Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 39

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September 20, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE On l\londay morning, Se]H(:'mher 15, ~he two dass1·:-; of cig·hth gTadt· girls of Howard Yoted f or th<J l"olor of ti t>s for grm. Thc:-re \\"l·re four t·olors Jl!ltninatt:d, pea grP'11, or:u1g·<', lig·ht hlut·, and a tl"i a ng-u lar searf of blue, tan, and whit e. Fiftepn c,f the gir l ~ \'Oll·d for orang·e. !>t'\"en for g-~·(·t--n. ~t>H·tt fo1· blue, and one for tiw tri-c()}OJ'Pd t it·. Our g·~·m clotht>s will h·' 'Ve have a n e w gf'neral st"iPneP ro om . navy or blac>k bloomers, white middit> :--, It has seventePn- douhle d ~ks in it. There · !'ang-t· ti,·s, and tt>nnis :;:;ho e:;;. are two swinging chairs at Ntc h desk. - Hl'l t> n Perry, Howard )\,\ There are two dt·n.w e rs lwtwee n tlw rha irR. STOJ,p 7.\ FOR~l!'\ ( ' J,( TB \ Ve have eight fau cets, two g:1s connections and three base plug~. '\"e h ave i A ~tolp organi:;:ed a c·lass eluh. :\farr :1 dark room al!-:o. There are 240 draw l:'l"S l·:tl:t \\"aidtwr was elPctecl tempor~ry in the side room . Each c>hild in the cha irman and Ho:-;pmary ll:ty tPmpttntr.'· higher grades g"('ts t o put Jiis things in S··(·rda r~· . Tt \\"as mn\"t·ll and ~l·f·oncl <>d <Jlte. )liss Stl'n·ns said WP art· going· to that \,.,. ha\"t· a constitutinn . 'Vt hav e take pictur e~ and dt' Yelop tlwm in the n:tnlt·d our duh "Btolp 7.r\". dark r oo m . TlwrE> wi 11 he tiuw~ in~tc·ad -.Tt>an Laun·JWP, ~tolp 7:\ nf doing what the rest of th1· C"!ass do (' S 11 . \~ Y .\f' .\TTOX IX TH .\110 \\" f' do what \\"(' want. . Thi~ :-:umnw1· A!-.:hton 'I'aylor w e nt to -Lob Bandlt(·rg·. ll ownr<l ~ P. J:oisl·, Id a ho. and lw rod t.· hor~t·l>aek t·\"t'l'r dny. lit· \n·nt up o n a hi!-!'11 mount~in UAYfl) LIKES IllS "BIKE" I ha\'l' a l.likt>. ft 's l{:'n days old tod,ty. ,,·hit-h i:-: t·all~-'<1, "Table R<H·k ." Tt iR v ·ry I t"s a Ha wthonw J-'1\· ~·J'. It's a. n·d bil>e. tint on top and tlH·re art· lot of rattl,· up th£,l'f·. T like {(, ridP it. r' got a flat til'l' hut ~L:tkt·:-:- .\ :-: hton Taylor , t iradt· .·, 1 't·ntr:tl 1 Jaddy fixt·d it. Xot only that but ~ot mr :1 new tire (that sho\\"!"' Yl·ll what a ( '0 l,J, l~CrJ' 1 XSF.(' 1' S good Dad I·,·e got). T likt· my I >:ttl just :t~ Tht-·. :-;ixth t o t"ighth gradt>s of H o ward \\"I' ll as my hikt·, if not mon'. ;· l'l' now coll t'cting inst·d~ for sc i('nc<>. Da\·id t i t· Jlpf'rt, Third gr:tdt" . 'J', cld~· ll o~kin!-.: discon·rt"d .a walking stick :OTrs. Burtnt·r·s room. 0:1 hi ~ bast·rn <> nt window . "\noth e r !Jo:v llrnug·ht in a utt,·rpillar :ttld a yl'lln\~· HA YE COOKINH J ,E SSO~s spitlt· J". Last Thursday, tht' girls of .-\ lw.d - Ehnl"l' EriekHon, S.·\ 1 low:trd th(·ir first cook ing hJ~son. Tt wasn't e'::·cUy a cooking- lt'sson th!lug·h b<><·ausP we .1 1· \"f01t POJ.I('E OX nr·ry washed a lot of dislH·:-;. or t·o ursP Wf' Tht· .lt111ior P11lin' ()[ tht> Byron Stolp lo\"Pd that. \Y e art> hoping· tht· girls in f:<'hoo l arl· on duty today, Friday·, SepSB h:-tYe aR many clish(·~ to wa !'.:h wlh"n ···mbt·r 1::. Two of th e hon; from ~Irs. tiwir cooking IE>sson comts around. \'u·non·~ r oom are un dut)·. Th ey nrf' -Geraldine Spragu(', J Coward 8.\ I '"11 'rlll'J> IH ·n and Billy Culver. -.Jeamw Kuhl, 7:\ Stolp 11 AVE JL\XL\1, 1'JL\.I.XIXU CJ.-ASl·;l;S t('ontintwd on .'\Pxt Pag·f') Eighth grades now art> having woodwork in manual training. " "e are working- on trays, ta blc!'.:, and footstool s. On th<· trays we mak e d es ign s on the :;:;irlPs ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE and center and on tlle tahl es and fo utOF THE ART CLASSES OF ~: t oo l~ d<·sig-ns on tlw h·gs. \V1· arf' only EDNA M. S. JOHANSEN dc·ing simple d el'igns now. - Thorlll' Edwai'tl~. X.\ ll o ward (MRS. PETER I.) . 15 8 BERT- Sunday morning at 8 :3 0 o'clock some neighbors and my family started out on a trip to Burlington, Wis., fifty-eight miles from Wilmette. We finished the trip in one hour and tw e nty-fiye minutes~ We spent most of the day at my g-randfather's farm. W e took s<'veral lo ng walks, the first one we went through an alfalfa fi eld to a narrow lan e. \\7 e followed that and (·amP to a small lake ,·:~lied Broy lak t>. It had a stet>p hill im 11n one side and man.:hy all around. Tlwn a little later w~ took a walk to Fox rive r, :tbout a mile aw:-ty. \Y f> walk t>d up tlw ~!tore a way!' and saw a larg-t-- floek of hl:-trkbirds on the gTound. .'\:-; w e ca m E' near the flo c k ro:-;c·. 1'lwn:' were so nu1.ny birds that th e whole sky in front of us was black with them. \\'p esti mal t-rl alJout 300 birds. Our otlwr walk was to g·pt a neighbor's ca ttle into hi s barn. -Ph ilip H oelz, Howard R. Philip Enjoys Fine Trip Virginia Takes Trip to to Grandfather's Farm Sweden, Visits Capital I certainly enjoyed my trip abroad. On ou r way East to New York, we visited Washington, D. C. We le ft New York l\Iay 11 on the l\1. S. Kungsholm. To b e on h0a rd ship was a gr~at d elig-ht , to mE', l'SPeC'ially thE' swimming J)Ool where I s ]Wnt an hou1· Rwimming in !-.:all water. r m et rna n~· fri Pnd s from ( 'hicago. W e nrriYfd at 1 lothenburg l\Jay 20. After three month:-;' stn~· \\"{· rt>turn e d to NE>w York, s]H·nt a day tht--rf' sightseeing :tiHl c' nt-- day s ig·htsee ing nt Niagara Falls. \ 'irgin ia Olson, GA Howard FIRST CALL FOR FOOTBALL Uh·k llunley, N. u. football toaeJa, has Issu<·d his first call for football, ~~~ the Pun,le are now tearing Into t ht· t,lgskln to tw rttudy for Butlu, 1 ht· lirst gnmt>. It's tlmt> for the kids to be getting uut and Jlra<·tldng tlwir football plays, tuu. Bt>tt1·r see that sonny's well out· litt···l for Ills game, mother. :ae'll gt>t a big klfk out of S(lortlng our foot· Ita II outfits mo1h·led on H'g 'fen styles, a·IHl besides lw'll b~ well protected In tht> roltgh nnd tumble of practice. We June com1·letc accessories, not ttnly for the boy but for the high !'<·hool hul und collt·gt· man. Come in unci st·e them. Howard Ei~hth Grade Girls Choose Color for Gvm Ties New General Science Room at Howard Pleases Pupils HELMETS ( 'oml'urtnble, well-made Ju·l· nwts thut will gh·e full prott·t·· tlon tu the bend. $3 aiHI up. PANTS Wt·ll <>ut with reinforcement ~orhlng full Ilrotection and allow· ing t·nsy moHment of the body. ))oc Sp<:'nr's pants at U.Sit. OthHs higher. FOOTBALLS YaiYe footballs in mnny models ut a wi<le range or Jtric<>s. $1.00 and up. Other mudels us low us a dolln r. SHOES Ex<'ellent quality shoes that will stand hard wear on the ~ritllron. $5 and up. JERSEYS Ut·aYywt>lght with <>lnstit· shoulth·r. Ut··infort·f'tl to h(' !'t'H· lt·t·nhh·. $4.i5. SHOULDER PADS :.\lade of hNHY grey felt rein· fon·<·d lf'nther top giving full t~roteftlon. l&:l.aO and up. SPECIAL TICKET SERVICE Ut·~lu ni11g St·Jtt<>mlwr 30. the Jfonday b<>fore the fir!>it ~anw, we will hniHllt· a spe<'illl ticket senlet>. 4'nll l ninrsity 012:l for tlckt·ts only. Gr. 7200 Chandler's DAVIS ST. 630 EVANSTON Wil. 724 Sl-:t;K l ' OO'l'U,\J,J, fiTJ,E l 11 football. tlw SA boys of Howard :-dwol s:1id, "\\'e are g·oing lo win ." \Ve haw.. a good live and strong backfi eld. J .. asl year 8B got thrt>e championships so we are going to get tht· m this year. Our r; rst is Friday and we hope we will win. -Frederick Aschb;;tc..: her, Howard 8A LING LANE . WINNETKA, BEGINNING SAT. . SEPT. 21st. ADULT CLASSES MONDAY MORNINGS. JUNIOR CLASSES SATURDAY M 0 R N I N G S . PHONE WINNETKA 769. .... ART AS A PROFESSI. ON 1n no field of study is the opportunity for practical application so great In art. American life is developing culturally. Art plays a greater part day by day. Architecture, the interior, furniture, clo~hing, every bit of merchandise needs now to be touched by the art1st. If you are inclined artistically, this Is your day. The up-to-date methods used by this Rch~ol give a solid foundation for a liff' of pleasurable, profitable activity. a11 The Fall term hegan Sei,tember 9tll. Individual attention, however, enables you to enter now. PooL ·INC· & PIPER EVANSTON THE EVANSTON A-CADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEFFLER, CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS Director GREENLEAF 1674 16o8 GnCJ\00 AVENUE+ 6)6 CHURCH STREET

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