Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 24

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24 W I L M E T T E' LIFE October 18. 1929 o~====~o~oc:==~o~oc:==~o~oc:==~OI:IOC::~ W e fc.H ure th e well known Arm strong brand of inlaid and printed l1n oku rns. Our representative will be glad to call with samples and furni sh L 9 league ga me nf' th e ~ca. o n t o Oa k C 0 P ark, t he :\e\r Trie r Hig h sc hool foot- ' (Co ntribu te d) hall tl'a 111 \\· a~ bu s \· thi s \H:ek in)]l in g· .\ h·t·ne Hcsseg tti c, contr a lto, a nd lltlt \Yeaknc~Sl'~ in .prepa ra ti un for t l{l' France:-; :\nd crso n, pia ni :-; t , \\'e r e the tilt th i-. ~a t urrl~t \· \\·it h PrP\·is' n n thl' ar ti :-h la-. t ~u nd aY ai t l'fl lfH> ll dur in;_· la t ll'r':- lil' lrl. I>nn·i;:;n als(1 llls t it s t he "ho ur pi tnusil>' program at Shaw ·!J't·ttittg h;t t tlc tlll t he ~ u hurhan ka. l!ttC 11 re · l'nuntn· d u b. . - -rht·duk la"t ~a t urda,· tn 1·:\·a n!'.tOtl. .\! iss R v~"l·g ui t· has l> n· tt ht·a r d it \ ('tl-rltampintl ni thl' lca~.;llL' l a~t Yrar. man\· 11i tlte \\'l' ll k tlu\\ 11 nttbical ur=; I I MAIN ST .. \VILMETTE 0 I~,· a ~cnrL· (li ~ t(l 0. \\.a ltt.:r :hchcn- :..ranizati()n:-i itt Clt icag·t, a:-; \\Til a s i" hacil. f,,,,tkt ll rr1at·lt at \n\· Trier. in·· the F\·anstnn .\ Ia,· Fl'.-..ti \·al. ~ltv posWilm ett e 1<) 4 9 Uni versir y ;o:;o 0 tilll:ttl·d this Wel'k that thl'l'l' wnu ld he ~c:-;ses a n1ice \rl~ i ch has \r:tr m th and '" in thl' .-..tarti ng line:1p 11reaclth of ttlllt:. ~utd partic u lar ly ;t o~o o~o o~o o~oc:====~ -v \ t·r; tl rhatH. ,: L ' "r \L·\' Trin thi~. ;ttttnl;n·. \·c h·et\· :-ttlt·Jothtll'~s . \\·ltich is a rare --gilt. 'fhl' Frl'nch gruup tltat sltl· :-all" Wt· l.~to (·oH. ·rnmt>nt ,\pprond Cht·mll'nl~ ( JOINS DRAMA GROUP , t u, ,rJ lltil ;1, quitt· u:tthua l. and tht: rl'----------------~~------------1 h ·lma Cald\\ t·ll (li 1J31J Lindt·tt an·llltL', quest numhn. "T rcl's," the poem h~ · Telephone Superior 9853 \\ · i lmt t tl'. \\ lt(1 is "l'L'tt ding hi" "l' L. t ·tl d l o H t h~ ilmL· r \\ It ic h was s l' t t L) 111 u :-tl'. Clllll'.l!L' ,.t·ar a~ a ~~~ph<ltllPre at ( liH'i'- ~y;~s \n>rtll\· repet it io n . ,i ,· l'lllkgv. lta:- n· rt· t t tl~· lH·L 'Il L ·kc ttd :\ f i-.,~ _\ ;Hkrsnn pron~d Jtn-.,cli a: a me m h n t 1i t h l ' ~ v 11 i (,r I )r a 111 ; t t i c a :- " ( ·- a b k a cco Ill p a n i :-. t an d s 1> I() i " t . ~ 11 e (li th:tt :-rlwcd . Il L· i-., ;tl-.,n ;1 ~hm\Td -.pkndid tecln tiquc· a11d gan· 1·iatitJtt llll'tlll>n (li Obi Chri~tialt:-llll·-.. chllir. ~rcat <kligltt to hl'r audil'tlCL'. Tltl'~e ~unda_, . prtlgralll~ at ~lt<t\\ tiLT Our special process of fumigation destroys all moth-life in are gru\\ in .~ in interest, a11d. each ~f rc;. P aul Knaplund (lJ(Jr( lt lJ,· Kin '!) upholstered furniture, ruga, furs, etc. ( ,j \ I adi~( ·11. \ \ ·i...... \\'lit 1 had hcl'n \ i:-it · \\'l'l'J..:, ~in· ll1 t n u ~ir lnn·rs a treat i11 W e C'all fo r and DellvE>r in .~ hn f:tthl'r and motltl'r . .\ l r. a1td t heir club lo un g-e . CHICAGO 1 oo 7 NORTH CLARK STREET .\I rs . \ \ ·. _1 . l(ing. til l Ftll'l':-t ;l\t'l'ttv inr scn·r:tl rJa, ·~ la< \\·n·k h:t-.. tTttt rttL' d Bob Townley Takes Boys Jrontraf'h for 1-:xtHmh111 tlrur Htuu·ht>!O, B···l Bn~or~. )1ff'f' a nft Rat11.j I l l her !tome. · New Trier Drills for r Alvene Resseguie, .Proviso Tilt Saturday Frances . .4nderson A iter dropping .i ts fir t S uburb a n Sh 0 f b ,awnee at er J? ,.J Mestjian Bros., Inc. D toN. U.-Wisconsin Game HARRY DAVIES C · Silk and Drapery Shops - 1709.. 11 Sherman Avenue, Evanston 01JJ)ositc Varsity Theatre Phone Greenleaf 7542 GRAND FALL OPENING · N eu' Shou'ings of Silks -V elt·ets - Dress F ahrics- Blanl\ets- Curtains Draperies-Linens and Dontestics! You'll Like to Shop and Sat'e Here! l{nhnt \\ ·. Tn\ntky. atltll'tic dirl'Cltlr at thl' _1,·:-v!'h SL·ar:-. :-ch(lol. acco m panil'd h\· l'arll'tnn 1 -\l'~" . 1 \u~:-t· ll l 'IHik · and 'l'lllll !Ji ldchrand . t hrl't K l'ni h\rlrtlt 13o\· ~c(lttt", a t tended t ht· :'\LJrth\\~·~. t crn - \\ 'i"rlllhin illutl>;tll ga me at :\I adi:-;on la:-t ~a t urdaL Hoht:rt CutJ...· ·. another 1:(1,. ~cnut " ltl1 had ht·.. n ch(hl'Jl Itlr thl' t r ip, \\a:-. unahk t(· g , · llll aL'l't>Uilt (li illnc . . s. \J r. T\1\\nllT pbt~:-o Ill take "l' n ·ral ~ i 111 i Ia r t rip" t h n illl. d 11 ·11 t t It l' . n ·; t r. t a k ing :t di l'fn l'nt grPllp Pi buy" " itlt ltitn t.:arlt t imt ·. I:L·~idv:-. att{·nding thl' iootl>all ~;u~ v at .\ Luli:-ollll thL· ]'art~· camped <111t two nigh h at Fan tPtl Ia k L' in \ \ 'i,rnthi 11 and \· i~ited thl' :'\urri:-. iarm:-; i('r hm·~ at Camp :\f ttk\\· ana~(l, \\'is. There titl' 1 -.:t·nihu1rth h<W:' ~~l\r ho\\' a (Jilt: thou >.and arr clain· iarm is r un ln · undn l'ri,·ilcgt·rl ht~~- ., and hny-; pan~·kd ll'lllll t It l' j l1 n ·n i k (' () tt rt . 40 " AU- Silk, Plain, Brocaded and Printed Transparent Velvet Th r season' s sensational fabric s. gorgeous supplr Hlvrr s from forei gn loom s. Plain tran sparcnrs in ri ch shimmering silk -like draping qualiti rs . Printed b bric s in fascinating patt ern s of exqui site two tone and multi -colored rffen s. Unlimir rd sr lccrions of choice pauerns. valu es une xce lled. Hiram Weld Senior Golf Champion at New Trier 1 liram \\' cld is se nio r goli champi ,l n 11i X e\\ Trier llig h sc hool. Il c ck fca tecl R alph Ru n ni r ldt in th e flll al~ .~i th e :-;e nio r l"11li tour nament. 3 and .:.. ;1 it cr elim inat ing D n u ~l a s \\' ee cl in t! H· se mi - fi nals. 2 u p. Robert Kru cgr r \ \'as J~unn ie ldt 's (lppnnL· nt in th v ~t· mi -fi n a k Coi f cha m pio n-. (li the 1,t hcr :\ n r Tri :: r rlc~:-o-.,e:;, as ann (ntn ce d las t \\TI.'k . a r t·: :\ da m n na rei i. i un inr : T ac k \ \'i ll ian~:-. Sliphomore . a n d ll nhert. :\aper , ir t:- h m a n. \\.i nnn s ui th e intr a mu ra l t e n ni s sin. c d es a nd d ot:hll's alsn w ere a n . n nun cc d la :;t \\'l'l'k . \\'ith the {'Xrc pti on ,,f t he :-;en inr sin l!les t r nni s c h a m pio11. Play ;, lh1 t n ·t c(Ji n P!e t ecl in th t' ..;rni(·r hrad.;ct ni t he t c nni :-; sin gles. Special $ 4 . oo $3.98 $4.98 $5.9~ $7.98 and $10.98 yd. 40 " All- Silk Face Chiffon Velvet \'Jiue . ri ch. supple qu.1lil\·. all silk f ac.?d. soh clingin g efT en s. Ideal for srrcr t and evenin g wear. Fu.ll line of colors . including Frn1ch Beige. CJ stillian Red. Cameo M au w . Navy. MHoon Glace. Ch1nese Blu e. Russet Brown , Jnd Black. Yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 98 ~-- .:...:_ - n Filet Panels 4 5 in. tcide 2 1 .1 yds. Tong $1 25 · nn(l Plaid Blankets Wool - Mi xed - ~- Plain and all -oHr cf fcct s: scalloped . fringed Double Size Handsome ovcrpbid pattern s: wei ghs 1 1 ~ lbs.: 3- inch s ateen bindin g. Pair . . . . . . . ~~~~om. . ~~~· . . ~;~~'. $} ;~8 $3 48 --- Seamless Sheets Size 8 1x 90 ln . Firmly woven : free . from dressing: matly h em m e d. On sale. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . WELFARE AUXILIARY MEETING T h (.' 1till i () r a l1 X i Iia n · () i t h (' r11 h 11 : \\. l' li Cl r ~· s(l (' i t' t \. \\' i l1 .lll l' (.' t \\ i t 11 :\ rr ~. Ralp h T.tlng nt 1)20 (~arlancl a\'C l1t t··. \Vinn r tk ;1. ~~ ~l ll'd a ,· . Oct ~) b c r 21. at .? o \:l nc k. \fr s. R l1gr r \\"illi a m ..;, ).f r:'. Luth er B enson. and ~f r s. .\ . C Sch \\·a rm \nil h e th l' ass istin g lw ~ tc .,Sl'"'. '\1 i ..; ~ J anc \\' illanl. dau g hter () i :\f r. and :\f rs. '\ran·in \ \'i liard of CJ05 Llll clen av enu e has he cn pledged to :\lplta C'hi Omtga soro ritv at Albion college. Alhi nn. ~fi c h. '\fiss \\' illard ent ered :\lhit)ll thi s fall and expects to follm\" a cnurse in public school mu sic. $} C == · 29 l { StJecial ! Mattress Covers Of high gr.1dc muslin : b~x sides : tapes for lving: nntlv tailored : full or twin sizr . On sale. each 99 C l {Special! "HOPE" Muslin Yes. genuine Hope Muslin at this low price! Known for its 11 -o\\' ilbur George Glover, Jr .. of 12-lO Fore st a\·enue, who is attending the Cniversitv of \Yisconsin at l\fadison and who. graduated from New Trier la"t June. has been pledged to the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. ~~~. qu~~t['yar~~~a·ll·y· ~.ri.c~~ .a~

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