pan\·. It is ~l\1- · .tiH'Iltic. ah-;orhitlg- , illumi1.1ating·. lt i:> on the ~uhj~.·rt t)i l11tl:>t interc~t to ,,., lllll'll tnclay-th!: cnnllict bd\\·cr n th~.· r ;trevr and the heart. ME AN' SHORTY. g,. Clarl'llCL' L. ulitJ rcl \ latc-.t i~ an inntll'C nt. ingen tllllh :>1\lry. It i~ a secnncl. cnu:-in· oi "Tlll' Yirninian" and hh od kin t o many , ,j tht' \\. \ ·:;tvrn ~tories ~i nc c puhlishec.l. 1 I whnc str;ti!.4'ht - ~11llnting . big-hearted, dryly humurtlth C\)\\.llL1YS get them!'>d \·es in and out ni trouble, succoring th~.· helples:; and hara:;-.ing t.he \'illain1 OLh. These CO\\'boy:; htwc 111 them a ' .~tH)d dea l (li Rl,bin H1)1lc\. as well as ~ ~ trace of \\'ill R ogers. "}.lean' Shorty' is from .tl:c "·cl.l-uscd mold, hut ncve rthek:->s 1t 1s sp n g hth·, aciHnturcJu,..; , and \\·holly car~.· ircc. The necessary complicatiuns are: a cron kcd . heriff, two rurtians frn111 the Fast, a ranch th e title tn \\'hich i:; Jl t)t quite clear, and finally the CO\\·h n.' · inseparables, Shorty and :\ m·cc s. ~I 1723 BENSON A VENUE, EVANSTON PHONE WILMETTE 1332 MOVING PRESENTING AMERI£AS NEWEST FIN EST ·TRAINS NeW GOLDEN STATE LIMITED Chicago-Arizona-California · NEW ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIMITEIJ Chicago-Det;~ver-Colorado Springs , I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE " }.f an" \\'ill he the snhject at ti1e sn Yices in the First Church of Ch ri st, Scienti..;t, in \Vilm ettc, Sunday mornin g , Septem ber 8, at 11 o'clock S1111day school convenes at 9 :45 o'clock. NEW l.OWA·NEBRASKA LIMITED Chicago-Des Moines-Omaha-Lincoln Each newly equipped with Pullman's latest, finest drawing-room compartment and enclosed section sleeping cars and observation club loun~Je cars. New dining cars-all especially designed and built for these famous Rock Island trains. Novel features including every conceivable travel luxury anc;l comfort without extra fare. Three superb new trains-an unjneceden ted investment to insure maximum co.m fort, luxury and convenience in rail travel. Cont·aoting Allow u s to submit our estimate on et·mf'nt work of any kind. Our modern ('quipment and many years of experh·nce assures you of the b('St service and workman shli·· . CEMENT Paul Reschke & Co. Cement Contractor 522 Center St., Winnetka Phones Winnetka 1378-1362 NOW IN SERVICE FCH' detailed in/or motion phone or write W. We Use Gonrnmeut Apprond Chemicals J. Lafferty, Division Passenger Agent Rock hl~nd Lines 723 La Salle St. Station Chicago; Ill., Phone Wabash 3200 6%1B Telephone Superior 98 53 .... ; Our special process of fumigation destroys all moth-life in upholstered furniture, rugs, furs, etc. We Call for and Deliver ROCK ISLAND THE ROAD OF UNUSUAL SERVICE roo7 NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO Jeontra(·ts for :E xtumlnatlnar ·noachPs, Bed Bugs, 1\flct> and Rats.f

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