Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1929, p. 21

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. September 13, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 21 ASSIST HQME OWNERS Lawn Fete to Be Benefit for Mallinckrodt School Modernizing Bureau Organized to Cut Remodeling Costa; Aaaociated With open the fall activities with a lawn Building Industries fete to be given on the grounds of The Mallinckrodt Mothers' club will ·I · The North Shore Modernizing bureau has been organized on the north shore and has temporary headquarters in rnom 250 at 708 ·c hurch street, Evanston . It ,,·ill be affiliated with the National Building Industries, lnc., a!ld \\·as org;:1nizeq for sen·ice and not for profit hy a group of Evan ston and north shore financial houses, contractor :-;, supply men, .architects. employ(.' r :-; and real estate men. The moderninzing service of the bureau indudes the systematic planning, of smaller repair and remodeling work under the guidance of an expert, as well as larger projects which reqHire the redesigning of the exterior 111d addition of new and up-to-date eqllipment. In a field where to modernize one room in a house the work of as many as eight trades must be coorchnatecl the bureau will function to clarify the property owner's problem. It will give aid on financial and construction questions with a vi~\\. to helpi11g the ov1·ner achieve his desires most' easily and economically. , Statistic s collected by the Home Uoclernizing bureau of the l\ational Ruilcling I nclustries- the parent organization. show that the expenditure ~ , f rea sonable sum s in modernizing great!_,. increases the value of the property. The t-x<·t·uti\·t· committee in c harge of bun·a u <'ons i s t~ of thre<' E\·a m;lon 111<' 11- :\l e yt·r .T. Sturm, c hairman ; .Jam ·s I l . Wi gg inton a nd ElnWr E. ~ill es . They are in cllargp of th e general affairs of th e burtJau . Among the otht>r business m e n and firms who are m t> mll t, rs of Lh e n e w modernizing- bun·au are: l\la.h e r aud McG r e w, City National Bank ami Tru s t co mpany, E\·a n s hore H.ea.lty Finan tt· ('Otnpany, Ct·ntral Coal and Mate rial com ·· pany, .lanws D. ·W igginton, .Jr. , Aug-ust Stenholm, H. C. \V ood , ~l e rc e r Lumb ·r l'o mpany, J oSf'J)h L. R ose and co mpany, La tinwr-Lloyd c·ompany, \V. H . <lregg-, .Jr .. \\'ilbe rn and Fitzge rald, Kau~al l'tilitil'S cnrporation, North Central Uhu.,s and Paint co mpany, Dond-Lt·hman <'<>mpany, Evanston Building J\lat <.' rial ('OmpanY, .John H. Davi es, C. D . }.larph rson, F. ~- l\lilh·r, A . I; _ Ri c hards, <; eo rge r argo, Hil'kl e fs ancl Schue tt, lne.; P.uild c rs l\1 ill work and Supply company, S. G. C urn·y, ~I i lll'n Hardware company and Fre d A. J ·~ lli:-; and sons. t hp the convent and school, Ridge road a tid \h,T alnut avenue, Saturday, September 21, at 2 o'clock. Pivot bridge, bunco, at)d five-hundred will be played and ·prizes, including those for individual tables, will be given and ice cream and cake will be served. Home made bread and coffee cake \rill be on sale. Mrs. M. J. Feber of Evanston will haye charge of the bakery g-oods. This party is to be giYen for the benefit of the building fund for the new school. Ticket s may be purchased from M!' 3. Frank T. Barry, 1537 .Central avenue, · \Vilmette. · Mr. and Mrs. i"rank P. Merkle, 225 Leicester road, Kenilworth, announce the birth of a son, \ Villiam Danforth, on August 17, at the E\'anston hospital. -oM is~ Jane Burrill. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. ]. A. Burrill. 812 Greenwood avenue. \\·ill lea,·e on September 22, for Rockford college, Rockford, Ill. THIS marvelous new lotion holds the wave longer and keeps the hair lustrous and smooth ... it is free from all stickiness ... dries quickly, is colorless and leaves no odor . .. delightful for women and men who appreciate a wellgroomed appearance. Ask Your Dealer Follow the "Horsehide" and . "Pigskin" Play by Play with the New· HuDJless S OON the World Series will be in progress in Chicago and after that a big season of football. There won't be enough tickets to go around but Lyon & Healy makes it possible for every· one to hear the games from the diamond and grid through the new Humless Majestic Radio. Crystal-clear recep· tion; tone that is faultless~ .... PAGES BACK FROM EUROPE ~1 r. and ~I. rs. Albert ~. Page of ·901 · Ashland aYenue and their two daughter . , Sarah and 1-larion, and son, Kenneth. ha\'C: returned from an extensive trip abroad. They arrived in New York on the S. S. La France, August 30. Mr. P~tgc and Kenneth came directly home , but Mrs. Page and her daughter:-; remained in Ne\\' York for se ,·e ral day s, arriving in \\ ilmette on Tuesday of last week. 11 rs. Page's niece. ~Jis s Kathrvn Glasscock of Hotlywond. Cal.. met -her aunt and cousins in Kc\\' York and has returned with them for the \\·inter. She \Yill atte11d Korth\\'C. tern uni\·c rsity. \f rs. \\'alter P. Bermingham. 718 Laurel aYenue, ha . been spending thrre \\·eeks at Sayner. \Vi s: Mr. Benningham and M?ry Maud arc leaving tod;- .. b~- motor to join Mrs. Bermingham. ;;.rtd the\' \\·ill all return to \\'ilmettc next \H~ ~ k . 5JJ7~ Less Tubes $160 with tubes -o- The finest radio in its price class. Hear it today at Lyon & Healy's \f rs. Charlot Comstock. daughter ni \fr. and \Irs. Charles \V. Dichcll, 202 Goli terrace. has returned from a t"·o months' trip in the \Vest. She made her headquarter s in DenHr and 1110tored from there \\'ith friends to neighborincr points of interest. Evanston Store: 615 Davis St. ...... -o- Miss Sarah Page. daughter of \f r. and Mrs. Albert N. Parre. 901 Ashland avenue. will attend Knox colleg-e ;:1t Coonerstown. N. Y.. this winter.! She will leave on Monday, September 23. . 1.---------------------------------------ril Open Evenings Lyon&Healy ~ TilllO o'clock

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