September 6, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 3 I Proper W ecirables For Those Schoolw· ard ·Bound ··· 1 Son and 'daughter will need a lot of new things when they go to school. Our stocks are complete with the needed things for those schoolward bound. All new crisp merchandise of the best quality and reasonably priced. Tom Sawyer School Suits ~I ade \\·ith madra:- hlntt:'L'.., a~1d \\'nfll pant:- . ~ I any nt' \\ pattern;-; in :'iz~..· . . ir<lll1 3 ,, ]{) , DAINTY DRESSES For the Little Miss .\ pl c a~ing selccti<Hl t)i the Ill' \\' fa ll· :-tyk;-; anrl pattern~ . :..1 atniab ni ia-.,t Ct)lur print :> anrl <limit it':-. Sill';; (, \!) 1-t. Pric ·d irom $2.00 to $3.50 $2.25 to $3.50 · Boys' Shirts and Blouses .\ ,., ide rh< >irt' oi (,,Jt,r ..... a]-.,l p!ai:1 ,,·llitc . l~u;tra n h.'t'd i <>r \\ l' a r. l'r i ·l'd in )]]! Yo_ u ng Men's Woolen Pants .\Jar.~~..· :-l'krti<lll ni ~<lttthiu l }"tttnn:-; in grl'y:'. l>lttl':- and tan... . Thn· art' tirmh- tailtlrcd from \ \ ' O(Ikth that \\ill gir~..: ~. · xce l knt ;cn·ic~..·. .\ cnmpktt' r:ttlgl' lli . . izt'"· prirt·d :tt $1.00 & $1.50 $4.50 and $5.00 Plus Fours 'j aiiL1rcd in)lll hta \·y t\\t'i.'d \\·no lcn:-. in a chnicc ni llt'\\ plaid .... chcrb and hL· rrin~ hunc pattern., in gray:-. ta n:-. :tnd brmn 1:-. Sii'l'" 1 ~ It) 20. Priced from STURDY SCHOOL SHOES For Boys and Girls $3.25 to $5.00 Boys' and Girls' Wool Sweaters Firml y k nit :- \\-ea ter;; in plca:-ing co lor co mbin a ti o n . . slip o n : r a nd <l JWn ir on t !>t d c P rice d ir on1 - \\ -e offer a compktt· st·k cti u n uf sh oes for boys and girl s, in dress a nd se n-ice styl e:>. Sh oe · th a t we gladly guarantee for generous wear. F or th e older bo,·s \\'l' rccomm ctHl our Friendly Fi,·es. The styles !J a,·e sna p a nd yo uth . Th ey'r e made to giYe service a nd th e pri ce i:' rig ht. P~..· r pa ir · $5 00 $2.9 5 to $5.00 T weederoids ).l ade oi hea n · cnrdurm· material :' in d l'~p b ro wt~ a nd g rey coln r :-. \.u ara nt cecl tt) re s i ~ t t he h a rd es t \ \' t ·a r . Pr iced at For Him Our b o Ys ' :-; hoes a re maclt· o·r rt ·al I L'a lh t·l ' th !'O ll g' hiiU t. \\'it h h e; I\' Y ~o l t>s . So nw l1a \' t' s h a rk skin ~l' uff Jll '() l} f tip :-:. Y o ur choi('<· of For Her A f'!Hl1Jll e t e st· h (' ti o n fo r th e littl l' g irls in s trap s, li es . o xfo rd s o r pump s. l'at n t lt· ath e r and ca lf sldn !':. \\' i t h A s!< t o se tho Re tlw ::-;hark- skin · or ta ns . as Jh.' l' $2.95 $5.95 I ' rk t·rl pair hl :u· l\ ~ : 1 ~ 1{1 \\' sc uff proof tips . Priced a:; low a s }W l' p n ir $4.50 $5.00 Leave your shoes here for the famous Tee-Dee repairing. I, T AYLOR· ' s The Satisfactory Store 1123 .. 25 .. 27 Central Ave. Ph. Wil. 1914 SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES TO MEET EVERY NEED