Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE LIFE . October 11. 1929 ~~~~~c~ ·o~~~m~e~n~t~o~n~B~o~o~k~s~a~nd~A~u~th~o~r~s~~~~~~ BETTY OF THE CONSULATE. Stephens. Walter de Ia 1Iare, Sara Alfred Xon·s and Joseph bridge, Doubleday. Doran and Com- Auslander. 4 ... ~ ~~~· Jlcllly. The value of such a book lies in the ftNNIAIN 5QVAR[. · LVAMITON In this charming hook ~Irs. Trow- fact that not only docs the traveler · hr'idge, ' who resides at 1111 Oak str eet. earn· with him the memory of eternal "THE METHODIST FAUN." By · \\' innetka. relates the adventures of lines. bv eternal poets concerning .\Vest- Anne Parrish. Harper and Brothers. Wilmette J700 Bl'tt \' and hrr small brother, Billy, in min s tc~ Ahhcv. London Bridg-e, BlarAnne Parrish has gone more and Chi,)a. The story is written as the nev ·astle. Melrose Abbey, ami the more in her \\Titing to the easy method author remembers it when she was a Banks o· Doon, the Castle of Chillon, of drawing "types." To be sure the little girl in China- the daughter of an and Capri. but the reader has a glimpse. "Perennial Bachelor" was a type but American consul appointed by Presi- of the type of poetry of each cou~ttr.y. he wa s al so an individual and the dent Crant. just as Betty's father was. England's poetry is sedate and d1gm- characters around him \\'l're individuab. Hett\' and Bilh· are very thrilled by tied· Scotland's lrrical but wistful; Irt:- too. But in her next t\\·o h()nks. par the China oi I R60, and think th e cus- land.'s gay and full oi song; France's ticularly "All Kneeling-" her characters toms and people YCry strange. particu- philosophical. etc. The reader dcri\'e · \n~ re 110 more incJi,·idualized than the larh· the mascot. Buddha, the funny an interesting comparison of the verse puppets in the old puppet sho\~· s where peni>lc with their poker faces and long of each countrY and of each author in tbe \'illain is his sed hy the auciicncc the Dobe Walls qm·uc:-.. thl' straw sandals, the strange the au.thor's m\·n in?i,·idual re.action to i:lstant his \\·icked leering face appears. Stanley . Vest a/ hnti :O: t's and the hundreds of boats with a particular scene. · fhe hook 1s_a valu' ·t Fat111 " her ~· . · .. rrt 'fetlloct 1 A romance of the Sanra Fe Trail .I I ·I . seck I :\ n\\, Ill le ·' !'I ti1eir r1tloriul flag:' and pennants, and ~l IJ Ie ~tiH c to any tra\·c cr \\ lO Is IH~ \\' hook of the engaging titl e, Clifh gay i eaq days and holidays. . Houghron Mifflin ........ Sz . :;o fNd Hunter is the dreamy misunder I The stM\· opl' ns \\·hen Hetty, \\'ho IS lllg kurt pean culture. -;:ood youth \\'ho finds his only sober ·, "- \'ears old . and her st11all bn)thcr. Billy, WHEN FUR WAS KING. lh· · i:1 daubin..- terrible cam·asses or walkMad Anthony WJync 1 3 ·,Tars oi age, ka\·t· \\·ith their father tiid mnther frt)lll ~an FraJJcisco on a Hcnrv John ).1oberl.\· and \\'ill~am : ing in tl~' \\'nods. ~Ia~tha .. t1.1e !Sirl Thomas Boyd Illustrated. ::\C \\. 1 \Yho sets her cap for h tm I:> JUSt as ~mall sailing n ·sscl hound for Amoy, Bleasdell Cameron. Scrihnrr's ... .. ... .. .. . $) . r;o completcl~· thl' narro,,· minded sel_ftsh China. where tl1eir iather i:' to he con- York:)':. P. Dutton and con1pam·. The titk of this book might indicate little prude. as is Kathleen. th.e object -;uJ ft r the t ·nitt:d State:-;. The story 1s delightfully \\Tit ten, and the grown- that it is a book inr l>ovs; and as an I of his hopeless· Inn, a conceited and 1 In the Wilderness up~. \~· hen till' \' read it to their chil- advLnturc narrative of a Ion.!! sen-ice shallow fool. Hi s mother is the a~ 1 dren. will t·njoy it a-; t 1<1roug-hly as \\·ith the Hudson's Bay Companv in the dently talkati\'c church _w,!rker. h1s Sigrid Undset old days, so it may bt:. l'pon the other i<tther the ~uhdued and \\' I:'ttul potterti1e latter will. Alfred A: Knopf ... . . . . $2.r;o hand, a _ a straightfon\'ard aut hen til..' . cr among his Aower hcds. f n nthcr chronick it <.:ntcrs into the fidel of gen- \YOrds the\· are all too true t(l type, PARNASSUS EN ROUTE. Com- eral reading and of reference. 1t ma \. t hev come ·lallelkd in packages a s st>eds The Co.lt Without Scam pikd 1)\· 1\:ennl'th lllnan . :\lacn 1 illan. he compared " ·ith Robert Ballant\·ne's trn;n a \Yl'll regulated nursery . In sp!te A novel of Intellectual Europe ~1 r . tloran. oi 1 h·an~tnn. has cotn- "Hudson BaY; or. E\·ery-Day Life in t1i slipping into this serious fault \f1ss 1 before the war. pikd a IH·t k Pi P' l'llh ah n.ut places on the \\' ilcls oi Xnrth America," o 1c e Parrish ha:> L'llOugh skill to interest you tht· 1-:ttropL·an contim·nt that arc \·isitcd popular hut now long out of print . , in her stMy. She Jcayes you onh· re Maurice Baring Henry John -:\loberly. oi a familr gn·tting that !' he orders her cllarartns Alfred A. Knopf ...... . .. $2.50 1 I!\· all the l·:urnpt·an tra\' t·lcrs. and pre~ rnt s the best that ha~ been \\'ritten of well-knmrn in the building of the Cana- lrPtll tht· -,n·d ratalog-ul' . man\· fa111ous SJHlts in Europe by auth- dian Pacific, <.:ngaged \\'ith the Ilttdsnn '.; · ____ ·ors Including· ~rlltt. Bro\\· 11im~·. Arnall. HaY Compan~· in 185-l and cniltinued ill Episode m Luxor \\' and other srories 0 ordsworth. and Hussctti. hut the ma- that sen-icc ior fortv years. His fir .;t added {n them thrl)t!gh tlnlc:-. taken J rit,· o f thl' poe1ns a rc h.\· .IPhn :\fase- trip in, at ei).!hteen, as a Ill'\\. clerk durin . '-!' llttllll'l'ous talb . The rbttlt ::John Kent fil'l !'. :\. E.. Padrair l 'olum. James \\·as made in the canoe oi the Compan y thi:-. !wok: a compilation oi chatty , B re n 1J no· ~ . . . . . . . . . . ·.. . $ 1 . r; o . Cm·cnwr, ~ir George Simpson, himself. fir . " t-hand dctaib o i liic and nt:-ot om :- :1t 'I'hercaiter, as clerk. trader, and chi :: i , the Hud:;11n\ Bav C(!mpam· Jhl. b and iactnr in chanre of brigade. and j)()s::; : ll}ll)ll the can oe and dPg- skd trail s. (li Written on Watrr he C0\·crql practicalh· an the CHnpany . the charactl'r~ oi thl' em pltl\'L'L':-o and Francis de M iomandrr tl'rritor.\· irom Ontario and lluclson\ · the Indian:-;, of the· game ;IJI(I 11i tht· na\· "".est to the Roc~\· }.~ou.ntains. . I \' Olllltn--go in~ back ~~~. thL' _altl!l h t BrentJno'.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.r; o At tlllll't.\'-tme (the tronttsptlTL' phot o- IL·udal dab ot Fllrt \\ ilhain, \,,n,,t, l!'raph shm\·:-; him at that age) he tmned 11uthl', Fort Eclmo1tl1111. I a~pn ll,,u ,,·. oH' r his memoirs to :\lr. Caml'!'on. win . :! rHI all. Fighting Car a\' Jns .......... I\ hook for children by Lydia ]. Trow- Teasdale. Esther Gould Reviews Eooks 1 I 1 1 1 Zane Grey Harper's . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ------------------- $1 . 00 ChJptcr the LJst Knopf Knut Hamsun ................ $).00 Eves th~t have An American T r.1gedy Theodore Dreiser Both books in one volume. beautifully printed. HorJce Liverighr ........ $).oo \) "IT" "IT" . . . that subtle something which attracts others . . . usually lies in the eyes. Don't be discouraged if your own eyes are dull, lifeless and unattractive. A few drops of harmless Murine will wiJ I brighten them up and cause them to radiate "IT." Thousands upon thousands of clever women use Murine daily and thus keep their eyes alway:. clear, bright and alluring. A month's supply of this longtrusted lotion costs but 60c. Try it! Introducing Our New Studio 3 Sx 10 Portraits Cheri Colette T ranslared by Janet Fbnner Albrrr and Charles Boni ... $2 . r;o Lor~nzo the MJgnificcnt Brentano's Dacid Loth . . . . . . . . . . .' .. $ ).oo Regular Price $17.50 This , offer is limited to Oct. 20th Early CJndlrlighr Maud Hart Lace/ace John Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 LORD 'S First Flo.or- Wl'st Davis Street S(ore lJRIJV(, f.OR )'oUR EuGENE Phone Univ. 2238 PHOTOGRAPHER EVANSTON L. RAY 1606 Chicago Ave. EYEs

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