Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 21

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September 20, 1929 WILMETTE needs, and their request ~II be honor~d by the County Clerk. Enclosed' is a copy of the resolution which should be ad.opted by the tax levyin~ bodies in your tovm. (This form is in the hand :; of local auth onties). This will automatical.ly p,lace the taxes in vour town on the basis of taxes \u the ·rest of Cook County and rdieve a burden which otherwise will be very oppressive to the taxpayers of your community. The tax levying of-ficials of your town have been supplied with this re solution. The Board of Assessors stands ready tc correct errors in individual assesstnent s but under th e law it is powerless tn make differ e nt asscsse<l ,·aluativn percentages for different sections .of the county, all property mu st be assessed. on a uniform basis. This is a matter of \'ital importance to vour communitv and \'OUr assistance i!1 -bringing about the -proper adjustment is caruestlv solicited. very truly yours, Cook County Board of Assessors LIFE 21 Public Forum Editor, Wn.MEl'TB Ln·J~: Reassessment of the real estate 111 Cook county for 1928 has been compl eted by the Board of Assessors in compliance with the order of th e State Tax commission and. th e assessed value ~~;.ra in st which taxes \\'ill be extended has been placed at 37 per cent of the ;~ppraisal Yalu es . This ;:;ssessed value oi 37 per ccn! i-, uniform over the entire county <u~d automatically will incr~a se the assessed yaiur~ in the country town s nf C·;ok C(·llllt\' where asse~"ccl Y c.t lue~; hct\·c· range-d from 10 to 25 per n:nt c. f fnll ,.,,lue. In localities ,,·here the a:;:;e:;sed ,·a luc percentage has been lmY, correspo ndingly high local tax =-ate.; han prc\·ailed. Tax lc,·ic s on the basis of the se lm,· as sessed values haYe been filed " ·ith the County Clerk of Co0k c< .ttntv IH· the officials of 3choo1 di~ trirts.' ,-i liagrs and other municipali ties ;,1 the country tO\Yns. Tlwse lcYie s if applied to the 1928 a~sessed values ,,·ill result in the . pread and \llllertil)n oi taxc..; in excess of t~H· artual need::; of the country t0\\'11 tax . pending ))()di e..; ,,·ith a conseqlll'nt utlllecessar\' tax burden on the indi :idual taxpayer c\·en to the ex tent of dPuhling hi s taxe ·. The remedy for this condition in the country towns lies with the tax levying bodies in those towns. The method has been pointed out by W. H. Malone, pret:ident of the State Tax commission. In each town where levies in excess of the 1927 requirements have been made, tl-e tax levying bodies, · by resolution, may request the County Clerk to reduce the levy for 1928 to the 1927 amount, or to a sum which will meet the actual you only get one pair of Eyes in this Life. Take good care of them now by having them Checked over today! No Charge for this SightChecking Service. Mildred Tideman Attends Conference in Edinburgh \I i s~ \l ilclred Tideman, daughter of \fr . and ~fr s. S. X . Tidcman, 10.?5 Lindtn aYCnue. who has been in Paris ~ince last lunr. attended a conference <lll Land \ ;:tlue~ and Taxation held re·e ntly in Edinburgh, Scotland. ,vhich \ras attended by delegates from twentyfour dilh: rl~t1t C<Htntrics. incl udin g :\me rica. .J[ i~s Tideman nwtored with friends iwm Paris tu Edinburgh, shippitw across the channel. and fi r \\' back fron~ London· to Paris. ~li s· Tideman is in the rdrrtnce department of the Ameri can Library at Paris. and is doing special .;,,·ork for Professor Colcgrm·e of \'orthwcstern uniYersit\·, ,\"lw is over t IH're prei)aring an ecot~omic survev of htr<lJ)(.' 1927-28. - HATTSTROM & SANDERS Organization, Inc. ·Two Stores for your convenienc,e Two Stores for your convenience Sclentlftt nnc1 )fnnufacturlng .... t Only OPTICIANS t llighlnnd Park Illinois atld Milwauhre J:nutston, Illinoi s OJ·Il· Orrington Hot.-1 l'hnnc- U nhnsity 18-& 8 402 Ch llr<·h Strf't>t COMPLETI! grinding plant Phone Hi~hlancl Park 2160 391 Ct'ntral .A venue between Chicago A COMBINATION ' -· SELDOM OFFERED AT THIS PRICE! The ELECTROLA RADIOLA (~ombining the famous Radiola Super-Heterodyne No. 64 with the beautiful VICTOR ELECTROl.~A at a new low price, which is scarcely more than the price of the Radiola alone. NOTE THE FOLI_JOWING NEW FEATURES: Electrola in its highe~t develop· ment with the new Radiola SuperHeterodyne receiver. New power amplifier and latest dynamic cone· type reproducing unit. Wall type cabinet in early English style. Beautifully constructed of walnut solids, quartered oak veneer panels and decorative inlays and overlays. Size of cabinet 55 inches high, 30% inches wide, and 171;4 inches deep. Botti Electrola and Radiola operate from A. C. electric light socket, no batteries required. Transfer switch permits instant .change from radio to record reproduction. Non-set automatic eccentric groove switch. Volume control permits regulation of record volume. Eight record alhums, four ten-inch and four twelve-inch. Single dial tuning control. Meter indicates proper tuning for Radiola. Automatic radio volume .control can be pre· set to eliminate fading. Concealed metal plate provides antenna for local reception . Operating lamp above Radiola station selector. Uses eight Radiotrons UY -227, one UX-250 and two UX-281. Fixed top, two doors opening in front. Small door at lower right. . Metal fittings of light Flemish brass fjnish. ... OPEN EVENINGS NORTH SHORE TALKING MACHINE. CO. · MODEL 918 $625.00 . COMPLETE 712 CHURCH STREET Evanston University 4523 742 ELM STREET Winnetka Winnetka 3474 ~

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