Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 62

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62 WILMETTE LIFE September 27, 1929 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ICrosbyReahyCo~ JJ..f ove Ideal Home for Large Family Reports .12 Sales of Property on N. S. to Eliminate Two Moving Days in Year Is Started T he Crosh,· R ea tt,· Co. of 5(i(i Centcr street. \\"innctk~. reports the following sales: To ] ames .H. Fe :ry fnr Ly:na~l ~f. Drakc Jr.. hnck residence at ~80 ~nuth ---~1 ~I--- aH'ntie. Glencoe. Tn Joseph O'Leary, ft)r Roger nron:-;on, hrirk residence at 10 Crescent dri\'C·. Glrncne. HOICE location convenient to train s and Tn l Terman Lcbt'S<1n, inr Louis New Trier High School. He:tle. s~_ucco residenct' at 1.?05 'l'l)\\'L'r rnad, \\uinctka . · T<l Le<)l]ard Carey. fnr l~ay B. TTR.t\CTIVEL Y landscaped lot 80xl65. .- \ndcr snn. brick residence at .?5~ \\'a l\Veil constructed n1odern residence; conden drin·. Clt·1Icoe. sisting of Studio Living roon1 1Sx25 \vith open Tn lallll' :i \\' tlOJi. inr cl'tlrgt· \\ '1)1)(1. fire place; l)ining room lSxlS; Kitchen cotnplcte , brick .re:-.idcncr at 11X2 Chat licld rt):ld. C A with gas range, cabinets, ventilating fan, electric ref rigcration, lar~c sink, walls are tiled; Breakfast room; \laid's rootn and tiled bath on fit·st floot·; four lar~c fatnily Bcdt·oonls and two tiled baths on second. ,-\hove the two car attached gat·agc is a Hcct·ca tion room with fir·c place. Hot watct· heat, Oil hun1c1·. Pt·ice $45,000.00. · Price I $-tS,OOO.OO e------------.. i 1 CaosaY REALTY Co. Real h'state Insurance· \VINNE ~fK .-\. 566 (:EN'T'ER ST'H .F.. E~f, TEI.El'IIO~E \Yt:'\~ FTh~ . 2033 ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l A mo,·c to elimin ate the twice yearly peak of migration and shifting of' apartment house tenants which characterizes 'the fir st day of :!\[ay and Ocb fi . 't' d ' ts at to er 1rst 111 many ct 1es, an ~ tcndan~ cconom.ic loss is seen 111 the resolution unannnously passed by the Property 1fanag-cmcnt Di\'ision of the I Natiunal . ssociation of Real Estate Boards, in which the Division goes on · 1 1 record as fa\'onng twe ve renta sca:;ons a year for apartment building -. ; According to reports made by mem: hers of the Di\'ision at the Associa~ tion's annual cnnnntion in Boston, ' \\ 'ini~t·tka. j citio in ,,·hich leases a r c written to I Til \ · i~da \f. !!niland. ft)]'t<Jil(T 11·:. expire ;tt anv . date during the year Cr,hh\·. hrid: rv:-idcnn· at ; .:1 {l' · 1 ha,:c soh·~d the rnt)\·ing: clay pruhkm -. 1 rvd. Clrncoc. '!' 11 11 1 J \1 1 · 1, 1. C 1 , sa ti sfartonh·. The tenant finds the 1 11 .· . . . _). II\ . ·,.'. :~ti l'~< ·c r. ' ·: m_.., ~~~ Realtor in ~ position tn.gi'.'c.much tim e 1l1Ilk .'1:--I<.tl.lt .It ~J, \\, HHll.t\\II .t\t and attention to each tndt\'tdua l hous~ I Jillt', ( rll'II(tlt' . .. I ing proJ>Jeill; the decorator. is 110t 'J\1 Ctlt'Jiclia T. \llll'l'i-.tlii, i' 1r \\Jl . rushed and ran earn· nut his cu-,tuli:,IJJ .\ itl..:l·n. fra11Ic rt·~idt'Jil't' :tt 1~.!3 mer's imtructiuns tn ~~ :;atisfartmy rc'l't;wn rnacl, \\'innctka. 1:;ult: the 11111\·ing cnmpanics' lahurns 'l\1 1\,·~t'f \\·. l·:l'llt'. j,,r Cv,,rgv 11. dt> not ha,·c tt) \\'()rk O\'crtime .. o th;"Lt · :rt'\' 11. iranll' rt·:-idl..'lll'l' :1t r.t.r, ~ltnidan mm·ing- is kss cxpensiYC, and the ;·ll:t.cl. \.\ ·i,Inl'tka. . . . . housc~\'ife goes t () the furniture store , l11 l·r:tllh: Pt,Jlianlltb . !tll' <.t'tl l'l.~'t· 1· . i·llr SJH' ial pil'ccs ft)r the llt'\\' h<1t11C (~tl!J:-aln·..,, ln·irk n·~idt'Jit'v at 1<1,; Ful - anrl lind ..; a large :-ckctinn and immcdikr laiil', \\ ' iiiJWtk:t . ate drlin.· n·, rather than a depleted \ ';tr:llit tlJI \\'undl:t\\'TI :l\<.'IItll', (:1\'JI- qork. . rPt'. -;tlld tn .\:\l·l I tlhiJ"',n it1r Frl'd l'lliL·a~o Hcalttlr~ report that, through lh.: . . t. h:ts hl'tll imp;·oycd \\'ith a tinr I tht· pn>gram 11i tilt' Chicago H nmes l'IHllll brick rt's idcnct' iur the marh·t. FCtll11llllic Council, \\·hil'h is makin'.!.· a \ ' arant tlll Oakdaii.· an'IItll', Clt-nrtll', :-tand inr t\\'el\'e ai1nual r~ntal p ·ri ods 1 ... 1 d (j t t 1 \ rt h u r C. I~ r n" 11 i 1) r 1) t 111 a 1 d i n t hat cit ~ ·. the p ca k 111 r"'III g days :1 rt· IL \lurr:ty. i:- hl'ing iniprtl\'l'd \\'ith :111 I .~ r:ulu ;tlly pa:;:-iiig and tktl during. the I attr;trtin· hrit·l..: rt·..,i<knrt· \\'hich \lr. I past yt·:tr 100.00() ll'a:-t:i \\'l'rt \\Tittl'll l:rtl \\II ."ill tlCl'IlJl." a ... IIi . . li<>IIIl' uptlll jt_n c:\pire at datn nthl'r than Odob<.:r l'<lllll>lvti,lll. IIr,t ct111l ~lay Gr~t . J 1 1 ... ---------------- Yards 1 CHICAGO E\'ANSTON ~]]~U~1~~HHIIlli lJ n iYersity I /(10 Hl 'HI\ \Hn I== : ·= BUILDERS' MILL\VORK & SI J PPL'\~ C01\1PAI")r General 1 ll illw01·k 2131 DEwEY Wilmette 289 D EFHFIFI.l> Woons An:. E\' . \:-.:~ro:--: Ph one Greenleaf 60-tO - t:lllllllllllllllll.l - - [1111111111111111111 WILLL-\1\1 B. LUCKE J 01-I~SO~ BROS. lleatin~ Manufacturer of Lucke Leakproof Bathtuh I langer.;- PatenteJ Plumhin.f! and HEATI~G C0!\1PAN't " H ('{1 t i u.f!. ~ J' e111 i I at itz g R efri gerati ou Hl9 BELLEPLAINE A VENUE CIJJC\ CO, 1U .Ji':OIS 514 E. IL\ILHO..\D :\ YENl JE Phone : Wilmett e 2020-2021 Phones: Wellington 2792-2793 -- ~1111111111111111111 I- ~111111!111111111!!1 ( -- PAl 1L PHILLIPS Plaster Contractor and Repair 1Vork 828 OAK ST. WINNETKA Phone \\' innetka 2181 I I := S. S. Beman, Architect Huszach & Hill . .·1ssociate ...J rclzitects I I TRIANGLE MosAIC TILING COMPANY Not Inc. ·1111111111111111111 John H. Davies BUILDER 1167 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette : i Floor Tile - 1V all Tile - p;,.ep/aces Mosaic 1509 OTTO ST. CHICAGO Phone Wellington 8083 flllllllll 1111 Ill"' -- WIL1'1ETTE CoAL ! 1 & ~A~-~::~~-fo. (;rHnl<'llf 4260 JAMES WIGGINTON ~; ; ; ; ; ; o; o; ; u; ; ~; ; :; ; a; ; ~ ; ; f; ; /u; ;~';. ;n ; ;~ ; ;sa; ; r; ;k ; ;.: WJimette 4!00 I = :1 BRI~~,;~~;·~NE WORK k,;;;;e;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;J i : ~L; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;-;. ;p- ; -; h; ;-o ; -; ;n- ; ,; e ; ;-; ,;W ; ; ; ; ; i; ; lm; ; ; ; ; e; ; ; t; ;t;,; e;; ;,; ; ,l; ; 6; ; 6; ; ; ; ; 4; ; ; ; 1ij; j; - .; ; ; ; ; ._-I~J ='~1.; ; ; ~; ; ;~n; ;~ v; ;~ ; r~; ;i~ ; r; ;6s ; ;~ =; ; ; ; w; ; E; ; i~; ; :; ; e~ t:; ; T4;~; ; :; ; ; ; .1

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