Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 9

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'flirthday .J>arfy :O=ct~o~be:r:~:S=·=1?=2=9== · ==============~================W==I=L==M=-E==T:T: · :E± ' ==L=I=F=E==~====~~=================================? . . . . ·tJXXXJJJJIJXXXJJJJXXXXXJXJXJJJJJXXJXXJJXXjXXJXXXX~XXJXXXJXJXXXJJXXY·~r·tXX%%! .. The ex-se rvice Ct)inmittrc :of th~ · \Voman's club of \Vilmcttc starte,d it ·.winter's work with ·a most successful party for some . of . the Inc'!~ . at . the' . United States Vetet:ans - psychopa.thir hospital in North Chicag-o Octol)er H1. About twentv · \\·omt··n ladcH · with home made cakes . and . cookies went to the hospital. ·After pla\'ing games for awhile with the me·n, · ire · cream, cake, coffee. candy.-and cigarcts. were served. The rnei1 whose ·hi.-thdays come in Octobe-r we're seated at a specially decor _ated ·table and each was given a neck tic. About one hundred men were served . . In addit.ion to giving the · party, a . · · SJlccial appeal had been ma(le for cookies. and the huge jar holding at .lt.:ast five-hundred was filled to over. t1oy.-ing. Each day of the week some ward is entertained in the recreation halt and these cookies are served for refreshments when no '0tttsidc group is helping the recrca tion directors. Besides the many fri<.·tHfs of the com -· mittec who donated rcfrt':-,hmcnts the follo\\'ing both contributed anci \\'Cnl to North Chicago and helped " ·it!1 th~ entertainment: Mrs. A. M. Anderson. ~drs. Fmil Anderson. Mrs. J. \\'.Bra shears. Mrs. E. P. Fatch. Mrs. \\'illi:; rr utson. 1\f rs. \Villiam P. Ly o n~.. and ).f rs. G. S. \V ebster, memhc1 .; of tiH' co mmittee~ and Mrs .' John A . Dorn camp, 1frs. Emil Butz, Mrs. Con·ady. ~~ rs. S. R. Hazard. Mrs. E. G. Henkel. \frs. E. B. Knudtson. ~1rs. C. C.· Lo\\'ell. :M r s. M~trr, ~f rs. ] ames Hnw1 ln·. ~~ rs. C. 11. Smith, i\f·r::>. Srarbuc k. and :VIiss Iickn Evans. I :\ splendid· radio rcccntl.v has hcc11 gin~n to th e club committee's m~it 31 E, 1 and the joy the men h;1vc had m bearing the \ Vorld Series and the fGothall games has · been be,·otHl cxpre _ ..., , , u . .Brin£if:tt:d Vet; . ----~· - HALLOWE~EN. That mad·, m . erry.day of tb .,rt . lls and ·taught . er ,· of merrt· ment and spooks · Let'· s ~a · II get . nto _ the 1 atffiOSp here. .._ · _ . . . . . r/ Favors and festive decorations lend much to the joy of Hallowe'en . Wilmette Stationery & Gift Shop 1155 Wl'l1'1 ETTE A VEN lJ E WILMETTE J051 .. X-Ray Offers Solution · to Shoe-Fitting. Problem From the time the· · st · vage tied a hit t) f rawhide 1is feet a problem has existed-that is, to prove that the shoe should be selected to confor m to the foot· rather than that the foot should he. made to · conform to the :,hoe . Dc;~lct~ s ha\·e t·a lked in· vain for n·nturics to teach the necessity of having \'ll'll fitted ~hot'S, hut o nl y recenth· ha s there been fnund a sure \\'a\' ·of avoiding argmnnt and a llowing the- customer to be com·inced that certain styles arc better than others for his foot. · TIH' \ Villiam Tadnr department store, 1125 Cen tra l a\·e;I ue, \\'i l;nettc, has slllvcd the ' problem hy installin~ an Adrian X-ray shoe fitter which gives X-ray pictures of the bones of the foot and indicates . the proper shaped shod to give- comfort, style, a nd service. The customer places his foot' in the machine and then sees 'on the screen an exact picture of the foot. The picture tells what style of last is best adapted for the individual need. -- Party Suggestions HO-HO! What will they care though witches ride by the light o' the moon and ghosts stalk in the darkness. Your guests are going to have one gay, ol ' time Hallowe'en night aren't they? ,.. Let us help make your party all the merrier Pumpkin Pies Hallowe'en Party Cakes Home Made Doughnuts ... ( IS BENEFICIARY The Park Ridge School for Girls, of which Mrs. Charles \ Vare is presid ent, ~f rs. Rent ley M cCloud and Urs. Craig B. Ketcham are members of the board, is the beneficiary of a $5,000 endowment fund, the income from which is to he used for clothing for the girls and which it to he known as the "The ron Logan Clothing Fund." Mrs. r,ngan died about eighteen months ago leaving $90,000 to different charitable Nganizations of which Park Ridge School for Girl s was one. ~ort hwe ster n u-niversity a nd after the The Wilson Bakery 1162 Wilmette.Ave. Last Saturda v was "Dad's day" at .,., I ~ I innesota-Northwe-st ern football game Wilmette 414 the fraternities and sororities entertained their "dads'" at dinner at their . r espective · houses.

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