Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 7

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September 20, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 1 ...... j I. a second vear man who is an abte field general and can pass remarkablv well. Johnny Haas and George Rojan. both lettermen last vear. arc also available for quarterback duty. These three :\ veteran backfield will probably youths. although lacking in experience, ta~c the field when Northwestern's arc counted upon to turn in good work l.!"fld eleven opens its season against at the pilot position. Butler at Dyche stadium October 5. Rus Bergherm. a senior. will probAlthough a number of sophomore backs abh· take over the fullback duties. He show considerable promise at this early has displayed ability as a fonvard · t Ia t e tl 1ey arc h ar dl y expected to re- passer and is hawing much improveplace the veterans. ment in hitting the line. Hank Bruder. the big smashing halfThe ab ence of \Yalt ·Holmer at fuH hack from Pekin. Ill., is a sure bet and Yatz Levi so n at quarter wilt 110 to occupy. one. of the halfback assign- d< uht be kl'enlY felt this fall ince the,· ments whtlc BtU Calderwood, a senior had few equals in their specialties. and one of the best blocking backs 011 However. the men mentioned above the squad is almost a certainty for the will be groomed to take over the \Vork uther. Both these boys arc large and so capabh- performed by these t\\'o men can stand a lot of pounding. last year. Most of the kicking will probably :Jc A number of other candidates will handlet! by Bruder who, although not ' see considerable dutv through nut the the fim shed punter that Holmer was, season. Bill Griffin. a A ashy little half~-an h~ counted on for some good \\·ork hack. who turned in some fine perform11~ thts department. He boots them ances a vear ago is on hand ancl \VIll htgh an~l far and, with more experi·· , he in there plentv. Dean Klarr. Rov et~ce. wtll probably be placing them Leming, halihacks. and \Viti Davis, \\"tth the same degree of accuracv that futlhack, \vho played on the B team markc(_l Holm<>r's work. The Pekin last vcar. will prohahh· graduate' to the n~uth ts a hard-hittinr- hall carrier and varsitv ranks " ·here thcv witt make w!ll h~..· used in this manm·r consider- first rate rcsC'rvc material. ' abh'· Prominent among the ~ophomorc I he quarterback assignment wilt be hacks \\·ho arc certain to ,~ce ser~·ice largely taken care of by Lee IIanlcv. are AI Moore and Sol ~tmon. tull- Veteran Backfield Rea · dy.to Perform f or Purple Varsity backs; Os Baxter, Bob Hails, Jimmie O'Mara, Sid Bernstein and H . arrv Pritchard halfbacks. !·-----------_..;..----. I I Edwin Scribner. ] r., son of -:\lr. and I M Ed · S · O-t 1 rs. · wm cnhncr. l-4 udson ave- I nue, Evanston. \vas killed last Thurs- ~ day evening when his automobile skidded on the wd pavement of the I Northwest highway near Palatine and , turned over twice. rolling into a ditch. · Edgar Fowler, 420 Hamilton avenue, Evanston, his companion escaped \vith slight injuries. The two boys were returning from the \Voodstock Countn· club when Scribner applied the brakes of hi~ car sudden lv .to avoit! hitting a car m front of lum. Scr!bner was crushed by the wheel and. dte~ 011 the i '~av to the Campbell hospital. 111 Pal~tmc. He was welt known 111 Kell1lworth. ~!arion Bent, 338 ~.Jelrose avenue, Kenilworth, left la st week for Deniso n college, Granville. Ohio, where she enters as a freshman . ~lary Forrest, Ruth \Vach ~, 11ablc Throckmorton. are three other north shor(' girls who ha\·e 1..:·one to Deni on this year. Edwin Scribner, Jr., Dies R 1 f M C h a~ esu t 0 otor ras fUVNfAIN .SQVARt · t:VANSJON I ----------------I -· - - - - - - - -- --·~-- -=--·· ' -----"~~eo-=-~ ~~~ ·THE $1 oo,ooo TH IF OF CLUB · I I II WILMETTE PROVIDES A PLAN 1st BI·:FoH.r~ long, people FOR SYSTEMATIC SAVING 2nd PAYING 51j2 COMPOUND INTEREST 3rd FIRST 1vlORTGAGE SECURITY will be looking hack in amaze11lent on the time when housewives used to wash dishes three times a da,·. Three times a dav the household machinery ~omes to a pundcrous stop while dishes are :-;crapcd. washed, rinsed, dried and set away. And by that time, you're almost ready to s t a r t washing dishes again. 50C A DAY WILL BUY $2,500 DEPOSITS WILL BE MADE AT THE WILMETTE STATE BANK ,, Dishwashing -is uninteresting, tiresome, menial work. It takes time_ when you'd rather he reading, playing bridge, or doing pleasant, ~oothing things · to your complexion. :\11 this is leading straight to the Conover Dishwasher. 1t will wash all your dishes unre a day-w ithout your having to do anything but scrape them and set them into the machine, and turn the switch. The results are hot, drv, sparkling china and silv~r and glassware-and YOtt ha vcn't had to ha vc ,:on r hands in hot dishwate; for an hour or two! II · jl THE ONE HUNDRED TBOUSA;ND ,DOLLAR THRIFT CLUB WILMETTE, IL.L. Headquarters 113 7 CENTRAL AVE. RooM 6 THE $100,000 THRIFT CLUB I OF I I i WILMETTE I I .. me particulars regarding membership in the Hundred Thousand Dollar Thrift Club. NAME - ~·· ....................................... '1 l Just Telephone! LORO'S-first Floor ADDRESS ........................................

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