Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 43

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September 6, 1929 WILME.TTE LIFE / Skokie Ridge, Deere Park Are Laid Out 43 Hillside Homesites ·Offered by Several Fine Homes Built This Year by. Deere Park Owners The Gateway to Beautiful Homes Developments · Boilding activity in 1h :ere Park thi:; .;ummer has been brisk Ed\\'ard J. I tions in the Berkshires or in the AdiFucik is building a 12-room home at 1 rondacks came home to Illinois with 1 })(17 Deere Park drive :\orthcast. Oil memories of the New England homes the lake front. He has already lancli1estled in the hills of that eastern :-capcd thl' hank. \\'ith a \\'i!ldi!lg tlag country, and probably expressed the ) ·, J . . tnnc \\'alk. scats and Ao\\'crs. .\11 hope that they might some day have 1 l' ~ 1 H.: cia II y in ten: sting f c ;~ t ur e i 11 . co 1 ~1 homes in such regions. 1 m·ctillll with t hts hume rs the lthrary There an.· not many hills in Illinois. \\·ith a special \\'indll\\' constructed to .-\nd Ytt there are rlevations which are Jwld a fi\'t - foot model of "Old lrot! itJt('r~~ting and enjoy a touch of ,i(h:." ... This mock! \\'as c:->hibited it! beaut\'. 'J'hne arc few around Chij()_:!ll J>y th<: Trihnn<: in it:-; drin.: im cago.· There is one spot on the north innd~ .· \lr. Fttcik and hi~ t\\'o sn11 ~ · slwre where bcautv exists-made mor·! ( '(I J~ , tructed th<: model. ~ttractiYe bv reason of the fact that .\1 r. Fucik i~ assnciatt·d \\·ith the it lies in a .hillside . Fitzsinwn & Connell I )redgl' & I )llCk Baird & \Varn er, in selecting Skokie c< li11Jlally, 10 S. La ~;tile strl'l't, l '-!Ji · Ridge as a site for development, took cago . adavant age of the topography, and so \I r. and .\f'r~ . llollis !~ . · l~oot c,f laid out streets and homesites as to ( ~k!JC(I<.' arc building a nc\\' lwml' at give the resident the best views which }./ll2 lk<:r<.' Park Driyc Southeast. \{r . this hillside affords. The elevation of l~od is Yicc president of tht.: \lncury Skokie Ridge from its highest point. l'rcss. Inc. 111 fret above Lake Michigan, drops \1 r. and \f rs. DaYid Dickinst)n c1t off in a gradual slope to a point about 1Iighland Park expect to .~ ,),-~ i11tn 60 feet above th e lake. The two mam their new home about th · ftrst of th<· st re ets of the development wind up \Tar. It is built of \Visconsin Lanon the hill, so that interesting architec. . tone and is of Tudor English design. \\ ' ith its ,-ista of winding and sloping roads with ho'mes attractively plac~d, tural possibilities are open to the pros\I r. and ~f rs. Joscph Lambert < 1f thi~ entrance to Slwkie H.iclge appeals to the autoist \\·ho passes by <.·n Dunclcr pective builder. Some of the uses to F.,·a·n ston are building in \'mth Den ..: road- and often ~tops and enters. which this sloping ground has been park and ,,·ill he moYing in shortly. put have been the placement of the E. Sawver Smith of \\-innetka has attached garage - under the house 1 hrnken g-round for a ]]l)mc at 10.2 EVANSTON IAN BUILDS Visitors to Sky Harbor with the drive leading to the garage I k1·n· Park clri,·e to be Optll for in on the grade level to the very enShould See Skokie Ridge -.penion the first of January 1()30. trance. Others have built rock garC. A. Hemphill to Hav" French Type The endurance Aight at Sky Harb01;, \lr. and .\Irs. Henry Kctl and dens, which the slope of the ground Home in Skokie Ridge the north shore's landing field, bring s da11ghtl'r recently mo\Td into their new made more simple. mar1v Yisitors nut onh· during the day. 111 li11C at 2252 lh·crc Park drin· . '\fr. C. .\ . Il~· mphill 11i I·:yarhton i~ build - but -during the t\'tnit-Jg hours a we II. Sloping ground has possibilities for l..:l'l'l ~~ pre~!cknt of the Fdgewatcr ing a trine - rno nl brick French 1YI": Flying has taken a m·w impetus, with h.antv. and to those who are think tg T ru-.t & Sarings bank . home ;tt 1()!-)1, l·:lm I\ idge drin.· , Clen- the coming of the c;raf Zeppelin so of h~ilding a home. and would apcne. tu he liJll'll i11r in~pectiun Oct . 1. that mnrc an(l more people arc becom- preciate an opportunity to build interesting <lriyes and garden, an inspecTht· studi<~ Ji,·ing r1Hll1l i~ ltJx2rl ,,·ith ing intere~ted in it. Ideal Spot for Children; .\fany people coming from other tion of Skokie Ridge would reveal exrcccs~L·d houk~hl'ln· ~. st un-e fireplace Has Own Park and Beach and t h n·c side l' x 1H 1s 11 r c s. Fn tt r 111 as- parts of the- metropolitan area. large\_,. celfent opportunities for just such deDeere Park is a home community ter bedrooms and t\\'o tilt baths with w see the actiYitv at the Aving field, \'elopments. ;,hounding in natural attractinns, sandy spacintt~ 'r!o sds and orH· maid\ room will be intcrestecf in ~ecing- not only Another development of the s;:~me beaches. wooded ravines and lofty and bath . The tl1ird llum is a\'ailahk the A\·ing field, but some· of the '·ca~t firm, in Highland Park, which is well l>lulh where unspoiled nature is at for ·~tor~tgt· 11r C:III he rort\Trted ir1t11 tiful i]()mes on the north Jwrc, and kno\\'n on the north shore is Deere lwr best. One need ha\'C no iear for t \\' (I large rllnnb and hatlt. so!11(' of the developments in \Vhich Park. Here the presence of the lake the safetv of childn.·n because then This hom~· exemplifte~ the ach·an- ne\\' homes arc being ertcttd. Thos~' and the deep ravines leading to the are no -through streets \ritlt their tages of the Skukic Hidge reqrictinn \\'lw conH: on Dundee road from the lake, make it possible to develop the !H· a'"' t ra ft1 c. \\'hich ralls inr attached garagl'~ and A\'ing field will pass Skokie Hidgc, . amc interesting effects. According to .-\ j)rivate park and beach i:-. cnjuynl possibly one of the most beautiful de- naircl & \Varner there is a consider-. built -in incinerators. h\' all Deere Park residents. It makes velopments on the north shore. It able price range in the two propertit.·s. Thl' ahsl'nce of garbage can!', de a;1 ideal spot for tht children tu play "·ill pay tn take a fe\\' moments to Deere Park is, of course, somewh:-tt and residents are sure that their tached impron·mcnts. telephone and dri\·e through it. There arc scyera: mort (·xpcnsi\·e than the dc\·elopme11t pll'a~urc will not he marred by un- l'kctric light poles make the housts h < 1111 c· s {I p c n for ins p c c t ion t h c r c. a 11 d in Clencoe. desirables. Com·e1ricnt access tu the equal!~· attractiH ft \1111 all angles. the lllthlic i~ im·ited to go through beach and park is gained by windinh them . Grounds at Skokie Ridge path . . Evcr...r effort has been mack William B. Betts Builds - - - -- ,---to keep this wild wood in its natural Beautifully Landscaped Interesting English Home Alber.t L. Gale .s H~m.e on 'ltate. Onl' of the f:lctors which make Ont: of the mo~t intert·sting a:Hl Highest Point In Glencoe Sk<.1kie Hidge attractive at all seasons complete home~ no,\· open for i1.1spr~· - 1 The lin_ ishing toucht·s ar; bt~ng n~adc is the caref ull y landscaped entrances Lorne Griffin Purchases tion in Deere Park i: that butlt by . on the IHI\be at 1127 Skokte Rtclge around which flowers arc in bloom Ground to Add to Garden \\'illi~m .B. Bet.b, architc~t. Of mod~ dri'·\·· \\'hirh ~~- lH:ing l_ >uilt_ l~y Albert from spring until fall. Zinnias and \fr. and ~frs. Lome A. Griffin and ern J·,nglrsh destgn and lmrk cnll!-.tr~tc- , 1.. (,a 1 . L· . .\lr ... tnd \Irs. G.tle plan to marigolds, asters· and phlox are now sons, lJale and Bruce. of 1070 Elm tion it on·rlooks a d<.'<.'P shady raYIIIl' i nwn· 'lltP thcrr Ill'\\' home Oct. l. iou·Hl in profu ion. Ridge drive. Glencoe, have recently <tnd has the pririkgcs oi -lHO ieet Pi Srtuated on the highest ar_ ea i1i GlcnTire homes now completed and unco_c it ~ommands an unrestnctcd three- der construction ha\'e their own r<:turned from a two weeks' vacation private beach 011 the lake. in northern :Michigan. Exposed beam ctilings. arc iour~d- i11 tlllk \'l~:v .t~) the ~rest: . . . sch emes of landscaping on which ~fr. Griffin has just purchased an entrance hall, sttHh·, dinlllg and lt\'111~ , .\lr. (,,tile]!~ a n,H·mhltr o~ .t h t hrm o.f work is sta rted even before the home adjoining parcel in Skokie Ridge, rooms. ·There are· four hedrtHHns and <.ale anc t<.:bc_ 1· ac \er~tt s~ng a gen ts, is completed. · which he intends to add to his garden three baths. The artistic details. 111': · l!IC:Ited. ;~t 33.l \orth ·' It: ligan 1 >ou 1<.'The general debris in connection which is now attractively landscaped chanica! equipment and i·.sulatinn llf I Yard. (lllcago. _____ · with construction is cleared a\vay and the housr hare n:cein·d ~ardl~l a: WIRES ARE UNDERGROUND the lawn and yard pres~nts a neat apHOUSES TRUE TO TYPE tcntion with the _idea in m~nd ot cf!lCndergrottnd installation of tete - pearance. In the thirteen hou ses-bui lt or cient but cconomtcal opuat ton. ~ phone and electric light wires is an under construction in Skokie l<idge 1 inevitable cJeyc)opment. Of course thi" William T. Davises Move · -an effort has been made to give a Dr. C. H~ Searle Buys I had to ht resorted to .in c~mgest<.'d Yariety of styles - Colonial, French I t t Into Skokie Ridge Home and English types of architecture have Home on Sunset Lane ~\~~~·s ,;~~a~~ilfgco~rric,~l ~~~tcpc~~~~: Tt~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. William T. Davis and been used to good effect. An endeaYDr. and \frs. Claude lio\\'ard Searle an: a 1111111hcr of sections where, with family have recently moved into their or ha s been made to keep the homes ,..cs s t 1 f 1 · 1 purchased a lwm~· at -='.l ". tms~ an eye to t 1~ uture, . t 1e wtres 1avc new home at 978 Elm Ridge drive, have as true to type as possible, and t IlC Lane · in Baird & \\ arner s Skoktc l>een placed 111 condmts underground. Glencoe. It is an English house and a result has been most pleasing. In a Ridge, Glencoe, where they arc 110\\' Two suc h spots on the north shore arc fine example of the high type of imcolonial house now being built by living. Skokie Ridge ~nd Deere Park. The provement to be urged in Skokie Vv. S. Murray & Co., the detaift workeJ D Searle ~· ~ tile president of G. D. absence of unstghtly poles and wires Ridge. into the house is the result o a carer. · ' " · · 1 1 f 1 Mr. Davis is merchandise manager . cl com manufactunng has nnprove< t 1e appearance o t 1cse 11 'am· ful investigation to make the llOU::>C 1,_,ear le c111 ·' 'd · 1 · of ~1ontgomery \Vard and company. :tuthentic. ~ rest ent1a sect10ns. 1chemists, 4737 lhYellS\\'Ood avenue. I · · ,.. .:'"' f I Thos~~h~~a~~~!!~l tl~i~O~~a~ J 1

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