Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 38

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r~~ch~fe~~J \ .OL. 2. :\0. 2i Published weekly by the ~ehool children of Wilmette under \\' IL~IETTE. J UN I 0 R LIFE 1 upervi1ion ~~ ~zo~===u:rls at Local Schools of W llmette Playground and Recreation Board ILLIKOIS. SEPTE~I B,ER 20, 1929 Porcupine, Deer Among Pleasures of 17 acation Trip tht · lt·nth of ,\ug·u:-:t our family ~tarted up !ll·rth. \\·t· ,,···nt up to my 1111dv'~ f;trn t tlr:-;t a nd :-;ta_:.·t ·<l tlwn· O\'f' rnt~ ht. Tht · 1wxt morning- \\'t· :-:tartt·d t)l). \\.t· drn Yt' all <la:-· until about 4 ::W o'clod<, 11"1 !-'topping- for anything- hut Jun('h . \\'lu·n wt· got tht ·re """ ft~ll1141 that nr · nnt· (·]!-;(' had arriVt·d, so m:-· sisl\'r, hrotlH'r and 1 \\"t ·nt :-;\\·imming lll't';tU~ ·· it "a~ quitt · warm and w · Wt ·n · a II hot from ridinL:". H.' · t lw t imp w·· g-ot tln ·~~" d ag-.1 in t ht · n ·~ t of t lw JH'O Jllt · had conw. Tlwre ,,·c·n· ~ ixtt·PII c\f U!-' alt t,gt· tlwr. \Ve had a. wondt ·rful tim ('. \\~(' \\'('Ill S\\"illll11illg a!IOUI t·\"!'1',:.' (l:t,:.', did a littlt· fi s hing- :tiHl in !h t· t'\'t· ning- ~ wt· play (' d all !Itt· n· ·w n ·c·ords 011 tht · \"11'tr<·l:t tlH· ~· hatl up tht ·rt ·. I am g-oing to H·ll ,.< ·U l\\'1 · irwicknt:-: that \\"t·l'·· ·!Uitt · unu :~ u : ;l. :\1\· Lttht·r :t nd ll lo thl'l' aud a gi rl \\' ito \\":1!--.llJl lht ·l't' :llld nt_\"St·Jf Wt ·llt lt 1 .:\Jillii(" JU<I, tlw 11111 .\· to\\"n llt ·a r thl' l't·, ollt' mornir :g- for a f, . \,. things Wl' n<·Nlt ' d . On our \\"a\· hal'k \,.,.had to go through fh·t· miles ,,f ~\- oP<l s and whilt · \\"t· \\'t·rt · gt>ing· thrr>ug-h \\"" saw a lllt·lht ·r clt·<·r and (\\"o !itt.!(' f;·wns . \\·,. \\'t ·t·, . ;IIH·Ilt l\n·nt .\ ' ft ·d frqm t ltt'J't' he · for, · tlH · \ · lllt~\"t · <L .-\ t first W(' t!toug-ht it wa ~ th;. , ... \\' the:-· had up tlwr c lot·t·au~!' wh :tt \\'t· ~:t\\' wa ~ ju:-:t tht · cl oe and that luol-:..cl lil-:t· a <"11\\". It wa ~ , .,.n· Ulltl !-- ll:tl h t···:t ll ~t· onlr ""' ' <lt ·t·r had h··t·il found in that wo<Hb . The st·<'fi!Hl unu :-: ual thin g T1111k pLte·<· ··llt· eYt·nin g a ftt ·r :-: ttJIJWr wlt· ·n wt · w· ·r (' :II! going d··wn to tilt · l'" ttagt · wh··r, · \\'f> !--Jit·nt mt~ :-:t ,,f 1>!1!' ,.,·t·ning!'-, _ , \.ht ·n my :-:is t('r PXt·l:t illlt ·<l. "( 'lllllt· ht ·rt ·, quil'l> ~-· \\· p all r:tll up t(l !'t't' wh :tt it w.LR . \\'lwn Wt· go t lht·r t· \\"t' ~:t w :1 JH·n ·upill!' lo ;:--urt·h· \\;tll\i tu.: t11w;trd~ tlw ,,. ,,od~. \\"h··n ~,· t· 1"!'-t ~ig ltt .. r him II· · h:td g·>ll\' up a trt ·t· aiH1 \\·a~ hidd <' ll l~t · ltind :lw J..a \·es nf t lw t rt ·t·. l II- had ""Ill· · down and wa~ ~ itting in tlw pnth ,,.h, ·n my s i!-'t('r ::-:aw him . .-\ltogt"tht' l' I < ·njnypd th· ,~., t "'" Wt· t · k~ \ t·n· mud1 :t nd I hn1w I will ],, . ;ddt· !1> go <tg·; t in th · XI ~· t ·:t r . - :\l:tr~ · .\lit't · !Ia~· ,,~. " · ~ttolp Un Football League Schedules Following- is tlw !'clwflult· of games 1'1w the rPrn:t i"nd ·r of tht· month . of Sept e lllbe t· f1·r th e Fifth ancl Sixth Orade Foot hall lt·ag-ue and for tlw St:'\'enth and l·:ig-hth (; radt· lt·ag-ue. .A II ~a me~ ~Lre t·:tllNl for :{ ::lfl o ' do < ·k and the firRt t ea ms r .. acly til pia~· will play flrsl. FIF'I'II A: SIX'fH C:JL\UE J,E .HoUE Sc>llff·mher 17 t '('ntra 1 ;, ( · ,. ~. St. J ORe ph fl at Wa~hing Park, ( ·.. ntral 6C vs. St. .fos<·})h 6 at \'.·ashing·ton Pal'l\, Howard f>B \ 'S. How;~ )(\ ;, (' at \'illag<> Gn·{·ll , Howard 6B v s. ~t. Fritll1 ·i:-> G at Villag-t· Crt· ·n. Sc>Jlft·mbt>r 19 1 '<·ntra 1 ;; B \"!'. ( ' pn tJ"al ;,_\ :t l \\·a~ h i:tgtnn Park, ( 't·ntral 6U \ ":< . t' ·ntral 6A a t \\'a~ hingt(/n !'ark, H o ward 5B vs. t '··ntral !)( ' at \ . illagt· ( :rt·l'll , Howard GB ~·s. {'t·ntral ti,\ :tl \'illage (~l't 't' ll. · Sf·ph·mllt>r 2-i C!'ntral GB \·s. llowat·d !)(' at \\'a:-;hingtou Park. t 't·nt rat t)B , .:-:. ~t. Francis G at \Va ~ hittg-ton Park. Howard 5A vs. t \ ·ntral 5A at Yillag-., Green, Howard SA Y:--. Centrnl G.\ at Yillag-e Gr ee n . lflll On Tm· ~ day morning, th e SA and SB girls asse mbled on the pre mis es of tht· V!llage (;ree n to watc h th e e ighth grade boys play football. . . It was a cold , snappy day, JUSt th e da~ fnr football. The girls seemed quite interested wat<-hing the boys kicl< and puss the ball, etc. 01w of the g·irls pipe d up. ··r wish we could vlay football inRtead of 1-:ickball." _ .. Janet \Vright said, "Why can't \\:1.'?, 'L'here was a football g-rabbing- of a g1rl s lw:,d-g('a r, or in othl'r words. a g-irl's hat. The game lH>g"aJL It n ·a lly wn s m o re l< ee p away th fl ll anything e lse. Just as we got starte d the h e ll rang- and the game stopped ancl no t o w ·hd n wns. \Vhen we got in we told th boys and . th e laugh was on Ul'. If you e ver happen Jl<·ar You will spe th C' e ighth grade girls during J'PC<'SS, lith· up, gTah a g-iri'R hat ~ nd run . -:\lary Loui:-l, · :\ltH'L·a u , S.-\ H o ward Organize Junior Hat is "Pigskin" in Girls' "Football" Game at Howard Police Patrols Thurs cla:-·. ~ t· pe tJ?1ber 12, .the Sto!.l! «('hool p.ttrol ·was l"onnc·d. H,J.rold Vtc. i1;l)en w:ts t·lt·l't e d crt pta in and a:-; th e . \\ ~> t . T('JTY Katz and Harry :\lmot . ' t. I .eu t nan :-:, · . . t . 1 · n· · Th' hov:-: <:omposrng f' HCh JM ro · ·' .· ll n~TY .:\.Jin 01 ··s patrol with Fnli_JI< 1~1'11.~,:. .' TPm ·Antrim. John lkam . . nand (res::: BillY ('uln·r, Hilly .T e nkr_ n s an<! lJH h Hori1; 1\·rry Kat?.' J>atrol JH m;~de ~P ,of Ponnld . .\nd t- rson, .l f>hn Stut, BJII ~tac.k hous(', "(:a hhy' ' :\fC( 'lure,· Donald · roepP~'n and Ho lw rt \\'r t>. \\'P ho)w tlw sehl .· tl p.1 t r o l \\"ill dn its du t ~·-. _· · --llrl\'id \\~P ln s~O\.' k, 1 ( ~tc>lp HOW:\ HD HAS l'A'fJWJ, at tlw How a rd sc hool tlwy ha\·(· ~ta rtt· d tlw Junior P o li ce. \\'p ha,·e th ~> l":tJ)lnin and th e two li <> Ut ('na nts . Tht~ re :1 r·· S{' \'1'11 on a patro l. \\'<' h ave ~(· \"C_n 1."\\" h o:-·s . I nm prt'lty s un · tiH·y J1kfl tt 0\1'1' \ ' .-!' \ ' Seems Opening of School Has Deli~hts All Its Own W ('] ). · - Frank K ot' IUJ.Il. Tlr·ward fi. Tlw first week·- of s('hocd. E\·P ryhody in a hustlf' to g-p t ~t'at::-:. Tilt· 11 (' \\" l <' adwrs an<l thf' Rnwll of varnish .. cl (lt·~l\s . To s.-vt('mt.H·r 26 Hom(' it i s n't n t> w, hut to oth··r~ it'!' rlifC\·ntral riH Y~ . Ct-ntral ft<' at \\.a:-;hr, ·r e nt fr o m Wh:1t tJwy'rt · llS Pd tO. ington l'arl;; , ('t·Jttral 61! \ ' S . t't ·ntral 6(' h\' ry year you'r(' gt'lting up in sciHH II. al '\\'ashin g ttlll !'ark , llu\\·<t nl i"iA \'S. \\.h e n Yo u're in t lw l o w e r gTad1·s you canlloward !)( ' at Yillag·t' < :n·.. n, Howard not in1ag-in(' ev(' r lking- ht·rt·, but lwf·)r <' tiA \'S. ~t. Fran\'is 6 at Yillagt> C:n·t> Jl. ~· o u know it, tlwrt· you :trt· l'i t ti ng in a sr:\· t:XTII k l·: HHI'I' JI Ci IL\ UE T,EA(;(jE brand n('w st>at rt'acly for th.·· ~-··a r' :-: w o rk . Th e fun of OJWning- 111'\\' ho ok~. E,·, ·ry S4'}1tt·mtwr 16 · p:1g(' a new p :q~:t·. lt t a i.;C's a y1 ·a r or l ess, ~tolp ~ .-\ \' ~. Stolp ,' (' at \\' ashing-ton !-,OlllE' tinH'l' mnr't·, till you ktto\\' PY~> ry 1'<11'1< , St. Frands 7 \ S. ~lolp i(' at \\·ashp :lg"C hy !wart. Th a t 's tlw war it i ~ the ington l'arl\ , ~t . .Jo~t · ph s ,- ~. Howard fir!'t Wl't> k of ::-:ehool. ,,. \ a t Yill ;tgf' (;rl't·n. ~t. .l1· ~ · · ph \'S. -:\lart h a Hu ff. ~to! J1 jc' lloward I.\ at Yillag t' ( :rt 't> lt. St·Jltf'·nthf'r ~tolp ~ I! Marjorie Wins Toy Dog in Sunday School Picnic Race On SC'ptpllllwr H , o ur Sunda~· ~l'honl had pi c nit· . To mv clbappointnwnt wht ·n I w11kt · up in tlw ;m·ming-. it was <·c· ld and doudy. Hut soon tlw s un pOJl)Wd it s IH' :t d out and :t got mud1 warm· ·r . Thf' For ('~\ Prf'!'-f· l'\"t' w ;t~ 1wa r Fo~tf· r and h .ostner. T!H·I'P w as quit P a crO\vd lhC'rf'. They bad a s t an d \\'ht ·r<· a ll tlH' Suncla~· ~<'hool , hilclrf'll ~ot t\\·, , lr ntt l<·s of pop and t\\'o "Dix iPs." .\!lout -t ::{11 tlw:-.· h:Hl lht· ra t·f·!'. 'T'Iwn· v. t·rt· ra CP!' for tlw small <' hildrt ·n and fnr th1· wom Pn. Tht· g-irls \\'ho Wf'rf' 1~ to 1·~ vt·ars old hacl a running rat ·,· . EYeryl· orlv ran as fast as tlw~· t·ould and T t·;tn~·,, in fir st. T n ·t ·l'i\·pd t lw · t·utps( littlf' (]o~ \\'hkh mnYt ·s it s l<>g- ~. It s its on thE> n:ano wht ·r r it wat<'h<'~ nH· praC'Ii<'!' e\·· ·ry <1:~~·. \\.t · :tt(' ~upnc·r and :-;oon aft('r that ,,·c· \\'!· nt h<1111(' . \YP ·w!'I'P quit f' tirr·cl hut \\ t· hacl :1 l()\"t' l~· timf'. . T:trjori£> \\~t·dPII . llowarcl S.it~ 1~ at \\'as ltingtun 1'ark, ~t . Frnncis 7 \·s. ll .. warcl 7H at \\.:tshington Park, ~1. Fr:lll\'i :-: S \'St. llow :trd , Hat Yilla~!' <:n·t· n. ~~- .Jnst ·pll i v~ . ~tt>lp 7H at \·illagt' llr<'e n . Ys. ~tolp ~!) Betty June Collins Sees Gra.f Zeppelin in Chicago One · morning- itt tlw latlt· r part of August, motlwr took us down town . \'~le shomwd all day and atP lun('h nt n t <'a room. Ahout 2 o'clol'k \\'t' w p nt 11\"t·r to ( :r:tnt p:~rk . Th(' park w:ts full n f JH ·nple h e('/l.Hse. if rou ha\" f' not g ut ·:-;!-<t· d. tlH' <1raf Zepp lin wa~ ('Oil1illg-. l't ·n plt · kt·pt ('Oil!· ing- and ('oming-. 'l'lw fount:11n was 1 urn e d on full. .-\ h o ut fi o'do('l\ the Hhop workers startpd l'oming- and in a f!'w minut(·s we ]ward whistles O\'('r we~t. .-\ e ropl:uw~ ('illlh' 0\"1'1' tlw f'ong-rcs~ hot<' !. Tlkn finallY a huJ.;'t· nose and th(' Zep w:ts thf'rP . · Thu <· rowels (·heerNl and d'N·red. All traffic :--tnpJH'd and }wopl erant>d th ir tH'I'i\K It circled around sPn·ral tinws and tlwn went across the iakt>. Thost> of you who saw the C:raf ZpppPiin ::-:aw :t mo~t wonderful sig-ht. -Rt·tt~· .Ju1w Collins, Howard S F1 sc-ptt·mhn 20 Janet Looks Forward to Pleasant Time in Sixth St. Fraul'i s ~ \'::-:. ~tolp l\1) at \\'a s hr1 1~ton Pa ric ~tolp I ,\ \"s. ~tnlp I<' ~t \\·ashing-ton Park , ~t. .ln!-:t ·ph R \ ' S . ~tolp \(; at Yillag-E · Crl' t' ll, llnward 7.\ \'R. lltl\\'anl 7H :1 t Yillag·,, (; n ·t·n . St·]lf4'IIl1Wr ~ ·t nlp 2!1 , -s. ~tolp Sl\ : , t \\'<ts lti11glon thirll.; l will li);.,. !'-ixth grad·· IH ·t': IIISf' l':t l'l\, ~tolp IH \"S. lloward 7.-\ at \\'a~h \\"t· h:l\'\' iltgton l':trl<, llow:tnl , .\ ,.~ . lltl\\';tl'(l :;;B \\'(' JlH!-'S fl'1111l l'tll llll lll l'<lf>lll. S.\ ITo\\·a nl has :-;tartNl tlw ~('hrH>l year 1-!'· ·nt·ral !'-vit·!l('t· t""· r·ll<'t ' :t wt ·t· k The :tl Yillag·,. Cn·t·n. !-'tolp 7. \ \":-;, lloward with a ru~h . 1 >uring- tlw first w<· e k Wf' auditorium Ito](}!' :tlHIUt thr··· ·- lltllHlrcd :1~ :tt \'ill:q. rP (;l't't' ll. ~' lt · < · l p cl a fnoth:tll ('aptain and also nur :md fift .\ pt·oplt ·. \\·,. h ;t \.,. <lifft ·r <· IJt St·Jlt(·mltH 2;, <' ln~s offi · t · r~ . For foothall C'aptnin. \\'f' t<· :wh<·r~ ll· ·arly t · \"1"1'~· Jlt ·riod . I Iii;., · sixth ~tolp S.\ \' ~. ~!. .l ll~t· pll ~ at \\·ashing<'lec·t<·d Fn·cl . \ ~(' hhadwr . Friday W P had grarlp !'-II far q ·ry w..JI. .\Irs . .\la~ o n and ·,.n 1'a1·l-:, ~t. .1 ost·ph i Y~. ~t. Francis 7 pr:t(·t i(·(· ~n w f' g-ot a ~light fd (·a of our :\liss L:tl'!--1111 art · tlw sixth gradt · h':tl'h('rs . ·1t \\· a~ltingtnn !'ark. lloward S,\ \'S. 1 osition:-:. Th P linPIIP il': ('as:-:t>IJ, full\\'p will prol·:thl~· ha\"t· our as~t·mhli s ~~:olp 81) ;tl Yillagt· ( :n·t·n, ~tolp j(' .-~. ha('k : Erlwan1s, halfh:ll'l\ : lTnrn . halfaud pla.\·s in tht · tt· ·w audit(/rium . Thf> ll0ward 71: at Yillagt · t:rt ·t· n. iJa('k ; f'h:tl'nhf· r~. quartc·rJ,acl<: Hermanlrindt·rg:ll'tt·n . tht · mu:-;i<' room. tlw art St·pt··mlwr 27 son. rig-ht f'nd : Ho!'lz, right t 1.ckle; n·o111, tht · :tutlitl·rium. tht · gt·nt·r:tl sl'it>ncc· St . Frar11: is 8 Y::-: . ~tolp SB at \Ya :-: hingARchh:1clwr. rig-ht gun nl: f'hristy . C'PntPr: room, art · all in tlw lit·\\' auditorium adrll- tnn Park, Jloward sH \'S . ~tolp Sl' at .\Ta,:.·, l!'ft g-uard; .\Iaxw C' IJ, ll·ft tack!<'. ti\111 . Tht· l\intlt·rg ;tl'lt ·n lool\s s11 IIi('(' \\"a ~ hing-ton Pari\ , f'tulp SD Ys. St. .Tost·ph antl Or<'en . l pft end. with tlw fir, ·pJ:t('t ' antl tlw fount:1111 in it. ~ at Yill:tg"t' nn't·IJ, llnwanl 7A \ "S . St. 'Tiw class officeri' W('l'(' Ct·org-(' 1\Tax- .land llardt. ti.\ 1r11wanl Fraud:-; 'i at \'illagt· <:l·t·t·n . wt·ll. .TanPt \Yrieht, Hf'lf'n P <' rry, and S(']lte·miH·r !HI T .\1\E Y .H ' .\TIOX 'I'HIP '\\·hen W(' wf're at camp this summer Fmnk C'hrbt~'. That wns ('nnug-h for mw Stolp ~L\ Ys. St. Franl'is ~ at " ·as hingOn .Attl-!U !--' ':2. Wt· ~ tarkd ft > r .\larqut'll·'. tor : Pari>:. ~tolp 7H \":-:. ~tolp 7<' at \\' :t~h \\ 'C were nil . sitting around a camp fire ,,·c·l:'k hf·s idt ·s not haYing any tnrcly marks. - Frank f'hristy, R:\ Howaro :\li c h . \\·, . !--l:t,:.·t·(l then · tw .. nt:-· minutt·s ing-ton Pnrk. Howard , .-\ Ys. ~tolp ~B at one night. Ortfl of the h··~· :-:, whose name t~> g t a :-:n n<lwidt. Th<·n Wt· \\"('nt to Villagt~ Gl't'C n, Jl o wa rcl ~n vs. St. .Jos<' ph was Jack. was tt ·lling a :-:torr. \Vh en all E!-<< 'a naha . .\Iii-h . \\·e l'ta~·t · d (ht·!'p fiy or a sudden we heard :1 Yt·ll. The noise '\ at Yillag-t' Gr('Pn. daY!-'. Tht ·n wt · dro\"t· to llt1Utnn, l\li<'h. came from thf' lalH' so all g-ot up and ran to the lake. \\.ht'n we g-ot tlwrp, Wt> saw Jli;UI011 i!-' l': tllt ·d tht· t'OJ)Jlt·r t'tl\11111':-· hy thP!'t· Wh ll liYt ' in it . From 1 IH' I't· \H' wt>nt a boy in the water calling- for h e lp. 'l'h e n A ftC'r the nweting- of th<> RA dasH Howto Copp ·r lla1·hor which is Uw fartht·st all of a sudden we h eard a splash and J·(dnt north :-·ou t':tll g-o without vro:-:~ing Jack waR in the water. .Ta('k juRt g-ot ard for elf'dion of offic.<·r~ \\'<11' over, Frida~·. ~C'ptf'mber l~. th(' 1ww pre:;;ident. illtll Canada. Th Pn we W· ·nt hom th!' During- my v :H' ation at Green Lake, there in time to Rave him. When we c:;aw :--.l tnf' \\' ' 1\' \Vh en h e O!'org-e :\Iaxw<>ll. appointf'd nupils to do \\'i~ .· I had an t'X(·iting- .thing happen. \Ve him he looked like a Scout. thing-:;; around the r oom. Thpy arp a!' '-.:..ilrsou Tnwlt·. <:r:ult · ~. (\·ntrnl "." l're out on a hil\t· and while we were told us he was a Scout and had fallen in fc>lJO\\'R: walking along I went down to th(' lake we put him to bed. \Ve had fine times :\farjorit' \\. Pdell for putting- flow e rR in FOJDI 1\I('KB.\1 ,1. TE .UI to ~N' if I could St'l' ~ome cottages, to- together after that. Yase whPn ~frR . .Jon eR g'(' tR some. .\tiss !-'ki<1m ro n· t'anw in .\li~s L:u·~pn's w.u·d which \\'<' wt·n · h ' ad ed. -Bill Lerf;('h, 6 B \\·nile I OeneviE>\'f' Birlauf for passing paper. 1"'·11 111 la :-: t Frida\' Hlltl ::-:aid sht· had a «ur- was looking- a g-n·at hig- ~nak(' slid through Elaine Ang-!Pha<'k to <·a r p for thf> lunch pri~e f(/r tht· J.:"ir:ls . ~lw a:--1\t ·d tht· girl~ if my h g::-:. I jumtwd ju!-;t in tinw. Then HOLil KICKBALL GAJIF. slip. th f· Y W<·Uld likt · tn h:1\'t· a kkkhall !Nun nty motlwr was g-oing- to sit down and Wednesday, Reptemhc, r 11. the 7(' Stolp Reginald CrN·n and Harrison StormR and so Wt' !-ai(i we wnuld likt· to ha\'fl a n·~t and anotlwr big- :-;nakt' wa s all curled g·irls had an amateur kickball game. They kkkhall t1·am \"t·ry much . ~n slw ~aid if up undt>r a. trPt·. \Yt~ didn't go on then divided up into two teams. Florence tor kE>eping- the hoards d<>an. 1\farjorie Tay)f>r to sf·f' tlw shaclf'~ are \\'(' t·lf·r·t(·c1 a r·:1pt"ain lwfnrt· Thu1·~<1ay Wt~ hut turn<'d and w e nt baclc "'p nvvt·r did Read wal' the eaptain of one and Anne k··pt straight. ,.r,uld ha\·t· I·Ur fir!'-t pral'!i t· t· ganH· Thurs- get tn thnse cottages. Bavliss the captain of the other. Flor- G<>nf'Yie\·e Ri ria uf, RA Howaril day. · --Jerrine Fromm, 6B Howard (·nce's team won 21-d. It wal' a pretty - El~it · .latlt · Erlgt· . li .\ lfn\\·anl txciting g-ame. :\Trs. Ball was tlw umf'HARLf~Y HOES TO HO~OL1JL1J )l01H:Jj OF UTILITY pire. CharieR Ripley \vent to Honolulu this HAYE FI~E .\HT HOO:U The new addition at Howard sl'hi·Ol -- Ruth Winberg-, i< Stolp summt>r on thP Fourth of .Tuly. When hP .\Irs . .:\laH>ll told U!-- that our an room contains a llP\\' sdt>IH:t· room . This is ·~ot to Honolulu th t> llawaiian hovs swam will bt· a llll·llt-1 .. n. ·. \\·, . art· t" d11 a g-(lo1l a great impl'l!\'t'l1lent 0\'l'l' th ... rr ld one. BARBAU .\ GOl:S TO ('AJ,TFORXH t~, nwf't the hoat a11d rliv.,cl for p p·mit>R. d··a l of mt·dt ·ling thi:-: ~· t · ar whid1 \\'(' haH· Th dt·sks art> n·ry lar·g p, aceommodatiag This 1-'Umnwr Barbara Hl)ss went to -- C'ha1·1es TiiplPy, Grado !) f'{·lltl'al nr ·t done IH fort· . \\·,. t·XJH 't'l to ha\· a t\';o, and tht· dw i1·s swing under the California. She enjoyed it nry mu eh. lt.t of fun . H· · sidt ·~ 1111·dding- we will d t>~ ks . 'l'hert' are ~inks and cupboards, She went through the mountains and saw THU Ef~ NEW PUPILS illu~tratt- th~ ".:\lt· rt ·hant of \·t·nkc" \\·e ;,lso a display cast· for the art ex hihit. a Rleepin~ giant, a shape cut in the moun'l'he r <> are three new pupils in Mrs. :,re not u~<lng- th(· art room ~·t>t because '!'it(' hulld in hou rd is rapidly g t> tting- ftllt' d. tains, and other funny shapE'~. Shf' had folies' room this year. They are Hazel tiH· talJI : -: hn,··· not arrived. I am ::-:urt· Wt' nil appreciate it. a real good ti Ill<'. f' Pc k, Anna Kerr, and Mac KutchinR. -- Enid H end(·rtoon, 8A Howard Sehoul -Ht>ginald Green, Howard SA -Barbara Ro::;~, Grade 5 Central -Anna Kerr, SA Howard 8. Howard 8 A Organizes I for Year's Activities 0 Bill Relates How Jack · Prevented Camp Tragedy Snakes Spoil What Might Have Been Pleasant Walk President Appoints Punils for Various Room Duties

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