Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 27

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\. September. 20, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS by staff lecturers, are free. Parties assemble inside the north entrance. Prof. Roger C. Frisbie of the Uni- . versity of Wyoming was a guest this · week of his brother, Donald Frisbie, New Trier High school instructor. Mr. Frisbie stopped here on his return from Paris, where he has been studying organ this summer under Marc~l Dupre . This Is a Champion Star . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ·· Twinkle-Ditto, ·or :Ko. 412 in the · Sheridan Shore fleet, i ~ the star class champion of the Great Lakes. 0\\'ncd and skip-pered · b:v ~1 ax Hayford and C. Y. Belnat). this b o;clt \\'On the Lak~" Michigan cha\n pionship early t.hi s seaso n and the ·ri g ht t o compete in the Great Lakes finals at Detroit. in which it captured the title after a close serie \Yith the Toledo entry. At the end oi tht" regular thr ee- rar e series the two boats were tied in points. and in the sai l-off to decide the i i n a 1 h o 11 o r s '1\\'inklc-Ditto went across th e finish line a good half-milt in the lead . It s Yictorie this scascm include t h <· series :\ and R ra ces at Sh('ridan Shore and the Lah· \1 icliigan titl e series in \\'hich it \\'Oil t hr Shipping hoard trophy and t h c :\ rnerican I,cgion :\a,·al p<1st cup, Through \\'inning l'hoto lJy \\. t.·sley Dowman Studio at Detroit. Had(1rd and Belnap acquir-ed tl1c ]<JJO Cn·at Lakes championship for Lake Michigan. and at tempt \Yill now he made tn hring it ll) Sheri dan Shore Yacht club. "Mammals of the Chicago Area" and "Primitive House Furnishings" at 11 a. 111. and 3 p. tn. respectively on ~onclay (Sept. 23! are the subjects of the first of next week's guide-lecture tours at Field Mu seum of Natural History. Other day s at the same hours subjects arc: Tue sdav. "Glass and Cr\'stal" and "The Neanderthal Family";- Wednesday, "Animals of Long Ago" and "Materials from Recent Expeditions"; Thursdav. two general tours of anthropological, botanical, geo logical a nd zoolog ical exhibits; and Friday, "Hawaiian and ~laori Art" and ").ligratory Bird;o;." These tours of the exhibits, conducted -oN. Tideman of 1025 Linden avenue is in New York on business this week. He will stop off at Cleveland, Ohio, on his way home to oversee the electrification of railroads there. s. AUFFMAN SHIELDS AND ENCLOSUAIS Con,·crt Yo1lr Radiator hato a RADIATOR BEAUTY SPOT ,\mcrlcan 1 \Ietal Products Corp. GOa North 1\llchigan A venue S uJwrior ;'li~ t:hlcago Loeal Dealers \ ' lc .J. Kilian, J nc. Winnetka 908 (.lootl HousekN'Jllng Shop Greenleuf 2:190 250 Boy Scouts to Usher Again at Wildcats' Games \ trances of the main decks and 00 \\'ill I he in cl:argc 0.11 tbe upper deck. Their " ·ork ,,-111 he elm: ctcd 1)\· adult marshals. The job of showing all of the cu.;Thi . . practicl' oi h;l\ ing ~COUtS u slv: r tomers at ·xorth\\·cstcrn uni,·e rsit\"s is i" usc in other large uniYcrsities of home foot ball games to their sca ts the ..:o untn·. including the L·ni\'ersit ,. of Illinois and the UniYcrsit,· of ~fichigan. in Ihrhc stadium has been gi\'cn to the n 1rth ~hor<.' council..; of Buy ~cuub. For the seco nd ,·e ar the sco ut s will undertake the \\'ork. ha\'ing- made such a success of it last sea on. There will he about 250 of them on dut\· each Saturdav, of \\'hich 196 \\'ill man the en- ·· An Invitation b t·XtPIHh·cl our many patrons and fri(·nds to Yisit om· new shop on our furrnal (J}Wning- Rock Garden nook on estate of J . C. Aspley, Glencoe 11onday, St·Jl h·miJl'r 2:~r1l eht!,st~ eel.t'~ c/Vo"it is not too ~arllj,/. Christmas seems far awaybut it always manages to catch us by surprise with heaps of things to do. So the wise ones order their cards well in advance to allow rime for their preparation and addressing. SPECIAL, INDIVIDUAL DESIGNS CREATED Fall- with the sunlight S underneath the trees filtered to OON a glow of gold by the alchemy of Autumn leaves. Picture a spot like this, above, in the full glory of the season. Or in Winterwith the moss and evergreens powdered with a fairy fall of snow. What ever be the season-wherer.Jer the place- even in a small yardthe grounds about your home are made more beautiful by Swain Nelson 8 Sons. A letter or phone call will bring one of . our expert Landscape Gardeners to consult with you. No charge or obligation. Suite 312-314 Hahn Building 1609 Sherman Ave. Evanston PERMANENT WAVING FINGER WAVING . BEAUTY CULTURE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Our I~Jwne There are many attractive designs to choose from at $ 14 to · $roo per hun dred, complete. ·· We!ti~o"'W.8rot"-ers .Suite 315 ..17 Hc\ll.f\.BuildiJW 1618.Otrif\9tol\., Avef\u~ AJtT_IflT S\YAIIIElS0"1£SO"IS CO.. Jitnd-:~cape. 9ardenef1,f/lenview!JII. Phone Rogers Park 6620 I" IJJ I \ \\Ill, .II or Glenview 87 or 88 II, Xumht'r Is Un<·hangt·tl GREENLEAF 0355 for Appolntm<'nts Eva~of\.~ Ill~ GREENLEAF 0799

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