WILMETTE LIFE September o. 1929 N. T. Grads Hie to Foul-- Corne·rs . of Nation for Higher I Recl~im Swamp- Chase Jl.fosquitoes ~duc~ionL · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----- 1 Northwestern Claims Fifty-One, '""" Jlk v. .Tamt ·:-: :\fillikin unin·r si ty : ·: \·,.J\·n Kru :-:·· . Fntnt't':O: Shimt ·l' : 1-:t·ul :th 1 Illinois Second in Favoritism l·"'·,: ll , X:tti .. nal ]{in c l Pr ga rto ·n and 1-: !·· With Thirty-Two ttl·· ll\an· t·ollt>g-t.> . \"v 1\ lrin lli ~h :-chthll':-; t<J2<J .~r;td l! : tlv~ "il l ~r: lttl'r I t t ctdlq.re~ and uni ' L'Otll l tn· n ·r -. i t i t·, i n n l'r\ ' :-l ·L·tion n! t l1 1 t i1 i~ n 1.. n t h. hu t 1\\'t) llli1 111i-. 1111i n·r-.itic-;, \" tt rlll\\t '~t tTII and ti l t' l ' nin·r..,it,· .,j lllillt'i~ "ill :t ttract t ht· lan.~· ot numk·r. :\ p t·ru-.:tl 11i t lh; l.!r : tdt! ~ttt< rn·t1rrl-; 111 tht · ttftiL· c oi :..t i..,:-. Lillian DtJ il l,..!. \"l' ,, T ri1 ·r rt· l!i~trar .... ]It,,, ..., th :tt fiit \t tll l ' l.t \t' l1a~ l their rrt ·clih ~cnt t n \" , orth\\t"hTII. \\hik thirt\ ! "1 ' tl!l H·r.., 1 :t\V 111ark :t i tplicatiPII at thl' l'nin·r~it, · coi Jlli!Joti-. . \\ 'j,('fllhill i-. tllt ' llt ' ' l 11 1ll~ t ;.. pnh r unin·r ... ity . fiitl' \' 11 ~ t11rJ v11 t -. h:t'.; 11 ~ 11 ;1 d t 'll' i r rr l' r1 it" 't'll t t lw r l' . Credits Accepted \! :ttl\ ., f tilt' \:t·" Trin . t .:r:trlll:tt-·, \'.lltl l1:t \l' 111 :td1· :t1J plir;1ti<·ll ic·r tnt··:t llCV tc' tl lt" t' and tlll l tT unin ·r-. itit· .~ l. t\t' h:t d tl l l'ir nedit... :tccvpt (rl. :l<' t't ·rdilll! ' " \Ji ,.; l) t, it l' '· , rl't'tl rd -.. \\hilr ' ' ' Ito ·!'" ;t !'· ;1 II 'i! I ll ! ' ,., tlii o ·,.: ~11111 1 ' ]) ; I \ ' I' r] ,.fi 11 it o·l.' · i], .,·i tkcl I' · :t ll· ·ntl t l1t · :-w ll"rols \\'I I··!'· · tl :o ·i r t'l't ·dit ..: l t:t\· · J, .. 11 ; ,, .,., Jll· rl. \\ I jl , 1 ·I li· ·l' O.: :ll't· llllllo-t ·j t], ·d . Tl io · f'c·ll·o\\ it :L!: l' 1 :?~t L'l'!itlll!l( · :-' 1 ·f' -:"\· \\' Tri· ·r h :t\ ·· :tpPl i··tl f,.r· :ttlllli,.;:--:i"n tn .'\'tt l' I II\\'· ~ t I I'll, '\1 i:-::-: I '"iII!.!' :--: 1' · · ('1 I I'd :-' :-:li ft\\' : , . i r !.! i 11 i.t <·, ·lln· ·r . r 'l:t r :t t 'ttl'll··ll. l!n t 11 E11r i"l 1t . '\l :t l'.i ··t·io· 1 ·:\o ·r ,.; .l·· :-:··llllill· ' F :t l'lt ·Y. l· ··l' ··l h\· r: :tnfz· ·l. '\f:tl'.\' r:c ·ib . .T :111d lJ . Il !.!li· ·:--: . '\l:lri, ;ll lltt :--:till!.!. '\l:in: ut ·rit. · Tlg-, ~· · · · 11 : 1 .l r tln : ,.;c til. I: ull t .I , oli 11:-:t ' '" · .\I :tllr .. :tt· .TII!k:-:, Elod:--:o· Kl't 'lllt ' l'. l .rtllio· J..; \I· ·Ili\ ··f ,·, \ -i,i:tn l.··l'· ·llzini. li ,.J o ·Ji 1. _\· n ,· ll . '\f:l1'\' .T :tll· · '\T:tlr·n· ·\·, .\nni o· \lo·ll oo tt; tltl . J:ar h ara ~Tt ·:tl' ll !". Lc oi~ '.'\'nrtlhllr!.!·. l!ttllt ~l l o · p : trrl, r:r· ;tr·· · :-!t ·111lo ·\', .T:II1H':-< 1\:tk· ·l', ,]coltll l:t tl'!ll'!t!llll. ltnll:t;td l~t·i tl !.!o·:-:. t;, .,, l' L:t' l:r oo \\' 11, \\-:til· ·!' <'ar· ·.\· . .T :II'k l·:,·l;;lt :tr·l t. n.ll1 ' r:r :llt,.;ln·m . <':trl llall. X"rn l: tn 11,· :-::-:. Al a n lTn:tf!l:tn tl. lTarc ol d .lt ·l\ ..: o ·ll. \\ ': tl\· ·1' Linrlhl:ttl. 'Yilhur· :'IT:I L!: ill, .\l:tn '\f, · X a u ~ h f t· n . .T:tl'!\ :\T. ·llrt ·n . l., ·ctll·trtl \1 ··.\···r . . J oh11 X n1'1l1't ll , .T nl 111 l)tt :-- o ·, l:· ·lllli· · l :it·h:trd:--:, l: :t\' l!i llt.::-:··11. l:u !":-:o ·ll t: .. :-::-:i f, ·t·. F1':1n k l!, ih. !' ;t,.. i rn· ·l' ~l : lt'lll·l, t 'lt ;trl· ·:-: ~lttl'lkill'. , .,·rt!<tll \'nlt z. l: :tl ph \\' :trlt J, . \' o ·J'lt ·II \\·., 1·· . :tt :tl l':t ul YctUil!.!ht ·r !.!. (; oi 11 I!' to 111 i 1111 i .. l'ro ·clit:-: ,,f t!11 · ft,llll\\' ill!.! l ~ · :?: t ~...:r:ttlll :1 ,., lt:t\·· lit·t·ll :-'t' lll tc1 tit. · l ' ni\· ·r :-:it ,· of TIIi nr oi :-: · ·: 1·1. ll ·t c·li. .l .. :t ll I:11ll l f)r :t:>· ·r . -:\T:lrl h:t 1 1 ; ··rh. ·r. l .·· n· ·l'·' l.nrim· ·r. Jf,·lo ·n Tlti t· l , .T:tno · \\-, .jlJ, ·r . (lji\ ,·r l~t~tlcli, ·. '\T :trtiii l' ;t!'!-+' 11. 1)a\'· · l'h:tmplin. llc.rl a nrl ll :t\'i:-:. (' a r·]\l· · ]lttllr ' tll-<'l:trko ·. t .\ 111 :111 t:to :-::- , \Tilt.-,11 t :11\', .1flhn Hanht ·r . P :l\ it! llit ·\;.;, "rl'llil· ·ll Kt ·i t it . ( 'harlt ·:-: K· ·llJlt ·tl.\·, Lo ·tl ll:trd J..:r:tft . l'rt<!-Wntt Lothrnp, .\h·a11 L .. tt, ""ITi~ :"··bnn . ('har!P~ l'flng:--:t· ·n . . \lhPrt Richnrct~. "'int hrop Rit'h:1 rrl~. F'a rringtnn ~c·h :H· ff, · r . .T~thn So·:-.·fri· ·d . Tlarnl d Thomp:-:··n . .ln!-<t 'J}h Turc·k r:"rrlnn \\·a ,~r ,n . ·Howar·d \\'c ·:--:1, Hnlph \\'lH · t·l·~t · k. a:1rl \\'in:-:lrl\\' \\'right. Tft,. );, .\\. Trio ·!' applil'ant:-: l'nl' atlmi:-:~inn to \\"i:-:r·nnsin W('!'o': Lut·illt· nlum ( 11~tror'l{, ~t·l ma F'lc·:--:ha m. Ht·( t .\. I ,a \\Till11"1', \·irr.:- ini a ~fc·'.'\'arn""· .\n 1y ~fitlclt-nclorf. F'lflr·· ·r1· '·· P:tnc·r~t ·. 1-:Jinor l'tiJlJ1t ·t' . .Tt>an111·1 t ,. \\' :tltl . .1 am··!' c;t·riH·r, c;,.nrg, · Clon·r. Drtl. lf··rt· ·l, nurwan .l· ·nning:-:, n .. y Kn :lll·· r. l·:u~· · nt< l'nw· ·rs. and .lnhn n,·ynnlrl:-:. · Otllt ·l' :-: ,.\\- Trit'l' gr·atlU:II··!" ttf tin· 1'·~ ~~ c·l: t :-:s h:t\'· · har1 tht·ir t'J't·clils ~~·nt t ro ,.,,]],·!.!··;.; :1nd uni\'t ·rsitit·s as fttlltl\\'o.;: (;Iris F l" r· ·llt'·· l~:trr . c'arl..tnn: :\l:trinn r:, ·nt. (' :trll'\" ll : ll· ·lt·n Hlakt·, c:ulf Park c·dl··gr· . r:ulfp n t·t . '\li:-::-: . : lf, .J,.n l:ranclrift. \\-··11··:-:1· ·\· :ultl ('onnPr·tit'llt t·c>J], ·g,·: ~Tnr jt or i·· l ~i·aynlo'r, l'hic·ag tt ; Fnith l:urgP, \\'o ·ll··:-:1··\' :1 11d (';tr·], ·tnn; .lc>;.;· ·phillc' f'qmf,rt . ':'<t!'tl i ··rn lllin,,i~ · ~t :tt ·· 1't'ilf'~1·' r~ rt,lJ··t:··: ll :t rridt ('lJrist i··. \\':-.·r,mi!ll': 1-:tlith c'l· ·rk . (':trll'ton: :\! :try T. rt u!.;,. l'utl·lll. f:, ·lr·it : Emily l>;tr :-:r. l:r i: tr ·· liff: t:n·t c· lit-11 l>n ·\· ·r. ~:trah l.:t\\T iill·' ·· r·r>l1··1-!'1:': \l :tr th:t F:trnwr. l.:t\\' l· ·tt····: 1 ' :tlh:trinP F<~rr:tr, :'\a I i <· na I 1.:- intl··l 1.!·'1 f· ·:t ·' ,,, ] El··m ··nt :1 1'.\' c· .. Jl··go· : :\1 i··· · F· ·:t I;; i tl ". t l1 ·· Prinr·ipia . .l :t lli ···· F is l~t-r . ':ult l' o~ rl< : ~fan· 1-'"rrr·:-: t. I >, ·lli :-:" n ; \ 'i r !.!ini;t Fr· ·ndt, the· ·Kn··x :-:l'lH·ol: 1;,."rg i:t n :t I;, ·n~<t h ···s. Rrwkf··rd :t11tl Frnnklin: l'atri,·ia I ; r,r,rlh tH·, I ,a \\To·tw·· . !\fan:ar· ·l <:onlon , ~rnitll : l: trth lf:lrr~t. ('arl··lron : \' ir!.!illi:t llo·al~·. I 'roll· ·t..: ·· ··f Sa1·n··l JT,·:tt't , :.tanltatta!l\' illt·, :--;, .,,. Y"rl': <:rH··I ll: tllll:t. L:tJ.\·· l·'·tf'· ·:--:1: '\!arion Hilp"rt. t ':crl· ·lttll ; f:o · tt~· lltdmo·s. SwartltlllOl'·· . l·:ld· ·r:t ll"pkins. l'ni\ · , · rsit~· nf Arizona · ll· ·l· ·n llutr·h··Jt:-:, l'ni\'t·rsity nf Ariztl!ta; El· ·atlt·r ldlt·r. l.as..tl s··minan·: (~f'lt· st· · .Jon··s. \\·a shington unin>rsity, St . Luui:-:: Lr,i:--: 1'alll1\\'+·ilt·s, :\Tilwaukt.. t>Dowur· r : !\tary Karkt·r. tltt· Ogunrz ~who1d ; Elizab··th K1 ·1lr. \'assar ; Donna Kh·\\'1' 1'. Fran<'··s ShimPr selwol; :\farle .l:tllt ·l· ~\l a r s h:tll. T!r~· n ::\T:l\\T :111rl l'r.l i :\far! 'II. , .·.r :-: it ,. of f'hit'n c;n i :\Tilrlrc rl ':'"rtlt:-rn lllir111is Stat E' T ~ac ht·r s: :\Ta1·i nn :\lt-1 lon ali l. \\"t ·ll sl··Y; f1t ·ha :\lkht·n· ·t", 1'· ·1111 ~ taft ·; Yirginia :\lillt·r. Xational , P a ri\ st ·ntin:trr: Js;IIJt> l :\Tilton . l' ·· rlc ·l ott: :-; :tr:th '\linnr . 11ri a rc·liff : Flt~l't ' ! H" t · :\l .l··h··ll , :'\at io n:tl Kinrlt·l'!.!;tl'\t'll: TT :t l. ~ I \lllrpl l\·. l~ :t d ·· liff, .: .\rg···l a \futc·h!· ·r. l.<tl\· · j.·, ·!'l ·s t ; ff· ·l ··n ':'yg·a<trd, l·:,·a nst r·n !t· ·:-: pi t:t l : .f q:--:, ·ph i n· · nttt·r, 1111~ Ogontz :·w h""l: ~:tr : t l 1 a !.!· ·. l.riarf'liff: '\T:try 1 ·:1 iz:t ht ·l lt l':t rl\··r. i ·, ·nn· ·t·l inti Ctd lt·g·c·. r .rti~ l'lto ·I Jt S, t:r;llll··~· Pol~· t·· t ·ltni r ·: .f o ·:-.1\ 11 I: :t \' ··1 ' 111!" , T " ni\' t · l' s it~· Itt' ( 'llit·a~:· ": I·:J,. :;llt·l' l:· wl\:tf· ·ll··\\', X :t tinnal f( iiH1 ·rt.::trt· ·ll : :\l;tt·.\· 1:··:-:s. f';trlPtnn; .'hirJ .-. ~· 1:"""'· :\II . \ ·· ·1'111111 :-:t· mina r:-.· : Yir~..:· im:t :-; ; 1 n dl w t ·~·. t:ri :t n·lifi': l)IIJ'<t tlly ]l . ~··h!'· · i. l.:tl,,. 1 ··, ,,., .:-: f : I f· ·l· ·n ~lh · plwnl. :'\ :It i1tt ::1l l(itttl··r!.!:ll' lo ·n : !' :tlll· ·rint· ~mith. T.;!S t·l i : t; ,. l1,.,j,.,, . ~rl1itlfl · rs , tlw 1.:-n ox st·h··· "· t'· "· fit ·r:-:ltt\\' 11. ':' . Y .; C'atlwrin(· T:tft . l!· ·i .ll'·' l i fl' : \l :tl'!..!:ll'd ~(tt\\'t · ll . ltru·l\t'llrr! : :\lartll:t T· ·1tr'ltt ·!', I l :t ll :l TT:l ll: \ -il'!.!iloi :l T :t\ l ~t l' . \J i,·!li!..!:t ll : .\nne ·! It· Thr l l))})!-'· ·11. ':' :1 t i11 11 :1l " il1d t· l' ~:t r! ··n : :\f:dwl Tlil'" ··k111··1'1"11, I ·· ·11i "'· ·n : '\f : 11· ~· Elizah..th 'l'tt\l·n 1 .... ,.1,tl. l!ri :tro·li t't': Eli z:t iH ·th \":t n .'It·· nl!l'rt.:. lll i ntti s Tr:ti llill!.!' ~('"""] rnr 'XIII'~ ··'·: l:ttlll \\ ': tt·lf !" , J)t· lli !"llll: l:o·II~· \\'o ·hho'l' , l . ·' "'~"'ll " '· : 1:1111! \\'·· lltt ·r. X :tti"n :t l 11:trl;; :-:· · Ill i 11 :1 1'.\' : Tlttl 't ·t ltt·:t \\ ', ·:--:1. ( '"ll.l1· ···t ir· ttl . 1-:,·,.Jyn \\ 'i· ·no ·l'l\t·. l:<ll'kfttrrl: .T :t llt · \\' ilLtrtl.· .\ llli"ll : Hc ·]( ·l1 \\'51 ;-;ri n, Tl r)(']\ fq .·rl, nntl '\fl!ri r· l \\ 'i l sn 11 . :\fnl1tit ·t·ll" :-<t·nti na ··.\·. Hoy..: l!lll'l ·d1 .\ :-:·· l tt·irn. <':.trl..tt· l1: .T"hn ]!, ·(;tk. 1-11i\··.r :-:i t ,. rof .\ri z· ·ll :l: l>t·n :t lrl I :rcw l\o ·ll. ]):tl'tlllt·lllll : ltroho ·rt l:rn\\'11, TLtn :tr rl : Tt·, :tl J:tll'll!" . . \111i< l('h; rll i\'c' r (' ;tl l ~tn <·l1. l'tll'llll t': t;, .on.:t · (':t1 llpilc·l l , l!o ·lrti(: Fl':lttl\lin cl t· l!o·o·r:--:. ('"l'll· ·ll : L· ···Jt ll ic·l;;in·~ .. n. \\ ' illi :tlll!" : l':t lll I lro ·IH ·:-:, .\l'lllt ·Ul' in :- t i1111· · : l! ~t l~o · rt l·>ld tH I'I. l"ni\' o · r s it~· of I ·Lt itn: I:, o ht ·rt 1·:11 i s, I l:t rt ntnut lt : .Tnlm Fo ·lt-llt ·l'. 1 T: tn·arcl : l·' r :l ll t' t'!" I:,.~·. I 1 11n111t': Tti l'ltil l'tl l·'u llo ·r. c· .. rn· ·ll : l!i<··l li!l'll I :au ~:· ·r. l!r;t rll· ·.\· Pt~l~· tc · ('il!lil-: \\'illiarn Gihsnn. l'rirwdnn : l:llll··rt r:nns;1h·Ps, Ft·anklin: 1.\'tn: tn t :r,s:-:. Yin.:in in :\Tilitan· institmc· 1 ,·· ro·tlit:-: :tbo St·nt to Tllin " is): Brrt .. :\~ 1 f:· 1'1'· ·~1. l ' ni\·o ·r !" it .\' nf F'l~trirl:t ; TTt ·n :·~ li :t r t. ('arl· ·l"ll : Fr. ·tl H. ·itrnan. 1.:-f'll. \ ·t ll t'll llo ·f.!t·: Hunt· ·!' Hid;; :-:, ll:t 1·1 111· till h : llt llllt' l. H i lton, ( '"I'Jlo· ll : \\ 'i lli;lln H ttl s\\·it . .\nne ·Ill' in;.;t itutt ·: 1 >ttn<'a n .Tt · nnin ·:· ~. ~wartltm··rt· (CTt·tlit:-: :1l;.;n ~~·nt tn \\"is ,· .. nsin): lr:t TY· ·r:-:·tl1. l'ni\·,·rsity nf Kt' n1ul'l;;~·. -.. . · '\Tahr·n. : l.o~·"h : :\Tt~rlon ~Tr rg-t~ nthrim, TT:It·,·arrl .1<>hn :\filt··n. \"ir~inia :\Tilita ry institutt· : Eel ~Tunn. nartmnuth: C'harlP~ P:tttt·r~nn. Xntrt' nanw: .Tnhn Pn ·!-;f'ott. l'nh·,·rsitY of Yir~inin: laul TINlh C' ad, r;t·Ol'!.!'I'!0~\'11, K~· .. t~ nllt·g"·': \Vrilliam Rrt:>cl, Ptu·cltH' : .T11hn · Rt'YtWI<l~. Ptmlu(' (crNiit!'i :tl~o :-:t·nt to \\"b,~nn~in); Hicharil Mo~sm :tn, ('onwll: n ~clnnirl: nartl1111ttth: nolwrt \\'a~T,~ ~lllli)HlllS, PnnrPtnn : 1~ 11lH · r t .T r ':-: 1i 11. ( 't '1!.! ; 1It ' a ll tl (" n !'IV' II : , .1:wl;; 1\:ttt flll:l ll, T.t·hkh 1111i\'t'l'!'i t.\·: Tl :t r- ' old K"ilh . l'ni\·,·r:-:i l' .. r <'·tl"ra·l" : ('ll:trlt·" K· ·ll·· r·. \\·· t ··rn '\lilit :t r . ' · nc·ad··n1.\· . . \l t··n. I Tll ., ('ll.tl'lt>s K t· J1!1t'd.\·. <:, ·r q·~· · \\'a:-:hin~· t<tll uni\···r.-it\' (<·rc ·dit;.; :t l:-:n St'l11 to Tllincoi:-:) : .lttlln l"i;l!.! , X"lrt· Pam··: !:t ·o r~c· KitH.: . c.;J,.y, Tf :tntiltt'll : Hit-h :trd Kon·tz. :\Tic' hi!.':; 11: l'rt ·:-:t ·cttt Lntht·"n. l. : lfa~· t· ltl" (rrPd it~ alsn ~t · nt to Illinois): Elnwr Lunrlin. ~IHttlt· · rn 1·nll PL!:r·. l.:tkc·land. Fla . : Holwrt -:\J'arru:-:. .\11Wl'if'Hl1 Ulli\'t·t'Sitr: n!'\'t·l'] C' y '\ft· l'l rtud . Phillip~ J.:xc·1t' t': HohPrt ~rr- THF f1i pictures J>L)rtray a section nut fur constant \\'Ork ' 'f · of_ a large swampy a_rea, whtch, 1 tt. we.re by the '\orth Shore Mosqutto Abatement cbstnct \\'Ottlcl hv litercdh- infested with mosquitoes. Prior to the draining and oilsp rayin g upnatio.th l>y the .-'\batrment district workers, millions of the \vinged J)ests :-warn 1t:d over tht: entire north shore area. verification ui ~hi-. clairn ~fosquito Abatement District Snperinten\\'illiam Ed\\'ards. ,,·\w re:-;iclcs in the vicinity of the ared shown s · 1 , · · ·rt this is the iir:-t :-;cason in the fire \·ears that he has 1 lCH . . ' . sc ~ . · · . . . lived 1 1here that lw has been aide to stt out on Ius p orch wtthout bemg nrtuatly 1 ··eatl'n up" 1)\· mu:-;quit<>cs. Fnr all of of which he gi\'t?S full credit to .the . k ( ,,· tl'· Abatement district ofticia.ls and their men. \\or h. dent <'h:trl~ ·~ ~mith. DPPauw: F.rn('st ~olomon, \Tichignn; C'. ".illf'tt SponnPr, Cor- rwll: Xnrrnan Tt·xas: ('harks Sr~rnnwr·, l'ni\·(' rs;ity of ~tordt'lll', Lak0 For t>s t (nl'<lits al~n ~Pnt tn Xnrthw.·stt>m) : \\"il- l Thi~ s\\·amp i:-; in the ,·cry heart of the large suhdiYision and cle,·elnpment li:trn T.~ rhutH'. l'nin>rsity of \ "i r·g-inin. \\" :1~· Tlwmpson. l>artmouth; J ohn I area nm\· being prepared ior future home-builder-;. This fall, when the new \\'a idn· ·r, Lak(' Fort~ st: Louis w,,lwr. <' :ll'll('!.!'i·· Tt>ch; r..'nrg-.· \\'t· irling-, r. C'arlt'trtn: Arthur \Yi, ·tw('k l"nin · 1·ni\·(' t·sity nf .\rizttna : f{ .. y \\'iir'ox. ·r sit.\· !If C'hic·at: " ; ~:tll!.!'tlitW( \\"iJliams, J>ritH't>lOil ;Ulll ':'"tr· · l>i!nlt': St. ·pltt·n ft!b and grading ior :-;idn\·a lk s settle sufiicicntly that the culverts may be lnwered tn their ultimate depth. the area 'rill he gin.~n perfect drainage :lnd thi . large tract \\'ill hare been CO!ltplctcly and pcrrnancntly reclaiml'd , from the 1110Squitues. TLe ],1\\'l'r pirturl' indicate:- \\·hat complete drainage .\rnrk ~oing \\.inrl~·~. l!ur'l\nt·l l. may do. this sectinn Puint wad, north of Two Alarms Break Long Thi:-; i~ S<llllt' nf the Silence of Fire Siren . Church ~treet. r ,·anston. The \\.ilmette Fire department's un brt,kt·n record of no call:-; since Augn~t S \\'a.; shat tered la st Suncla~· with the ~tart of tiH' new month . The firemen " ·ere ra lied out twice Sunc\a,· afternoon, the first time at -l :20 o'clock to extinguish a small prairie fire at \Vilmette a,·cnuc and Eighteenth street and a~ain at 5:30 o'clock "·hen a hou se rau(!ht fire a.t 2300 Thnrll\roocl a,·enue. Both blazes \n're brought under contrnl immec!iateh·. and no damage resulted from the prairie fire. The dama~c was 11nt great at the resi'dence. bt·ing within that p o rti1111 \\·hich the tirst drainage \\'t lrk rcclaimecl . on alun . !.!· Cross Carh·Je Duncan-Clark. son of · :-.rr. ancl ~[rs. ~. lnhn Duncan-Clark. 228 \Vo ocl rnurt. lc.f t this week to spe nd several days at the Y. :M. C. A. Camp of the L'ni,·ersit,· of Illinois. and from there \\·il l ).!.0 to the universit~·. -0- ~1iss Tere sa Schaefer. 1501 \\' ashington a renue, i s returning to her home the end of thi s week from Oacan Park. Cal., where she has been · the guest of her brother, Nic Schader. and his familY, for two month s. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Richter, of 707 Greenwood avenue. have had as their guests for a month Mrs. Richter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Allen. of Lynn Haven, Fla. J. -aThe S. John Duncan-Clarks. 228 \Vood court. have returned to their home from their summer cottage at the summer school of painting ncar Saugatuck, Mich.