Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 19

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I September 20, 1929 WILMETTE OCCUPY NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Hazelwood. I LIFE 19 Last Week Brings I. .... .... of Englewood have recently completed t h~ir new home at 16 Canterbury court, · The showing is even greater than last year \\'ilmctte, and now are occupying it. ~I r. Hazelwood is vice-president of the Miss Margaret Emily Lynde, daugh Ask to see our ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lvnde, First Kational Bank of Chicago. STRAW FLOWERS for Center Pieces was presented at a debut tea Friday of last wcek,at the Indian Hill Country ~~ r. and ~Irs . Jose ph Krauss, 308 BITTER SWEETS club. The debutante stood among a Fiith ~trcct. have moved from their and many other seasonable flowers! J·rofusion of Abwers in a fl es h colored < l)>artment in the Linden Crest to th~ir s1tin gown with an ovcrdrape of iYory [arm near Burlington, \Vis. lace fashioned. \\'ith a small train. -oAssisting her in receiYing were the \\' alter ~{ arx, 535 Essex road, KenJl~[isses Elizabeth Parker, EmilY Pn!1e. \\'OI'th, ha s returned to \Villiam s college, 1161 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette Wilmette 2128 joy Fairman, ] anet Kirk, Hel~n Bell, to 1 Clltl'r his senior year. Crace De"·es, Betty Durham, Catherine 1\oyes, Clare Gerry, Ruth Fisher. F. lea nor Cu~hman, Francis \ ' an Duz~r . Lois Truesdale. Antoinette Lackner, and Helen Rlonmcr of Xcw York. ).liss Lynde and her recei,·ing party attended Emily Pope's dinner dan ce <lt the Skokie Country club in the c\·cning; an affair which· wa s the ncca:"ion uf ~~iss Pope's debut. A ssi~ting ~f rs. Lynde in receivi·1g ,,·ere her sister. ~{rs . Lincoln Fc r~ u so n t)f Philadelphia. ~[r s. Samuel A. i.ynde of New York. ~(r s. :\. \\'. ~ha\\', ~Ir s. Irving Odell, ~frs . Paul ~ nyts , ~Irs . Frank Fuller, ~1r s. ··c ~.o rge ~[a sscy, ).1rs. Ancs Beal. ").frs. Arthur Dean. ~f r s. :\orman Ander son. ~[i ss Lynde is lea,·ing the last ( 1i the month for \\' dls college to resume her ~tu dies and will be the guest oi h< twr at a tea and dinner dance in PhiladeiJ1hia some. time in :\m·cmbcr ll\· her ;t nnt, ~~ rs . Lincoln Ferguson . . ~1i ss Lo ui se Conway. daughter 1>i .\1 r. and .\f rs. Barret Con \\'a,. and .\1 =:'s Susan ~tiller, daughter nf ~[r. and .\Irs. \\'iltiam ~- ~tiller of \\'innetka made their debut together last Saturday :1.t a t<:a da1ice at the Indian Hill Country club het,recn the hour s of 4 and 7 . .\1 iss Cotl\\·ay \\·as gmn1ed in a golden :an panne ,·civet frock long waisted and \\'ith th e ne\\. full skirt, \\'hilc .\{i ss ~filler wnrc a thm·ered chiffon " ·ith 1·ink ~tippers to match the flowers in ber gown. Through the room s \rere thi s n·,1r\ By pedigree we mean clothes debutante~ and debutantes -to- he.: the ~~! issc;; ~annr Ct~sh.man, KatheritH' with ideals, traditions, a warranty and an illustrious name back of ~treet. 1t<irgaret b111ly Lynde, lhrhara Barrett. ").(ary ~tiller, Jane I-:liza them. Clothes that you buy with confidence and wear with pride. beth ~fcKinney, Lnis 'T ruesdale, \' :rginia Hobart. Elizabeth \Vilti am .: on, Clothes that make others say spontaneously, ((Yes, I know. Virginia Rtdlner, ~lariannc Ruffner. Fmily Pope. Jcan ~mit h. Huth Fisher. There isn't anything finer ready-to-wea:-." f]Our Stein-Bloch Joy Fairman. and .-\nt ninct._e Lachth·r. After the tea the t\ro you ng hostes :>C~ T AI LO RED FIFTY is not a by-product made merely to hitch and their assistants attended ).1 is s Trowbridge's dinner dance at On"·entto a fifty-dollar price. It is needled by the fine old English hand s;a Cnu tltry clnb. Debuts of Three Winnetka Girls BEAUTIFUL FALL FLOWERS John Weiland Our Stein-Bloch TAILORED FIFTY Suit In Chicago .... Is The Only Pedigreed Fifty-Dollar Librarian Warns Against Sales Talk of Book Agents ~Iiss Anne L. \Vhitmack, libraria n at the \\'ilmett e Public library, report s that the local institution has been gro:;sly misrepresented by subscription agents \\·orking in the Village. The libran· staff has announced to ;ts 1'atro;1s that it recommends only t!te hooks in the library and that prospec tiv e purchasers should \·erify the sal ~s talk ·of hnok age nt s. :Miss \\'hitm a·.:k state s that she will be glad to answer telephone ca lls as to whether or not the ·\\' ilmett e tihran· recommends certain books.' · method in the Stein-Bloch Shops at Rochester with the determination that it must uphold the undeviating Stein-Bloch standard. CJJWhen you buy the Stein-Bloch TAILORED FIFTY you have something choice; something individual; something lasting and worth wearing far beyond the price. You get more tha·n just a sui t for fifty dollars. You get a pedigreed suit, hand-tailored by Messrs. Stein-Bloch, internationally renowned. ... ...... . MADE ASSISTANT COACH Holmer. captain of la st year's football team at ~orthwestern, has returned to the university thi s vear in the capacit\· of assistant football coach. Holmer stated he de sired to pursue a coachinR career. Coaches in the conference are not permited tv play on vrofessional teams. ").1 i ~s Phvllis Fox, daughter oi ~~ r . and ~frs. Porter Fox, 626 \Var\\'ick road. Kenilworth, who has spent tlw last three vears at Smith college, will finish her senior vear at Northwe ste rn university this year. Porter Fox spent several days last week in Missouri. \~alter THE{~)HUB HENRY C. LYTTON & SONS ~totlw. STATEANOJACKSON ORRINGTON CHICAGO AND CHURCH 116 so MICHIGAN EVANSTON /{< 'a nst rm Slzap 0/"t'll Tu esdo.\'. Tl111rsdav and Suturda\1 K'l'l'nings ·

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