Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 68

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68 WILMETTE 20 LIFE GARDENING September 27, 1929 LOST AND FOrXD HEWARD OFFERED FOH. \\.AT CH 'F(~)J1 with I ' ather strap and gold l ock et With v ic ture · and , initia ls 'l'BP. Ll·st n t~: u ·, ll o ward r a ll Park Sunday. Ph. \\ tlm ette ;},, _, 55Ll - ltl' RE\VARD: FULL GRO\VX ALL YELlow mal e ca t. Blue coll ar with bdb. Lost in Bvanston. unin' r s ity 549 6. 55 LTX1-ltl' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advertisem~nts wUl be Genera l N Ottce-to residents of the distrtct from charged only Evanston to Glencoe lnclu s iv~ whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are reK'Ular s ubscribe rs· to either 'W ILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. ~URSERY SHRUBS. $. 15 A~D UP. PERENNIALS, $. 15 each, 2 for $.25. Som for $.10. .J O HX OSTR OW SKY :! 3i:; \\·. Park Ave. T el. Highland Park 49. 20L'l'N51-tfc STOCK LANDSCAPING PLANTING, TRANSPLANTING, ROCK ga rd e ns by expe rt. F. Ko eberl, North· brook 241-J. 20LTN48-tfc EXPERT TREJ<: SERVICE PRUNING, TREATING, SPRAYING. Th orn hill Bro8. Phone Wilmette 2295. 20LT.N36-tfc - .. --.)· IXST Hl . ( ' TIOX 15 cents a line In one .paper. 25 cents a line In any two papers. RateS--30 cents a lin~ In all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE oO eents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our officE at 123% Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. ;s HELl, WkXTED-J<' l: )L\Ll: _:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I'LEASA~T C'APABLE . f Or I nser t tOnS-cepted · Classlfted D eadl tne up adv ertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o' ciMk for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'cl.ock tor the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. _., 0THL, " ' fllT P.:. fn r up s tain; w ork and lw lp with <'ltilrlrl'n . f{ pf. ~Irs . Godfre y Lundb t" r g, 43:i Hirl'h, \\· inn e tl~: a. \Yinn l't k a 1614 . ;J6LTX1 - 1 tt· · JA:-.:E 'l'l~I<;CS, D. A. \\'ELLT..:.'LEY. Tutoring- in gra mm a r a nd hi g- h :-;dwo l · · s ultj t->l' l :-<. J'h . \\' ihnl'tt l' :{:iSS . 25LT Xl -ltc \\.TD. - \Y O.:'.L\::\ CAPABLE OF TAKing ch a r gt· of small h o u se, 2 chilcln·n . 2 or :~ <lay s a w eek durin g fJ\\' n Prs ab se nce. Ph. Winne tka 2894. 56LT:-.:1-1t·· ~I f ' OR SA I.E- .\ rTOS Contract Briclg·e L1;: ss 1:\.' t~ IYE~ T O BEGI:-.:XEH.' I:" t·o ntra<'t bridg :\Irs. )f. C. P e t e rse n. Ph. K e nilworth 1901. 25LT~52-2tp OPR EXTIIU·: CAH ST(H'K .·\1' J'IUCE~ WIIH'II AHE EX<'El'TIO~ALLY L(H\· . Till~ \\"E PFFEH. l '~En GENERAL H OCSE\VO_ RK. h e g ood plain cook, like c hilflt"11. (;nod r e f l:' r e nces. Apply 529 \Vill nw !' tref' t 9 to 11 m ornings after· October 1. 56LTXl-1 tp A I D, ~TU!"t IS MOHE TIL-\:\ .ll.ST A !!EDt'( TIO!\ . JT'S \VHAT E\'E HYH OD Y lS ALWAYS LOOK!:\'(.~ F OH ·.\ Br\1{ GAl~ . \VE <'.-\X EASILY 1'1\0\'E TillS. ~lOST OF TIIESE Al ' TOM OB ILE:-5 AHE ' ltECO::\DlTIO:\'E[) L A T E 1\t U DELS IXSJIE('TED A~P ~Eil\'l< 'E O T O <11\'8 YOU THE l'LEASI"I!E O J<' OW:-.:I~G A 1\"E\\' <'AH. ~IA:--;Y J>IF'FEH E~T l\1 A KE::; TO l'l 100:-:E FHU~L 19 ~ ~ i'\ a~ h Standanl ~t'(lan 19~9 :--;a ~ h ~tanclanl "·)Jl\'. co up· · 19:?!\ J\'a ~ h Adv. 4 dr. ~eda n ~ALE H.ECOXDITIOXED- 0 UA RANTEED :JO xt·nsE WHITE SPECIAL OFFERIXGS C hry ~ l e r 1928 m od e l "72" T o wn sedan , SJ?are tires carried in fro nt f e nd e r :-;. Thi s ca r i ~ in very good conditi o n and re pr e~t:n t ::; unusttal value at $975. Charles H. Brethold BETWEE~ 20 AKD 30 yr:-: . Ppstair:,; w o rk, some s e n ·i ng. < ·an· o f 2 littl e girl!'~ school age. Own mom. Good refere nce!' r equired . \Vinnetka 324. 56LT~l-ltr $ii5 $7 8ii 19:?7 !\'a ~ h Ad\·. 4 <lr. ~c da n 1926 1\"a ~ h ..\ (l\' . 4 dr. :-Nl a n 1927 !\' a~ h :-:1wdal :? d r. :-it·d;tll 1!127 J\'a ~ h ..\d \·. Yktoria cO Ulh ' 1!128 J\'a~h .:\ ch ·. : pas~ . St'd:tll 1928 C'hn·sler co:tl'h 1925 C':Hl.illa c Y -ti:l CO UJ) t' 1~:!6 \Villy ~- Kni g ht ~~ da n $615 $:l25 $47 :i $4:,o $:-.:,o $t)jj $4~;; $70U $:wn $::"~' 1!126 \\.i ll F- Knigh t !"P<ll't rt l:-tr . E \ ..-\ \' ~ ' l' ( ) \' \' .\ SI I C\ ). 1 1:: Hln\'k :-< :-.: nrt h of DaYb " L" :-:uti"ll C' tl t'llt·r Bt·ll:-<<·11 A Vt'llllt' an d 'l;trk :-'t. 545 ~fain St., Wilmette Tel. 65 Lincoln 4 p ass. L eBa ron Spo1·t s e dan With 30L17-tfc body trunk at r ea r. Finished in b ea u- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tiful Forest Green and shows n o s ign o f u ~e. L .. 1.te m od e l ~ ix brake system. :a WATCUES $2 .500. -----------------WATC'H REPAIRIXG DOXE BY EXP a~ k a rd · ~ ix Ph::tt' ton - f o ur wh eel brakes p f' rt. Watc hes cleaned and adjul'tt d . a ll in pe rfcl't co nditio n. $3 ;;. Ha v v o ur old m ov e m e nt put in a m ode rn ·c<i.~e . Paul Davey, J e we le r. 116 -~ Li tH: oln Sppcial Sport Pha e t o n, cu m~l ete \\.i lm t'ttt" ..\\". Ph . \Yilm l't t 6. d e lux(· t>qu ipme nt and t o nn au wmd34L35-tfl· s hi ld. Y e ry lat e m od e l , run 7,000 miles. Like new in ev..:ry r espect. $3,300. \VA T C H~IAKER AND JEWELER WE ARRY A HIGH GRADE LINE OF· p oc k e t watc hes and wri~t wat c h e~. \Ve :-;p t>c ia lize in c loc k and watc h r t:'pairing. All w ork g- u a rant eed . Mail o rd e r s r ece iv pro mpt atte nti on . Dr. S. H a sen , op t ome tri s t, seen by a ppt. I 1st and 2nd mortgages Insurance W:\XTED EXPERfE~ CE D \VI-fiTE maid fnr plain cooking and first ft f1<~1' w ork. $20. Phone \Vinn e tka 9. 6. 56LTX1-ltt' WliJTE ~TAID, EXPR. GEX. HS\\"K. and C'Oo king. Go h o m e night!; . :-.:.-·a r· tran~po r. l'hon c Glencoe 313 . . 56LTX1-1t·· f 'O:\JPETE::\T ·wHITE f 'OOK. REFEI! e nces. Ph one 'Vinnt- tka 56::i, or n ppl~· 11 7 ~ T o w e r rd., Hubbard ,\.nod:-;. 56LTX1-1 t· · Y(W::\n ( ;IH.L FOR GEXEH.AL HOI"SE - = ... 'TF.R:\IS C)R 'J'R.\DE \\' nrk and nss is t with cooking. Small hr>U ~e anrl family . T e l. G le ncoe 1:lill. 56 LTX1-1t·· WIIJTI·: .:-.:t · n sE :\L\10, C' AT!E 2 f' TIILdn·n. :lgt·~ ~ nnd 4. H.t-f!-' . :-: ma ll h o u :-:t·. rn:ti d c·mp i· ·Y··cl. 114 1) ('hl'rry. \Yin n ··tk :t 1.i :i'( :.if) LT::\1 - 1tp \Y _ \~TI·: I ) ()pen l rnt11 10 P. ~I. 41.1 - I t· · I'~~ H. I X C' . HIDI] J·: :\Y !·:. !·~\·.\:-.:s Tu:' GREEXB :\U~I Ph . \Vilm Ptte 4:i 16 34LT:-.:3S-tfc t'O:\Jl'ETF:XT \\- IITTE . (;EX . lf:-'\\'1.; . and plain <'f>Ok in~r. hy th <· W··· ·k . E:\ ~ T .\:\ n. \I~ 1) ~ F D.\:1q_z~ E~S G l! I-:1-::'\I.E.\F 14!·.-, . \ l.Tl!(il~ l /:1 ·~ 1 , \\'1:'\::\I·:TK.-\ ti70 1>1·:. \L ER I LT:\! -I tr· 1.1..\:t'ttl.:' s~~n I · \ ' 1.1 :\(II·: I: t': U' I~ 1 ··II llit·'· (\· o ·t plip]h tl .1111 1 (1.1:-' h:td t'. ll 't·flll 11:-,-:-. ~, .;. t lli,.; ·· .1 r I · · :t Pill t·t· i:t ,. it. To Il l:\TTI ·: :\Tlll:\ . ~Tl'l·l ·: :\T~ \\·,. l1:t\ · ··II · l·'<·rtl i'··llP· · in ·'""I , ... ,I.Jit io·ll . .Ill"( til·· tllillt:" ( · ·I' ··il ··:t p t 1'.111:-)IP! t.ll l"l ·. l'ri· ··· nnl:-· .. , ·'· 1-:\ -. \~ ~'l't·:'\ I:J: .\ :\t'fl Til l ~ ~ - \1. F~ :~;~ 11::-, I :· :_:, 1: ·:.:.-, I :· :;: · I '~:!7 I!·:!' I !·:!' 1: ·~ : · 1:·:.::· t;I~l · :I·::\I.l · :.\1-· .-\LL :\L\KE:-' A:\11 ~IZI;::-; t 'f.IH' I(:-; rt· p:tii'..Cl loy ·'X !h·rt. l'locl;;s l':t ll t·tl fr·r :111 d < k li\'t·r,·<l. J'r i,·~·" n~a~'.r1a l dt· . l' a u l , ,.. \ ·,. ~ · . .J, ·wd,·r. 11():1 \\.i lnwt t t· .\ w·. l 'h·ott·· \\'ilnlt'tt .. ll . :\ 41.:1+;-trv part ··r all rla~·. g-q nr !'ta y night:-: . Ph . \\. ilmt'lt. · 1 :i 4. ;,,; r.T:-.: 1-lt·· \\'II JTI·: :\T.\111 F()l t c;E:\'El~:\L 11(){':-; l·:" ·"rk :trt tl !'lll·k ing. :-.: o \\';ts hin . g . l~· ·f ..t:.t·tH···:-: rt ·quirt·<l . 1'·· 1. \\'inndk:t 1,.-, :) !)Ll-1\t' \\'.\~TI·: I > .\ \ ' 1 ·:. -----:-------------- :\f.\ If) TTL.!)~(): \I()'J'(l l\ l'<.) -;-:!1· :-; llllll:t~ ~ tiF tLLI:\'tl l :-; \\'11.\IJ·:TTI ·: fll :_! t; .\I ," I·· I ::I I t ':ttl i ILH · :-; ·.rl.tn :\l· ·tl :tl :;.-dll T: uio·l\ "":t'·ll fi ll ('I ll· ,J,j It · ' ,.~·I. :-:. -d .lll :\l: t 1'111·· 11 ,. \'I. :-;, .rJ:t II I ;,·:til: 111 l':ti~ ·. li · · ~I. :-; ·.tf. lll .) ··rtl:tll \ ('~I. ~. · cl .t II .\ul· tlnl ' , ., 1. ~ ·· ·l:tn :\l· ·tl ··l 1~ 11 .\ ll lt lllll \ ,:, L :-;, .rf:tll .\lto~l.-1 \ !'II ·ll.T:\1-lt ·· ). lu :' 1 c a 1 I11 ~ t r ttllll'11t :' llttti~I'\\'<·rk .. tnrl ,, .,. di1tt11·r. c: 1 ·: .:-.:Y.:I~ . \ l. ""r,kin!::·. ~~ :::n until :tfl'h··n ~" f;!t·n· ,,,. '"'). ;iti l,T~l -lt ·· I J r 'Jl!t' I'I ·: I ~ l ~t ; l ' l'l ~ I I ;IIT :\ 1. \11. ( '. \ ~ 1 ·:. E:\l'l ·: I:Jl·~~ <· l :: ll L 'll ) R 11 H ~ l·: .\ \ . I ·~. l':\1\' I ·: H ~ITY ( ., .. . !! 1 ·:\ ' llii i L::- .tlld :ti.ill l'·t11l i:w , ..,liP·· H .\IHOS $fitltl -~-.- I :ukk :\l ;t,.; t, ·r ,; t '··:t· ·lt ·:; , 1 l;ti\la 11d ,·.. adt $ ti:!~· FPI: ~.\LE - ~~ TI ' T:E ~I 'P El~III·~ TP.J> < TIP~ ·:;, Ct :t kl:tntl lancl :tll :-;,·cLtn ~I - ) Il inl'. $40. "'i·m(llt' t l· in ~ pc ·l' ial t':tb in e t , OFFI·:I: :\lul:I·: STYLE. t' U :\fFO I!T. - ~, tl!tl:-<nt"hilt · land :tll !-'t·dan $ti ~I;-, l·l'ig- in:tl ('(o:-:t $~00. l'h. \\.i nn t> tka lOSO. l'U\\'1·:1! . \~1 1 I:.,! ·: LI.\I:ILITY TH .\.:'o: 1 'il n ·:·d··r 711 c 't·uwn 4 tl· u ·I' :- ·· cL 1n $ ·I~~;-, 42LT~l-ltv ANY :-;~J:\1.1. :\1 ·:\\· 1' ,\1: t iF I·:t.J L\1. . .\1.\~Y !ITIIEI~:-i Fl!( ;\f ::!~1 t'l ' - - -co:-:T. ·ILT:\'1-lk H SEU.YICE 1H' REAU 1 !1~ 4 1 I lliJP {IIlli' . $:\tl l !:l~::i Hukk t11ur . $i .i ·:.: ,; l'IIE\ . I!<.li.ET <' 0. \l..'ff , COOil ('()~- ALL KI!\'DS OF CARPEXTER \VORK, 1 9~ 4 H idl· ·nha ·· k..t· . ··dan $lOti dit ion . \\'ill :-:a\'l'ilkt->, $1:i. l · nh·,·r :--: io· r e pairing and r m od eling don e by rt>$1!10 192 StatHl:tnl l ~ukk :- pt. ····t l(lt' -17~ :\. 4LT:'\I-ltv JialJl n m an r easo nahly. Call aftP.r 6 ' 1928 Bu k k :!\l:l!'l t·r fi, i p : t~:--:. $1.0;)0 P . :\l. ~Jr. Rut:tr. Winn. 2480. 19:?8 nuid-: :\l as t,, r G. " J la:-~. !<t'llan $Sii0 (l(I(H;J-: TUl'IU~t: ('.-\ll $::!0. < .-\LL 44LTX51-4tc 1927 n ukk :!\Ta s t pt· 6, 7 pa ~~- :<t·<lan $S::!:l \\'in-n..tk a · 47:!. 4LTXI-1t,· 1927 J:u k k :!\Ta ~ t t> r ti. :i tl :t:-<:-:. !'t'llan $67;) 19~6 Hukk ':!\1a :-< lt·r li . 7 va:-<:--:. St·dan $600 1~1:!7 <'H I :: \· I~OLET C'O.-\C'H. $!1' f'.\~·;ff. TEH:\lS: 'rH .\PE 1' : 111 \\'irllll'tka :~61. ' 4LT::\1 - 1tl' .J E\\'ELl!Y REPATlliXG AXD REm ocltling by a <'raft~man o f rare '\' or t otT ~ u c li ll RF.S~)f .\ Kf:\"(~ ahility and orig-inality. Des igns c-reated OPE:\ E\'J·::"l~t;S _\~ll :-;(':\DAY~ i r incli\'iduals. Paul Dave y, Jewe ler 10~7 P a \·i:-: :-;t, t ·n i,·,·rs it\' ii!l!l~ 11 G:J Wilme tt l' A w. Ph. vYilme tt P 6. 4Ll-1tt50L3ii-tfc F!!OCKS OPIEn FRO~J AXY FASTI- ~ ---~~~-~------....:;.;;,..;;.;:.;.;,;..,;,.;;,;. FOH :-;:\1.1-: Ftll: ~Till~:\ta·: . :\T 1107 !on honk. l >t's ig-n, d rt·aso nably. \York- :1:i ],OsT .\XH F'Ot'~D (l:~k :-<lr··· t. \\'inn..tka Fttrcl t·r·U)ll'. man~hip guarantl'ell . Antoin,, tt,~ Coll'h "n' \\'innc· tka :n:! -t . !LT~I-ltiJ }(·ttt· nii' IICOP 16:~4 . 17LTX51-4tc LO~T - ~r o :-.:D.\ Y :\IOH::\IXG IX TilE \'k inity of J,iclgl' .\Y e. and C'hurch St. \\·inndka, Dlat·k L eather pock e tbook, ('ont;\inin.e; <in_ ·p n Sl'l1a t-- ff"'r fountain J)l'll. ('ht:-l'k atHl loc 1se l'hangt·. Ph. \\.bitehall ;-,~Sl. l~t> wanl. 55LT1-ltp ·~:· ILT:\ 1-1 t·· l.:tke ~ht1re \!(}tor ~ak" 1U1/ Ch i ca g·o . \ \T . ~-.., fil l·· c·.,tlclili··ll ~:1:-,. ~ tar r uprit:ltt :-:tudi" p i;t ll". li l\t · llo ·\\' ~:;-;-,; 11th ··l' ll!"o·rl pi:llll·:--: fr· ·Ill ~~.() . 1 111. { ·:-'t·tl Y il'lt·· d.t ..;'JIJ-.~1:; gt'!tuin·· ( lrth· ·Ph·ll li·· $1;.1 . I ::utt-r~· :-'d:< frum $.-.. .\ t W;tt ··r 1\ t·It! Il l · ,,ft. ( 4!) in ,·:Jltind $!1.-. . .\I I ,.J ,·ctri,· 1~. C' . . \ . ~' :1n d 111·1 :-:]'··:tk ,· r 1\I · W ~-,.;:-, llu\\' $l~ :i. ( IIIIo ·!' t·lt·r·tri· · :-:..t~ .~ !itl up. ~tii:TII :-; ()1 ~1 ·: 1' .\LKI:\(; :\f.\1 ' 111:'\1·: f;ll . 7~:! I·:l m :-: t., \\' im ~o-tk:t ______________::_ ~~_,_.1_ '· ;...:'\1 __ -l_t·; <;II:L :\~ Xl.l{~-;1 ·: F< ll~ t· ltiltlr .. n ;,11<1 :1!-'~i:-<t with ~nrl . fl· ·" r ,, .· ,r].;: . c : o,, t] \\':tgt·!'. J'l tr·ll ·· \\·inn..tl.; :t :2:1:-,1. ~.ti LT.:\"1 -lt· · :! \\' .\ XT 1 ·: I > EXl'EI!I EX ('f-:1 > \\'I liTE nt:tid fr·r gt· llt'r:tl h nllSL·Worl;:. ~ll l: tll L11n il~·. X · laundry. (;IPJH'I ·t' 1 :~:-t~l. :ii) J.TX l-ltt· \\' !liTE :\1.\IJ) FOI~ W<· l'l\. ]II\~) Spru n· EXPJ ·:J~li·::\<'J-.;1) CI;: ~I·:l! . \r, !lllt -:-;E ~t. \\'inn..tka 17. :i~LTXI-ltp :c LD \\'JfiTI·. ~L\lD F < I~ g·t·nl'l'itl })()ti !"(' \\'O l'k, l'l' ft·l'l' n ct·S r t> (Jllil't·ll. 1 'h . \\. ilnwtt P 2S:H :ifiLTXl-1 to- \\'IIITTO: <: IHL FOI! GE:\'EP..\ L HOt"~F: \\.()J'k o r to a~si~t. Ph. \Vilmf'tt t> H7:!. 56LT~1-1 tc· \\·Tn . h~kw. \\' HlTE GIRL Ft n GEX . Small family . Ph . \\' inn {' tka ltl :i l. 56 LTXI-lt<· h Sh I i k Co. \\'.\XTF:D t'O~IPETE.:-.:1' \\.TflTF: G II~ L fc1r ~t· Jll' ntl hou!-' e wr .rk. Ph . \Vilnwttt· ~~i;). ' 56L1-lt·· \\".-\~TEn \\.HITE GIRL FOl{ GE:\'~ ral hou ~<> work, must b e goo d c ook . Ph . Dresstnaking- _ Retnode 1i ng- K t> nilworth 3:Hil. :i 6Ll-lt l' \L-\XTED WHITE )f:\10 FOH Gf:X f' ral housework, rcfe re nc P~ requir t> d . I'h. Kenilworth 2051. 56LT~l-lt·· WTD. 'WHITE GIRL ABOUT 20 YRS. T<) :1~si s t with hswk. days from 8 ::~o tn li. Ph. \Vilmette 4025. :i6L1-1t· · YOPXG ,\.HJTE 1\L\ID FOR GB~ER.-\L housework. Tel. \Vinnetka 3~0i . 56LTX1-1 t c \YTD. \VHITE MAID FOR GE:N. HS\YK Xo \\·a shing. Ph. Wilmette 2573. 56LTN1-1 t c \VHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEwork Ph. Kenilworth 3234. 56LTN1-ltc - Run your Want Ad In Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run 10 T'HE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 families in Evansron. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. - LOST--\L\T('H ".ITH GREY \VIHSThand o n Foxdal e Monday afternoon. n e ward. Call Y\·inne tka 3036. 50Tl-ltc LOST- WED. 4 KEYS I:'IJ' BRO\Y~ ease, 'Wilme tte Ave. Reward . Ph. Wilmette 2 1. 1 55Ll-ltc Telephone Wilmette 4 300 or Winnetka 2000 -

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