Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Sep 1929, p. 40

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WI L M E T 'T E LIF~ September 13. 192~ ~~---BEAUTIFUL II . FALL FLOWERS . The showing is even greater than last year. Ask to see our STRAW FLOWERS for Center Pieces BITTER · SWEETS and many other seasonable flowers. John Weiland 1161 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmt.'tte -~------=- Wilmette 2128 Bring Them "back Home" ... by Telephone.' HoLIDAYs OYer . . . children on thtir ,,.a \' back to school ... friend sea ttered gro \vn sons and daughters gonetheir vacations endtd. But then: is one sure ,,.a,. of brin.uin1r ) 0 ll thtnl "back hon1e" all through the year. B)' telepho11e .' Talking to rhen1 is next best t o seein g them. And out of t0\\'11 calls art so easy to n1a kt these Jays, so clear and inexpensive. N inetecn million telephones in this country alone are linked to your O\vn 111 one great ystem;_and You can call any of then1 , any,vhere, an~; time you \vish. You can make nearly all of yo ur social engage1nents . . . h)' telephone. "Voice Yisit" " 'ith friends , no n1atter \vhere the!' are. K eep family ti es aliv~. \Vi den yo ur circle of activity and companionship. Telephone Hour is one \va y many households keep in touch \\'ith friends \vho live in other cities, and members of the family \vho are a\vay. It takes but a fe,v minutes and is thoroughly reasonable in cost; yet it pays large ~eturns in appreciation and affection. \Vhy not haYe a telephone hour this v\·ee k and every '\veek thereaft er? GARDEN CLUB MEETING The Kenilworth flome and Gard~n club wi ll meet on Monday, September l (l. at the home of ~1rs. Alex Joslin. Bill~ 240 Fsscx road. Kenilworth. This will ' he th e regular meeting of the new Sales in Indian Hill Estates as reseason. ported by Bills Rea lty, Inc., follows: Frank \V. Al len, Treasurer of ]. \V. ~lr:' . Frank T. Barn· tlf 153i Ccntr:d Allen & Company, has purchased a <1\' l'llllc i:-; \'i:o'iting her ·s i ~ t cr. ~{r;o:;. J. D. three-quarter acre estate on Ram ona \\ ~illiam s, at the latter's summer place, road. .\f. L. Olson, ~f anager of the \\ .hit e Bear Lake, Minn. Xorth Shore OHices of Bills Hc alty. -oInc., negotiated the sale. ~fi ss R11th Dra ye r, 103-+ E lmw nod \ Ve s t \ \' u i c he t of 1214 F ~wes t a\' c an·nuc. ll'it Saturda,· for Crhana to nue, Evanston, a member of the Loui:-; ,·nt n the l'n in'rsit~linnis. \Yui chct Lumber Company. has pur chased la\\'11 122 in lndjan Hill E states Eaq, this being one of th e l ar .~cr par cds in Jndi an Hill Estates Ea:-.t. on ,,.h:c h ~[r. \\\tirhl't plans erecting imml·diateh· a fine senn rLJtlll1 English 1\' Jll' Jw;nl' . l·:dgar F. Crimm nf tll<' (ndian llill !\states Office.., ,)f Bill s 1\ valty. Inc., neglltiated thl' ..,ale . La" n ~3 in fndian Hill E:. . ta tcs Fast has hn·tl pure ha:-.vd by Ja me:-; I I. Pn:nti..; . . , lr .. oi :;3-1- \I ichigan an·nuc, 1·\·atl:-tu.ll, tltrnugh 1\ . 1\i pphl'r,t..:l'r <li thl· Indian llill 1 ·: -. tatL· ~ ()flirc.., of Bilb i\L·aJt,·. Inc. Ge()rgl' Fred l'erk, an·hi tcct. ·in C'Oopc rati \Hl \\·ith Hilb l~r\1'- .. lnr.. l>uilder;o:;. ila~ dl'"ignl'd a :-.en·n rn<llll h t l\l~t' of uniqul' ..;tt:d con:-.trut titlll, arfordin~· unthual tire -:-.aie and tirl' - pi'!H)f charanni=-ti'· '· T\\' (l 111< 1r<· ht·llH'=' 11! the :'<1111<..' type arr ;drcady nn tlH.' arcllitl'rt\ l)ll;ll'<l . . lt1r lt1clian !! ill 1:..., tatl':-.. ~1 . .\ . F ( lllat~:-. h el'. \\.l' :-; tnn Repr r ~en tatin· oi F,dlan..;bee Bru.... ~tl·<:l Company. h ;~:-. purcha 'ed Ia \\' 11 22 in Id t lC k J( I in In c1 ian ll iII l·: . ., tat c :-; \ \' t· , t. through C. F. Dr ayn, \ 'ire -pr{'sidcnt and ~~ anager <tl the :\t)rth Shore :\rca nf !: ill..: 1\nlt y. Inc . !~ill :-: Brn:' .. In c. h a H ' r 111 t r ad l' d t 1 h 11 i 1d a n e i ~- h t r n' ,m :-.tn·l h< lthe nn thi:-; pl()ttage . The F nla 11 .., l> l'l' h (lll ~ l' i :-i ' 1f X n rIll an F 11 g Ii : - h architecture. J. F . .\ n d r , n n . D i . . t r i n .\ r a n a:..: n o f Plihric() J ointks~ Fire Brick Company and rc:-.iclin~ at 23!Hl Cl'ntr;d an·nu . l·:,·anstnn. J;~h purcll;J-;ed ·t\\·n la\\'lh at the jnnclion ni Pa\\ncc and .\Iiami road:-.. ~~ r . .\nder :-;(l n plan:-. tu llnild hi;o:; htnne ->n nne of the la\\·m and \\'ill retain the other for inn~~tmcnt. Edgar F . r.rimm oi Bills Rcalt\·, fnc ., ;lcgntiatccl the transactio n. . ~lr. a nd ".\lr;o:;. Byron l'napp tlf 702 Sc\\·anl ~ trc et. E\'an:-.t<ln, arc buildin g a . c-,·etl rnom iarmhomc type re;o:;idence of attractin· des ign on Pontiac ncar Iroquoi s road . The home \\'a s designed and i:' being built hy C. E. Blomgren, Jr. ~f r. Rippberger neg-otiated thi. sa le. Paying and st reet lig ht . .; r. a -.-c been completed recently in I nclian Hill Estates Eas t and all utilitie s are now comp leted and iunctioning-. < < J I. H. Estates Sales Continue Strong, Inc. Report -- ... William F. Frey Joins Edgar A. Stevens, Inc. \ Vi lliam F. Frey has recently heC<lll1C associated with Edgar A. St cn·ns. In c., Evanston, as assistant td Edgar A. Ste \·ens. In th e di scha rging of hi s new dutie s, he will care for the planning and controlling of all merchandise and operating expenditures. Frey was for se,·eral yea rs first a ssistant . comptroller at Mandel Brothers, in charge of systems, and more re Cd1tly resigned from the E. H. Skull company of New York and Chicago to take up . his new duties with Edgar A. Stevens, Inc. , which operates store s both in Evanston and Chicago. Charles D. Howe, son of ~Jr. and ~f rs. Charle s D. Ho\\'e, 240 Kenilworth a\·entte, has had as hi s guest, a schoolmate from Gale sburg, Ill., Ernest Sandeen. Mr. Howe retun1ecl on Wedne sda~· of this week to Knox college at (~alcsburg to enter his junior year. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy One System , Universal Service

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