Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 46

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46 WILMETTE LIFE September 27, 1929 · G")omnzent on Books and Authors VISiffORS TO HUGO. l~ y :\lie~.· THE X I T RANCH OF TEXAS. fU\INIAJN SQVAR[, · LVANSTON Wilm ette .J700 Books Thr Ameri-can Omen Garct Garrett E. P . Dutton . . . . . . . . . . . $2. :;o Between the Lines Stephen McK enna Dodd , Mrad ~ Co ........ $ !. :;o Thr Bcjutiful Y cars E. P. H en ry Williamson Duuon ......... . $ L ')u A Crown for Carlotta Stokrs Daniel Henderscn .-: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1. . c;o Ultima Thule Henry Handel Richardson Norton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1. . ;o The Tragic Era The Revolution after Lincoln C laude G. Bower.~ Houghton . Miff! in ~ Co .... $;.no Jefferson Davis, His Rise .1nd Fall Allrn Tate Thr lifr and careH of J ~ou th crn intrllcctu.ll who ca~r hi~ lot with thcorirs .1nd fell brforc the onslaught of f .tns. Crant Ro:-;Jllan. ~fintoll, Bakh & Co. lh 1. En·tts Tl<dn·. Chicago: The Lak~·~ide Prc.;;s. . :\ light. ten dn. pcnet rating IHH1k is :\li ce Cra11t ' )~oslllan\ '· \ -isitor:-; to This is nn · of tl ws0 local histnric~ Hu g-n ." 1 Jugo. th e hcrn, is a bran. '. 0 ; th~.· American harkground ,,·hich arc charming \'(lllth \\'ho ha~ been ~111ashcd dnin~~ . 0 much to en large a nd enric h up in an a·utnmohile accident in hi.., re'd car. "~li~s Trotsk\·," after being sent nur knO\\·Iedge of the American past. do\\·n from Oxford. The X I T Ranch " ·;:!:' origina ll~· a I In\\· he finallv gl'ts tn St'(' hi~ Lttla·r, great' tract of land in Texas gin·n to \\'lw has a\· nidc~ l him since thl' '-lll:t"ll - the Fan\'cll famih· ni Chicago in lieu 11p, h<·\\· · he bt·com<·s a gndfathn. is ()i rash pa\'llll'llt illr th(' rrccti<lll of a in~· nlwd i11 the t·scapadcs ~~~~ lJis :-:.tate rapitnl. It \\·as a gCIH'I'l1tts sli er fnt ·JHk btTOI1l<'S l'ngagcd t<l I ot111ny: . c . .. ~flll\'JH·ux. ancl nul\,·its his t·lrJn.., is I 01 old ·"'Pantsh Amcnra. a t .\'l>ical mo~i rle\'t: rly unfold('d h~· ~li..,.., ·1~<1 '>- 1 r~·.~. :· ion . <lt the great pla.ins whc:·c man . · plc111('L'l'ln . l:' pas-.cd through 1ts cn\\'hoy Thr ho()k i.; \\'rittcn in a ligl1t Hill. ' pha..,e. and the long hnrnt:d steer fnr a and i.., suhth· tender . TIH· rharaL'I\.'r ,,·hik king . ( )stL·nsil>h· this bnok dc~rripti()llS ·arr cklightiul. as i~ t h~.· is th~.· hi:-1<11'\ eli a .l!.r~.·at iamil. ' · prupnnll:'L'Iht' "Funlt\· Bunt!\·" ;l!Hl llut.: tl n t ' · : ;ll· t u a 1 h i t i : ; a r r t h s - s c c t iLl n inclulgl' i11 1111 afl <H"rasi:llh . Tlmn1gll it all run.; thr JHligltant \\i--titdlll' : > " ,,f ui \\.L':-1\.'rll liie a1Hl (kn·ltlJltll\.' llt 111acle :trrt·r:ttv ~t11d Clllll'l'l'll' h\ its rd\.'1'\.'llCl.' ~· ·111 t l1 . I - 1·:. C. l l. to ll ll\.' .L!Tvat prl)j~· ct. It i:- llt'l'dk:-s to pt~int 1111t . thl' ralu~.· AUSTIN DOBSON ...; . \ 1 · I ;t:- "' 1tlll'l' matl'rial ol 111!1' hi~tun· of · · <llllt · " \". :-uL·h a rl1tttrulkd ~ttHh ·. ~lr . fl aln· J:, :\ll>an J),,h~~~~l. \\ 'ith Cl1aptn-- ],, l'llllld ll:t\'l' nta<k a tt:-.l'iul 1Hltlk lllL'rth· ~ir l·:d!lll!tl(l c"""l' and Ct'tli'L!\.' :-:.:Jil l!-- . ),,. :-l'ltilll.! ill clrdtr till· n· curd~ Itt· has I hun·. ()xforcl 1. ' ni,· vr~it,· l'rl' "' · ;~:-...,idu,ltt:-1\ r,,Jkrll'd. l~ttt hv has gtllll' j :'\thtin Dnlhutl, likL· Thad~na', n ·- lar l,~,., · ultd a 111\.'l'l' iadual prt·~L'IJtati<>n. que . ..,tt:d that tlwrL· "h(!\l.ld IJ\.' 11<1 hit~gr:t - I It- l1a.., ~i,· ~.·n th <: \ I T its sl'tti n, g ;n I ph\· ~~i hitn aitn hi~ dl'atlt. Thi~ "'.d - \\ ' Dtl'rn. hi~t.tln:. hl' . ha~. l'~llpha ...,izl'd tltllt' 1:' lllll a llll'llll)lr, hut a 111\.'lll<ll'lal thv "llCial sl~ntfirance lll tts tran . ,·,dttllll': a ic\\' farts. a it' \\ aiH'\.·dntc-- mut;ttitllh throu .l!.·h tran·.., 11i Spanish 1and apprcriations,lllalt\· kttn:-;, a llll111- liil·. l'<l\\l>".s, "had mL·n," fences , the hn 11i portrait-\ and fac..,imiks. hiogra - fi .t.:ht ior ]a,,-, longhoms. tn tlwrllllghphies, and miscellanies . IIi~ liie \\ ' <l" hn·d..;, rPlllnization. iarming. llil. and a : tllll\rardh· HT\' unen·nt iul. F11r iorh·- ri,·ilizcd fllll1tlll lnit\'. Thl' htHlk ;" fi,·t· \·cars he spent hi:-; da\· ~ at th .2 doruml'ntcd and ~ rhPla i·h· : it i.., also ' BcJard of Trade. hi..; cn·ning..; in the \n·ll \Hit ten and intt'rl'~tin .g . 1i nur lihran· eli hi..; suburban ltnn1c. I lv re- \\'ild \\.L·..,t \\Titt·rs mn1ld c!J~.·rk liP tired in 1()01 and di~·rl in . l!J21 at <l\'(·r tlH'ir Jlll'!Cidranla 1, ,. -.ttch a ~~~her hut viL!'ltt\'. itllllll'l b vh· pirltlrL· ~qllt' account oi cnndi t i111h ;h t IH·\· ;trt u;tlh· n; is ted ttP< 111 cIll\' T l': l ' ., ra nc·lt ,,.( . "lH ,uJd ha ,. ~,. k:-:-; ; lhtiaJJ 1 ·1' llltl l' t' trut· r<1111ancc. ~ for ·l in t· i., t IH· -.t·ll il ll.! ;tnd t llv i11l·idvnt fnr ·i rl ll /1 '11 . . lc1rit , i11 tlti:- l111(lk . It \\ill ·, ·in t l1: d r:tpidl,· ~..:ru\\'iltl:' lihran· of 'H·cd,.., tll ;t1 tl'll \\hat :\lll nica \\';!"real 1 ·, lib·. ill](\ lcht' 1J()thinl! in intnc..;t ll\· . 1~ t · 1r 11 t l1 1 'i t h l ·i r t l' 11 i 11 g . Esther Gould Reviews INNOCUOUS WAR. " H orse:-; in the Skr." lh Larn· Barrettn. lolln Da\' Co. It would take a lot ni tcmcrit\· tc1 publish ;t war book \\'ithin a fe,,· mnn t h:; of "All Quiet on the \ Vestc :·11 Frnnt." One \Yottld like to ha,·e others stiSIH'IHicd for a time until something ,,·prthy of that- if an,·thin.g could he -turns un. Hut that isn't the \\'a\· ,,·ith publishing. So "Horses in the Sin·· ," b,· Larr\' Darrdtn. ha s appeared and strik es one as does a niece of mediocre iazz aftc1· a svmphon\· of Beethnrcn . lt simp h · doesn't seem rr1 matter at all. where that other ma1tcred . n l'normouslv. There is a hu,·. le1-r\· 'I'llwCr. ,,.]Hl is a:- n·al and lltl l;llll'l' real than tl,~,· a,·c r a L! l' nH 1' ·it' h no. I lc It cars in 1:;s Sl lla1J ~fid - \\ ·e~t\.'rn ttl\\'11 tiH· rb:-h r J! arms. and .L!.ll\.'S t11 see what L·an ~~l' dnne ahllut it. I ft· ti1 HI" hitn:-;di ., Franu in thl' :unhulanrt· scn·ir~.· . It is all ra-,ual :tnd 11t1t \\.'1'\ ' illllllli'Ll ·lt . T h n t' i :-; a Fr c n r h r It a t \.'a 11. a F r v Ill· 11 L'irl \\'It() ~\.Tillin .~h · \\ith<ttlt rv;t--<111 ialls i11 ltl\· ~,· ,,·itli ltin1. and tiln~· .i annthn l!.irl \\hlltll he l1a~ ~\Til <lll '·t· in the l!.· ari~h light ni a r;tntL'l'll. TIJ ·.t ·)thn L:irl dra"'" him llll \rith th e lllt r~.·a l itr and tcnacit\' ·(If a clreatll. and then has the kindness t<l rnatcrializl' c1n hi~ huat .l!lli11!! home. .-\11d '. \l' t' l()sr the hnnk rhecdttlh·. ...;t\'11 11..!. "That's that." Pnhaps it is scarrch· iair t" rnlll ll:tr<' this hnnk \\'itlt the tr<.'lll< 'ltd.nr... "All Ouitt on thl' \\ 'tstnn Frc1111." n11t it.~is fair tn C<ltllparl' it \\·itlt \Jr. ILtrrl'tttl\ <1\\'11 fir..,t ll<l\·l'l. ;tl:-<1 a \\ tr ],,1ok. " :\ CniHIUCror P;t . . ~e..,," ;111d it i-. 11cll IH'arlY .t..; -.,inrcn· c1r r(';tl ;c l)c lc ,J : "" that. \lr . a1tcl \lr . . . Tom J)i:-;. 2.)1, lh ·· ~~ rl rc·;trl. Kcnih\'Prth. kit thi..; \\\.' tk 1111 a lllctlnr trin ni a \\Tck c1r ten d;t\·.., thrntll:'h ()!Jio. Tht'\' \\·ill l!,c· f<l D:t\ tnn. Clneland. a1Hl Cinrin11:t1i \\hik ' ht·\· ;tre a\\·a,·. ,,.,h I 1 1 I ··· and ec~rly boolcen take the best Cabirul Minton . Balch ~ Co . . ..... $).50 Mediterranean Twin Cruises Short enough for busy people-oaly 73 dave. Yet a11 the right placea, with time to a;. plore, ·hop, do the smart The Life of .1n Ordinar y Woman Anne Ellis lnHoduction br Lucy Fitch Perkin ~ Houghton. Mifflin ~ Co .... $).50 Eyes that have Collected Poems of Edwin Arlington Rob inson A special edition. entirely complt>tc, on thin paper. "IT" ... that subtle something ' \Vhich arrr.1cts others . . . usually · lies in the eyes. Don'~ be dis1 couragcd if your own eyes are dull, lifeless lnd unattractive. A few drops of harmless M ucine will will brighten them up and cause them to radiate "IT." 1 "IT" thinp. Evo- Tht> Macmillan Co ........ $6.oo * *' * Imported Stationery Orld C R_U 1/E ..... Seventh dme with 't he usual acellent 1taff. Tb_ey know how, and what. Feature events, like Madeira's Ball, Palestine'· Chriatmaa, Cairo's NewYear'a Eve celebration! Thia vear, 3 new lands new "includeda." As ~ow aa $2000 d~luxe, 137 daya. Plan to sail Dec. 2 from New York on the "dream-ship" Empress of Australia. Phone, $1.00 - in vadous assortments of paper. corr . pondrncc cards and envelopes with rissut> linings $ 1. Library Bond, 6o sheets .and 5o envelopes. $ 1. Thousands upon thousands of clever women use Murine daily and lhus keep their eyes always clear. bright and alluring. A month's supply of this longtrusted lotion costs but 60c. Try it! ninga aahore ID Alglera, Venice, Monte Carlo, etc. 17 dave in Pale. tine and Egypt. 4 new porta. Empreu of Scotland,. sailing from New York February 3, Empreu of Fmnce, February 13. All expensea, $900 up. write-,.,.,. loc4l Cl.fen&. M R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd. Telephone Wabash 1904. Chicago, Illinois. Lord's - First Door Floor Just Imide the West DaL·is Street lJR.INL f.OR '(oUR EYES ., ,., Cc;' ~Nidian Pcdfic &lwcu Traveller· Cha,ua- Good the World .0.. ~ Canadian. Pcldfie: World'· Great·t Travel Syatem ~ - .... ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~,.,

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