Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE SAILS ON GRAF ZEPPELIN September 6. 1929 · Harry Vissering, 257 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, director of the Good(Continued Frori1 Page 34) year Zeppelin company, decided an hour before the Graf Zeppelin took flight to sai l with it to Germany. It r:ar <:at(' when traffic b ecomes e ntirely too much for it but I rath e r think they'll is expected up on hi s arri\·al he " ·111 build a tunnt>l instead to ca r e for tne b<.1ok passage on the first boat return- !' urplu ~ traffic. . . . \fl t· r an aftl'rnoon s pent 111 buymg ! in g to America. Seeing Europe ----------------- · anoth<·r biC'Yrl' and spare l·quipnwnt at a s hop devoted exc lu s in~ l y to bicycle:5 hky<'k c·quipme nt, where w~ e l~ U r. and· !\Irs. Ed\\'arcl \\"alters and a'nrl jflyt·fl tht' pl·rfPc t co urt esy and ~) e rtm ac ltheir son, Ed\\':l. rd, Jr., of 525 Forest ou s sa l esmanshi p of thl· propn e tor, \\' avenue. have returned t o th eir home rodP out throug-h tlw . seaward sidt:· of in \~ ' ilmette after a three \\'eek s' trip the city to tlw r>sith·ntial t·n\'irons. T~H' to \:e\\' ~exico, \\·here thev have been homt-s wvre al l l'harming- in a n·ry cllff t--r~llt way frCJm ours at ·hom(·. Til er · staYing at Gascon ranch. was always m ore g-anh·n than la \\'n ancl no l>rofw;io n of t'it her-JH·rft·ct ll t>d~lS an<l man,· wall :-; and th t· housPs Wt '!'t· in\'<triahl~: prim and !-m ug· rathe>r th an lavi sh and s prawling-. ·f·:\'t ·ry hit of land w e cliS('OY<·rl'<l was madt· u s·· of :1.nd P\'o·rnhin· Y w as ch·a n . Th e brass doo r plat;·::; a1{;l knockers (as is tht· easL' in t·'.···n· Fng-lish to\\·n) shont· lik P g·old and tlw '!itt 1.. wind o w s wt·re all imma('Uhtlt' in dainty ~:u rtain s. " 9-1)2 Frigidaire with the ""Cold Control" freezes desserts better .. makes ice quicker .. keeps foods fresher . .· . longer wo·ro· up Pa rly :1ncr at't(·r · ~,;mt· fin a l prPpanttions, hit tlw road for I >urcht"ster, li I milo·!' away, t ·llt· \\"t ·!'s· · X town whir ·ll Tlwmas Hardy !l1atit · tilt· !"ro· n ·· of hi !' non ·l, "Tht· ~ray.o r pf I 'arto ·rln· iclg-t·," n·ad and <· njc ·~· · · <l h)· 11 !' IH·t h la s t wintt ·l' . ( >n t llo· war \\'I' passt>d tllroug·]l llourn o·mnuth, nlll' of til·· gTt·att·!'t of J·:ng- li!'h . w at· ·rin g pht<·,.s, wh ich w,· <lid nnl Parti<'ularly like· ht·caust> it \\'<t!', lik· · all otlwr g·n·at lil·ac·ll n·s()rls, c·r·fl\\·d,.tJ. lH·l - dogg-~· and dlt:"a)l. :\lnnday morning \\.,. spt· nt walking a r .. unrl ().,rc·lw s tl'!' and Yisiting thP loralit it·!' rn arlo · fallliliar tn U!' ))y t h · 110\'(· ), wllit·h int·lurl··<l tll\· 11 ld !lom an amphitl~t · a!t'r· "ut:-;i<J, . tlw t nwn and til t· lJro;,d, 11r··· · s lt<tllo·<1 \\';t lks whic·h Wvl'!· ~<11Ct · l ltollllall walls UJ···~ it: l J ;·und ary. SundaY morning- " * \\'t· ., So·tling r·ut again ;thout no,on ,,.,. soon h-ft · l )ors··t:-:lliro · and o·Jltt·rvtl t·lw t'tlUllt , . .. r I )o · \'IJll. H t>r o· t h· · :-:r·, . n,.r~, wh il'll ltafl T HE Frigidaire "Cold Contror· has introduced a new standard in electric refrigeration. It is as important as a gas regulator on an oven. This simple, patented device controls Frigidaire's surplus power. It gives you six freezing speeds at the turn of a handy lever ... faster freezing of ice, and perfect results in the making of frozen salads and desserts that require extreme cold. And every household Frigidaire is now equipped with the ··cold Control" ... h· ···n dt I ig·llt t'ul all tho· wa~· . <l ppro l<tl'h c· d 'I'IH· hills l w<'allH· long!'r and h i:..:·lll'l' antl from many pla r·t·s IJ!l thl'ir l11[1s \\'t ' t·otll d !'··" man~· milt ·S of r·u g·g··d C'o;t!'l nnd l'tdling f;trmlnnd. \\·e wo ·J't ' \'o·ry \\·t·;tn· inrJ..o ·rl \\ . IH·Il \\ ' t' <':till!· t " 01\11' so·('lll}( l nig lit':-; rlo ·!-'t in at ion, lfquit iJil, \\'IJt'l·o· \\'o· ta:-;tt ·d for t·ht· fir:-;t timo· till· t' IOII 1t·d ('}'t·;t Ill r. II' wllic·lt I h·\·onshin· is falll()U:-; througlwut l·:nglan<l . If ,,,\. no ·.\t day Wt· <'allll· to Exll·r and \·isito·of J·>\lt ·r t'atltt ·clral <llltl in what lll<Ulnt·r our tra ,.,·Is !li'I H't·t·d··d fr01m t llt·!·t· t hrnug-11 ·J lt·\·o n, ( 'ornwall and Srl!llt·rsl't, t·\·e n '" !:1hrl!pshin·, \\'ill ap[H ' al' in ntl l' !1 t·Xt ldt t·r, to IJl' puhlisllt·r! in anoth··r gr;tndt·tl ". ISS lit ·. w ithout added cost to tbe bil)'er. J . H. H. S. ('< H 'Ill~.\.:\", .J IL FJ'I'Z<:t·~I{:\LII . Look inside one of these Frigidaires of today. Note how convenient is the height of the shelves ... how sGlooth and lustrous is the Porcelain-on-steel interior ··. how easy to clean, inside and out. The mechanism is completely concealed ... a~Way from dust and dirt, and incredibly quiet. Then consider these important factors. Frigidaire's special insulation ... moisture proof, heat resisting, enduring. The sturdy steel construction ··. the precision workmanship ·.· the rigid inspection of the finished job. And finally, the great General Motors organization that has made all this FORMS NEW BOARD J..::enil\\'orth and north shore women intcr c:o~ ted in the Park Hidgc School for girls \\'ill be glad to kno~· that Mr~ . Charles \Varc, 325 Abhottsford road. is carrying on a ne\\· movement to incori)o ratc a committee oi thirty members to be ca ll ed the Kenilworth Auxiliary hoard for the Park Ridrre School f<)r Cirls. ~ ~f arion Eck hart , daughter of ).f r. and ).{ r:-;. Perc : Eckhart, 222 Cumberland a venue. KcnihYorth left for I ake Placid. X. Y., last week \\'here she ~wtll stay tll~til time to retu rn t o Chicago Ut11\·ers!h· the last of Sep tem ber. Elizabeth Jt.ckhart, voungest daughter of Mr. a nd . ~r rs. Eck hart, is expected home thts \\'eek after spend ing th e :-,ummer ab road. possible ... at prices based upon enormous production. Let us tell you more about Frigidaire and the easy monthly terms. See a complete demonstration. Call at our show room .·· today. Let us help you win in big $25,000.00 contest Come into our display room. Learn why 50 '? is the safety point for perishable foods. Then write a letter that will give you a chance to win a model home, a Cadillac car or one of many 50° IS THE SAFETY POINT other valuable awards now being offered by ~he National Food Preservation Council. Come in, and get the rules of the contest and complete information today. POR PERISHABLE PO ODS STOVER Mh :11gan };,·an!lton ;\ n. at Randolph · · 18Sl Sherman G r~enleaf 4488 Park · ~8! Central Highland Park 100 St., (]51 Au. An. lllghland N. Michigan Ave.) Randolph n~o Hubbard Woods · 890 Linden An. Winnetka 151! Public Senlce CompanJ of Northern Illinois At all their oftlees. co. Shir le\· ~cCill, daught er of Mr. and \Irs. John H. McGill, 216 Broad,\·c.. \· a\'C nu e, who has bee n spe nding h er :um mer vaca tion at Camp Bryn Avon Ill northern \Vi scon'si n. return ed to her h.o me las t week She will enter th e se\·e nth grade of Stolp school thi s fait -o~1 r . and Mrs. ~:trl C. Mos:-;, 31() Cumnor roa d, Kenilworth and family r etumccl Tuesdav fr om Hartland, · Wis., \\'here th ev spent several weeks. B~rbara Holden, ' 527 Warwick road. Kenilworth has returned from Towanda, Pa., where she has been at a hou s~ party for the past three weeks. -o- -o- -o, Francis Stanton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E~lgar Stanton, 30 Locust road, Indian Htll has returned home after spending the summer abroad.

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