Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 53

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September 27, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 53 Diversity Shown by Engineering Staffs · of ~4uburn Company The din·i·sity of engineerin g of th ., · afTs of tht: Auburn Automobile cnmJidll _ , - is one nf th e ac hi eYemcnts nf the ;q·tonwti ,-t: industry. Cars built bv the \ctrintt:i t_ lllit:-; of the company ra!lf.!:C in price fnJtll _ $99.1 to .$25,000. The 11~\\' Dm·sc nbcrg. t ~ a proch,1ct of Due senht; rg. Inc .. at Indianapolis. Ind ., Auburn u'n it. Thi s car has a 265 h. p. motor ,, it h a speed of well m·er 120 m. p. h. ·1 il t: chassis alone sells for $8.500. bodie s L··ing cus~om built and ranging from ~ . 1. 000 tt P\\' a rd. The nc,,· Cord front dri,·e automnbik ,-_hic h \ras recently a;motmced to the Jll thi;,. is likewise an Auburn jJroduct. l it is ca r is the first pas cnger frnnt (;:-i,·c· car offered the public and is built ;tru und patents held hy Harn· ~filler. hmo us rare car builder. ~f ilic-r i-., as'-llciate d on the cngincerinl-!· -.,taff oi .\ubu rn . In the Auburn line a :-ix a:-. ,,·ell a . . t , ·l, ..,traight-cights arc produced. The I ll'lll1 11 :\utt) Sales of \\.ilmettc i . . the .\ td ntrtl all(l ('mel dealer. THE N·EW :, . 1 ~ I Packard's 1930 Models I Characteristic of Type 1 A FRONT ~ \n, mttdcl:-; oi the 'Packard ·ight. l ,, l;ic h ha,·e been a,,·aitl.: \ritll lll1tl'h it1te re st . arc now on di~pla\' . Til(·,· :trc charac teri . ticalh- Pa ckard in ap- . !'l·a··anr<:, althnu{.(h \\'ith :'t\'k rktngc~ 1 tha t add mnch tn the beaut,·. \\ :ith I thr n · cntnpldl· lines, and, in additi<·ll. ' : til almn..;t unlimited rh(lirc- (\f'fned in indi ,·idual cust<m1 bnrlil'=-' J,,· \H:Il - knn\\'11 \'11:-. !Clm hlHh· !Juildn-;, l'ackard Ill·\\' t't!lllfllttt" ,. ro,·crs thl· fine car field . There arr clcscn different typr-, in t· acll lin<: lll rars \\'ith hodie-; made "it hin Packard' s mrn c;;hops and four ditt"ncnt whel' l ha . es. The,· arc kno,rn :t--. till' Pack:-trd "'Standarct eight. tlw flarkard Custom e-ight. and the Pack ard De Luxe Eight. , \ iour- :-.peed t r;m ~Ill i "-.inn ha., htl' J 1 1 dt·..,il!" rH·rl and built ])\· Packard fnr t h~· li t'\\' mndeh· Tt retains the same praL· tir a:h- \\'(· a r-pr_ t)Of nickel . tl·tl Q"l':lr-" ith all gea r teeth c~-rotttHI. and i., rlaimc d tn he no more cn111plicatcrl than a thrce-snced tra11. mis . inn. It ltas low . . econd. third and iourth. nr rlirt·ct. :-.peeck \\·hirh prm·idl' l';i . . ,~ . . quick and <lui ct gear -.hi it i ng. 1 AUTOMOBILE · Studebaker President Is I Pikes Peak Record Breaker ,J . :\ Studebaker President :nacl..;ter_ sd I new record for stock car. 111 the Ptkc:-; P~ak h~Jl-climhing n·ent by making the dtmb tn 21 minutes 43 1-5 ~ecnn,l:-. clippi ng t \\'O seconds f rolll the pre,·inus ..:tock car rl'cord and \\'inning the Penr< 'se troplw. The co u~ sc i:-; rnnsickrcd onr of till' t: t?st dif1icult in the count ry, h ing 12.4 mdes long. \\'ith I 54 turn .. to a summit d 14,109 feet. The Studebaker road-.'n. which was piloted by Glen , chu lt z. t.ego tiat ccl th e course at an a\·crag~ oi .)JJ mile an hour. Enthusiastic thousands haYe viewed the new Cord Front-Drive Car at our salesroom during the past few weeks. If you have not yet seen it, we urge you to come in and inspect the car that has caused such universal commeHt. Designed for those who wish to keep in the forefront of motoring development. 1'he CORD has the unique distinction of being the first American production passenger car possessing the many exclusive advan· tages of Front-Drive construction. We extend you the same invitation which we have always offered to those interested in our AUBURN cars; drive a CORD; if the car does not sell itself, you will not be asked to buy. ' -- l Louis New Superintendent at Skokie Motor Company :\ chan,gc ha s hcen made in the din·ct:ntl of tht: mechan ical ~taff of the ~kokic ~{ otn r nmpam· of \\ ilm ette, Ford dea ler. Eddie r".ouis, who for :·: t,r<' titan t\\'enty~fi\'e years ha s been hand lin ,g ca rs on th e north shore ha~ IH·en appointed Superintendent of th e 1-'.:tra.!:?;c. The Skokie company also is lttaking seve ral changes in it s garage. :\ nc\\· -. t(jr k roo m is hcitw built and t :1~ repairing d cpart n~ c nt to be partttroncd. o ff. Phone for a Dc1nnnstration HELTON AUTO SALES co. ". it Wilmette 4206 1135 Greenleaf Also Phone Glenview 40 C;tpital in,·cs tcd in automobile manu - . 110\V approximately two bil - I lton dollar s, acc ording to the Chical!o ; }fotor club. ... _ j f~cturing is

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