Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 15

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September 27, 1929 'W ILMETTE LIFE 15 The inteltectual and cultural thirst of north shore pc.o plc is to lind satis- · faction in the stimulating program of a One-dav Education conference 0 11 . the subjec-t of "The Family" to he held at the Skokie .c hool ~fonday, O··tohcr 28. This conference is under the auspices of Xc\\' Trier Tow'nship High :-,c lwol. X ort h Shore Country Day schnol, \\' inndka \\'oman's club, \Yill netka public schools,. The program is ~ts inllows: A ftHIIOll Sc·~sinn-!! Mother of Local Resident Eminent Educators Dies in Cicero Sept. 21 l Listed on Program Funeral services f~r Mrs. Viola of Education Parley Stetler Wilson, mother of Mq. Anton I I 1 Contract and Auction Bridge · Helen Hyde Carter Will open her Contract and Auction Bridge Studio, 458 Winne~ka Avenue, October 4th. Mrs. Carter has just completed a co~rse WI.th Whitehead in New York and has subsequently worked With Leala Hattersley ' and, Gratz Scott, New ,York's foremost teachers. For the last word in Contract and Goulash cafl Winnet ka 3095. E. Klunder, 909 Chestnut street, Wilt!tctte, who passed a\Yay at her home in Cicero, . Ill., on Saturday, September 21, were conducted on Tuesday of this week with burial at Mount Auburn cemeten·. ~Irs. \\'il so n was the wife of Han:e\· E. \Vil so n and, in addition to }.Irs. k:Junder, is also survived by ).frs. ·. A. \ 'an Brunt, another daughter re sid ing in New York. :! . : ' I J'. )(. T. Till' Fa mil,\· and t hl' < 'ommuni ty1 'lwirrnatt: ('arli'tllll \\' . " 'a!-:hhunJ c, ;-;uJH·rinh ·ndl'nt, \\'innl'\1\a ~(' hord . t;t·t·<·ting ~~~- .\lr ~. !-'alllUt·l 'l'. l,<t\\'11111 , pn·~ i<l! ·llt ,,f th1· l'hi!-: tg-r, .\ ~~· ·· 1·i:t tion f111' ('hil<l ;-;tuclr. ~· J·utting· ld1 ·n l ~ ltlt" l:l'llaYi or":-:lll'<thvr: l'nd'. .·\ . 1-:u~t:tl'l' lla .\'rlllll , llt ·p:t l'llllt·IJ( 111' 1 'lotllp:t rat i \ ' I ' 1!t ·l ig ir·n. l. 'ni\t·l>it\· of l'hi <·:egfl. " \\'h;~t [:-; tllt· F:unib· !-\till · ~ ;o11d 1-'eq·'.'"-!'-\p,·:tl\t ·r: l'rof. Jo:c1l\' :t rd !'-':t pir. llt ·p:tl'l ll1t ·llt <d.· \ llt ill'l·)lolug_, .· l . II i \'.t · r :-; i f \. " f ( ' h i e ·a g" . Pilllll'l' St·~~ion-Honlld 'I' a ltlt· c; rou Jl"fl:!W 1' · .\£. I f. Tho · F :t ntil\· :tnd tilf· ~t · lJ., nl --t; rtiiiJi I . The · l'n··- l'rirll :tl'.\' :tll d l'rirn:tr ~· . \~· ·· t'!J:rirrn:11t : .\lr :-: . . \l l r, ·d :--: . . \ l:-:1·ltul··r . "Th· · T\\'o ·llt_,._ ,.·, ·Ur II "llr l >:t_, . ··f tlte· y ,,llll~· I 'ilild" ;-;Jl··:tl\t ·r: J'r,,r. l':tl t ,. !'-'tttillt I I ill. Te ·:tl' llt ·r·:-: I 'tdl· ·g t·, I 'r·ltllltl;i:t IIlli\'· r·:-:it _ ,._ I >i ~v u;.:,_,,,n I >r. \l: t n · I >:tl·lle·\· 1 >;t\ i:-:. l!ur· ·<t ll til' 1 ·:11111':1; j,,ll: \\':~~ltili.L:(IIIl, I> . ( ·. (; l'l·l!J1 :! . Tilt · ~('lleH,J · .\ go ·. ( '!J:t i l'lll:t I I: J·:l· ·ll }l ·ltt:tl',\' l':trlttt·ll \\ ' . \\' a,..JJI,urno ·. "!;t·ltillg th· · · 'ltild I t· ·:t d,· fur II it.: It !'-\· ·ltt"d.. !'-'p.·:t l.-e ·r: l·r. ·1 ·::-::lu·r ·1 ·. !:i..J1 :r rd :-: .. \ :-:~ew i:tte· 11 :-:.\·t·hi.ttri:-:t, .]tdlll~ llt~J·k ill~ ilt·:-:Jiil:tl. J: :tltitll t ·re I > i:-:· ·ll ~~ it·ll ],,.: I >r. t ;t ·IJI'L:t· .I . .\ledtl', fll"-litu(, . fe·r .. lll\'e·Jtii·· lto ·~ · · :trt·h . l'ltio ·:tL:e·. (;r··lll· ::. Tilt· l!i gll !'-'t·ht·ol .\:.:· · -l ·'ll:til'lll:tll : 1-'r· ·dt·l'l..!\ · 1 ·:. I 'lvn:. :-;tllll·rintt ·l rd t· ltl, ~t·\\· Trio ·r lli gh ~dHH·I. ". \ t'ri~·d~ in liolll· · Lif··- lllt· l!i gh ~vht·ol .\ .:.:· "-!'-\p··:tkt·T': I >r. !-'olnm~>n I! . Frt·t·ltt·f, l::tl,Jii uf 1-:- . .-\. :\1. 'l'· ·rnplt-, <'ht('ag·t·. J>i~, ,, ,.." i"n 1,,- : .\li ~~ FJ .. r:t .!. C't"""'· prindp:rl l·' r: tn1·i;.: \\·. l':rrl\t ·r ~t·h··t>l. (I >int·t· m· ···tlltL::-: ill o·h:tl').!'o · r·f ~lll'i:tl ('IJnJitte · t·~ : 1 ;rt·l!Jl 1- \\ 'i nnt·tl\:t \\'··tn:ur';.: !'lUI> . :'llr:-:. \\'illi:tnr ~. l·: lli·>tt , !'ilairm:tll: CrfiUJ> :!\\' inn,·tl\a J'ultli· · ~(' lwr,J l':trt·IJt-'l't ·: H·ht·r ;t,_;.:.,t·i:ttioll . .\lr!<. llul> l'rt 1-:. 1!11\\':trd :urd .\lr!". fl11h:trt 1·. Yr·u11g·, 1'0-(' h:tirnH ·lt. t ;ri·UJI ::-~1·rth Short· ('our.t!r.'· l >:ty :-:.-IHH·I. ::\lr:-;. , \nhut· \\·. <'u;.:Junan, chair1nan. !,,,. · I Haue tea with us fWonday, September 30 and revzeu) our fascinating collection of Street, cAfternoon and evening Qowns, Suits, Coats, Hats and accessories. <The person seeking individuality must select her costume to enhance her personality . [lVf uc h care must be taken to . effect a successful ensemble. We have demonstrated our undoubted ability to satisfy the demand of the most fastidious. lff. Th t· F:unii~· and !lit· lfrlln( ··r 'h:tirm:tll: l't ·rn· llunl:tp Smith. ht·:l(]:tt:t;.: tt ·r. :-.:,rth Sh()!'t· ('t·lntfr_,. lla~· ;.:1·h""l. " TI~c · < 'Ja~h ()f F:trnii~· fdr·ab" Spt·:tl\o ·r: I 'n·i'. Thr·m:t!" \'t ·l'llllll ~1nit h, I >c:partnll·llt .. r l'hilll~oph~·. l'ni, · t·r~it _, . (Jf <'hit·:tt.:t·. t·:' c·nilll( Sc·s~ion-S: !Ill P. )1. Tirkcb ma\· hl' ohtainl'd ll\· coi!l!IHtlticating \\·ith .\fr s. fhtdie_,. 1-\:. Fren ch. 503 lla\\'tll<lf!H' latH'. \\'inrt dka. t Mathew Barniches Have Silver Wedding on Sunday i .\I r. and .\! ro.;. ~~ at!Jnr 1\amich (,j' .?(J]<J l~irch\\' ()(\d a\TtJtt(· \\Tt'l' ~urpri~l·c! l · t1 t lJ c i r s il HT \\' l' d d i 11 g a 1111 i n-r ~·a r y la:--t ~ttnda~· at a large famil_,. p;trty gin·n ll\· their cl:tughtn ;llHI sn ;:-it1 ]a,,·, .\lr . and ).Irs. Arthur L. ~rlr\'::tll. ..?~l3 I:itTll\rond :t\'l'Ittt<:. Fiit\· · rl'b tirL·s and iril·t)(b \\·l.-rl' presL·nt . during t lJ t' etlll'l' 11 not 1 ; ll 1d e \T 11 in g. \I r . l:arnirlt. \\·Ito io.; a land~capc gar<kll('!' in \ \ ' iiJnct tc. hao.; li n·cl here f11r J11tlrl· thatl 1\renty -lin· ~Tars. N. A, HANNA, Inc. 9 5.! Spanish Court \Vilmette, Ill. T c!ephonc \Vi!Jnet te 4 6 7 <lt:cl \fiss Lama Dm .L:ilt, daghter nf ).f r. \fr:--. \\ 'i lliam :\. Durgin. o27 J~or - I est an·nul'. i:-, t<:arhing Fnglish ;uHI l,atin this \Tar in the llig·h sclwn l at f ;'!Ill ).j Otlll.taill, ).J ich. Announcing Our FALL SHOWING OF FURS Large Stock on Hand REBUILDING AND REPAIRING NEW COATS MADE TO ORDER O.R~URCO 601 CAPITOL BUILDING State and Randolph Streets, Chicago Phone Central 1049 Established 1879 A small deposit will hold anrJ gar-ment till calltd for

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