Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 37

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September 6, 1929 WIL "M E T T E LIFE 37 NORTH SHORE RETURN OF SCHOOL DAYS REASON FOR GREAT CARE · Parents Should Drill Children in Carefulness and Drivers Also Should Be Alert \\'ith the opening of virtualh· all public. parochial and private :-;chnol s the added number of children on the -;treets constitutes an extra hazard to driving which calls for the exe rcise o~ additiona l care on the part of car o\\'ners, points o'u t a bulleti n issued hv In· tl. e accident pr_ c ,·ention departm ent n.f the C hi cago .r..fotor Club . "There will he mam· little ones of five and six vears of ·age leaving the sa fety of their ov·n homes to venture (Jttt into the street s, a \YOrld unknown to them," the bu ll etin state s. "Tho se votmg-stcrs, entire !~· unversed in protecting themselves irom traffic danger:-~, ,\·ill pre se nt a problem c\·en t o the habitual!\· caref ul clri,·c r . "The o ld er chi ld ren, also are not so careful in the fall as in othe r times of the rear. Cnless their parents han~ carrietl 011 during the :--lllllmer, the saie t,· education thev rcceirecl in sc hool cluri1~g th e last sCtn(:s ter is hut a vag11c memon·. It will be :>OillC time beion~ the,· ma,· be expected to res ume the rardu l habit s in sp ired during the r<.' L!·ular sc hoo l n ·ar )),· the sc hool bO\·s' :--aiet ,· patrol and .th e safet\· pnstcrs c n u r ::--c . he ext r e 111 (') Y c aut i11 tt s at a 11 itl schoo lrooms. "\\'hik lTtn· car mrner shou ld. of times. thev should he doubh· so ior 1 ~~>nlt tiJnt· aitcr the schools oi)en. Surh a pnliC\· is certain tn rc=-nlt in a clrast ic n.· d u c tin n n i dea ths an cl in j u n ·· s anw nL-: the ch~drL'tl. ~till another mantln in \rltich llllltori:--h can cooperate :n this \\·nrk is tn cumph · " ·ith the signal~ <,i the ~rlwnl 1>0\·s' patrol. \\'hen those' !J,,,.s raise their hands as a sil(nal ior cars to stop, the\· dn so in Ot'der to pr()tect \' (Htng· li\'e s. 'the cfficienc\· oi the patrols is unquestioned: the m ontnent ha s spread until it is no\\' nation,,·ide. "En'n· n1t1 tori:-~t should feel deep!~: (·h li ~ratrcl to pia,· hi s part in this hulllanitarian project. and should real!;-c the re spo nsibilit\· that re st s \\·ith him in clri,·ing- safelY·. Such a sp irit on the part of the car O\Yner::; \rill go far in . making- th e streets safer to some de. L;n.'e for the chi ldren." Four Spe·eds Give Cars Longer Life, Declares Dealer Ho\\' old is an a utomnhile ? Th e ans\\'er is not so simple as one would illlagine. For example, take two cars that ,,·ere tum cd out of the same facwry ).I arch I. t 929, and sold tn r etai l purchasers )..f arch 15. i\ine month s later. 011 December 15, are the se t\ro cars nf the sa me ag-e? ~ot necessarih·. Car A ha s tra\'Cled 7500 miles and car 13 ha s done I0,000 ~ ~·le s. fi y(ltt \\'ere htt)·ing either ·llle a s a used car. you would choose t.he one tha t had Ctwered tl1e least clt stance. The point is. the rea l age e>f an automobile is not its time-age but it s mile-age . Therein lies one of the greatest advantages <Jf the Crrahan1Paige iour-spred translltission. f.,r whet1 otlc ni these four-spe d models ha s tra,·e led 10.000 iniks. ih engine ha ::; macl_c nnl~· as many rnolutions as thc engn1e_ nt a. three-speed car has m ~tdc at 7.~00 mtlc> fn other word~. mtle for 1111le. thL· ll·Ur-:--plTd car ages ~ per cent sln\Ycr than a t·hrec -s pecd c~r. E,·cn· tntltllri:--t ktw" s that the en g-ine. ~·Iutrh. trall:'llltssJnn, unirersal joints, attcl all nthns lll<n·ing parts, de teri oratc thn1u~· h use . The a(h·icc tn change ,s park ,; lugs eH ry 10,000 llliles, cl.rain oi l l' \·cry SOO miles. adjust or rc grind ,·aln.'s e\·l·ry ~o many !llill':-~. and so fmth. rtru. L:nizr..; this iact. The speed ui mm·111 g part:; i:-; an- u~ler factor to con id er. An engine th t has dri,·en a car 10,000 miles at 6 miles per hour ha s depreciat<·d more than if it had clone the same distance at 35 m. p. h., becau se friction, vibration, fatigue s. heating, and various stre sses, increase with the engine's speed. Therefore, any improve ment that will enahle an automobile to trav el with fewer reYolutions per mile will correspondi ng ly prolong the life of the rnechanis .· 1 and keep the, car young, according lU Carl Hanson of Hanson ~~ otors, \ Vinnetka Graham-Paige dealer . Ford PrQduction for One Month Sets All-time-- Record 'vVorld production of Ford automobiles and trucks for July was the largest for that month in the history of the Ford Motor compan~· . according to a n announ cement just made. All record s for retail deliverie s to customers a lso were broken. Production of the Ford cars and trucks of the United States duri'lg July totaled 180,804, and for the r ~st of th e world, 15}01, making a gr,M. nd total of 196,505. Retail deliveries to customer s in the United Sta t es a lon e tota led 170.676 for the month. This was more tha n a third of the total car and truck busines _ of the United States. accordinig- to F ord officials. The plant is no\\· turning out c:trs as fast as the summer schedule permits. The company now employs 104,000 \\'Orkers at the f~ouge plant, ,,·here mo st of the manufacturing has hl'en concentrated si nce th e r em oval of equipment from the Highland Park plant. ·Car for ·4.87 of U. S. People · Latest figures Reported According to the official compilation of the Department of Commerce, the United States now has a motor vehcle for every 4.87 of its people. The re t of the world has a car for each 287 human beings. Arabia enjoys the doub tful distinction of ha ving the greatest number of inhabitants per motor vehicle. In one of the territorial d-ivision s, Asit·, there are 78,000 people to each motor · vchide in usc. ~ ex·t to ourselves and Ca nada, the most pro li fic user of GOODRICH ABSORBS HOOD motor vehicle . is Xew Zealand, which Acquisition of the Hood Rubber has a motor car for every nine inhab- compa ny hy the B. F. Goodrich comitant s and th en comes Australia with pany by exchange of stoc k has been a vehide for every t wclvc people. approvrd. by the directors of the Our own Pacific territory. Hawaii, Goodrich company. · l'nder the mergrr shO\\-s the effect of association \\'ith plan, one share oi cl ndrich stock will the mainland by having a motor ve- be issued fnr each t\\·o shares of Hood. hicle for cn.~ry six re . ident s. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MOTORS SERVICE Incorporoted E\IER.VTHING AUTOMOOIL.E .lOr-the Truck Registrations in Cook County Show a Gain There " ·as a gain of 69.4 per cent. in ne\\· true k registrations in Cook county for July this year, as compared to the same months in 192R. Thr WJllparat iY e fig-ures '"err 932 for h-;t month and SSO for l uh-, 1928. Eight hundred a1~~~ t-hirty of the 932 li sting s \\'rre in the classi ficatinn nf three ton and under. Ford leadingthe li st by a \\·ide m argin \\·ith JRl. Last ,.<·ar Ford had ninetv-fivc. Ch"\'rolet -came second \viti; 142. while Dodge moved up a notch from pre- . cedi ng- 111onths by scoring 78. NEVErt CLOSED Now that the summer wear and tear on your car is over, have it Simonized- make it look like new for fall. Free Motor Cleaning with each Simoniz Job. Your car called for and deli vered----.!no extra charge ( ' Jiuk ,Johuson The Largest Motor Repair Shop on the North Shore llingol He didn't know tho truck was going to stop abort, but even so he'd never have crashed into it had his brakes been worki.tg richt. This happens a thousand times a day. By the way, bow are ,our brakes? }'mnk .Johnson REFLECTORS FOR TRUCKS C nd cr a new state law , which he \ame effective September 1, motor trucks in Connecticut have to be eq uipp ed with r eflectors. It is sa1d that th e new law is the outCL )llle of the growing li st of fatal accidents caused hv r ea r end crashes du e to dim, dirty, obscure light s or to lig hts being out on trucks. 'Zi CEN'lRAL STREET SUPER-SERVICE STATION !l W:i f't·ntral Strf'('t ( 'ortu· r J,n w ll(lale Fnh·(·rsit:r 10!~04 MAIN STREET Witmette ·E Yanston, 111. o i 0 \. _:_:~::__,.___ 11 __o ____ ~hone Wilmetteb 0 A_ .... B_._v_A_N_D . . .B_t_rs-BN_;·

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