Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 10

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l=O====================================W==IL=M==E=T~T=H ===L=I=F~E====================~==~==~======= ~----------~ Powerful .Purdue Eleven · · PI M s t d Three .~4 rtists .Exhibit at the .Georgian Hotel l~nh:~:~u~~:iu:~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · :tl!t· till F1t:ld tl11s October 25. 1929 , i ~tag~ ~aturday ; · 1 , 'll' , f tlw t l l l h impt"1rtant l!:lllll'~ in 1;11 . lltidc!Jt. ·,,\.'..,1. ;ttHl the tll lh· C··llfl·r- · vttt'y t 'll lf. ll!l~nH·I1t itt Clli(ag-.).· .\ J, illi;tnt hattk j.., in pr, 1.;pcc r. [,,r tltt' \f ar.J!lll ' \\ill han.: il ' 1rd ·: rktl'!1-l' 1 rv :trl\· t·1 chl'rk til\.' ~Teat " !\·- .. \\·c:...: h ;, l!rl till' ·tlln tll t'llll wr" 1 ,[ 1!J,. !i'lt: ' t l,;q kti l·lcl Pllrdu t· ll.:h t·\l'!' pr·J(hcl'd. fln th l.· k t . . i-; t·t i, :·. 1 ,,f \l i··h · ~;,q f\'11 \\ f ·t·}· ... ~ ! "c \. f>tr·· ,;' ll' !·;l1.k ... ;t"' II)'L RISE TO THE OCCASION A promment Jce cream COMPANY advertises " TAKE home a brick : IT 'S fine when companr COMES, .. and right in THAT connection· we WANT to suggest th.lt YOU drop in · ar th,c! STORE here a.nd take HOME a brick. because IT 'S fine ·when company COMES and ~qually (l i !J,· i:t\IJ!'iil'" jn , ,,,. ~~;L!' Tl'l l ckl!Jl!·!flll-ltip til!ht Til· · l :.. il,·~·mak, ·r, ar ,· a tb,h' t· a m. lik' I· I·· ~l't the hack, l'""t· i1>r 111 1l(!' run- ·;, :t11\ 111H'. Chi· 1· .11!, , . r, ·.!: t r d, r! a . · !11 · , ,·, :t k 111' ·ml,l· r o i t h t: 1 "11 · · r v 1: c t· i. t· :· '···· ', · · , ' · :1 · ·1 - t ;, r t 1· 1 !. i . , 1' ·· , ' t Ill' 1 I. 1 :· k I ' ' ·r , 1 · , · i !JL· r.tt'·· . i11r .'t:t..!~ ln." d,., , I··!H·r! at·l l It·\ " t · J1 \ t i ! h I. I "' (If ·~ IV\ C_' , ·. (' illf.\~11 \\ill ll:llll ' t' · i.~· ··llt'!l 1!.11lll' ,,,·. ]',lr · !·~t · \'.i tll a L::·i1Hli·11! ,,(( t ·IJ~,· . \\i h t l1 · ht·;J. ,.,. kld. ., -! :t-hin~ t:1·· .. 11 :h t! tt' !illl' :C:t :1~:/" ·lilt' h· 'l·t· j, ' 11 \l.tJ\ltHl ' '1 ·· l' 1 1rd11t lit ' t· 11 pit·c···-. a"r! lw ha'i , p 1 · · 1t 1 " , 1 ' ' c- d;... r 1· h u i I·Ii n.l! h i.:; attack i"r h:t t ~~~rpn.,l· . \ ' CHURCH LINKS MEET I T!w Frit·tHI,Jtip Link-. ni thl' \\' ilmt·t :,· Bapti.;t chm,·h md Thur .. d·t,. I 1 ;uul l 'r ida\· ni la st \n: d~ ;Lt tl\c. IH·I11l" ()i .\f(>danH:, /\.. ~cott. J. \f. n ~,·i .... F. \fi,~ In ~cbn r g Chri~tensen. of the Tree st udio, \\'ho is in E\~anston at work , l.l:~:--LH 1. F .. ~uthnland. E. ~f.c.IJt:"· · ~. · 0 11 a portrait oi Clan:nct: Eddy, i' one oi three prominent arti sts exhi~itin g ·a \\ hdum. ~\ · 0 . I faa .; , ;J.n d \\ .· .· (amp- display oi paintings at th e Georgian hote l; "· hi ~ h ope ned Sunday an.d wt~l. con hdl._ Arttcln \H·rl·. lnadl' t·lr the . tinuc: until :\ n Y. 2. The other exhibitors. who mil he present to rec etve \'t stt ors. Chn:-tlna.., b"-'<:"' ." )w·b. arc t11 hl· 't·nt 2.re .\lice Hidm: ll and jo. e Drudis.:Biacla, the noted Spanish painter whose 1 to. thl' mt..,..,.t.nl1 1111111,"tntnl! ~ 0 the .\ :· 1- '\\'(lrb ha,·c ,,·o n n:cognition in man)1 countri es. ~[any member s of E·;anston c·rtt·an It~diat h at f· ;dlcn. \l'\·. anrl nnrth :-horl' society ar, parl.icularly int f'restcd in the exhibit, and sperial i da~ · ~ it~r ,·arinu.; llr.ifanizatiuth are planned. Admission is complimentary. I\()\. ] a:·rl't t, 53-l F..; -..t"x road. Kc nil,,.,,rth ha, rl'tllrrH:d ir1)111 a "llt'lrt hu.i GIVE DINNER AT CLUB I ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT ne ~~ trip ttl \'\.,,. Ynrk ancl Clcn:!and . ~fr.., . Tarn·tt, ,,·ho ha.; h('C'Il in India tl\lr . a11d \[r . . . l'lycle l'. l~ o:->s, 1321 ~Jr. and \lr:-. :\ma:1d ~h :\. :\nder' tllt :tpi,Ji,;: n·turned till \\. l'd llt "d:l.\' of la -t Che..,tnut a\Tillll', 1\..enih,·nrth, arc cn- 11>i Chica~o han: antwunced the en\\ <..:ck. tntaiPing t\\'ellty ()f. thirty g uests ~t't l!'ilf.,;l:tnCilt ni th eir daUI!!Jtcr J1crniCl'. thL· llarH~t ffom l' dllllll'r at the Ken- . 'r · · mtlm 1 II. a 1 · tiT· ·' 'I ·1 1 1 1 1 1· · to ,awson 1 ·,(1 1n . ~~~n· :· . 1 ',. rt 1 c 11 > t 1 h L' \'l'tll 11 g · and ).I r s. Karl E. I I a lw t) i l' hi ·: a. !. ! 1 ' · :.tl~s :\ndcr:;on and :.1 r: Jl ahn arl· ).fi..,, ~[arit)Jl ~ui t s, 211 \Yarwid~ graduatl's C1f \'tlrth\\·t.: ,t n n uni,·ersit' rt·arl. Kenil\\·<,r th. daugh tcr oi :\lr. and and are \\Til kn o\\'11 on the nnr th slwr· ·· ~r r .... \\·. E. ~uits, ha:-. -1H~l'll pledgee! ).f iss :\ndn:-;nn i~ a IIH.' mbn oi t h~· t n .-\l pha Camma Delta sororit\· at th e Alpha ( )micrun Pi :-tlrority and .\1 r . l·ni,·l·r .. ih· oi \\'i ~co n:.in at ~[adisnn. l1 ahn i:; a memb er oi Beta Thet a Pi. 1 - ---- ... . '~ Lubricate Your Bowels! FINE when company DOESN'T come . It 's ~IODEL NR.-55 (Less Tubes ) FINE for Dad and fine FOR Mother. In fact. sggso 8-T u b. e Ncut rodyue Full Pint for h o us c-currcnt operation . Pu sh-Pull amplification. Inductor Dynamic St>t'akcr. Cabinet of \Valnut \·enecr . IT'S fine for the whole FAMILY, young or OLD. We couldn't say MUCH more so now 1r IS up to you. The ·.79 cents :\ deli cate ma chill l' need~ guod lubrication. Your bowels are so delicate that t h e v · hind very easih-. Keet; them r u n n i n-g SllH>Pthlv 1)\· lubricating them \\:ith Puretest Min· eral Oil which works merhanicalh·. Sold l'llh· at Rcxall Store~ . · ·rtlE NEW BEST lee Cream sold m WILMETTE. Moral: Call us on this one and see whether; we are bluffing or not. FREED RADIO At New Values! You can now buy the new F!{EED- " ·ith radio quality that is without a peer- at a price which appeals · tt) the most moderate income. This has been mad(· possible by the new iactory, ~:nlarged facilities, an expert corps of cnginl·ers . Ethcicnt production means low cost-and lo\\' costs poit!t to ultimate consumer gai'll-.\ demonstration on the new FREED set will tell you more than a bookful of ad s. ... ·' I The Rexall Store - Radio Service and Installation ---ouuc. 5 TOR( C..tnl &ad Wilmette AYeDuea PlaoM. Wilmette Z8 and 21 CeDtral and Wilmette AveDuea Plaonea Wilmette 28 and 29 Termina.J Hardware 4ll Linden Avenue Wilmette 2843 ·

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