Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 41

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September 6, 1929 WILME.TTE LIFE 41 APPOINT NEW DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOU~ EDUCATION Miss Elizabeth Webster Joins Staff at First Congregational Church This Week St~ John's Lutheran English Lutheran 9:45 A. M . ...... .. ....... Sunday school .Joseph Johnson, superintendent. 11 A. l\£. . . ...... .. ...... Morning worship Sermon: "The Washing of Rf'generation." Th Sacrament of Holy Bapti:-.;m wi!l be performe(l Sunday mot·ning. The sermon is a study of the Hacrament. Th' Men's BI'Otherhood will meet Monday evf' ning at 8 o'clock. This is the first of the fall and winter meetings. There is a g-reat work for m e n in our c·hurch. \Ve look for a fin e repr sentatiYe gathering-. The n e w building- goes on apace. It is ll tttch large r and finer than anticipated by thos who h;:tve made a st udy of plnns and pictures. We are \ ·e 1 ·y hapnv with the cu lmin at ion of our plans and sacrifices. We invite you to wot·ship with l.li:;. lnRpPct om· new building and see how splendidly we have planned for our communi tv. "\Vorship in Wilmette." \\'ilnwttt· anl1 Pnrk A.Y e nu<>s, \Vilmet te 1 h·nnan \\·. Meyer, pastor ·IIIIi l'l'ail ·i!' :wenue. Telephone 1396 Chun·h ~t'lel)hone 311.1 St·nic.-s 1:;tll Sunday nftt>r Trinity !J ::W a. m . Sunclay sc·hool atHl Bible Ia ·ses !l >Iii' a. n1 . ·F'in.;t "1' 1'\'ic t· and :-.;ermon lO :4:-i a . 111. Pn·par:tt()ry !ien·it'e for comll1U11i l·ant:-.; 11 :1. n1. !:-it'COIH1 :-.;t·n·i('L' and 1 [oly Commu ni1111 -. .b.. . ~fiss Elizabeth Webster of Shenandoah. Ia., started her work as director Friday, Saturday of religious education at the First ' 1 h 1 S J } )fHtillJ,t'S Congregatwna c urc 1 · eptem )er · Ttlt·"llay, . t·ptt·mht·r 1o at 'i :45: 1h·eting September 6, 7 11iss \\'ebster graduated from Grinndl oC thl' \'oters cnllcge at Grinne ll, Ia., tn June. ' Tht · !.rani'~ SupJwr \\'ill lw celebrat ed She spent the summer in gradu- tlurin~ tlw 11 o'clock :-i4:'1'\'i<'e on Sunatr studv in the field of religious rln~· morning- lll'Xt. The preparatory in education at the University of Chicago SE>I'\'ivt· fo1· e()mmu nkants hPg-inning at 10 : 4:i. 1\ ll those who wish to receive the and the Chicago Theological seminarv. are l'l'(JU\>Stt·d to mnke · this She is the granddaughter of a 1\ C\V Sacranwnt knrawn to tlw pastor on Saturday afterEngland Congregational minister who llfH·I1 or <'\'Pn ing- at tlw l><ll:sonag-('. With Ruth Chatterton ~ pent t\\'enty-six years as pastor "1f Ita 11~· 1 >ay will })(' lwld at the Sunda.y Mr . Bentley G. Mc(: loud and little the Congregational church at Hopkin- "<'h()ol Sunday morning, Sept mber 22. daughter, Nancy McCloud, 338 Kenilton. Mass. She is also a direct de- Tlw ('hilrln·n will lltt·f:'t at the Sunday worth avenue, Kenilworth returned !ichonl at !1 :3Q for th t' l't·g-ular Sunday Monday, Tuesday scendant oi Daniel \Veb ster. sl·hf!rd "t>t'Yit·f', aftt'r which a special last Saturday after - spending a week Miss \Vebster \\'as a very popular rally st·rYit-r will be hd<l at church in visiting Mrs. McCloud's parents. Mr. September 9, 10 ~tudent leader in college. She was whi('h tlw pan·nts and grown folks will and Mrs. Robert Olmstead in Omaha. parli <' ipatt·. Prc:-~ident of the college Y. \V. C. A. i\eb. Tuesdr~y, September 3, Mr. and duri11Q' her rn ior year. · In her junior \f rs. McCloud left for Lake Placid, 011 ~~tllHla,\' morning- anrl af!t·nwon lH' Xl n::ar ~he ,,·as a member of the cabinet tlu· :tnnua l fl'sli\':tl will h t> ih'lrl at the X. Y .. \Yhcre they joined Mr. and Mrs. m in charge of the department of Tnterna- Lut!H·I':tll Orphanag-t' at J\ddison. lll. Sidncv Ball lvr a two weeks' sojourn. t ional Hcla tionships. She \\·as Yicc- Th l'l'l' \\'ill ht· four sen·i<'PS, t\',_:o in the prc:,ident of the student council. Slw fol't· norl!l and two in tlw aflt'I'IIOO!l to I \\'hit'h 1' \·e rvonl' is ·nrcliallv inYitecl. Th e won the Spau ldin g prize for lnterpre - ~r·nin·s will hl· lwld in · tlw open and with Rod LaRocque tin· reading and \\·a:; acti re in t h c amp lifi<·n.: will mai\P it pn"sibl · for all (II ]H':I 1' .· dramatic wnrk of the college. T:l'than,· Lut!H·t·an c hurc h of EdgeMiss \Yehstcr \\'as a member oi the facult\· of the state Young. People's watt·!' i:- d1·rlil'at ;ng- its IH · \\· 1~· PreC:tl.'d Wednesday, Thursday pari:-.;h hi·UH· on · ..;unday aftl'l'li_!Hm, St·prnnference of the Conl.!regational tl'ttlht·t· 1:i, at ~ o'elock, and i!' holdiugFRIDAY, SEPT. 13 September 11, 12 church in Io\Ya, being in charge 0f the I ·JH·II lHtll!it· ran \\-~dnesda~· t·\·vning·, Sl'Precreational work of the girls and tl ·llllH· r 1:-- at :\, to whieh tilt· young p eo ple· Grant Withers, Be,tty Compson tl·aching the art of ston·-te !ling. Om: arr · p:trti ·ulnrly ;n,·itell. Gertrude Olmstead summer was spent otr the taff of the James Kirkwood Detroit \\'oman's club camp conducted m In the l\luslcal Cometly on Lake Huron for undernourished . :-'tnHl:ty, Sc·pte mlwt' S, \\'ill lw tht · fifand underprivileged children of Detroit. tl>t·nth Sunday aftt·t· Trinity. Tlwre will "THE TIME THE PLACE Annther summer was spent in Chicago be lloly f'ommunion at 8 a. m., anrl lllctl'nAND THE GIRL" under the clirectit n oi the ::\ational ing prayt·l' and arldres:-.; at 11 a. 111. Y. \\·.C. A. in their student in Jndustn· Th·· fir~t st·:-.;sions nf the f'hun·h !ichonl project. · Twenty-t\\'o college girl will IH' hl'l<l Sunday, S1:'j)lt'll11Wr I;), at ~0ught po~itions and worked as facton· n :4:) o'dcH'J.:. Tlwn· will lw 1111 ('hun·h !..!'irl.; during the summer that th~\· :-:('hor·l ~~ · sf<ions twxt Sunday. · mil.!ht gain first hand informatiotl 1'1 TIH' l'l'Ctor r (> turned from Post lal.:t· on regard to the life of this group. lla\'ing· ht>t:'l1 appointt·cl chairMiss \\' ebster will haYc charge ·.'f Tut·!'day. man for the Dil tCt·:-.;e of Chi ·ag-o of a the young peopk's and religi0us edu- mr·\'l'llll'l1t to found mi:-.;"illi1S for l'hildn·n tion \York of the Congrei.Ul.tional thr<,ug·Jtr,ut th·· tlinv l'st· thi:-.; autumn anrl church. She \\'ill he assisted in her 11l'Xt Lt·n t, lw w iII SJh' !HI 11 P x t . unda y \mrk 1)\· J. C. ~{ eade, a graduah· ..;tu- at llins(l:llt· with a ft · \\' htt!Hlrt·d d1\ln ·l1 :·w hot~l lt·<tclt·l:s rlt' \·l'l:'Jling Jlla!ls.. Tl_lt · dent of Northwestern uninT~it,· in th mornmg- :-.;t·n·H·t· :tt ~t . ug·u:-.;tJnt · :-.; \\'Ill \fr. l11 · t:tl-:1'1'1 h~· a yi:-.;iting· t·~<·rg-~·man. field of religious education. September 8, 1929 Price: $ l. 35 Meade was a member of the staff of the Congrc~Yatio nal church of EYanston lt.. A ~.,~ last year. He will haYe charge of hm·s' I VJ\OtOr to~-)) Caviar Canaot.: Fruit Cocktail "·ork and the Junior department nf the Celerv Hearts Pickles Church school. Old Fashion V cgetahle Soup ~plit Pea Puree CHOICE .Tames ancl Philip Burnham returned Roast Prime of Beef Au Jus MondaY to Kcnih\'orth, after spending Chicken Pot Pie a summer abroad. to visit friends for a Larded Beef T.c nderloin. Mushroom Sauce \H~ek or t\\'o before going cast. James Roast Leg of V cal. Dressing and Brown Gran· expect . to return to 1\cw York to take Roast Leg of Lamh, Fresh Mint Sauce · up his cl u ties as instructor at Co lum hi a ~ I Roast Loin of Pork. Apple Sauce uni\·crsitv for the coming year. He ~ :..--Broiled Lamh Chops on Toast has just graduated from Oxford uniYerDELL (OON and the: Broiled \Vhite Fish, Tartar Sauce sit,·. England. Philip will return 1n Princeton a few davs later. MIRALAGO ORCHESTRA ~fa~:hcd Potatoes French Fried Potatoes Broodc., lin9 our WI 8 0 :r\ ew String Beans Carrots and Peas Garden Spinach Stewed Tomatoes Mr. and Mrs. II. Hall ami Plus and Minus Salaci Orleans Salad Miss Martha Hall of 705 Gregor_ ,. a\'eHot Parker House Rolls nue have just returned from a six Over the Lake in No M·n's Land ... ' T hcv vtsttC( · · 1 1·.ng· 0n Sheridan Road b~twton Wilmette ··d Kenalworth CHOICE wee k ~s trip abroad. . '\. 463 0 0 land, Holland. Switzerland, and Paris. WILMETTE £J Green Apple Pie, Peach Pie and Apricot Pie Assorted Home ~1 ade Cakes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: Bavarian Cream + + + + Ice Cream and Cake Milk Iced Tea Coffee Buttermilk Tea WILL!.\M POWEU "Charming Sinners" BIWE DOVE COMMUNITY HOUSE '(The Man and the Moment" St. Augustine's VILMA BANKY . "So This Is Heaven" 1 SUNDAY DINNER MENU Jh _ j : : : N'~rman ~ ~ ~ n ~ + : : : : + Do You Know These New Dances? Write for our illustrated booklet Register now for the hll term and be among the first to learn these new popular dances--the Sorority Sway and the Breakaway. RIDGEVIEW SPECIALS . : i + : + Fernando Maione DANCING STUDIO i : + Half Fried Spring Chicken, Bacon and Corn Fritters, $1.50 Special T Bone Steak, Fresh Mushrooms, $1.50 Weekday Luncheon &Sc Evening Dinner $1.00 All Pastries and Rolls at The R.i dgeview Are Home Made. + : + THE RIDGEVIEW EV.ANSTON : + 9 3 4 Spanish Court . Wilmette 3 3 81 MAIN STREET AND MAPLE AVENUE, UNIVERSITY 10000 ~########. .##############~######~####~######################~··,. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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